The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




Quick question.

I want to use the down arrow to go down instead of the X. I changed the script for it by changing the X after SET to down arrow and it tells me when i push it in game Uknown Command Arrow.

I used Down Arrow since that is what the bind said that key is called. I know im editing properly since I have changed a few other keys to suit my needs.

If i change it to down arrow in game then it makes me go down at hover speed rather than at fly speed.

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I'm not sure if I completely understand you, but what I think you mean is that you use the arrow keys for movement (like me). And you bound Down to the Down Arrow & when you move down, you are still in hover mode (not fly).

That is because the Down Arrow (it's actual name is just down) no longer activates SoD, by overwriting the bind you disabled Sod on that key.

I bound Down to Numpad0 - keeping the Down Arrow to Backward.

I don't know if this answers your question correctly, but I hope I helped.

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The options page doesn't show the proper names for the keys. The arrow keys are called by what direction they move you; up, down, left and right.



I modfied the sprint to default to superspeed and i love it...however at times in dungeons its too close quarters for do i make a second toggle to use sprint instead of SS.......

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Hm.. I haven't tried doing this myself, mainly because I'm lazy . Normally I just turn SoD off (lcontrol+M) when in dungeons, and leave Sprint on all the time. The endurance drain is pretty small, and I've slotted it with an End-Reducer anyway. This works more than good enough for me (and if you're not comfortable creating or editing binds yourself, this would be my first recommendation, lol).

sorta how fliers have ground and air one

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If you REALLY want to have two ground modes, why not change the air one to be your second ground?
I suppose -- assuming you're only using a ground-based character -- you can use a text editor and edit the SoD files yourself; Replace all references to Fly with Sprint and remove the references to Hover. Then just enter "Fly" mode when in-game and you'll have the same SoD functionality, but in essence two "Ground" modes. (I haven't tested this though, and I don't plan on doing so, so take my advice at your own risk!)



Ok....I realized I was using the wasabi bind rather than the SoD bind.

I have the SoD bind setup now and I have a few questions.

I dont use mouselook. I use numpad 8 to go forward numpad 4 for left ..etc..

After setting up the binds, my numpad 4 is strafing left and my numpad 6 is straffing right.

I am gonna rerun the batchfile and instead of telling it to use numpad 4 for gonna put the default

I think my misunderstanding was thinking when it asked me to assign the key that it meant turn rather than straffe.,

Ironically i didnt figure that out till i started typing this lol.

And Yes ill toggled the SoD on and off for the superspeed to be turned off in smaller dungeons.



I've been having a problem with popup menus. When using the right mouse button for mouselook, occasionally something is selected and a popup menu appears. If I move at the same time and SoD is turned on, it goes all batty and I have to reset it. If I don't reset it, I can't stop the character from auto-running.



Ok, so let me start off by giving my compliments to all of you who have worked on this. I just finished going through the entire thread, searching for a potential answer for my potential question. Since I didn't find anything that answered it, here's my question.

I'm primarily a Super Jumper, not a Flyer, so while I figured I could probably modify these to use SJ/CJ I stayed away for a long time. But I finally got around to trying it out last night. I had a number of problems initially, but after working with it, and deleting all the binds and trying over, setting it up as if I had Fly and Hover, and then going through every file and replacing hover with combat jumping and fly with super jump (my text editor can have tons of files open and replace everything in all files, so it went easily and quickly), I got it working virtually perfectly.

The only problem is that I like to have Sprint (or in my case Prestige Power Rush) on when moving as well. In addition to the CJ/SJ powers. Have any of you figured out a way to essentially combine the ground/fly modes into one so that they're off (or in hover/CJ mode) when not moving and on (flying/SJing PLUS sprinting) when moving? I realize this may not be possible, but if it was, it would rule without question and make my life (at least as far as movement in this game is concerned) complete.

