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  1. Not entirely true. Some of my old characters who have Toy Collector (so I know they participated in previous winter events) got the powers and some didn't. I can understand if you still have one of the powers (I usually hold onto debt protection until higher levels). Debt is such a non-issue anymore though who cares?

    I am actually more annoyed about the Cheer. I like giving it out in the middle of summer or at Halloween and seeing people with the Santa rocket!
  2. If there are 2 of you you can always shoot and scoot. One of you shoots him from an obstructed place preferably then runs like a little girl. Normally he should chase you with his minions. Although if they are stuck indoors it is time to play another character or run up to Nightstar, die and talk to her from the great beyond (she can do that, actually she barely notices the difference these days).

    Why does everyone want to make it easier on new players? I say Spawn the Winter Lord in Outbreak or inside the Hospital, make the game a little more challenging. LOL

    I ran into an ambush like that once that spawned inside the Hospital then couldn't get out to chase the guy they wanted (of course they were purple) and starting killing passers by. Bad time to die.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OmnipotentMerlin View Post
    I like it. Why wouldn't anyone like it?
    Well my Santa character is "A Cheap Pirate Santa" you know they kind you'd get off the internet?

    So he says "Ho YO Ho" I demand my own emote, I pay my $15 a month. :|
  4. Maybe your just Grey to him? That's the reason Posi gave for why he never helps anyone in Steel.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
    On the other hand, I'd like to take whoever wrote the General Aarons mission out behind the woodshed. 15 ambushes and a lead-out on a Longbow map where the captive stops at every group and gets "re-captured," turning it into a defeat-all?

    Thanks. I love missions that take over an hour to solo on my defender, set to +0/1.
    But think of all the experience and drops you got!

    If you're 50 this is actually a good thing since drops are all you care about.
  6. Hard to believe next issue is ANYTHING except Incarnate abilities and missions. There aren't enough missions to really challenge Icarnates yet and as they add in more slots existing content will start getting trivial.

    If they didn't open at least 1 slot the outrage would be severe. People are going nuts for the system many waited years for, they don't want to see revamps of powers or new animations. (well they do but an issue of just that would get a lot of thumbs down).

    The question is whether they are going to start creating Incarnate missions or just Task Forces and turn high level CoH into WoW where the only way to do high level content is in raids and full teams. Hopefully not since that is one of the defining differences in CoH that you CAN get ahead solo if you want.

    It is also possible with the signed disclosures they are trying to identify leaks. They use the same people regularly and if they are seeing the info making it to the web regularly they may decide it is time to make an example of someone. Written NDS will definitely stand up in court, digital is always iffy. As I always say never hire a programmer who can't crack every security system you have, because if they can't then they are worthless as programmers.

    Who knows? For all anyone knows they signed a deal with Marvel (who gave up on their MMO) to use their characters. Marvel gets free money, CoH gets some cachet. Time to put the squeeze on Champions! LOL

    There's a cat in the box but what kind of cat? Who knows. Would be nice if it's the kind that makes people want to play Red side again though.
  7. QUOTE=TheLadyK;3386214]I happily blame soccer moms for everything.

    I would like to see different shorts options for both genders and the (IMHO) poor quality of available male hairstyles means i don't play many male characters. I would love to see more options cross gender (the available skirts for women are pretty lame, so I don't have much of an opinion there, but headbands and hair? Do it.)

    No no men can't have shorts. That brings up the whole shaved/unshaved legs issue. Then if you give men unshaved legs some women will want it to and there goes the ESRB again (in the US anyway) lol. We went through all this with nipples.

    Seriously though there are a LOT of immature players and if you give them ammunition they will use it and you be admitting 'Nancy Boy' joining your SG because, after all, you shouldn't judge. As a GM do YOU want to put your job on the line for saying what is cross dressing and that it is inappropriate? Well for men anyway, no one dares tell women what to wear - no one would dare accuse a female charater in a flannel shirt and work boots of not dressing appropriately (unless she also had an inappropriate name then they'd make you change the name).

