NCSoft Launcher uses 17% of CPU??



Should the NCSoft Launcher be using 17% of my CPU power, even when it's minimized in the tray? To be fair, I see it use from 10% to 17%, but weighted strongly toward the high end of that scale.

-- Rich
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I get 0% if I just bring it up and minimize it.

If I go to the CoH page in the launcher, that takes a chunk of CPU time for who knows what, can't just be the rotating graphic, can it?

So yes, you aren't crazy, the launcher is using a ridiculous amount of resources simply "idling". Guess that's just another good reason to configure it to go away while playing. Someone there (NCSoft/Paragon) should take a good hard look as to why this happens.

CPU % will parked at each page you can get to via the buttons on the left:

News page - 0%
Store page - 0%
CoH page - whoa! not trivial
Lineage II page - 0% (not on my machine)
Guild War page - 0% (not on my machine)
CoH Beta - 0% (not currently on my machine)
Aion - 0% (not on my machine)

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Odd - tried this on mine

News page - 1% dropping to 0% within couple of seconds
Store page - 1% dropping to 0% within couple of seconds
CoH page - 2% dropping to 0% within couple of seconds
Lineage II page - 3% dropping to 0% within couple of seconds
Guild War page - 1% dropping to 0% within couple of seconds
CoH Beta - 2% dropping to 0% within couple of seconds
Aion - 3% dropping to 0% within couple of seconds

Which is pretty much what I would expect to see however every click increases the memory footprint - but then we all know about the memory leak.

My guess this is related to the web page being served rather than the launcher itself. - Either that or the OP has a trickle D/L kicking off.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
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Is anyone actually having issues with the NC Soft Launcher hanging after you exit the game and attempt to open it/relaunch it a little while later?

I open the launcher, play CoH, get mad b/c I cannot get a VR drop (lol), close the game, come back in an hour or so and try to relaunch the launcher from the taskbar to open up CoH and it hangs my Quad CPU @25% and I have to end the process manually. The same thing happens on my Dual Core machine (CPU @50%). Win7 64 on both with, 4-8GB RAM, etc..etc..

This is easily re-creatable and happens consistently each and every time...




Same here, NCSoft Launcher basically uses a full core and needs to be killed. Not necessarly after playing; If I let it run long enough, it'll crash anyway.



The real solution:
Don't leave it up and running!
Set it to only fire up long enough to start the game.
It's a very VERY badly behaved piece of software that shouldn't be used, save to launch the game.

Here's how:

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Beber View Post
Same here, NCSoft Launcher basically uses a full core and needs to be killed. Not necessarly after playing; If I let it run long enough, it'll crash anyway.
This. I shut it down as soon as I get the login screen. It doesn't release resources and will eventually crash my system.

The game itself also has a memory leak and has for me for over five years, even after wiping the hard drive and reinstalling, and after getting a completely new computer.

Once I hit 1.5g or so usage the game crashes.

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Are you guys running Windows 7 because I haven't had memory/crashing issues under Windows XP with this since i22 went to public beta. With the testing on migrations I did a little bit ago I'd forgotten to change the setting (to make it close) and realized recently that it's been open the whole time and I've been playing 4-6hr stints with no issues. Then again, I check for patches and make them finish before playing at all now.



Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
Are you guys running Windows 7 because I haven't had memory/crashing issues under Windows XP with this since i22 went to public beta. With the testing on migrations I did a little bit ago I'd forgotten to change the setting (to make it close) and realized recently that it's been open the whole time and I've been playing 4-6hr stints with no issues. Then again, I check for patches and make them finish before playing at all now.
Win7 64 bit here on a Phenom Quad with 8GB DDR3...I don't crash in CoH, the NCSoft launcher crashes and I have to kill it to relaunch CoH. It does the same thing on another Win7 64 Core 2 Duo on 4GB DDR2, so I'm thinking it's a Win7 64 just completely utilizes a core and has to be manually terminated.

Also - thanks Hyperstrike for the link - so far so good with those changes!



You should see how much memory it chews up when left running, too.

I've had a couple friends complain about the game being really slow / laggy, and when I checked, the NCSoft Launcher was running and eating up over a gig of ram. For one of them, who still had an old machine with 2Gb in it, this was completely killing their ability to run the game.

I always recommend that everyone use the "Exit Launcher after starting game" option because of this.



Excellent advice Codewalker, sometimes I forget these things with how long I've been playing It amazes me when I glitch up then I check out the forums and get the reminder.


