The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




Hey Gnarly,
I know what you mean. After I first played around with a 'blast-off' function, I spent about 10 min just running and balsting off. It was very cool to set the camera to the side and watch the very graceful run, leap into air, start flying up and onward this gave as compared to the old jump, bob, hover, fly bit I used to do (can you imagine Superman doing that?!? Even less heroic than taking the train!). My current implementation has it working as a 'step-out' loop from Sprint. I've been toying with something a bit more generic to cover from standing, walking or sprinting. However, I keep running into problems with how to determin what state of movement you are in.

My current implementation is set up so that, from a sprint/auto-run, hit 'blastoff' (press and release) which puts me into mouselook+fly+forward and upward movement. Then, I'll hit space to stop upward movement when I've reached the desired hight. At present, this will confuse the auto-move portion of my binds, so I've locked myself into having to 'reset'. Not very elegant, to say the least. But I've only toyed with it up to now. Ideally, I can see three scenario's where this will be used:

1. From autorun (as opposed to moving using a movement key), hit blastoff and jump up, fly, move forward and up. This gets you moving to where you want to go.
2. From any ground movement state (stationary, run, sprint), hit blastoff, jump, fly, move up+forward but stop movement when movement key is released.
3. From a stationary ground state, hit blastoff and jump, fly, move up only. For combat situations where you just don't want to be there.

Thinking about it, I think the best implementation for use is to press b/o so you will jump, fly, and move up. Release blast-off and stop moving up. Forward movement is controlled independantly . If you were moving forward before, you continue to fly forward. If stationary before, you will stop moving and hover in place on release. The b/o key would be a unique key. The problem I see is knowing if you should go to hover on the release or stay in fly-mode. That immediately doubles the number of files. Then, the likely need to differentiate between auto-fly and pressing forward to move adds another set of files.

These are the reasons I've stuck with my kluge. Thre are a lot of files involved in making it robust (but I don't need to tell you that!!), and I'm not capable of putting together the very slick generation packages you all have done so nicely with. But hey, I'm in marketing. I've done my job. I've delivered the spec to you. Now, the engineers need to design the product!!

As for set-down, I don't think I would personally use it. When flying for long distances, I use mouse look (in fact, my set-up has mouse-look come on when I hit auto-forward (fly or run). So, I just point at the spot on the ground I want to be and turn off fly when I get there. This takes two keys, on to stop moving and one to enter ground mode. I think I'd be much less able to controll the landing point if the downward movement vector were added to that, and I don't really think it is necessary. It would be pretty nice to have one key stop forward movement and enter ground mode, but my opinion is that this increases the chance of accidentally falling out of the sky. Another very non-heroic event...

OK, that's enough. I've probably made your life quite difficult now so I'll stop before you start ignoring my posts!!



Did someone have news about the 1.3 version?

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If you're referring to my binds, then actually I just put up 2.1.

The following changes have been made:

- Overhauled the user interface (such as it was). The explanations of what each key does is now in the program itself, so you don't have to have a copy of the readme beside you when you answer the questions. This was major enough, at least from the user's perspective, that I thought it warranted a 2.0.

- Fixed a transition I broke earlier between autorun and autofly... hitting your fly or run key before stopped forward movement for 1 or 2 versions. Fixed now.

- Fixed SuperSpeed problem, that Sprint was being toggled on when Superspeed was being turned OFF.

- Fixed it so Sprint/SS no longer turns on when jumping (or pressing Down) in place

It's up at the website in my Sig.

Falstaff, though I was having multiple and annoying problems with both Geocities and my own payed for webspace, my site is now working fine afaik, and I changed Geo to just point to my site. Thanks for the offer though. For a while it was easier to program the binds than it was to share them. :/

-Noctum, Good Catch. Fixed for version 2.2 but I won't actually publish that until something more major comes along.

- Crittias, Will look into adding options for mouselook on the ground and in the air separately. What I do, however, is have my rbutton for +mouse_look (standard) but my SHIFT+rbutton set to ++mouse_look. That way, when I'm flying or autorunning/flying, I can turn it on and not have to hold down the button.