    We live hip deep in hypocrisy. The easiest way to avoid problems is not to take risks. I think some long hair isn't TOO much, but I'm sure they had a lot of meetings before they even introduced kilts. Personally I don't think varieties of shorts would be all that popular for guys. "Bicycle Delivery Guy" dies on the vine.
  8. Have to agree with most of what is said here. No incentive, no reward for enduring a mixed bag of story arcs to say the least. Both the difficulty and storytelling vary considerably:

    - Many think a mission with 8 AVs in each mission as Soloable/Easy or
    - There is so little storytelling that one assumes they were created to take advantage of an exploit then left on the system or maybe they are there to trick people into giving the creator tickets without requiring any effort from the creator. No idea.
    - Rating system has never worked correctly. Have all your SG friends give you a 5 or the first time you get a 4 or lower you drop into the hell of 4 stars where your arc will never be played again. And of course many take great joy in slamming missions without actually reading the text.

    The real issue is how do you correct all these issues? First of all they need to jump on AE exploits faster. Shut it down temporarily if they have to (wouldn't be the first business to close due to technical issues for a week or 2). Sad to say Sony Online had the right idea with Everquest. Use an exploit? Get you character deleted (don't tell me you ran the same mission 20 times in a row not knowing it was an exploit, once maybe after that...).

    Once it is safe to PLAY AE they can offer shard/Purple reward/turn-ins and possibly expand the number of arcs that give normal rewards. If a Dev has played it, liked it and it isn't an exploit why not turn it over to normal rewards? This would also help you find good arcs since at least someone other than the other and his best friend would have to like it. lol


    I think that is the key. Maybe they would have to take the creator's ability to edit the arcs away to prevent people doing stupid things like exploits, but I would think that would be pretty dumb to cook the goose that laid your golden egg.

    Dr Aeon plays a LOT of arcs for his competitions. Devs play arcs normally (I assume they use exploits like everyone else LOL) no really hopefully they do. This doesn't have to be a big deal special thing, its just when we hit one we like we make it a Dev Choice. The way it works now it comes off like the Devs are saying the bulk of AE is garbage because out of all that they can find 5 or 6 arcs worth playing.

    It isn't perfect but I think it is a better plan than what we have now.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hube02 View Post
    (Well, you know, since it is almost a requirement on all AT's to slot 2 ACC enhancements on every attack if you hope to, you know, like, hit anything at all.)
    Funny I must have missed the memo, I have never slotted more than 1 ACC in any character and I've been playing pretty much since day 1. Unless you are fighting reds and purples in levels 1-10 (which there is no real reason to do because you level so fast even with whites) Acc isn't really an issue. Yes you will miss sometimes. Big deal.

    100% accuracy at the expense of everything else is no advantage. Personally 1-10 I rarely use Defensive powers, there is no need to most of the time and I don't slot anything until level 7 as it isn't worth the time. (in the time it takes to buy enhancements you could have leveled up) Plus there is no debt so why worry? Self Destruction is actually a usefull leveling tool in low levels, run into a group of 8-10 blue/white mobs and detonate. BANG! half a level.

    I find the real END drain at low levels are the Veteran powers. They are crazy powerful (because of their 2 damage SO slotting) but very expensive to use.

    BTW if you are worried about ACC at low levels buy the IO that increases ACC overall by 6%. That is like adding a Generic to everything but will be useful forever.
  10. I would like a mixed bag approach. List the power's cast time and the animation's time and let us mix and match (if you pick an animation that is too long for cast that is your get out).

    Whether they could do that within a set or in general the more choices the better.

    I for one would LOVE some other animation for Ninja Run. Chiropractors must get rich in Paragon City between the hitting and everyone running around hunched over. I love the power but the animation doesn't work for say, my robot. Building such a useful power for one type of character is like designing it with a stiff legged robot walk animation, then making everyone use that LOL.
  11. A team needs to build it's strategy based on the players it has not based on what someone thinks everyone should do or build.

