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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Only Psi Melee hasn't been made. Willpower can easily be the Psi Defense set. Dual Blades got made. Shields got made. And the VERY DISTANT third place Street Fighting set has been made.

    So, we've just lost out on the psi melee really. :/
    And let's be honest the idea of psi melee is quite dumb ...
  2. Quote:
    1) What about the newspapers/radios and such missions be scale-able much like the praetoria zone events, that way people have a reason to go back to old zones every so often?
    I would LOVE for there to be a way to do the mayhem/safeguard missions that you have outleveled, either through ouroborus (how about adding an 'arc' for each level range consisting out of 3 or 5 paper missions and the mayhem?) or make them scalable like in the above suggestion.

    It's a real pain to either a) make sure you don't out level them so you get the badges, which can break the flow of the game or limits what you can do with a character or b) harass people on lower level characters to join their missions.

    It's especially annoying villainside where they attached an accolade power to it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    I really don't see why they can't just offer all the options. If the rumors of increased revenue from these packs are true then I would think it would be worth the development time.
    Because making three time as many pieces per set means it takes three times as much time to create one set which means we get three times as few different sets. Not really that hard to get imo.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    Note that doing that will only solve the problem if you're running a 64-bit OS.

    On a 32-bit OS, the game's total address space will be limited to 2GB no matter what. With 64-bit, it can expand a bit past that and caps out just shy of 4GB.
    Not sure what you're saying here. I'm not that knowledgeable on this stuff past the basics, but I'm aware that a 32bit OS only uses ~3.5gig out of that 4gig RAM. My kid brother's pc has a 32bit windows vista. Fact is that he was crashing multiple times per night on 2GB and hasn't crashed even once since I replaced his old 2*1GB RAM with 2*2GB a couple of weeks back (and adjusted the bios to allow for it, system wouldn't even boot without it. crappy packard bell junk.) The cut off is distinct. Game runs a lot smoother too.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post

    Once I hit 1.5g or so usage the game crashes.
    How much RAM do you have in your system? My kid brother had the same problem but it went away when he upgraded from 2 gig to 4 gig RAM.
  6. C for being the simplest version with the most versatility.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    As far as I know, is a liquor made from wormwood.
    True absinthe can only be purchased in France, I believe. Anything else is a facsimile made with variations of anise or licorice.

    Originally, an herbal preparation of wormwood was used to treat cases of... you guessed it... worms.

    Unfortunately, the process of creating an alcohol from it results in a rather strong, hallucinogenic product (and wasn't always consistent). From what I understand, it is now strictly regulated in France, while several other countries have banned it entirely.

    Yea, I'm aware of the drink, we call both the plant and drink 'absint' around here. But it's the definitely the herb itself, not the alcoholic drink derived from it. My colleague is Muslim, he doesn't drink anything with alcohol in it.

    This one:
  8. I like C, but does it have a metallic effect on the suit? It looks like it in the picture. That would really hinder its mixing and matching potential, so I think I'm going to vote for A instead.
  9. I usually never drink my tea with sweeteners, but a colleague of mine, he's Moroccan, has taken to making a fresh pot of tea for our team at the start of morning shifts. He says it's the traditional way his family always makes tea. It has green tea, mint, orange blossom, absint* and about 20 sugar cubes per pot. It's quite nice imo, though some of my colleagues think it's a tad on the sweet side.

    *did some googling and I think you English speaking folks call it the common or grand wormwood.
  10. I quite like the mini stories from most of the tip missions in game, but the mission the OP is talking about never made any sense to me either.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    Honestly I agree with those who think it would have made more sense for the Romulus stuff to remain ITF exclusive (since that stuff IS directly tied to the ITF's story), while the normal swords were included in the pack.
    With the added qualifier that I don't care much either way about this pack, I do agree with this sentiment. I fail to see the logic in how it was decided which weapons to add and which to omit from this pack.

    It would've made a lot more sense to just leave the Romulus sword and shield exclusive to the ITF and add all the other weapons to this pack.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TremDei View Post
    Yeah, just what the title says. A Weapons Pack.

    Hear me out first, though.

    Right now, in the game (as of Issue 22 Beta), there are 12 weapon-based sets:

    Assault Rifle
    Dual Pistols
    Beam Rifle/Pulse Rifle
    Dual Blades
    Titan Weapons
    Staff Weapons

    In many of these sets, a number of logical weapon choices are actually missing (Tech Katana, Impervium Broadsword, Etc.), while a few sets (Claws, Beam Rifle) are under represented.