Also, while this is comparatively minor, have you considered adding an option to your program that allows for CJ/SJ directly instead of Hover/Fly without having to edit all the files? There seemed to be the option for Superspeed, but not for us Jumpers. We need our lovin' too!

Thanks a bunch, and again my compliments on your hard work.



bah kept getting errors on Gnarly's SoD script until i specified the default install path instead of where i wanted the files to go, might want to fix that




I am using Gnarly's AMAZING Speed on Demand binds. Wow They are incredible. Fly was kind of a novelty before, not it is a fun and efficient way of travel.


Sometimes when I type in the chat box and hit enter, my character starts running off in a direction and will not stop. I can stop it only by using the SoD reset key (ctrl-r).

This only happens when I chat and though it happens frequently, it does not happen every time. It is as if I am hitting some combination of keys that turns on autorun backwards or sideways.

Any suggestions please? This has gotten my group killed once on a t/f as it autoran me into a group of mobs before I could reset! Owwwie.






Ok, I'm back from travel, so let me try to address some of the questions.

Sometimes when I type in the chat box and hit enter, my character starts running off in a direction and will not stop. I can stop it only by using the SoD reset key (ctrl-r).

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Trendy, you are typing too fast If you type something that ends with a key that controls movement (say W for forward) and you hit ENTER to say whatever it is you're saying while W is still pressed down, and THEN release the W key, SoD things the release of the key is the press. It can't distinguish between the two, press and release. So, when talking, make sure to release all keys before hitting Enter.

Artificer, I looked into options for Superjumpers, but it seems easier to use SoD for sprinting, and have a separate toggle for SJ/CJ. You still need the horizontal speed from sprint, and sometimes you wouldn't want to SJ, like in combat... you'd lose the def bonus from CJ and SJ would be overkill. Also, keep in mind that binds can't activate 2 things at the same time, so the binds can not activate sprint AND SJ for both horizontal and vertical distance. So you modified the files so that you go into SJ when moving? Does that work well for you, in practice?

Ssinjin, Yah, when I got Superspeed, I found that it wasn't very practical with SoD. I left SoD to control sprint, and just made a single-key toggle to turn SS on and off. Much better for End also.

If you still want 2 different setups, try this: run the program twice, configuring SS on one, and Sprint on the other. Configure them using the same movement keys, but different Reset keys. Press the Reset key for the set you want to be using.

Filidecht, thanks for providing a link to 2.7, it's not a problem at all. If anybody wants to modify/distribute my program, or the files they create, feel free. No permission necessary... that's why I distribute the .bas file with it, for easy of modification.

As for 2.7 and 3.0, what do people think? Is 3.0 still causing problems, and if so, what are they? Does anybody actually need the features 3.0 provides?




Well, I'm using 3.0 without any problems that I've seen. Then again, I just got Fly yesterday, but I've been using SoD for about 2 weeks. (This is on my alt)

I do sometimes have to deal with not being able to queue up a power while moving, but I'm getting used to it.

I can't imagine how I'd get by without these binds. They definately make Flying even more fun.



Welcome back



Out of colection bounds? what the heck? I couldnt get SOD to work!

Not amusing at all. Any idea what im doing wrong? It wont even let me run the .exe program!!

If it turns out that I simply can not use SOD I want to use a press/release toggle on my movemnet keys.. where I use normal movement when key is pressed and the hover when key is released. I can do this on my own.. but I see a big problem if I try to use FLY! Is there a way to perhaps have a fly-mode bind and a hover/run-mode that I can switch between.. ( two seperate keys are not only ok.. but probabally desired)
..or.. if I just included the movement keys in my powexec_name fly bind.. would that override the other bind?



Is anybody out there still able and willing to host my program? I just got an email warning that I'm about to reach my Bandwidth Quota, and that the files will then be unavailable until the end of the month.




Thanks to Mister B for hosting my file!