    As stated there are ways to allow for this. The real problem is that when you use a power like this players on your team that don't know how to play will get themselves killed because they don't know how to control pets or will try to follow fleeing mobs into other groups themselves (worst case). Using Rain with a mass Immobilize is like one of the only reasons FOR having Mass Immobilize and slotting it. If one mob gets away they can cope.

    This is no different than those who object to knockback. Any Knockback. Well try playing a Keldian Lightbringer without using Knockback. I think they have KB on Rest. LOL I have been on teams with 2 Lightbringers who knocked the mobs all over the place and it worked fantastic.

    Do not assume those at high level know how to play. Unfortunately you sometimes have to play with them.
  12. Great for those of us with solo SGs. It takes a long time to fully trick out a base solo, but is a lot of fun. I've done it 3 times now each one stuffed with more IO's from sets I like but have put aside for other characters/later use than I like to think of). Nothing like being able to store all the best salvage and IOs you want.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
    Solo +0/x2 rate so far: about a drop every 3-5 missions.

    Purple drops at the same settings: once in a blue moon.
    Good point here for people going for drops solo, whether it is Vanguard Merits, Shards, recipies or whatever. Leave difficulty at lowest level and crank up number of opponents as high as you can stand. Yes this favors AoE fighters. Cope. lol
  14. I like any extra missions I can get provided they aren't AV type missions. I prefer to solo and getting missions like some of the Patron missions is a pain. This is true even when you reduce them to EBs. Example: a Dominator cannot easily solo 5 unholdable EBs in a row without really crippling the mission (-1 level and/or outleveling and using lots of Inspirations) or using a full stick of summoned blobbies. I don't feel much of a sense of accomplishment by having a summoned mobs defeat everything for me while I hide behind him.

    On the plus side now you CAN cripple missions by setting them at -1 which is a help at times.

    Other than that more missions = better. Just don't link to a Task Force I draw the line there. Been on too many where the team couldn't get through the first room much less the TF. lol (I am serious though, been on 2 TFs where the team broke up after multiple wipes in first room because of poor play)
  15. Well this is definitely better than the Party Pack as I don't use emotes at all myself.

    I use auras on most of my characters for at least 1 costume, capes are only on a very few as I am not a big fan of 90% the standard capes. So this hits my sweet spot on the aura's anyway. Capes are a mixed bag. Dislike the Science cape a lot but some of the others are interesting.

    I wonder if they could add an aura for cape only? Flaming capes, capes with steam billowing out of them might actually look pretty cool.
  16. Yeah Halloween was the first special event for COH (and the biggest for a MMO at that time) and still the best. The general silliness of trick or treating man-hole covers and submarines helps keep the game light and there are enough different things happening to make the game feel unlike CoH does the rest of the year. The other events have never been able to capture this.
  17. Bubble Helmets are missing. Transparent "fish bowl" type helmets. These are fairly common in comics and the first step toward making cool space suit type characters.

    I would also like to see more or upgraded Tech type armor. Most of what we have isn't that good, Banded & Steampunk for example just don't do it for me.

    Also Cyborg was a disapointment not that it doesn't look cool but it doesn't look like a Cyborg, that is flesh AND tech combined. See Mother 1 in Cyberforce, 7 of 9 in Voyager.

    The new witch and magic user items are so incredibly awesome looking they make it hard to wear anything else.
  18. Well other than the obvious "I don't understand why the mailmen had superpowers" (in "Mailstrike - Stick it to the Man") when the whole arc was about that and explained it in the intro, the oddest was someone who marked me way down because he said Santa suit was the wrong color (in "When Santa's Collide"). I mean his suit is red. What other color is it supposed to be? No one else ever made a comment about that, so it isn't just me. (OK so my arcs are somewhat odd)

    Another one was getting a low score because the mission needed more patrols (not that they were logical - the guy apparently just liked Patrols).
  19. Frankly I don't understand the need. You lose experience for any damage allies do so having lots of them gets you near nothing in a mission. Also a EB ally and a minion ally are hardly the same thing. Hard to keep minions alive even.

    It is unfortunate that some people ruin things for everyone but what you gonna do?

