824 -
Ive now deleted all cox fb pages....do NOT send me any... i mean it. All your doom and gloom is enough in game and here. I dont have fake facebook with my toon pretending im real...i dont know who you are then you wont get on it...you could be spammers for all i know. If you wont even show your real face then why would i give you the time of day...
well ill get yelled at for this..but i hit time to let it go. frankly unless the devs keep their already gone jobs its not worth it just to keep a game going without new content.
we were starved for a long time between issues back in the day.i cant imgaine having to go through that misery again sorry. but its true. i need new content.
everyone here including myself went to the rally and we signed everything under the sun. but maybe theyll see from this that we need a new game and they come up with coh 2! yeah its a long shot. but it could happen.but it might not happen if we keep this one alive just to keep whats left alive. -
im glad malibu is being remembered..her avatar alone always put a smile on my face when i saw it. she was very clever!
im in there!...thanks for the picture! what a great shot!
probably still their jobs..this is more then just a game you know. he might be earning whats left of a paycheck. if hes told to moderate then hes probably trying to earn a few extra before he reallly is unemployed
3693 for my fire tank ...not to shabby!
puppies dumpster diving back in issue 2 was always fun and a great laugh!
no clue where im going.texted a couple people already from guardian cma. no one knows what their gonna do.
lost in the wind atm.but peace to you cma my fellow tank brother! we really didnt play much together since we were both tanks but we both have the tanker mentality. good luck to ya! -
yeah i jumped on..and wanted to play..but really for what?. in one single day it will all be gone.
meh.im sure ill wanna do some stuff later this week or next..but yeah not now -
well ive been a tanker since dec 27th 2004.
i hit em high and dropped em low. Left chaos and ruins in my path.Protected the innoccent and made the bad guys pay! Tank for Life! -
agreed ....i do like running with the p.f. and all...but im yawning on this one and really?..fusionette?..really?..come on
Quote:/signed jranger?Hi everyone,
I think this is a good discussion, and it has a lot of potential. However, please avoid detracting from that potential by posting things like "signed", which only serve to lengthen the thread without improving content.
Thank you,
oops!...ok ok i kid! i kid!....how bout tanks need to be fixed since their really not needed in alot of content anymore -
Quote:Sure and golden girl actually logs in this game and plays the actual content....neither anyone believesI am.
And I can think of several situations that might cause a fusion reactor to detonate it's remaining fuel.
The idea that fusion offers a "safe and clean" alternative to fission is this: propaganda and wishful thinking. Everything has a cost. The only safe and clean alternative is to use less energy.
But this is a movie. Narrative is all powerful. If the plot says it explodes, it explodes (just like car petrol tanks). -
unless it was posi who said it....i would take it with a grain of salt.
alas poor recluse we knew him well when once upon a actual day he said the new issue was being joked as " all your bases belong to us" then in a split second he was let go and posi said in an interview " i dont know where you got that from" garbage
so until posi gets his nose out of the donut box long enough to say its true..its not. -
i gotta go to work now so ill check the build later. but just looking it over seems solid so far
So for fighting pool the best thing they could come up with is sand of mu/flurry power with a bonus added in? Isnt the fact that we already have 2 of these powers mean we shouldnt get a 3rd ?
should at least give us the option of not picking up boxing or kick .sick of being forced to grab these powers for my tank..its bad enoughwe need these powers more then any a.t. in the bunch but forcing it is ridiculous -
their under attuned with every other able to be purpled sets..yet they even LOOK the same as all the others yet we dont allow them to be purpled?
is there an actual reason for this? and dont tell me they not the same when the devs clearly categorized thm in the same place and the shell of the set is the same as every entire set that is considered "attuned" it dont fly! -
gota admit thats a big time cast of big timers!
ok so lets see
nerf brutes.( i have 4 brutes so dont think i want them nerfed cause i dont play them.but when it needs to happen theres no going around it so stop complaining about it already)
all kb protection on ALL tanks.
up the max agggro limit.
while im at it. super strength needs a nerf too. sorry boys and girls but the tohit in rage needs to be backed off. infact i say remove the tohit all together from it.keep the damage and nerf the recharge a tad as well.