He put sod 3.0 up on his site at:

Gnarly's SoD Binds 3.0

I will keep my webpage in the same place as before, but it now links to the site above for serving the actual 1.2 meg file. Since that is the big file that's causing me to exceed my bandwidth limit, I should not have this problem any more.

The email I received from my website said it would not serve my webpage until the 1st of next month, but I just went there without any problems. If you do have problems though, you can get to the file directly from the link above, at least until the first of the month. Most of what is on the webpage is also in the readme.doc file, so missing the webpage is no great loss. People that have my webpage bookmarked, or who use my Sig without reading this message, may have problems until the first of the month.

Thanks again to Mister B, and Good Flying to you all!




Ok I figured out my deal with the 3.0 binds wasn't actually the 3.0 binds.

The setting to execute the Powexec_unqueue was turned off, and this is why it was turning super speed on while running but then turning sprint on when you release the button. (Kind of like how fly/hover works when in fly mode.)

Although this doesn't explain the crash, which hasn't happened since I loaded the 3.0 binds the first time. I'm guessing isn't the actual bind file thats causing the problem.



I always crash the first time they are loaded



I always crash the first time they are loaded

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So each time you re-run the .exe and set up binds then hit CTRL-M you crash, or each and every time you hit CTRL-M you crash, regardless of if you've run the .exe? And then after you reboot, it works?

I'm still trying to figure this one out




Ok..I'm having a problem using SOD with one of my alts. He's a Tanker that knows Fly, but not Hover. When I am running forward (Sprint is On), and hold down my Takeoff button, he switches to Fly and ascends, but Sprint is staying on.

I knew Fly took some endurance, but leaving Sprint on really sucks it up!!

I can get around it by only taking off from a stand still, but sometimes I forget.

If this has already been covered, I'm sorry.



Ok..I'm having a problem using SOD with one of my alts. He's a Tanker that knows Fly, but not Hover. When I am running forward (Sprint is On), and hold down my Takeoff button, he switches to Fly and ascends, but Sprint is staying on.

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Which version are you using? 3.0 was created specifically for Fly Only characters.

A simple thing to try first is to reset (CTRL-R), or deactivate and reactivate the binds (CTRL-M twice)... but you probably already tried that.

Ok, if that doesn't work... what are your other options? Are you using the default for Primary and Secondary Run powers (ie. Sprint as secondary, and nothing for primary)? Are you using Unqueue (default is to use it), or did you disable it because you use a drawn weapon? Maybe just post or send me the text from your Re.txt file. That'll tell me all I need to know.

Thanks, Gnarly



I'm at work, so I don't have access to the files. I'm pretty sure I tried resetting, but I'll try again tonight.

Oh..I'm using 3.0, default Pri/Sec run powers, and default Unqueue.



I'm am sad

I was previously using versio 2.2 of SoD successfully. Then I took a hiatus from CoH for a bit. Now I can't get my 2.2 or new 3.0 version binds to work.

I'm using the default directory (c:\CoH).
I'm using the default setting for unque?
I have primary run set to none and secondary set to SPRINT.
I have hover and fly set to yes.

When I get in-game I use the options to reset my binds, then I use the bind_load_file command.

I hit ctrl-m. Sometimes this crashes me, sometimes not (when 1st loading the binds...when I had 2.2 before it always crashed me). If I've crashed, I restart CoH.

I never get the tell saying 'Changing to SoD RUN Mod' when I hit ctrl-M. I do get the message saying 'Normal Movement mode' if I hit it to toggle out of SoD mode.

When I try to engage 'Fly' mode, I get put into hover mode, but thats it. The binds won't engage to kick me into flight if I use a movement key. I'm stuck in hover.

When I hit my 'Run/ground mode' key, i drop out of hover and into sprint. I stay in sprint mode regardless of if I'm actually moving (using a direction key).

Any ideas here? I got addicted to SoD and now its really difficult to live with out it. I need my fix bad.

-SoD dry heaving-



I'm at work, so I don't have access to the files. I'm pretty sure I tried resetting, but I'll try again tonight.