    Looks like my Mastermind for a day arc isn't coming back. I made one where you could pick up like 6 minion allies and try and fight an EB (who tended to kill them very quickly given the chance lol)
  20. Another simple answer to this problem is when importing a group always add a custom minion, Lieut and boss. Since custom mobs are 1-50, you will never have 50% experience problems again.

    I ran into the same problem with Carnies. I wanted to create a group without the bosses (particularly Master Illusionist who is a squishy's nightmare solo, tons of damage and you can't fight back half the time). I ended up with a level 1-50 Carnie group.
  21. Congrats. I really wish the Prof would provide runners up though. If they were that good I want to see them too.

    Having someone else help you find the worthwhile missions is a big help. The list of submissions is a help but not exactly compact for easy reference lol. Also doesn't preclude dreck.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by pohsyb View Post
    Emails can be sent to local as well as global names now.

    Emails with attachments can only be sent to a Global name.

    Valid attachments are Enhancements, Salvage, Recipes and Inspirations if they are tradeable (buyable on AH). One per email. Inf can be sent alongside item.

    There will be 20 mail cap to inbox. Mails sent to full mailbox will bounce (bounced mails can exceed cap). If you are at the cap you cannot send mails.

    Items with attachments cannot be deleted until attachment is claimed. They can be returned to sender.
    Now if I could sent SG invites I would REALLY be excited. Please look into this I know I am not alone in wanting this feature.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    Really? It is one game. Most of us (if not all) have characters on red and blue. I have multiple 50s on either side. Win, win. Co-op has the greatest chance of reaching the most people. This has been pointed out over and over and over, yet the argument is still popping up.

    It also goes back to quality and quantity. Blue side has more, but a bunch of it is crap. Th red side may have less, but it is all good and well written stuff.

    Meh, not the place for this argument.

    I am sure GR, and issues coming down the pipe will be a mix of both.
    My main complaint about coop content is that it really doesn't make sense in the universe it is being presented. So far the only "coop" missions involve villains being heros, period. This means:

    1) While some villains might work for the greater good (at least occasionally), others don't. So no new content for selfish villains who play their character.
    2) Since Coop missions all involve being heroic, all heros can run them without worrying about "My character would never do something like that."
    3) There are no "coop" missions that involve doing something bad, like stealing inventions for personal use or the buring the school books missions, etc. A half the reasons for having missions can't be used and interesting paths can't be followed. Red and Blue side CoH doesn't work for me as a villain.

    I think coop could probably be fixed somewhat by having mission arcs with different text for heros and villains.

    Hero: Is infiltrating a villain team.
    Hero: Is trying to recover some world threatening device and is forced to do whatever it takes to get it.

    Villain: Is infiltrating a hero team to try and steal information or item they are after.

    What would be really cool would be to remove Villain/Hero identifiers from players and have mission arcs end with slightly different objectives for the last mission so that either the heros or villains win so you have to bide your time before backstabing your teammates. lol THAT is heros and villains teaming up.

    I have concerns for end game content too as I have run my characters to 50 then abandoned them. I don't play 50s and I transfer most of their wealth to lower level toons. Some of mine haven't been respeced since Power Diversification. lol I'm really not set up for this.
  24. Just want to say that after trying event on live yesterday it has the same problem as last year, Santa stocking cap is WAAAAY too hard to get. Sure I know it's random but this is second time in a row I got Toy Collector before getting a Santa Cap. Took another 30 minutes of opening gifts after Toy Collector and that is a LOT of gifts.

    Build a Beast seems the most common special and I have only ever gotten the cap off of a mystery gift temp power. So it is a rare on a rare to win. Just my experience.
  25. Ultra_Violence

    Santa = villain?

    Hey my character every December is A Cheap Pirate Santa. Santa outfit with pirate hat, eye patch, hook and peg leg. Each piece swapped out with normal Santa wear for alternate outfits.

    He runs around shouting "Ho Yo Ho" and has the bio: "The kind of Santa you would order over the internet".

    And yes he is always a villain. (or maybe that's me)