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Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post

Once I hit 1.5g or so usage the game crashes.
How much RAM do you have in your system? My kid brother had the same problem but it went away when he upgraded from 2 gig to 4 gig RAM.

@True Metal
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Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
How much RAM do you have in your system? My kid brother had the same problem but it went away when he upgraded from 2 gig to 4 gig RAM.
Note that doing that will only solve the problem if you're running a 64-bit OS.

On a 32-bit OS, the game's total address space will be limited to 2GB no matter what. With 64-bit, it can expand a bit past that and caps out just shy of 4GB.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Note that doing that will only solve the problem if you're running a 64-bit OS.

On a 32-bit OS, the game's total address space will be limited to 2GB no matter what. With 64-bit, it can expand a bit past that and caps out just shy of 4GB.
Not sure what you're saying here. I'm not that knowledgeable on this stuff past the basics, but I'm aware that a 32bit OS only uses ~3.5gig out of that 4gig RAM. My kid brother's pc has a 32bit windows vista. Fact is that he was crashing multiple times per night on 2GB and hasn't crashed even once since I replaced his old 2*1GB RAM with 2*2GB a couple of weeks back (and adjusted the bios to allow for it, system wouldn't even boot without it. crappy packard bell junk.) The cut off is distinct. Game runs a lot smoother too.

@True Metal
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Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Not sure what you're saying here. I'm not that knowledgeable on this stuff past the basics, but I'm aware that a 32bit OS only uses ~3.5gig out of that 4gig RAM. My kid brother's pc has a 32bit windows vista. Fact is that he was crashing multiple times per night on 2GB and hasn't crashed even once since I replaced his old 2*1GB RAM with 2*2GB a couple of weeks back (and adjusted the bios to allow for it, system wouldn't even boot without it. crappy packard bell junk.) The cut off is distinct. Game runs a lot smoother too.
Perhaps there's more to this than we think? It just dawned on me that I used to have this issue and figured it got fixed because this system doesn't crash anymore. Then I just remembered that I rearranged the DIMMs between my laptops so that both have 3Gb instead of 4Gb/2Gb. Maybe the game's somehow trying to use memory mapped beyond the 2Gb barrier?



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Note that doing that will only solve the problem if you're running a 64-bit OS.

On a 32-bit OS, the game's total address space will be limited to 2GB no matter what. With 64-bit, it can expand a bit past that and caps out just shy of 4GB.

Not quite
Windows 32 bit (and most other 32bit OSs) have a total adress space of 4Gb - this includes things like graphics memory and other hardware thats mapped to memory. There is also a 2Gb PROCESS limit, however the game does use multiple processes - in practice the game will be able to access up to about 2.5-2.75Gb.

It may be worth trying reseating your memory sticks or even testing them to see if any are faulty. Another possibility could be that you have run out of memory and are not ablt to swap it out to disk - swap file too small/disabled or insufficient contiguous free space on your hard disk or a bad sector on the disk in the middle of the swap file.
It could also be some other software on your system that has a memory leak.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
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Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
Not quite
Windows 32 bit (and most other 32bit OSs) have a total adress space of 4Gb - this includes things like graphics memory and other hardware thats mapped to memory. There is also a 2Gb PROCESS limit, however the game does use multiple processes - in practice the game will be able to access up to about 2.5-2.75Gb.
Err, no it doesn't. There's only one process: cityofheroes.exe. Multiple threads within a process share the same address space and can't have different mappings. The Commit Size / VM Size (XP) column in task manager shows the address space usage. I have heard a few reports of the "Memory (Working Set)" occasionally being higher than the VM size, which is actually impossible. It's either a bug in task manager, or it's counting some kernel buffers against the process.

On a 64-bit OS the kernel doesn't occupy the upper 2GB of address space, leaving it open for use by executables that are flagged as large address aware (which CoH is).


In practice, Win32 and/or WoW64 will use some of that address space for their own use, but nothing close to the 2GB that is normally reserved for KVA.

2GB is the hard max for a process on 32-bit Windows, unless you are running with the /3GB flag to use a 3GB/1GB user/kernel split. However a few device drivers have problems with that because they make assumptions about the kernel address layout, so YMMV.