    My suggestion? A Booster Pack containing AT LEAST SIX additional weapons for each category. A lot of weapon suggestions have been listed in this forum somewhere, and a bit of research would come up with many more.

    Yes, it would probably cost about the same as the other Costume Boosters, but I feel it is a very needed pack, and as a pack, would allow people to choose if they want them or not.
    6x12 is 72 costume pieces. I think that's a bit ambitious for one pack. That's never gonna go for 400 points judging by current price points.

    Really like the idea of a pack like this though.
  13. There're some really nice and creative uses of costume creator in there. Nice contest. Congratulations to all the winners.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
    To my knowledge every movement power stops movement animations to play a power animation, though I can see that weapons would require a myriad (though the running animation doesn't chaNge it'S animation) of new animations, what I'm getting at is the why not? Why limit the players to ONLY non combat? You're repeating the same thing many have said: "it fluff" "Only for RP" "not necessary" " you want this done yesterday". I only want this worked on piece by piece but on the back burner. Though you are wrong it's not asking for the world, just a bit of diversity. I mean I can settle with walk (as it isn't a bought "fluff power) being the only one to no suppress powers, and I know there would be a wave of "well if walk doesn't why can't X" when you can respond to that with "Well X is one the back-burner" I'm glad I actually got an informed non snarky response, and honored a red name even bothered to post here. Simple request I would like a revamp of walk have that announced to be on the back burner, than you can move on to the others. Alot of players would be happy with this slow change, and it would allow more diversity amongst them.
    You got it spelled out in black and white by a red name, and STILL you won't accept the argument that it is simply to much work to be cost efficient?

    Dense or simply trolling?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    My real question about this is since this is a new skeleton and such and it'd be rather wasteful to only do the pet and the coyote run power... how long till we see full beast powers and perhaps a cat run power ^.^
    Beast mastery mastermind primary coming to an issue near you soon(tm)!
    Also, the Tier 9 pet from dark control uses to dog model.

    I'm sure there'll be more too.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
    No enough in the carnie pack to be worth my points. I like them, and dont care about the balance but I don't want to encourage smaller packs for same prices. We've lost enough value no longer having super packs with emotes/power/costumes.
    All the carnie pieces combined, without the mace, are 'just' 280 points. It's when you add the mace at 3x80 points (1 per body type) that the price goes above the 400 threshhold.

    Since I don't have a single mace wielding character, and am not very likely to ever get one, let alone one of each body type all using the carnie mace, I just bought the costume pieces seperately (except the boots, won't use those either).

    Just to say that I agree with the pack being to expensive for what's in it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    While I don't think this change was necessary and it seemed fine being able to occasionally sneak new people into the club...

    I don't think it's set up quite that badly...
    I think it just means that every character would have to be doing the arc, getting the missions as the team goes through it (as we've been doing it all this time).
    You should be able to complete the missions together, with the single run, so long as everyone has the mission(s).

    The thing that's changing is people hopping on board just for the final mission. You can still start the arc together with a group of people. Everyone just needs to accept their own missions. (and have the co-op complete option turned on.)
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
    I see where you are coming from, but my comment still stands. When was the last time you saw or heard a teenager say how much they loved <insert bow themed hero here>?

    Hell the only reason Green Arrow was on Smallville or tv for that matter in the first place was because they couldn't use Batman.
    I know at least one 13 year old girl who took up archery because of Katnis of the Hunger Games. It's insanely popular.
  19. I like the general idea of the coyote power, but:

    1. Why a coyote of all things? It's rather 'niche', no? Don't think I've ever hear anyone say "wow, wish I could turn into a coyote!"
    2. You really should try to find another solution than just detoggling everything.
    3. To expensive for an item of such limited use.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
    I won't change my views, personally. I have seen the good that comes with the ''terrorism'' and it will prevail but everyone will believe it was democracy that saved the day without giving headway to those behind the scenes doing the taunting. I won't really go into it since Tony has most of your support (being your game, forums, yadda yadda) but I believe Anon is getting everything they deserve; including just desserts. It will be some time from now when the FBI comes knocking but what they do until then amuses me to no end. I personally laugh at all angles, for my view of life might be a tad cynical.

