The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




I'm pretty sure I just got your account all set up and running properly. I'm going to test it a little more and then PM you the details. I'll post here as soon as I've done that.



Thank you for your intrest every one, all of the above problems stem from key combinations that I haven't coded... yet. I plan on incorperating all key combos that one would normally run into and so if you find an error please figure out the exact cmobination of keys that you pressed that caused the problem, and I will add it to the next version.

[/ QUOTE ]

Figured that was the deal. I'll keep an eye out for your next version!



Wasabi, check your PMs. I sent you information on using the account that I have set up for you. I gave you my contact information if you have any questions or would like some help with anything.



I used Wasabi_Joe's binds a bunch last night. I had one inconsequential problem(had to tap movement key occasionally to turn off fly) and one pretty bad problem(my 'w' key stopped working - had to reset). Even after they'd just happened, I couldn't recall what key combinations were at work - sorry about that.

During indoor missions, last night, I turned off the binds, just in case. That was dreadful, especially not having the hover/fly movement binds, but I felt it was the safest way to continue. I think next time I play I'll bind a key to bind_load_file "c:/coh/reset.txt" as a failsafe and do missions with the binds on.

Wasabi, Sinabyss, Weap0nX, Jade, Blue_Volt, Gnarly and everyone else that has been contributing to these binds, thank you all so much! I won't go so far as to say that these things should have been in the official game(other than turning off sprint when flying), but I think once they are working closer to 100%, they'll be an integral part of the game for me.

2 things that bother me about the binds...

I like to hit slug while out of range and then run closer until my character stops, just inside the range, and blasts the enemy. With these binds, that's impossible. Maybe a key that toggles between ground.txt and reset.txt is in order.
[Edit: Infinitesimal already mentioned this issue.]

Also, mouselook is turned on while moving. I'm used to needing to drag with the right-mouse-button down to do mouselook. This doesn't really bother me during travel, but it's a killer during combat.

Wasabi, now that you have a place to host the files, when you create new zip files, maybe you could put the version number in the filename and stick a changes.txt file inside.



Let me start with - FANTASTIC bind Kudos to ALL who have been involved in the development of this. While there are teething problems it is still an awesome bind.

Thank You all.

I like to hit slug while out of range and then run closer until my
character stops, just inside the range, and blasts the enemy. With these
binds, that's impossible. Maybe a key that toggles between ground.txt
and reset.txt is in order.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't think I did this But battling the Tsoo last night I realised I use it all the time for the sorcerers. In the end I too turned it off.

Wasabi, now that you have a place to host the files, when you create new zip files, maybe you could put the version number in the filename and stick a changes.txt file inside.

[/ QUOTE ]
here here great idea



Also, mouselook is turned on while moving. I'm used to needing to drag with the right-mouse-button down to do mouselook. This doesn't really bother me during travel, but it's a killer during combat.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll add my thanks to Wasabi Joe and others. As far as the above complaint, you can simply delete all of the "mouselook" references in the binds to keep the default look settings. A bit of a pain, but doable.




I like to hit slug while out of range and then run closer until my character stops, just inside the range, and blasts the enemy. With these binds, that's impossible. Maybe a key that toggles between ground.txt and reset.txt is in order.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry, I can't try this out right now, but can you explain why this doesn't work? If I understand you, you're saying that you can't queue up a ranged power while out of range of your target and then run into range and have the power go off?





Yep, that's exactly it. I think the problem stems from the fact that sprint is being toggled on, then off. And that seems to clear out slug from being queued.

Thinking about it some more, maybe if you start moving, then hit slug, it would stay queued up.



EDIT: ^^^ Great minds think alike...

Saber: I think that what he's saying is that since every time you move you are queueing Sprint, Hover, or Fly it clears the power that he already has queued. It would be pretty easy to create a toggle key that you could use while in combat and then press it again when you want to go back to normal movement.



Ahhh, I see.




I've been building my binds with three possible modes:

Sprint Mode (Sprint whenever moving)
Jog Mode (regular movement)
Fly Mode (Fly whenever moving, Hover when not moving)

As yet, I haven't found a reason to add a Hover Mode to that list.



I am hard at work on my latest binds, probably call it version 2.0. Some of the issues being addressed are :

- adding key combinations.
control + f = reload fly/hover binds.
control + r = reset to normal movement binds.

- moving bind files
createing a directory structure under c:/coh/moves/ to keep all these binds seperate from any other binds you may use or have. This is probably the most important development because the list of files is now quite extensive.

- fixing issues with
pressing 'r' + 'w' at same time.
fully incorperating the 'x' and space keys into the allowable key combinations.

If enough people ask, I can make available key binds that dont turn on mouse look, it is just a matter of prefrence for me.

* Thank you weapOnX, the server space is most welcome. I will post version 1.1 asap and hopefully have version 2.0 up before the weekend is over.

