The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




Ok, here are the files. They come in 3 different flavors, but I've included the BASIC file with each which can be modified and used to make the keys and directory path anything you want (instructions further down in this post).

Warning: These seem like VERY solid binds to me, but I'm the only tester to date, and this is my first attempt, so I foresee problems and bugs. There are also things I'll add over the next few days, like a reset to normal key, and follow modes. So, if you're not one of those reading this post who enjoys hashing out all the problems, then you might just want to wait. There will be a more finished product soon.

Also there is a Readme.txt file with more detailed instructions. But to get you started, Unzip them to your C:\ drive which will put them in C:\coh and create subdirectories Ground, Air, Autorun, and Autofly. Then just link them from the game with:
/bind_load_file c:\coh\ground\g.txt

Ok, this first file is the setup I think most people use. It uses WADS for movement, Space for Up, X for down, R for autorun/fly, and F to toggle between run and fly modes.

WADS with toggle for Run/Fly

The next one uses ESDF for directions, Space for up, and B for down (thumbable). G is the toggle for Air and Ground.

ESDF with Toggle for Run/Fly

The last is my setup. It uses ESDF for directions, Space for Up, B for down. But, it uses G to put you in Ground mode, and T to put you in air mode. If you're already IN the mode for the key you press, that key acts as a reset, resetting sprint, hover, fly and all the directional movements.

ESDF with separate Run and Fly keys

If you want to change the keys to EXACTLY what you want, in the directories you want, then you'll want to use the BASIC file. Just download Liberty BASIC from (or elsewhere) and run the .BAS file included with the binds. Liberty BASIC is shareware. You can not create executables, or run files that use more than 8k memory, but it's sufficient for this program and is simple and clean to install and run.

There are some variables in the beginning of the .bas file to set the keys you want for each movement, for setting fly, and for setting run (if you set the fly and run function to the same key, it'll toggle). Also there is a path variable which you can set to put the files wherever you want.

There are simple directions at the top of the BASIC File, but if you change the logic further down, you're on your own. Well, not exactly, just post here if you have problems and I'll help out. I also don't mind taking requests for modifications, if you don't know basic, but can't guarantee how much time I'll have for this.

So, enjoy your gaming and coding!




FYI: I tried downloading the files (all 3) with the default Windows downloader and they came up corrupt. Turns out they were only partially dling. I had to use my dl manager to get the complete files.

"With everything that I do, I hope that they see people struggling to live decent, moral lives in a completely chaotic world. They see how hard it is, how often they fail, and how they get up and keep trying. That, to me, is the most important message I'm ever going to tell." - Joss Whedon



Hi 3clipse,

Then type this:

/bind lshift+f "powexec fly$$powexec hover$$powexec sprint$$powexec sprint"

[/ QUOTE ]

He meant:
/bind lshift+f "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint"

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



Dang, I tried to download them, and had problems too. Yesterday when I linked them, I tested the links as far as the "Save As..." box, but then hit cancel.

Beyond making sure you can connect (ping etc) and verifying that the links are correct, anybody have any ideas for fixing this?




Hi 3clipse,

Then type this:

/bind lshift+f "powexec fly$$powexec hover$$powexec sprint$$powexec sprint"

[/ QUOTE ]

He meant:
/bind lshift+f "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint"

[/ QUOTE ]

What he said




hey all,

I've been trying to find a Hover/Fly bind that's just that: a Hover/Fly bind. I've tried both Wasabi_Joe's and Ahzurdan's (which are both great!...WHOA! what a LOT of code!) but haven't been able to seperate the Hover/Fly from the changes they make to the ground movement. I'd like to leave all the ground/run/sprint stuff as it is and just use the awesome hover/fly stuff. Does anyone have the /bind code that would allow that?


Particle Dan - 15 Blaster (nrg/nrg) - Virtue



These more recent binds require knowing what "Mode" you're in, Stimpy, so you'd have to make sure you weren't moving when you toggled between running/flying. If you don't mind that, then just change the "standing still on the ground" file to normal movements (+forward, +backward etc) for all movement keys, but leave the fly key the way it is, and it should work ok. The ground file is norun.txt in Ahzurdan's, or ground.txt in Wasabi Joe's, or G.txt in my most recent binds (if you can DL them).