    Your views, and those others who ''put down'' anon's actions are nice, for you and yours. I'll keep to mine as seeing them in the right, and as for taking things down, well, being of a strategic mind with a slight '' see the world as pawns'' kind of ordeal; friendly fire happens all the time. Meh. Oops.

    Anon will always be anon in the public eye, be it good or bad. I'll support them through thick and thin. They're adorable to me.

    New-frog to a Chan Girl M00t's Angyl is like tossing charcoal in a pond and expecting it to turn the water into gold. Sense none? Common not found.
    1. My view of this has nothing to do with me "supporting Tony", or this being "my game" or whatever. I don't even see how that factors into anything.

    2. Thanks for reinforcing my point.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
    Told you guys.

    They are legion lol.

    Anonymous is not some ragtag group, they are not really hactivists, they are not ''a person..'' and the fault can't purely be blamed on them alone. In the sake of War throughout history did talking always get the message across? No? Yeah. Could there been an agreement on both sides if the parties were willing to reach some middle ground? Possibly, but as we all know neither side usually wants to walk 500 miles to reach said ground. They want some leverage over the other side, or to keep what the other is saying No to the most.

    In this case, you can do the blackouts, you can have protests, you can meet with your mayor or governor, send letters to your senate but is that really going to solve anything? Partially, yes. However, in this day and age you have to show a little muscle, a little flex, and cunning. I for one do not see this as a catastrophe or nerd's revenge but rather a militant demonstration using the tools available. Strategy. Sun Tzu's upgraded model.

    There's many ways to get to your enemy defensively, but every now and again you have to prove a point through cyber warfare so to catch the media's attention. Ever notice how the media shifts from ''Anonymous did this!"' to '' Protests around the world...'' almost immediately after? Why? Because attention that was needed had been done by a few so the bigger picture would be grasped.

    Black Outs did their part, but for the News to catch on you need something exciting that makes people go, '' OH I HAVE TO WATCH THAT..'' as opposed to, '' Oh, they're rallying peacefully? Lets see what else is on. ''

    It's the mind set of the peoples today, just like in the news a mass majority won't watch something or read about something if it doesn't have a formidable action involved in either a gruesome manner or destructive way.

    Yup. Welcome to 2012, and Anon is just warming up.

    It's petty digital terrorism. Nothing more. You even use a lot of the same arguments that terrorist use the justify their actions.

    For reasons why they're not helping anyone, read TonyV's post.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
    For the one asking about Anon's involvement..

    Their presence is about to be felt. Yoda's feeling a disturbance in the net, spiderman is tingling, and super man's brow is wrinkled.

    I think it's fair to say there's going to a carpstorm a brewin' and the epic turnabout is soon to be seen as not fair play.

    Good luck intarwebz.
    I really hope they keep out of it. Terrorism never helps any legitimate cause.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    No alternate means at launch, you mean. Which is exactly what they said during the first wave of feedback after the last Player Summit.
    Was a bum move then, still is one now. If the enhancements can be available through Incarnate merits, I really don't see why the costume pieces can't be either.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    hehe I think I would "lol" at some of those "tweets" (ugh ).

    I am apathetic towards quite a few things (which is my personal issue that I try to fight/get over)...but when I saw this and then the Google's website change, I actually did sign the petition as well as email the Senators/House of Reps. people for my state....something I've never done before.

    By doing so I achieved the "morally superior to those that didn't do so feeling"!

    Enjoy, or despair. Whatever suits you best.
  25. What side do you pick more than others?

    I'm a redside native, so all my mains and older characters are there. It has evened out a bit in recent times.

    What play style do you prefer?

    I got certain characters I solo exclusively with. New story content I always run solo (or duo/trio with my brothers) a couple of times.
    I like PuGs when I'm just after levels, or on certain characters that don't solo well I always PuG.
    I'm also a big fan of high end TFs and the Incarnate Trials.

    What power set(s) do you favor?

    I like control, ranged blasts and buff/debuff sets that don't require me reapplying buffs every couple of minutes. Solo I usually prefer melee.
    Dark Miasma, fire blast, energy blast, earth control, elec control are my
    current favorite powersets.

    What zones do you like the most?

    I don't really have a favorite zone.

    Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?

    I play both about equally, maybe a slight skew towards male. It just happens that way. When I come up with a new concept for a character gender is usually attached to it.

    Views on Role Playing?

    I'm not spontaneous or creative enough to be any good at it, so it's not for me. But I'll be the last person to get in the way of other peoples RP sessions.


    Union, born and raised.