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  1. Was there a small patch today or yesterday? I didn't get to play much yesterday but I've crashed too much today. Just coh crashing about once or twice every mission. Others in every team I've joined today have had the same problem while a few are not having this issue.

    Whats up?
  2. Well if you're going for 45%+ def then you don't need lotg because you really don't need elude. The quickness and 5 redfortune sets will give you more than enough global recharge.
  3. We have prestige sprints so sooner or later I think we'll have prestige travel powers. And since it would be something new they should be able to make them color changeable.
  4. I'd love to see more hami raids. Wish they would just make it a cross server zone so more people could do it. I've been on about 4 raids so far and only 1 successful and that was along time ago.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    And epics for the kheldians since half of the extra powers they have are still utter junk and will probably remain that way.

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    Why make entirely new powers rather than fixing these supposed "utter junk" powers?

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    Not to piss on the devs because I really do like what they are doing for the game minus khelds, but they have kinda showed me what they want khelds to do and don't really care what we want them to do.

    Khelds seemed pretty cool to me when I was new to the game and I loved my pb for the longest time until I started playing scrappers, defenders and eventually my banespider and nightwidow. Khelds just have too much wrong with them right now, and I think some epics may fix alot of the problems they have. This is my last ditch effort, hoping its something the developers can agree on, because they don't seem to agree with many of the other suggestions we've made in the past.
  6. I'd like to see more epic pools as a whole for everyone, not just my scrappers. And epics for the kheldians since half of the extra powers they have are still utter junk and will probably remain that way.

    What if I just want more epics that fit my character theme? If I'm a fire/fire scrapper, I obviously want more fire themed powers. Should be a epic for each damage/power type for every one of the non "heroic" archetypes so we can keep our themes going.
  7. Oh please... Limit yourself to 1 hot n ready pizza a month instead of 4 and you should be able to afford this. Really 14.99 isnt that much.
  8. Nothing wrong with energy in teams. When you spam explosive knockback and energy torrent as long as you got them slotted for accuracy and damage you will kill spawns incredibly fast. And if someone complains about the knockback, just point out how fast you are killing the spawns and they will shut up usually.

    There are ways to manage the knockback but the stuff dies so fast that you really don't need to worry about it. Being a person that has leveled several characters to 50 which are mostly scrappers and tankers, I can't ever remember complaining to anyone about knockback.
  9. Its worth it unless you think you can get by when fighting mezzers. Bosses will no doubt hold you if you fight more than one usually though.
  10. Noyjitat

    Bane Buffs?

    [ QUOTE ]
    With the new Rouge expansion coming out

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    Hmmm I think this image will see alot of use for the next few months...
  11. I'm thinking they must of nerfed regen a couple of times since I last played my ma/regen because I rolled another regen and it wasn't nearly as powerful as my last regen. I logged onto my old character and it was the same way. They just seem to squishy now.
  12. Should just give you a temp power based on your origin. The tech people get a short duration raptor pack, etc. Science / Natural get an energy drink or something that makes them run faster for awhile. Magic get a short range teleport power. Mutation, I'm not quite sure there lol.

    But in all honesty the zones in coh are not that big minus IP and Nerva and travel is not a problem at all. I usually retort with a "stop being lazy comment" but I figured I'd atleast support your thread instead of troll it like some of the other people are doing.
  13. Lightning storm has a chance to hold each target it hits each time it fires if you slot it with a dev chance to hold. As does any procs you use in tornado, etc. When the pet causes damage it has a chance.
  14. This is great. It adds some interesting possibilities and roleplay for our characters story wise anyway.

    I assume when we decide to switch from evil to good that we will still have access to our old powers right? Like a stalker won't be converted into a scrapper or anything?

    You have alot to work with here such as how the citizens will treat ex villains. How they will have to earn the trust of the citizens, etc.

    I guess this also means you're going to merge the markets unless you plan to clear our inventories before we switch sides.
  15. Deific blast, are you kidding me? A guaranteed instagib attack? This sounds too much like a world of warcraft raid...
  16. Things I'd like to see:

    High level:
    I'd like to see a new hero only zone and a new villain only zone. No more Co-op zones. Both would be level 50 zones flagged as hazard so you'd have to be 50 to enter them. It would just be a new zone with level 50+ mobs and level 50+ dev created missions and story arcs..

    Low level - medium level:
    Heroes has all of these under used hazard zones. Please add some contacts, trainers and missions/story arcs to them. Not just more boring repeatable crap but actual content.

    Villains could use more low level content.
    Seems to have a good deal of medium content but maybe add a bit more there. In addition please increase the level cap of missions in Port Oakes, and Cap Au Diable as I hardly spend any time in those zones before all of the content is out leveled. Slightly increase the level cap of Sharkhead. Level cap meaning the mobs in the zone and the missions / story arcs.

    Shadowshard Geyser waypoints:
    I'd like to see a toggleable blue beams of light, (kinda like the blue beams of light that currently spout from them) reach to the zones ceiling so its easier to find the Gravity Geysers.

    Long term power requests - should these happen or not, I don't expect it anytime soon.

    Tier 10 primary and secondary powers

    A way to earn more enhancement slots or just give them to us for reaching 50

    [b]More power pools and epic/patron power pools[b]
    Maybe something like patrons for heroes as well. Say you wanted to work for Sister Psyche and she teaches you how to do some of her attacks.

    Epics/Patrons for Kheldians
    khelds have more powers than others do already to choose from but they also still have alot of holes that need to be filled in. And epics would be another bit of diversity for them.

    Special khedian epic pools
    Incase the above isn't that great then make a couple of epic pools just for kheldians to use.
  17. Knockback IOs are dirt cheap right now. Buy a couple of steadfasts while they are still cheap.
  18. Does this help with smoke grenades? Mainly the ones that nightwidows use in pve? Was thinking of slotting it in Rage as an extra slot for that time I get hit by a smoke grenade but nobody has a team perception buff.

    Or will it just allow me to see things that are cloaked, etc from a longer range.
  19. Quite honestly I've asked for this before or to allow people to do free server transfers including transferring a solo SG with them or its prestige.
  20. 3 is really all we need and I've suggested this dozens of times.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    5 years ago? Sure. Now? I don't think so. I'd be surprised (happily mind you) if this game was still around in 5 years, and I still wanted to play it.

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    I seem to remember reading somewhere that they have plans for this game for the next 5+ years. Its was sometime when ncsoft bought the full rights to coh/cov.
  22. Wish I could transfer my solo SG or its prestige with me. Earned over 5 mil prestige alone plus from the friends that no longer play.
  23. Run out of things to complain about? lol If you're not playing with your ingame sounds up really high, you'd hardly notice it.
  24. Noyjitat

    Pirate ship maps

    Time travel, ouroboros you know?
  25. I always find it funny that words like god, christ, christmas, and jesus are filtered anything to do with christianity is filtered yet we don't have a problem with embracing other religions. Not trying to bring my religion to the forums but I think its only fair that other religious terms and names be censored if my own is that offending...