- Sadow and Ahz.... as for SuperJump, I was thinking about a whole mode for SJ, but it seemed easier to just have a single key bound to turn it on/off and set ++Up. I changed my SHift+space key to ++up so I can cruise while flying with a 45degree down look-angle, while maintaining level flight. I'll also use it when I get a Super Jumper. Then just turn on ++Up while in our binds autorun modes, and I think that'll work. Not sure though, as I don't have a super jumper. Sadow, would that work for you?




Hey Blue Volt,

Hmm... To be honest, I don't follow a lot of your post. It's one of those "You have to see it to understand" things, and explaining it in words just lost me.

Let me explain (simply, I hope ) how the implementation of blastoff currently in my binds works.

If you're on the ground, not moving, moving forward, sideways, anyways, and press and hold your FLY key, then you change to fly mode, and an UP is added to any horizontal movement. That up component is halted when you release the fly key, which will no longer substitute as an up key. Have to press space (or whatever you chose to map it to) to move up now.

As for setting down, I do the same thing as you. I mouselook towards the ground, and hit RUN when I'm close enough to it, and any horizontal movement is maintained. Even Autorun is maintained between running and flying, though you get no blastoff when in autorun.

Try out the latest version, and see what the current version does NOT do that you'd like it to, and I'll look into it.




Well, in the spirit of keeping it simple jjust as you've done; from the sound of it, that'll do just the thing!



Awesome thread - hard to keep up with, though.

Starting with Synabyss's binds, through onto Gnarly's latest filemaker, I've had great fun with these. Thank you so much to everyone whose efforts have gone into this thread! It's been great watching these ideas evolve.

Anyway, Gnarly, your latest binds are crashing my game for some reason. I don't know if it's me or your code, so here are steps to reproduce:

(1) Run SoD21.exe.
(2) Accept default values except for:
(2a) I set down to X.
(2b) I set movement to WASD not ESDF.
(2c) I set both Run and Fly to G.
(2d) I set mouselook to Yes.
(2e) I set a different default path.
(3) Load game, reset keys to defaults through Menu|Options.
(4) Load reset.txt and hit lctrl+R.

I get the "unknown command back" or something like that, as mentioned above. Then the game freezes and crashes out to desktop.

So I downloaded Liberty Basic, modified your .bas file to change that "back" to "backward" in the appropriate place (only found one instance), made a new .tkn file and re-ran the program through Liberty to create a new set of files (deleted the old ones first). Same thing - crashes straight out of the game.

If CoH produces any debug information, I can't find it - there's certainly nothing in the game.log file with that timestamp.

On a whim, I tried repeating the above with Run and Fly set to different keys, ie. to not toggle, but it made no difference (I used the default values of G and T).

I've also run the SoD21.exe file using all default values (including c:\coh), and loaded the reset.txt from that, and get the same problem.

Anyone else getting this? I'm guessing from the lack of comments I'm the only one?

I'll experiment some more in case I can give you any more useful info. I'd be grateful if you could let me know what you think could be happening!

Edit: If I restart CoH and don't reset keys to default & reload the reset.txt, then CTRL+R doesn't crash the game. However in run mode, Sprint stays on. Don't know if these are related! I've also tried the same thing with version 1.2 and got the same results. Which is weird, because I'm sure that one was working earlier... Don't have any more time to fiddle today, so unless someone has any insights, I'll experiment more another day. Thanks!



What I do, however, is have my rbutton for +mouse_look (standard) but my SHIFT+rbutton set to ++mouse_look. That way, when I'm flying or autorunning/flying, I can turn it on and not have to hold down the button.

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Ingenious. I'll give this a try. Thanks!



Great Binds!!! My character just got fly today and these are by far the best thing to happen to flying characters!!! Thanks to everyone for all their work ... simply amazing.

