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Quote:Based on the news I follow, the protests and blackouts were the big story and the actions of Anonymous were, if anything, a distraction from that story. I think you're giving Anonymous credit they don't deserve.Ever notice how the media shifts from ''Anonymous did this!"' to '' Protests around the world...'' almost immediately after? Why? Because attention that was needed had been done by a few so the bigger picture would be grasped.
I think Tony V has it exactly correct, hacker attacks are only like to make policy makers more in favor of more internet regulation. It was the overwhelming public outcry against these measures that swung congress' opinion, not the fear of cyber terrorism.
Edit: I also think it's a bit off the mark to suggest the story doesn't have enough teeth to get the public's interest without something more exciting like Anonymous' hacker attacks to capture their attention first. This is a very big, very volitile issue that people really care about. It was a no-brainer for the media to cover the story even without the hacker attacks--and in fact, they were covering it before the attacks happened (which for the most part, seemed to me to be treated as a separate if related story). -
Quote:That makes sense, although, as there is a limit to how many enhancements you can carry at once, it will likely take more than one trip to the vendor to get enough to completely SO out 6 characters. But if you can do it in less than 6 trips, then I agree, base storage is the way to go. I often use storage bins to transfer enhancements to other characters, but I have so many characters spread out on different servers and in different super groups that I often have to resort to email (and of course with email, it's a lot easier to send one lump of inf than multiple emails with one enhancement each)At the moment, I have oh, about half a dozen characters I would need to SO out, all of the same origin. Instead of emailing influence 6 times, running the mission 6 times, and then buying/slotting 6 times, if I could just open the contact once on one character, buy what I need and stick it into a storage bin, that's much easier for me.
Quote:I don't think adding a feature which allows redside players to inconvenience blueside players at will (or vice versa) would ever be very popular. If you want your villain to come into Paragon and cause trouble, that's exactly what Mayhem missions are for. If you want to go to a zone where your villain can compete against player controlled heroes and alter the environment to favor one side over the other, that's what PVP zones are for. But allowing players to negatively impact other players in a separate PVE zone whether they want to participate in the rivalry or not? No thanks.I don't think open world PVP is what they meant, at least that's not how I read that suggestion. I read it more along the lines of a villain coming into Paragon to do a PVE mission, and the results of that mission have a real world effect on the heroes in that area of Paragon for X amount of time. But, not the kind of indirect effects that the PVP zones have for buffing or debuffing people. More like, for example, the villain mission was to sabotage the Wentworth's in Steel Canyon. If successful, as a result heroes in Steel would not be able to use the Wentworth's there for 30 minutes or whatever. Just an example.
If the character the OP is buying for to can use level 35 SOs, they are probably of the correct level for the store contact to talk to them. Its the level 50 that the store contact won't talk to. Emailing influence should work fine--yes, it wasn't an option in the past, I think what Ehrnam meant was, why is no one suggesting that to the OP now?
Am I the only one who read the title as "Help me pick a Booger!"?
This I've noticed--enemies who get knocked down and ragdoll sometimes can't get up even when they have plenty of health left. They just lay there while I finish them off. It's especially noticeable if I'm using a power like repel or hurricane that frequently sends enemies flying.
Quote:Certainly, but how is this a problem to those players? If you feel this feature is incompatable with your rolepalying and sense of immersion, don't use it. It's as simple as that. What do you care what other players do, and how does that affect your personal roleplaying and immersion?In turn, please keep in mind that [roleplaying] is very important to a portion of the community, the one that's the vanguard of immersion in this game. Immersion is vital to an MMORPG since without it, it's ultimately indistinguishable from Prattlefield and Modern Gorefare.
You can count me as part of that portion of the community who cares about roleplaying and immersion. Which is why I won't be buying any alignment change tokens for insta-switchinig and will instead continue enjoying the storylines of the tip missions. But I couldn't care less what other people are doing. Some of them only care about min-maxing their characters and killing stuff. More power to them. -
Quote:If he really did purchase 28 slots back when subscribers only got 8 per server, then he may indeed have been cheated out of 4 slots somewhere.I think he is saying he purchased 28 extra slots when he only had 8 taking him to 36
Then when access to the other side was given all servers should have received an extra 4 slots but as the server he was playing on was already at max he never received those extra 4 on that server
On that basis he probably has a good argument that those extra 4 should have been granted back as global slots at that time - they were purchased slots but technical limitations prevented there allocation.