Oh..I'm using 3.0, default Pri/Sec run powers, and default Unqueue.

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Silverclaw, Mordaga... I don't know what to tell you :/ It sounds by your setup that it should work.

Have either of you changed the keys that SoD uses? You can get yourself screwed up if you have them on WASD for example, and then change them to the arrow keys or something because the second time you run the program, it doesn't remember where the 'old' keys are so doesn't clear the binds there. If you then accidentally hit one of those old keys, it'll put you in an incorrect mode and try to load a file that no longer does the right thing. But that would be reset by you logging off and back on, so it's probably not your problem, but I don't have many other ideas. Try resetting, and posting or sending me your R.txt Re.txt files from your R subdirectory.

Anybody else experiencing problems, who didn't have any previously? I haven't played the game in a while, so I'm a bit out of touch, but after Mordaga's post, I'm wondering if they changed how the game uses binds.




I did some testing with 3.0 this morning before work, going to give a quick rundown of what I tried. Each attempt I reset the keybinds in game, so as to be starting with a fresh set. I tested on my blaster, which has Hover, Fly, and Sprint.
Test 1: A single key selected (the keypad "add" key) to toggle between Fly and Ground modes. All other options default.

Results: Pressing the toggle key would toggle between Hover and Sprint only; it would not activate Fly. Moving around (when in fly mode) kept me in Hover, and would not switch to fly. Pressing and holding the key from the ground did launch me into the air, but using Hover only. Pressing again to descend would lower me to the ground as normal.

Test 2: Seperate keys for Flight and Run modes, this time using G for ground and again ADD for Flight.

Results: Crashed as soon as I started running forward. I saw Sprint activate as normal, but then the game crashed. Didn't even get to test Fly/Hover

Test 3: No Unque, same keybinds.

Results: Crashed immediately upon activating (LCtrl+M). No chance to test anything.

Test 4: Two different keys used this time, with Unque enabled. This time I used the keys G for Ground and F for Flight.

Results: NO ERRORS! The binds worked perfectly, no crashes, Fly/Hover toggled properly, de-activated properly when switching to ground. Sprint activated and de-activated properly when moving / idle.

Test 5 (just in case) ALL DEFAULTS, I hit Enter on everything to use the programs default options: E for ground, F for flight, unque enabled.

Results: Again, NO ERRORS. Everything worked 100% properly, just as before.

Conclusion: It seems there was a problem when I used the keypad plus key, as opposed to a regular letter key. I haven't tried other keys yet (late for work at the moment), but I can do some further testing when I get home tonight if needed. I will have to look at binds themselves when I get home, to see how it handles the "add" key as opposed to a single-letter key.

For those having problems, I strongly suggest re-running the SoD program and putting EVERYTHING to defaults, just to be safe. I had NO errors at all when everything uses the default options... just keep hitting Enter until the program is done .

I hope this helps. I'll do some more testing when I get home.



Well...everything seemed to work fine last I don't know what the problem was before. I'll be keeping an eye on it, and if I see a pattern form, I'll let you know.




Good Tests, Filidecht. I don't know if we can say it is the ADD key that is causing crashes, though, since you use it in your first test. Your first test doesn't work correctly, but it doesn't crash. The first test, actually, sounds like you answered "No" when it asked you if you could fly. Could you have entered a space in front of "Y" when answering, or did you just hit enter? My code takes a leftmost letter, and if it's Y or y, it says you know fly.

But it could be caused by the keys chosen. I didn't think of that before, but I use pretty normal keys (almost all lelters). It is something different in the game that processes the same binds different ways. I don't know if it's key choice, or OS, or hardware, or lag, or random bad luck. My program just makes binds, so I don't know how to go about troubleshooing if one person has no proglem and another does :/

If somebody post those two files (R.txt and Re.txt) Then we could see at least confirm that the problem is the show or the movie.