Ahzurdan, I have noticed one thing with your latest version (linked in your post 2 above this post - 6:08pm). I've come up with steps to recreate it and listed them below:

1 - While not flying or sprinting, Ctrl+R to get into the "autofly" mode.
2 - Press 'R' to start autorun (autofly)
3 - While autoflying, hold down the spacebar to elevate (typically used to get a nice view of the cityscape below without losing altitude)
4 - Release the spacebar
5 - Press and release 'R' to exit autofly mode ...

After step 5, my character is still moving forward (autorun/autofly still active), but fly is switched to hover. From this point forward, fly/hover are reversed (CTRL+R 2 times to repair).

Sorry to bring this up .... otherwise they seem perfect.



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I can't see any problems with the binds here at work. I will have to test this out tonight when I have a character on, and see if I can recreate your problem. I'll keep you updated on what I figure out.

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Wasn't able to actually isolate this problem to something wrong with the way the bind was set up, but I was able to recreate the problem.

I did some narrowing down, and finally determined that for some reason ++FORWARD wasn't being toggled when it should have been. No idea why.

Anyhow, I changed the binds a bit and fixed the problem. I used an explicit turn on/off of FORWARD. Updates, as always, are here.



Ahz, I did as directed with the batch file for Joe's binds, and it didn't work at all.
Blastoff didn't work properly (just jumped).
When hover turned on, sprint continued to come on.
Pressing F toggled whether sprint would come on, but would not disable hover.


[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!




Thanks so much for ur bind i hardly used fly when i would fight because of the tedium of switching between hover/fly. You're a Godsend. I just tested out your latest and greatest version with one problem however, sprint does not toggle off. I don't know if it has something to do with the new version for SS. In the Q&A setup i went with the defaults of primary (none) and secondary (sprint) maybe that has something to do with it. Would appreciate any help in this as this would become the perfect bind if sprint would toggle off as well. Thanks for all the hard work from all the binders who helped make this happen




Thanks so much for ur bind i hardly used fly when i would fight because of the tedium of switching between hover/fly. You're a Godsend. I just tested out your latest and greatest version with one problem however, sprint does not toggle off. I don't know if it has something to do with the new version for SS. In the Q&A setup i went with the defaults of primary (none) and secondary (sprint) maybe that has something to do with it. Would appreciate any help in this as this would become the perfect bind if sprint would toggle off as well. Thanks for all the hard work from all the binders who helped make this happen

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Yep, I found this out as soon as I got home... I thought I'd looked at the binds, but I missed it :/ It was actually a problem I introduced when making the logic a bit more complex so that sprint (or SS) is not turned on when jumping in place.

So, it's fixed in 2.2, along with the Back -> backward problem, and is on the site now.

As for as the game crashes, somebody else had that problem with binds... not just mine, but with all the bind_loading. Despite it seeming silly to me, apparently the game sends all changed binds to the server. Only one other person has experienced this who posted, so you're the second. Don't know what to say, or if I can help.

2.2 is now up, and I'm going to be busy this weekend a lot. I'll try to check back and hear if you're all having better luck with 2.2, but can't promise anything. Also, sorry for the biggish downloads.. I'm trying to switch to a new type of scripting which would cut the file size WAY down. But things change so fast, and real life is intruding, that that is not likely soon.

So, I hope 2.2 helps the bind-killer problem with sprint remaining on when on the ground. It did for me.




Errmm....Gnarly I tried out the new 2.2 version and seems that once I set the same button to toggle between fly and run, that function does not seem to work. For example, I set "x" to fly/run toggle but if I press x multiple times, its the same function as "+up+ when flying and does not set me down at all.

Oh yes just something I found out recently, if the last line of the bind is "<key> "$$"", you will not get spam all over your screen while loading different bind files. So you can put the last line of each bind file as

tilde "$$"

or some other key that you dont use, you eliminate long lines of bind spam.



Oh yes Azhurdan, your bind can be broken by pressing 2 opposite direction keys at the same time and letting go together. This causes the hero to have sprint on even when standing still. However, the binds reset themselves nicely if you move so its not a big problem at all. Just to keep you updated though, and thanks for the nice work.



