Sexism in Costume Choices?
I'd say Neither 1 nor 2. It is your personal problem.
Although hats.. yeah hats with no hair choices sucks.
It's a political thing. Allowing males to wear female costume options would drastically change the ESRB rating of this game.
Don't blame the ESRB, either; blame soccer moms.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

It's a political thing. Allowing males to wear female costume options would drastically change the ESRB rating of this game.
Don't blame the ESRB, either; blame soccer moms. |
I would like to see different shorts options for both genders and the (IMHO) poor quality of available male hairstyles means i don't play many male characters. I would love to see more options cross gender (the available skirts for women are pretty lame, so I don't have much of an opinion there, but headbands and hair? Do it.)
And I would love to be able to choose a hat/helmet separately from hair. Even if it was a limited selection of hair to deal with clipping - you're not going to get Mimee under a hat, them's the breaks.
In general, there has been a history of limiting costume choices by gender - the technical work is required anew for each skeleton a costume piece applies to, and that is a lot of work. I don't think that it is due to blatant sexism, just the more subtle effect of gender normative clothing choices. The devs have been more careful as time has gone on to get as many costume pieces as possible, but they haven't gone back to the original sets and made sure they were applied equally.
My wish list? French braid.
Altoholism isn't a problem, its a calling.
60+ characters, 5 years, 3 50's.
I reckon it comes down to developer time adapting costume sets to fit all types of skeleton. Should the devs spend time making sure that the Witch Lace costume bits fit a male or huge skeleton? Probably not as it would likely only be a limited amount of players that would use an option like that.
However, that said, I would absolutely love to see tattoos for women.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

I just want headbands for men. Honestly, it makes no sense that women get five variations of a metal headband plus a cloth headband, and men get one hairstyle that happens to have a headband. Gimme those headbands and I'll be fine.
I reckon it comes down to developer time adapting costume sets to fit all types of skeleton. Should the devs spend time making sure that the Witch Lace costume bits fit a male or huge skeleton? Probably not as it would likely only be a limited amount of players that would use an option like that.
However, that said, I would absolutely love to see tattoos for women. |
Speaking as someone from the fairer sex i would like to ogle err i mean would like to see guy toons in sexier cossies.
Why should us girls have all the fun ?
String vests and bottomless chaps for all i say
Speaking as someone from the fairer sex i would like to ogle err i mean would like to see guy toons in sexier cossies.
Why should us girls have all the fun ? String vests and bottomless chaps for all i say ![]() |

