X-Mas.. er... Winter Event Wish List




Dear Santa Dev,

We, the CoH Players, have been very good this year and would like to cash in all those Good Player Reward Merits for the following things for Next Year's Winter Event.

1) Those of us running Crab Soldiers would like to hang various things from the tips of our crab arms. The short list to include: Christmas Tree Ornaments, Gingerbread Men, Tinsel (draped from arm to arm) and Mistletoe... DEFINITELY the mistletoe!

2) Masterminds would like the ability to dress our minions up as reindeer.. either with just the antler head band or with a full-body transformation. Also the most powerful minion should get the glow-in-the-dark red Rudolph nose. If reindeer are too difficult then we believe Santa's Elves would be an acceptable substitute.

3) Necromancy Master Minds would like the Winter Event option of summoning the cast from Nightmare Before Christmas.

4) Robotic Master Minds would enjoy access to minions looking like they just arrived from the Island for Misfit Toys.

5) The Ho-Ho-Ho Belly Grabbing Laugh emote please.

6) New Teleport power animation where you touch the side of your nose before zipping up a chimney.

7) Visions of Sugar Plums temp power - PBAoE Sleep doing no damage. While standing there snoozing those affected will have little thought clouds with dancing plums in them.

Before you shake your heads and dismiss this as yet another silly Steelclaw list. I would like to make one last suggestion. Make this a Holiday Booster Pack and release it next year. Take most of the proceeds from sales and donate them to Toys for Tots or some other national charity that gives presents to under-priveleged children.

I'll buy one. Promise.

Merry-Happy-Joyous Holidays,


My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



I like it. Why wouldn't anyone like it?



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
5) The Ho-Ho-Ho Belly Grabbing Laugh emote please.
I really like this idea as an honest suggestion. It'd go well sitting next to Snowflakes in the Candy Keeper's catalog.

Maybe also some kind of Grinch-related emote (the smile would be hard to pull off) for a naughty/nice parody/parity.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Dear Santa Dev,

We, the CoH Players, have been very good this year and would like to cash in all those Good Player Reward Merits for the following things for Next Year's Winter Event.

1) Those of us running Crab Soldiers would like to hang various things from the tips of our crab arms. The short list to include: Christmas Tree Ornaments, Gingerbread Men, Tinsel (draped from arm to arm) and Mistletoe... DEFINITELY the mistletoe!

2) Masterminds would like the ability to dress our minions up as reindeer.. either with just the antler head band or with a full-body transformation. Also the most powerful minion should get the glow-in-the-dark red Rudolph nose. If reindeer are too difficult then we believe Santa's Elves would be an acceptable substitute.

3) Necromancy Master Minds would like the Winter Event option of summoning the cast from Nightmare Before Christmas.

4) Robotic Master Minds would enjoy access to minions looking like they just arrived from the Island for Misfit Toys.

5) The Ho-Ho-Ho Belly Grabbing Laugh emote please.

6) New Teleport power animation where you touch the side of your nose before zipping up a chimney.

7) Visions of Sugar Plums temp power - PBAoE Sleep doing no damage. While standing there snoozing those affected will have little thought clouds with dancing plums in them.

Before you shake your heads and dismiss this as yet another silly Steelclaw list. I would like to make one last suggestion. Make this a Holiday Booster Pack and release it next year. Take most of the proceeds from sales and donate them to Toys for Tots or some other national charity that gives presents to under-priveleged children.

I'll buy one. Promise.

Merry-Happy-Joyous Holidays,

This. Especially coz of the bolded part. Do a full-on holiday pack that's just for charity, and watch the sales and PR and goodwill skyrocket.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I don't see anything funny about this... I only see BRILLIANCE!

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Dude, you forgot the special Xmas Cookie Inspiration. Swallow it and you get a quick sugar rush to your SPD and RECH!