As such he should have the 2 base slots + 28 purchased not 24 + any vet/box bonus slots applicable
However, the OP seemed to believe that the change from 8 free slots to 12 occurred when Freedom went live. As a number of people have mentioned, this actually happened several years ago. It may be that he was cheated out of 4 paid slots back then and just didn't know it until now. But it may also be that he's lost track of how many slots he purchased/earned and was asuming that every slot beyond 8 he had unlocked prior to Freedom was purchased/earned (since he apparently thought 8 was still the max allocated). Only support can help the OP determine for sure. -
I did a search for the name Arbiter Death and the first result is a page from "The Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Server" (or some such site) where someone (other than the OP I'm presuming, but who knows) has created a rather extensive bio for a character they created on Virtue with that name.
So someone out there liked the name and spent a lot of time developing a character around it. Maybe if that player ever wants to migrate to Freedom he/she'll be willing to buy the name? -
Quote:Glad I'm not the only one who's had trouble saving her when playing on large teams.We simply couldn't keep her alive with the size of the spawns and buffs available.
Whenever people complain about ambushes being bad in Praetoria, I think of this mission. -
Quote:I've actually been playing for just over 3 years and I've always had 12 per server. And CoH/CoV has always been one game since I started.Before Freedom we got 12 per server not 8.
Before the change of management/ownership 2 years ago we had 12 or 8 depending on whether we had both CoH and CoV or not but for the time prior to Freedom we had 12 per server plus any earned bonus slots per year used with a maximum per server of 36. -
I found the character mildly amusing. All Praetorian characters are distorted reflections of their Primal selves, and he was written in that spirit.
I also enjoyed the various D&D references. -
Baron Blood is also the name of a Marvel villain (a Nazi vampire from the Invaders series). It would be sad if someone paid for a name only to have it genericized. Do these names sales come with a warranty?
If an item just vanishes from your email due to a bug, you should be able to get it back through a petition. I've heard of a few cases where that happened, and each time the player was able to get their stuff back. The 60 day limit is intentional, but losing stuff randomly for no reason is not WAI and you should have recourse if it happens.
Well, they do give you 60 days to claim the item, and plenty of warning that there's a timer ticking down. And of course, you can always wait to email (or even buy) the IO until you actually need to use it, instead of storing it in email for weeks ahead of time. I think if a player loses an item, the player is at fault for being careless, not Paragon for not being nice.
I had this problem once, but with beam rifle, so it's not specific to titan weapons, just purchased power sets. Logging off and back on took care of the issue.
Quote:Characters should never ever be deleted, no matter how long the account was inactive. At worst, you might lose the name of low level characters, but the characters themselves should not be deleted. So if they really are gone, something very wrong happened.My wife and I haven't played in several years. We both downloaded CoH today and for me, it worked fine. All my old characters are still there, just needing to be unlocked. My wife's, though... no characters. None. They're all gone.
What happened?!? Is there any way to get them back??? Our old SG was planning a reunion next month!
Just to be sure, make certain you're looking at the right page. I've had the character select screen on a server default to page two and then had a moment of panic thinking all my characters (who were on page one) were gone until I realized what had happened. I've also had some characters mysteriously move to page two even though page one wasn't full yet. Hopefully they're still there somewhere and you just need to find them. If not, contact support. If you're a premium player, I know support is limited, but I think you can still email support for help. -
Personally, I haven't been confused by or had a problem with my points.
They made it clear that after the first few months (while they sorted out some problems they were having with the system) our monthly paragon points should be rewarded based on our start date. My date is the 4th, and the last couple of months I've been getting my points on about that date (I admit I haven't always logged every 4th and checked my points right away, so I can't be possitive if my points were awarded on that date or a day or so later, but I'm patient enough that I wouldn't really care anyway). -
Quote:I'm sorry you weren't able to get a property response from support. It was my understanding that there are levels of support that do assist premium and free players, but I don't know enough to direct you to them, perhaps someone else can help there.Edit: Oh on a side note. NCSoft really needs to rethink some of the crap they are doing. When I ask support a question because I'm interested in making a purchase and I get the response, "We only respond to VIP players."....
However, I don't know what the NCSoft support staff's sexual orientation has to do with anything. -
Yeah, I remember feeling the same way, both times I ran First Ward--seemed like there should have been more, even though the whole storyline was actually quite extensive. There was something a little too abrupt about the end, despite the fact that we did get a climatic battle.
Well, while your defender is trying to keep the squishies alive, he can ask them for some feedback on the trial they're running.