** version 1.1 has been uploaded to web site and is available here .



Thank you very much Wasabi, I greatly enjoy your bind. I used it tonight for the first time, and found the key combos that break the bind not too hard to work around.

I am however giddily awaiting 2.0....I'm sure we'd all like to thank you for putting the extra work in.

I personally WOULD prefer that mouselook be set back to manual activation, but troubling you to make 2 versions seems a bit excessive.

In short, excellent work and thank you for sharing!



@Wasabi, thanks a ton for this bind. It's really great. I hesitated about 1 week to install it (because I needed to change a lot !=), but yesterday I've done it and I cannot do without it anymore !=)

Can't wait for the v2 version as well, because I came into some dead lock situations, where I needed a "reset" already--sorry, didn't found what caused the dead lock so far (dead lock in means of some keys not working properly anymore or Hover and Fly toggling in reverse order). If I find out, I'll let you know.



Not tried the bind yet (as I don't have fly yet - but I'm working on it) but thanks, it looks really cool.

Just my 2 cents on this...

I like to hit slug while out of range and then run closer until my character stops, just inside the range, and blasts the enemy. With these binds, that's impossible.

[/ QUOTE ]

A possible workaround may be to use autoexec powers, so bind a key to "/powexec_auto slug" and this will then let you retain that functionality even with all of the power switching in wasabi's binds...

hope that helps



once your version 2.0 is up I'm assuming its just a little typing to switch swift to my prestige power (eb games preorder)and take out the mouselook references. I'm wondering if I can change the 1.1 version to just work with my prestige power since I don't have Fly/Hover yet.

Great Job



Wasabi, I suggest a Read Me explaining how to install the binds.



Okay version 2.0 is up and running here. I have tested it pretty well but I am sure everyone will let me know if I missed anything. I am happy to add key combos that people are useing that are not included in the binds. Just let me know what combo busted it. Included in the zip file are an addendum and a batch file to romove the older version. The instructions for setting up the binds are posted on the web page. Thank you so much to WeapOnX and Gnarly and everyone else who has done most of the work getting these binds out to you. The only reason I bothered to type them up was because I found them usefull and hopefully you will to.

** Do to being in a hurry, I uploaded the wrong zip file. It has now been corrected. So if you down loaded the file in the last hour, please reload it. TY.



Was wondering if I could ask a possible favor. As a newbie to the game, I'm not very familiar with /bind yet and I have a long ways to go to start actually modifying them.

I just *love* wasabi_joe's /bind. It's so easy to use. However when I'm on the ground, I prefer to have everything working exactly the way it has been from the start. I don't like the mouselook on the ground, and I don't like the sprint turning on and off (it isn't much of a drain, and I like being able to auto-stop when casting on an out of range target).

Anyways, would it be too much to ask to get someone to modify Wasabi_joe's script so that the flying works exactly as it does now, but remove all the ground stuff so it works like the defaults. That, to me, would be the absolute perfect script.

Also, I have a question. The "F" is to start the flying mode, but is it supposed to turn it off also, or is there another command? If I use "F" to go back to ground mode, it sometimes takes quite a few taps to get it.

Sorry about the noob questions and requests.

Big L



Oops. nevermind on changing the scripts for ground. I just changed the ground file and removed all the stuff after the direction movements and it's just what I wanted.

"F" still seems to sometimes kick me into fly mode when I'm already in fly mode rather than go back to ground mode though.



Although I haven't tested this, I would recomend copying the reset file onto the ground.txt file movment binds, that should do most of what you want. It will cause you problems if you hit 'f' while moveing in flight. The ideal solution would be to go through all the ground files (everything that starts with g) and remove any reference to sprint. That would keep the key combo loads for going into flight while moveing but keep sprint manual. You should also remove all mouse_look commands. Hope that helps.



Well, I would like to use these binds...or at least something like them. But, I can't get the bindings to load. I'm using the following text in my main toggle bind (toggle between running and flying)...

button4 "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file c:/flight1.txt"

Now, this line works to toggle hover on and off, but the 'bind_load_file' command isn't working. I hit button 4 and I get a "unable to load bindfile" message.

Now, since I like to steer with mouselook I didn't use all of Sinabyss' bindings. I only used the bindings for 'w', 's' and 'space'.

Here are the two bind files I made..

w "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
s "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
space "+up$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
button4 "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file flight2.txt"

button4 "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file flight1.txt"
w "+forward"
a "+left"
d "+right"
s "+backward"
space "+up"

Can someone please tell me how to get these files to load? Toggling manually is getting really old really fast

Thanks in advance



In the /bind for mouse button 4 your flight1.txt is loaded from c:/ but it flight1.txt and flight2.txt the load commands aren't directed to c:/. This looks like it's the problem.



Thanks for all the hard work...

Wasabi's webpage/zip for the file is not currently working. Getting a 404. Will this be back up?