Just curious, but is there some reason you don't want to auto-sprint on the ground?

Does anybody know, for sure, if starting a bind with $$ causes problems? I'm adding code to make follow binds, and it'd simplify the logic if I knew I didn't have to worry about leading $$s. Unfortunately, I didn't think to test it this weekend.




Could someone post the final versions of the binds so I don't have to go through 26 pages to look for them, please?




LOL, I will personally post the final and definitive best fly/hover binds ever..... just as soon as I am done writing them.



As will I, and Gnarly, no doubt. But my best won't be nearly as good as Joe's best, but Gnarly's best will likely be just a good. Of course, ahz's best is pretty good to...



Hey Gnarly,
Great stuff. I haven't looked at basic since High School!!

Any way, I DL'd these files earlier this morning without a problem. The only comment I've got to make is that you need to create the correct folders before running the executable to create files (I, of course, had to modify a couple o fthe keys...).

I'm happy to give these files a test-fly to help out with the de-bugging (which will be minimal, I'm certain!! ).

Other than that, I do have a couple questions. You mentioned 'other features'. I was curious what you had planned. Personally, I've gotten addictied to my variation of the 'blast-off' and 'landing' binds. They are essentialy the same as was presented, bjut just needed to work them into my own set of files. In any case, I'd be interested in knowing what your planned end-game is.

I'll let you know how these work out, for me at least.



This is such fun to read about and use. Watching the development process as all of you continue to springboard off one another is great fun.

Ok a minor request

I would like to see a 3rd toggle key added for superspeed as well as the G & T for ground and flight, then I don't have to worry about modifying all the files for superspeed just for one character . For the esdf setup is fine, as I have almost convinced myself to go to this setup. I will likely fall many times before I get used to it, but I can see the benefits.




LOL, I will personally post the final and definitive best fly/hover binds ever..... just as soon as I am done writing them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, would you hurry up about it, Joe?

Seriously though, every time we think we're getting the best binds possible, somebody comes up with better ones. If you want binds that work great, read from the bottom up to find Ahzurdan's binds. But we seem to be losing people from this post as people find "good enough" binds and actually go back to PLAYING the game, rather than programming it If mine prove as unbreakable for others as they do for me, and I work out the last bugs and test them, then I may start a new post so people don't have to wade through our billion posts to get to them.

Ok, back to the present. I've modified my BASIC file:

-It now makes follow-run, and follow-fly files.

- It creates a reset file which is basically a single small file which you can bind_load to get back normal movement on the keys which were used for the Speed-on-Demand binds.

- All the paths and directories are made automatically now, if they don't already exist.

- While the basic program compiles and runs, and the binds LOOK good, I have not tested the following binds in game. Run, Fly, Autorun and Autofly have been tested and work very well.

Here is a link to the .bas file only (zipped) since I still haven't resolved the downloading issues. It's short enough that it hopefully won't be a problem.



PS. If anybody can help me out with the problems I'm having serving this file, I'd appreciate it. The files don't seem to donwload completely. I'm not sure if it's the server I'm using, or this firewall at work, or what. Is anybody else having this problem? Is anybody able to download the files I've posted correctly?



Gnarly wrote:
Just curious, but is there some reason you don't want to auto-sprint on the ground?

[/ QUOTE ]

it's fine when i'm runnin' around the streets but i like it off in missions due to END recharge... also, the constant stream of "Sprint On" / "Sprint Off" messages clogging up my chat window every time i start/stop are a pain.

On top of the "Sprint always on" theres also an auto-mouselook someone throws into their code which is just too crazy for me in some situations.

So i just have to change the ONE file (norun.txt/ground.txt/G.txt) and that's IT? cool.

so...i go in after i unpack it all and change the one file with a text-editor right?...


Particle Dan - 15 Blaster (nrg/nrg) - Virtue



Blue Volt writes:

Other than that, I do have a couple questions. You mentioned 'other features'. I was curious what you had planned. Personally, I've gotten addictied to my variation of the 'blast-off' and 'landing' binds. They are essentialy the same as was presented, bjut just needed to work them into my own set of files. In any case, I'd be interested in knowing what your planned end-game is.