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Before you shake your heads and dismiss this as yet another silly Steelclaw list. I would like to make one last suggestion. Make this a Holiday Booster Pack and release it next year. Take most of the proceeds from sales and donate them to Toys for Tots or some other national charity that gives presents to under-priveleged children.

I'll buy one. Promise.
I've yet to read of any other MMO doing something like this. Such a creation/action, even if the Devs only donated half the money to charity, would generate tremendous good PR, as well as elevating the social status of gamers a bit more (something I'm highly in favor of).

Bravo, Steelclaw! You've managed to combine brilliance and ingenuity with practicality. I'm jealous as all get-out.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Dear Santa Dev,

We, the CoH Players, have been very good this year and would like to cash in all those Good Player Reward Merits for the following things for Next Year's Winter Event.

1) Those of us running Crab Soldiers would like to hang various things from the tips of our crab arms. The short list to include: Christmas Tree Ornaments, Gingerbread Men, Tinsel (draped from arm to arm) and Mistletoe... DEFINITELY the mistletoe!

2) Masterminds would like the ability to dress our minions up as reindeer.. either with just the antler head band or with a full-body transformation. Also the most powerful minion should get the glow-in-the-dark red Rudolph nose. If reindeer are too difficult then we believe Santa's Elves would be an acceptable substitute.

3) Necromancy Master Minds would like the Winter Event option of summoning the cast from Nightmare Before Christmas.

4) Robotic Master Minds would enjoy access to minions looking like they just arrived from the Island for Misfit Toys.

5) The Ho-Ho-Ho Belly Grabbing Laugh emote please.

6) New Teleport power animation where you touch the side of your nose before zipping up a chimney.

7) Visions of Sugar Plums temp power - PBAoE Sleep doing no damage. While standing there snoozing those affected will have little thought clouds with dancing plums in them.

Before you shake your heads and dismiss this as yet another silly Steelclaw list. I would like to make one last suggestion. Make this a Holiday Booster Pack and release it next year. Take most of the proceeds from sales and donate them to Toys for Tots or some other national charity that gives presents to under-priveleged children.

I'll buy one. Promise.

Merry-Happy-Joyous Holidays,

i support this suggestion.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I'll buy it. In fact, I'll go out right now and buy two stuffed bunnies and donate it to Toys For Tots as a pre-emptive move for this 'Holiday Pack' idea.
I'll see your bunnies and raise you an RC helicopter.

Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=247787



Originally Posted by OmnipotentMerlin View Post
I like it. Why wouldn't anyone like it?
Well my Santa character is "A Cheap Pirate Santa" you know they kind you'd get off the internet?

So he says "Ho YO Ho" I demand my own emote, I pay my $15 a month. :|

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Been actually thinking about this as a serious booster pack. It could include:

Prestige Power: Speed Skating (a la Ninja Run meets Power Slide)
Prestige Power: Holiday Help (summon an elf, gingerbread man, snowman, or reindeer - non-combat pet who runs around after you)
Prestige Power: You've Been...! (affect other player - "Nice" they glow a la levelling up and get all the Tier 2 insp boosts at once, like a lesser powered levelling up bonus... "Naughty" they turn into a lump of coal for 20 seconds)
Emote: Caroling (character stands with book in both hands, head bobbing as though singing)
Emote: Belly laugh (see Steelclaw's description above)
Emote: Pucker Up (character whips out mistletoe and holds it above his/her head, while standing on tiptoe)
Costume Part: Blinky red nose
Costume Part: Antlers
Costume Part: Ice Skates
Customizable Weapon: Ski poles (dual blades)
Aura: Christmas Lights (dual color, blinks on and off)
Base Item: Christmas Tree (duh)
Base Item: Menorah (also duh)
Base Item: Something Kwanzaa-ish (no idea)
Base Item: Sleigh (it'll fit nicely between the Longbow Chaser and the Arachnos Flier - make your own assumptions about why you have it)

I don't know about any of you, but I'd shell out $10 for this, especially if half of it went to charity.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)