Sadow wrote:
Oh yes just something I found out recently, if the last line of the bind is "<key> "$$"", you will not get spam all over your screen

[/ QUOTE ]

This has got to be the single most helpful new item I've learned about binds since the +/- bind_load trick. Fantastic!



Sadow wrote:
Oh yes just something I found out recently, if the last line of the bind is "<key> "$$"", you will not get spam all over your screen

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This has got to be the single most helpful new item I've learned about binds since the +/- bind_load trick. Fantastic!

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Cool, but what's the +/- trick?

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



Sigh, I am having some major problems with getting the Ahzurdan binds at Falstaff's site and Gnarly's recent bind update to work properly, anyone has the same problems? Cos I don't think its just me.



Oh yes Azhurdan, your bind can be broken by pressing 2 opposite direction keys at the same time and letting go together. This causes the hero to have sprint on even when standing still. However, the binds reset themselves nicely if you move so its not a big problem at all. Just to keep you updated though, and thanks for the nice work.

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I ran into this. This isn't really a problem with the binds so much as it is a limitation of the binds, in that the game actually attempts to do both key-releases at the same time, and the binds cannot be written in a way that accounts for that.

Thanks for reporting problems as you find them, but I can't do anything about this particular one as things currently stand.



Sigh, I am having some major problems with getting the Ahzurdan binds at Falstaff's site and Gnarly's recent bind update to work properly, anyone has the same problems? Cos I don't think its just me.

[/ QUOTE ]

What kind of problems are you encountering?



Ahz, I did as directed with the batch file for Joe's binds, and it didn't work at all.
Blastoff didn't work properly (just jumped).
When hover turned on, sprint continued to come on.
Pressing F toggled whether sprint would come on, but would not disable hover.


[/ QUOTE ]

Yup. I missed two things, which you will need to do after the find/replaces already listed:

powexec_name %sprint%$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly changed to powexec_name %sprint%$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly

%activate% "+down$$powexec_name fly% changed to %activate% "+down$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly%

Each of thes updates should change a single row, but once done it should get you up and running. As with the other, I am looking at this at work, so I am unable to actually test it out. Let me know if you hit more problems.



My binds seem to be working for me, but I use 2 keys, 1 each for fly and run. Unfortunately, I don't test things which I don't THINK I've changed. I just haven't had the time lately. So, for now I can suggest that you try out using separate keys.

Also, it seems there is a problem after you blast off, changing to hover when your release.

I'll try to fix these soon, but no promises. Maybe not until Monday, but if I take a look and find the problem quickly, I'll put up a new version.




lol just try using the binds that come from that site Az, it speaks for itself. Nothing wrong with your binds, just that the batch file does not seem to generate properly.



I updated the .bat file too. In addition to Ahz's updates I fixed a typo in a file name. Pretty signifigant error. Doh!

I eat my own dog food and use these binds all the time and it hadn't caused my any problems so far, but I'm glad I caught it.



might want to add another bind to the end of each of your files Falstaff.

rshift "$$"

pretty useless key and it stops all that movement bind spam.



Ahz, I modified quite a few lines in your binds in an attempt to make them more solid. Know that some times the binds cause problems after porting? Yah that problem seems solved now, even if someone get itchy fingers and toggles extra stuff on during the movement, the bind will automatically reset itself to normal. Not sure how I can send it to you for have MSN or something?



Sadow wrote:
Oh yes just something I found out recently, if the last line of the bind is "<key> "$$"", you will not get spam all over your screen

[/ QUOTE ]

This has got to be the single most helpful new item I've learned about binds since the +/- bind_load trick. Fantastic!

[/ QUOTE ]

Also, if there are any blank lines at the end of a bind file, the last line with characters will be dispalyed in chat window after a bind_load of that file.



Ahz, I modified quite a few lines in your binds in an attempt to make them more solid. Know that some times the binds cause problems after porting? Yah that problem seems solved now, even if someone get itchy fingers and toggles extra stuff on during the movement, the bind will automatically reset itself to normal. Not sure how I can send it to you for have MSN or something?

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You can email me a ZIP file at:

ahzurdan -at- yahoo -dot- com