[/ QUOTE ]
My most recent posts details (and links to the .bas file for) most of the features I have planned. Creating directories is added, and Blastoff can be achieved with the current setup. Just hit the spacebar to jump and hold it down. Then hit the fly key to change to flying and keep going up. If your fingers still try to hold down the fly key, I don't think it'll interfere. I'll see how hard it would be to add it on the fly key, though.. it may be easy, or it may double the amount of files (already 384 now with the follow modes!!) But give it a try with the spacebar this evening, and I'll bet that you like this way better... you get that initial quick Jump-Launch, which looks cool if nothing else

Thanks for note that you can DL my files. Still working on that one.

Greyhawke writes:

Ok a minor request

I would like to see a 3rd toggle key added for superspeed as well as the G & T for ground and flight, then I don't have to worry about modifying all the files for superspeed just for one character.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, adding super-speed-if-you-have-it (like Azurdan's binds, so you won't even need to change anything for your SS character) will be something I can easily add just by changing a few lines in my basic code, and re-running it. I want to test these recent new additions, and then I can start cranking out different versions. So maybe tomorrow, Greyhawke?



ahzurdan, I played with your binds last night and love them! I'm really thrilled by your brilliant axis concept.

I think I found another minor error. In both followfly files take a look at the F bind. I forgot to test toggling flight while following.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed this problem. I apparently got the POWEXEC statements all backwards. This should be fixed now. I also removed file FOLLOWRUN.TXT, as it was no longer being used. These updates have been posted to my site. I have added date/time of the last upload on my site, for version tracking purposes. I can just never tell whether it should go to version 2 or 1.1

Fallstaff's batch job is excellent! Use it!

I also stuck up a second version that I like, which uses POWEXEC_ALTSLOT instead of POWEXEC_NAME. Just put Sprint, Super Speed, Hover and Fly in slots 1-4 of your alternate power tray. What this will allow is, if you want an indoor version that doesn't toggle Sprint or Super Speed just put together another tray where slots 1 and 2 are empty, but 3 and 4 have Hover and Fly, and then switch your alternate power tray to display that other tray when you enter a mission. I will be testing this version for the first time tonight, so there may be some issues.

I have officially given up on trying to implement the "Blastoff" and "Setdown" functionality within my binds. I apologize if anyone finds this particularly irksome. For those that are interested in that (and the mouselook) functionality, I have every faith that the new set that Joe has said he is currently working on will contain both of those, and probably blow us away.

I am pretty happy with the way that my binds are working right now, so until I see something go by that makes me want to update my binds, they should be stable for a bit.

Let me know if you find any more problems.



I suppose my poor little scrapper can suffer through one more day

Thanks Gnarly!



Hey Gnarly,
I gave you bind a test-fly lat night. All worked as intended without any gliches. The only things I did notice (though neither are a real serious issue) was that sprint would come on when only the space-bare was pressed (for up) as well as 'x' (which I've set as the down key through your basic tool).

This was'nt exactly a very thorough test, as after tinkering for a bit, I re-loaded my current set. This is because I've got alot of additional functionality (though I need to live with the fact I can't hit more than two move keys at the same time...) that I just can't live without during game play. I don't know how hard it would be to add, but I've got the following additional changes set up now:

-I use the right mouse/lshift+right mouse button as an additional 'forward/backward' key, which also activates mouse look. I also use E and D, depending on the situation.
- Autofowd (either run or fly) also activates mouse-look.

How difficult do you think it would be to add any of this? The second seems reasonably easy, but I suspect that the first would add a considerable number of files. What do you think?

This has left me thinking that I could adapt my files to 'call up' your binds when appropriate. I would simply step in and out as needed, with a re-set key to compensate for any confusion. My current set has a few quirks, and I've gotten quite accostomed to hitting re-set on occasion as I hammer out these flaws. With all the duplication in key fuctionalty, I suspect I may need to live with this, or change how I play.

Also, I only tested the version without the follow functionality, as I don't presently use that in-game any way.