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I think the costume creator just reflects real life - in general, there really isn't anything that could be called "male clothing" anymore - women can, and do, wear anything they like, but guys are still limited in what they can wear.
Which is one of the weirder side effect of us having more equality - like before, when there was less equality, there was actually more equality in clothing choices, as both genders had "their" clothes - but now, while guys are still stuck with "their" clothes, we've added them to our options, which means we're free to dress however we like, while they're still stuck with their limited options
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I yearn for Female Baron jackets from the magic pack. And the big hat.
Don't you think that 'sexism' is a loaded, overly dramatic term to use here? It's like saying that Sexy Jay has some kind of Victorian prude agena, that wedding lingerie notwithstanding.
@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor
Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.
I would so much like more long hair options for males. In real life I always liked men with long hair, and my only male alt would look so much better if I could use Glam option on him.
Also how come male option have face with cigar and female doesn't? There should be at least Cruella deVille cigarette option for females.
"If you want to win you must not lose."
"Easiest way to turn defeat into a victory is to put on the enemy's uniform"
"Better strategic retreat than dishonorable defeat"
My opinion is the reverse sucks just as much, that guys can't use some female pieces. I have a Bond-style evil megolomaniac who wants, nay, NEEDS that shoulder cat to take him from "serious looking villain" into the realm of corny. Hair's been discussed already, and yeah... I'd like something other than our current long options. Headbands would be great too, and I recently found the need for a hat without hair on a male toon. Can't do that either. Also, those wrist guards you guys get that cover the back of the hand and forearm? Those are *epic.*
As for people thinking using the skirt or dress options might be weird, think of those bits used elsewhere. I'd like some better Shorts/Kilts options for men, my Cimeroran costume on my male brute feels more Celtic than Roman. And I can could the female Magic Super Booster coat to add flair to some of my other villains. (somewhat like Kraven the Hunter's jacket.)
I'd be all for them taking the time to uni-sex costume bits on both sides of the character creator. Heck, maybe Noble Savage should make another poll/topic asking what parts we would specifically like to be adapted.
I would not mind seeing more Kilt options, but I cant get behind the idea of male characters wearing skirts or dresses in general. I dont want this game becoming Rocky Horror Picture Show Online, I just don't.
Also agreeing with the idea that one must wear short hair to wear a hat is just plain stupid. More hair options with the hats would be great. I would also like the male model to be able to wear long hair and I hat.
I could seriously get behind the idea of a hat/helment booster where this was addressed, and a plethora of new hat/helmet options added... 'cause we need them bad.
I reckon it comes down to developer time adapting costume sets to fit all types of skeleton. Should the devs spend time making sure that the Witch Lace costume bits fit a male or huge skeleton? Probably not as it would likely only be a limited amount of players that would use an option like that.
However, that said, I would absolutely love to see tattoos for women. |
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Don't get me started on the Magic Pack Witch Hat being female only.
Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!
Someone has probably commented about this before, but I haven't seen it, so I thought I'd weigh in. While I'm sure most male players aren't interested in being able to wear skirts or dresses, (if you do, I'm not saying there's anything WRONG with that) why can't male toons have various styles of shorts, other than "briefs"? Why can't any toon of either sex have any available hairstyle? There is only one real "long" style for male toons, which wouldn't look that good on, for instance, a character like Thor. It's actually a "medium long" hairstyle which barely touches the shoulders. The comics abound with males who have hair to their butts. I also don't see why a male toon can't wear a "tiara", which would actually be a "headband". There are some tough metahuman males with metal headbands out there. "Makeup" doesn't seem to be available to male toons, but check out The Joker, Creeper, et al.
I suppose there are design reasons why things are the way they are re: costuming, and I realise we have vast choices, so I may sound spoiled, but what I'm really asking here is 1) Who thinks this is a coding / dev issue which no one has bothered to address, since we have so much other cool stuff coming all the time, and 2) Who thinks this may be a more "political" issue, purposefully instituted to keep the game tamed down so we don't have dozens of Rocky Horror-style Frank-n-Furter types running around?
Understand that I myself have no desire to ceate a male toon with fishnet stockings, but someone might. I just dislike the idea of limitations when there's no real reason for them.
Of course, I realise this issue may be the result of a combination of both the above factors, coding & "correctness". CoH is a great but sometimes schizo sort of game, in that it appeals to both kids & adults, and having kids, I can understand the thin line when it comes to what's "appropriate", even in using highly obscure "bad names". I recently was suspended for 3 days for "bad-naming" a female villain, and I won't even say it was unfair. Yet the GMs don't mind that she continues to run around dressed like a 5th Column dominatrix. (With short hair, because she wears a military style hat. I got the basic toon at random, and the hat itself sent me off down her path of origin. In this case, the toon herself is a no-nonsense Loyalist jerk, so the short hair doesn't bother me. It fits her style.)
I can't leave without mentioning the "hat issue". I'm sure that someday this will be addressed by the Devs, but currently it seems that if you choose to wear a hat, you MUST have short hair. So many toons would look vastly cooler with hats plus various lengths and styles of hair, regardless of sex.
Someone out there is saying "this guy wants the world!", but don't we all? Lol. Actually, I wrote this because the servers have crashed on a Saturday morning, & I'm killing time 'til they go back up.