Please Stop Bombarding Me With Your "Join My CoH Website" Requests...
Aye, I got that one too... But there's more - spamming in game, spamming on Twitter and Facebook, spamming in emails... (still not sure how they got mine but okay). It's just a little too much and takes away the focus from where it really needs to be (ie. "Save CoH" and not "Join my CoH Website").
I dunno about on here, but I had to hide the posts from the Facebook Save Our City of Heroes group because I was being bombarded with mass amounts of crud that had very little to do with saving City of Heroes, just stupid photoshops and screenshots without context.
I guess I've been lucky then - only got the one I posted and nothing anywhere else.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Ive now deleted all cox fb NOT send me any... i mean it. All your doom and gloom is enough in game and here. I dont have fake facebook with my toon pretending im real...i dont know who you are then you wont get on could be spammers for all i know. If you wont even show your real face then why would i give you the time of day...

I am not surprised to be hearing about some of this.
It happened in the Occupy movements. 'Suddenly' all sorts of 'efforts' were being by the group that was counter to the movement, and no one knew who it was.
Safe to say, if it aint Titan, it aint real.
But how else am I going to tell you that you've won two FREE iPod Nanos?!
I hear you, man. For what it's worth, I'm registered on just about all of those Facebook and Twitter pages, and the first few days, I was absolutely deluged with messages to the point where I was missing stuff I needed to know. That's actually been a fear of mine. I want people to stay interested, but I don't want to spam them.
In the interest of helping manage the sheer volume of e-mails people are getting, here's how you disable notifications from groups in Facebook. I'm posting it because I want people joining these groups, but I really don't want to irritate them.
First, on the left side, select the group.
Next, on the right side of the groups' banner, click Notifications / Off.
This will keep your e-mail from getting spammed by them, but it will keep you as a member of the group, and you can browser the updates at your leisure.
We haven't (at least, to my knowledge) been sending PMs to people except of course as replies to people sending them to us. I apologize if stuff has fallen though the cracks.
I can't promise that we won't be yelling less, especially on the social media outlets, since that's kind of the point; however, I probably will post a separate thread a little bit later on opting into the movement but opting out of the noise generated by it so that people can have the level of notifications, low or high, that they want.
Edit: I hope no one is reading my screenshots above as a ding on that particular group; it's just the one I picked for an example. I've done that on all of the groups I joined, and I'm part of the spam on Save City of Heroes.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
So glad I nuked my FB account.
Be well, people of CoH.

Hey guys,
We're sorry if anyone feels bombarded by the few emails we sent out. That was never our intention. I guess in the wake of what we lost, we didn't consider how many people would have the same idea.
I just want to make one thing explicitly clear though. We never saw this as an opportunity to grow our own membership. We just understand that this game has a wonderful community, and it broke our hearts to think what would happen if it were broken up by the lack of a game. And so I said, well we've got a forum full of City of Heroes alumni, why don't we give anyone else suddenly without a home a little bit of a refuge?
Again, it didn't occur to me how many people would have the same idea. I can understand how, in aggregate, that sort of thing could be really annoying.
Anyway, Unleashed isn't really about pressuring anyone to join or harassing folks just going about their day. So if anyone had that reaction we're very sorry. And if you want a place stuffed with other City Vets where you can really come and vent and share, ours doors are always open for you. Thanks for hearing me out.
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
Hhehe, I just click spam for my emails.... I don't get junk now.... I am not in any of those groups..... :P
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The closer it gets to the end, the more people are going o be hawking their sites.
I'm glad everyone's putting their best foot forward to help save the game (assuming it can be saved) and I'm happy to play my part to help further the cause. That said, I see a lot of people using the demise of City of Heroes as a reason to aggressively recruit new members for their own third-party websites (I'm talking unsolicited PMs, emails, and more) and the sheer volume of people blindly spam-soliciting on behalf of their own websites is diluting the main message we need to focus on --- ie. "Save City of Heroes!"
That said, Zwillinger was nice enough to post a thread dedicated to CoH/social networking:
Please use it, and let's keep the PM/email solicitations focused on Saving CoH.