Finally doing First Ward...

Agent White



... and can't tell if I am done.

I supposes I'll say spoilers just in case...

Just finished the arc with the big battle between Numina and Selene. Is that the end? I am not being sent to any other contact. I was under the impression that there was more, including more with Vanessa DeVore (unless that's part of a TF?)

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
... and can't tell if I am done.

I supposes I'll say spoilers just in case...

Just finished the arc with the big battle between Numina and Selene. Is that the end? I am not being sent to any other contact. I was under the impression that there was more, including more with Vanessa DeVore (unless that's part of a TF?)
if you got sent up into the crags to fight selene then yes, that was the end, you should've gotten some reward merits for completing the mission. That's the end of First Ward.

Vanessa's story was continued into the Underground incarnate trial, as it takes place beneath First Ward.



Ok, great. Thanks.

Well, I guess it's back to Primal earth for me, then.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Yup, sort of First Ward's problem. The end is just kind of abrupt and not very satisfying.



Yeah, I remember feeling the same way, both times I ran First Ward--seemed like there should have been more, even though the whole storyline was actually quite extensive. There was something a little too abrupt about the end, despite the fact that we did get a climatic battle.



For me it ended even more abruptly because I hit level 30 while I was there. Suddenly no one would talk to me. Maybe I'll pop into Ouroborous and see if I can finish the zone from there.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Uh, that was the end? What about Master Midnight? Doesn't he give missions or something?
After the fight with Serene? You really need to pay more attention to what happens during that fight then, he's really in no condition to do anything afterward.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Uh, that was the end? What about Master Midnight? Doesn't he give missions or something?
He does, but his arc comes a bit earlier in the storyline.



The writing in the First Ward arcs was outstanding, successfully giving me the creeps more than once during the whole story. I felt the ending was both abrupt and incomplete, and I believe that the MoM trial is supposed to continue the story of at least one person involved in the First Ward arcs and give us more information on what happens to her.

However, I find the reward of two merits for each arc to be both odd and a bit light. I'd put the arcs as feeling more like four to seven merits for rewards, and I suppose the case could be made for more on some of them. Is the two merit reward for each arc a holdover, like a placeholder for a final merit reward that was never corrected?



Reward merits are awarded based on general time of completion for that arc (or that is the ideal at least). For more details on the formula used for reward merits go here:

As a note regarding the formula, I expect the TimesRunModifier to currently be 0.6, as it is still fairly new, and I haven't heard of an adjustment to the arcs. 2 merits per arc corresponds to a completion time of roughly 20 minutes per arc, which I don't think is too out of line with First Ward stuff. That said, once the devs have enough datamining done, they might change the merit value on a per-arc basis.

To make this more relevant to the OP, and I didn't see it explicity stated, Vanessa DeVore is the final contact for First Ward content. If you've finished with her you are done. Also Master Midnight is the contact in the chain directly before Vanessa.

Champion 50s (blueside): Marc Bridge, Nicole Bridge, Fred Blaze, Colleen Storms, Sun's Chariot, Moon's Huntress, Point of Pride
Guardian 50s (redside): Connie Mand
AE arc: Spirit Plane Invasion, #29282, @Honbrid



Originally Posted by Kurrent View Post
The writing in the First Ward arcs was outstanding, successfully giving me the creeps more than once during the whole story. I felt the ending was both abrupt and incomplete, and I believe that the MoM trial is supposed to continue the story of at least one person involved in the First Ward arcs and give us more information on what happens to her.
The underground trial follows up what happens with the Praetorian Vanessa DeVore, the MoM trial gives you updates on Praetor Tilman, Aurora Borealis, Calvin Scott, and Penelope Yin.