Hi Volt-Man,

Thanks for the test. It's good to hear you have similarly good results. But I finally DID manage to get them to break last night by hitting as many of the 6 direction keys as fast as I could, and I finally got sprint on while not moving. But as soon as I pressed forward (any key would have done the same) it turned it off properly again, because the forward 1/0 is called explicitly. Anyway...

The only reason your Right Mouse Button doesn't work as it did is because of a pet feature of MINE. I like to have the right button do mouselook when I'm holding it down, EXCEPT when I'm in autorun... then I like to be able to hit and release the rbutton and stay in mouselook, so I don't have to hold the key down for traveling. I will remove this (or maybe add an option?). I shouldn't be messing with people's mouse buttons. After I take that out, then your rbutton will work as before. Yes, it will get my binds broken for a second, but for the reasons I stated above, just using any of 'my' movement keys would fix it. And if you use them separately, pushing and releasing rbutton, before pressing your forward/back key, then you shouldn't have any problems at all. Have you considered just making rbutton your forward key, and lshift+forward your back key? I am adding functionality to so that mouse-look can be toggled on (optionally) while moving.

So, on to the changes I have been making:

- I'm going to make an executable, and I've added lines which prompt for the different keys and configuration settings, rather than requiring code changes. This will let everybody set things up JUST how they like it, without me having to make lots of versions.

-A new setting will allow you to choose automatic mouselook, on or off, like Wasabi Joe's Binds. This might fit your 2nd request, Blue Volt.

-An option for a second ground movement power. You can set this to nothing, or super speed, or a prestige power. Basically, the primary power is listed second in all binds so it's turned on instead of the secondary power if the character has it. This should do the trick for you, Greyhawke

- I've tested Follow now, and it works fine.

-I've changed the +command which I use to +zoomin$$-zoomin instead of turnleft. It didn't interfere anyway, but this is shorter. So, Massive Jotun, no worries... you can still turn without mouselook!

- added a reset function like Ahzurdan's. This file is created dynamically, depending on which keys you select for the different directions etc. It set's the key you chose for forward to simply +forward, etc. Ctrl-R toggles between this and Speed on Demand.

-Blast off - This would take 64 files, and isn't too hard, but I'm hesitant to do it when it can already be done with another combination of files. I can do it after I get the other functionality taken care of.

Hope to have the exe and a webpage that will serve it reliably this afternoon.




I have added date/time of the last upload on my site, for version tracking purposes. I can just never tell whether it should go to version 2 or 1.1

Fallstaff's batch job is excellent! Use it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Ahz, just trying to contribute. I updated the batch file and I called the zip 1.1 but you keep track of it however works best for you. Don't want you to get distracted!



Errmm....not sure if this question has been asked before but is there any way to get rid of the bind messages when ever you change direction? I get a whole lot of spam on my screen after using Az's binds



Goto the option button at the top of the chat window and for system select none.



Ok, version 1.0 of my executable bind maker is up at a new place:

Gnarly's Binds

It is a biggish download (approx 1 meg) because of the DLLs required to make it executable. But it is fully configurable without downloading BASIC... just answer the prompts to configure the following features:

- Keys for movement, run, fly, autorun, follow
- do you use superspeed or prestige powers, or just sprint?
- auto-mouselook when moving?
- installation path

The .bas file is included, however, for those who want to tinker a bit more. Also included is a quickstart guide on the webpage, and a readme.doc with more detailed instructions included in the zip.

This is just version 1, so please let me know if things don't work for you. I appreciate positive feedback, but am specifically looking for problems with the following functions:

-anything that makes the binds break

- downloading. Any problems?

- auto-mouselook: I added feature to the basic file just today, and the binds look good, but not yet tested in game

- Super Speed - I don't have the power, so can't test it.

Thanks to all for any testing you can provide!





Ok. I just created a .bas with blastoff. Wasn't hard to code, but adds files. Anyway, I went to add it to my site, and I have apparently exceeded the data transfer rate of my free Geocities site. And my personal (paid for) site has had problems for some people. So, Falstaff offered webspace, and I'm taking him up on it, and hope to get these distribution problems worked out soon. Will test Blastoff tonight.




You might try making the executable available by itself, with all the other pieces seperate. That way each person would only need to download the DLL files to run the executable once, instead of over and over for each update.

Not sure how long geocities takes to reset your load limit, though.