If simply adding memory fixes the crash, it's likely that your page file size was set too low. Otherwise it should simply swap more, which will bring the system to its knees as it thrashes the pagefile, but won't actually cause a crash.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Err, no it doesn't. There's only one process: cityofheroes.exe. Multiple threads within a process share the same address space and can't have different mappings. The Commit Size / VM Size (XP) column in task manager shows the address space usage. I have heard a few reports of the "Memory (Working Set)" occasionally being higher than the VM size, which is actually impossible. It's either a bug in task manager, or it's counting some kernel buffers against the process.

On a 64-bit OS the kernel doesn't occupy the upper 2GB of address space, leaving it open for use by executables that are flagged as large address aware (which CoH is).


In practice, Win32 and/or WoW64 will use some of that address space for their own use, but nothing close to the 2GB that is normally reserved for KVA.

2GB is the hard max for a process on 32-bit Windows, unless you are running with the /3GB flag to use a 3GB/1GB user/kernel split. However a few device drivers have problems with that because they make assumptions about the kernel address layout, so YMMV.

If simply adding memory fixes the crash, it's likely that your page file size was set too low. Otherwise it should simply swap more, which will bring the system to its knees as it thrashes the pagefile, but won't actually cause a crash.
Which is weird because my Swap for that configuration (2Gb) would have been RAM*1.5 or 3Gb. On my current config (3Gb) I use the same ratio and end up with a 4.5Gb swap. Post i13 (because I don't know where between that and i18 this became an issue) this causes crashes on the first setup but not the second. I'd be really interested in seeing what's really going on as I've seen the game use nearly 2Gb (Mem Usage as listed in XP x86) and 2Gb (VM Size) when on an iTrial. I crashed something like 4-6 times in a very short time before basically giving up on them for a while.



Each app running has up to a 2GB chunk of memory that it thinks it has all to itself (32-bit Windows, sand /3GB flag). That memory can be in actual system memory or in the swap file. So the swap file can be as large as the sum of the memory requirements of all the apps running.

Windows defaults the swap file size to 1.5 times your system memory and can grow it from there if needed, unless you set the swap file to be a fixed size. Back in the early days of the game, pre I6/CoV, I recommended to set the swap file to a 2GB fixed size as a way to improve performance since most players back then had only 1GB of system memory and knew well enough to exit the rest of their apps (browser) when they played the game to conserve memory.

The swap file is still used even if you have enough system memory for all the apps running in the system. Windows will swap out infrequently accessed memory to the swap file so real system memory can be used immediately if needed or as part of the disk cache.

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Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
Are you guys running Windows 7 because I haven't had memory/crashing issues under Windows XP with this since i22 went to public beta. With the testing on migrations I did a little bit ago I'd forgotten to change the setting (to make it close) and realized recently that it's been open the whole time and I've been playing 4-6hr stints with no issues. Then again, I check for patches and make them finish before playing at all now.
Have that same problem. And another:
If I manually exit NCSoft Launcher, the process will still keep running. Telling it to exit just removes it from the tray, doesn't actually end the program.

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Try this: Start the launcher, on the top left click File>Settings. Under the general tab the bottom option should read: "After launching a game:", click the drop down under it and select "Exit Launcher" then click OK. What this will do is when you select to play a game, the NCSoft launcher will immediately exit shutting down the process entirely and all you will have is the game running.



Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
Try this: Start the launcher, on the top left click File>Settings. Under the general tab the bottom option should read: "After launching a game:", click the drop down under it and select "Exit Launcher" then click OK. What this will do is when you select to play a game, the NCSoft launcher will immediately exit shutting down the process entirely and all you will have is the game running.
Hmmm. Not a bad idea. Only "problem" is then you'd "miss out" on the "patches."

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Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
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Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
Hmmm. Not a bad idea. Only "problem" is then you'd "miss out" on the "patches."

Currently listening to Brand New's Your Favorite Weapon
The launcher will still check for updates and download/apply 'em even if it's set to close after launch. I prefer to have it shut down, freeing up memory/resources, and haven't had any issues with the patches on COH.



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
Hmmm. Not a bad idea. Only "problem" is then you'd "miss out" on the "patches."
Originally Posted by TerraShock View Post
The launcher will still check for updates and download/apply 'em even if it's set to close after launch.
To avoid confusing anyone: the launcher will still check for updates and download/apply them WHEN YOU START THE LAUNCHER. If you set it to close after starting the game, it can not do this in the background. Which is actually a good thing. Most connections will suffer if you're doing a multi-megabyte download in the background while gaming.

If I'm expecting a patch on a particular day, I leave the launcher running when I'm not playing.

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