The Rularuu Raid.




So... Rularuu. We have a model for him in the game files, and we have a bit of backstory for him. But we never actually get to fight him. So what would a confrontation with Rularuu be like? This thread is for you to put forth your ideas on what this epic confrontation would be like.

Here's my idea:

The raid takes place in a special instanced zone called the palace of rularuu, which accomadates a maximum of 24 players at a time (enough for three full teams). Both heroes and villains can join. The raid begins by dropping players into a massive labyrinthine map, resembling the Rularuu caves in layout, but looking more like the interior of the Chantry on the inside. On this map would be placed the Seven aspects of Rularuu (see the above link for descriptions of all of them), scattered throughout the map. Once all seven aspects are defeated, a portal opens up in the center of the map. Clicking this portal warps players up to an open air area. Once all players on the map have passed through the portal, Rularuu himself spawns.

Rularuu himself only has three powers, detailed below.

Deific Blast: This is an autohit, aoe, INSTANT KILL. Any players hit with it are dinged for one point of damage to negate the one-shot code, then slammed for over a million points of damage. It is on a thirty second timer.

Aura of madness: A PBAOE aura that does high psychic damage DoT, and has a chance for confuse.

Immortality: Rularuu is completely immune to all damage and effects. Period.

However, Rularuu is also surrounded by seven "Psyche fragments" which resemble large white orbs of energy that follow him around. Each of these orbs is an archvillain. There is a Strength fragment, a Cruetly fragment, a Greed fragment, a Foresight fragment, a memory fragment, a Madness fragment, and a Kindness fragment. Each of these fragments will constantly spawn mobs corresponding to the enemies it represents (Brutes for strength, Wisps for cruelty, Natterlings for Greed, Eyeballs for Foresight, Reflections for Memory, Storm elementals for madness, and "Empathics" for kindness, which are pretty much little white blobs that spam empathy powers).

Now when all seven of the fragments have been defeated, Rularuu splits into his seven aspects. Players then have thirty seconds to kill as many of the aspects as possible before he reforms, at which point Rularuu loses 1/7th of his HP for each aspect defeated. The process then repeats until Rularuu is defeated.

So whats the basic strategy you ask? Well players split into three teams. A taunt team, a mob team, and a fragment team. The taunt team should be composed of tankers and players with rez powers. Their job is to well, taunt Rularuu. Every thirty seconds though, rularuu will instantly kill the player taunting him, so it is imperitive that everyone stays away from that player, and that he is ressurected posthaste.

The Mob team's job is to clear the mobs as they spawn from the fragments. They should ideally consist of players with control effects and heavy aoe's to ensure the mobs fall as quickly as possible, and that they don't harm the members of the fragment team, as the mobs spawned automattically aggro onto anyone attacking a fragment.

The fragment team's job is to clear the fragments. They can pretty much consist of anyone who can do enough damage. One or two bubblers should also be in here to keep the confuse effect from aura of madness off everyone.

Once Rularuu goes down, you get your merits, or some other little token prize...I don't know...a special IO or something which is part of an incredibly powerful set.



The model for him is for the Cathedral of Pain Trial, in which you do fight Rularuu or at least an aspect thereof. That said, since it's been offline for a long time now and likely to remain so at least until base raids are fixed if not longer, perhaps it's time to use him for something else and revamp the Trial at a later date.

Interesting and creative notion, though.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



The model for him is for the Cathedral of Pain Trial, in which you do fight Rularuu or at least an aspect thereof. That said, since it's been offline for a long time now and likely to remain so at least until base raids are fixed if not longer, perhaps it's time to use him for something else and revamp the Trial at a later date.

Interesting and creative notion, though.

[/ QUOTE ]

From what I've heard, that's just a renamed Ruludak. I want the BIG model seen in the above link.



Last I had hear Rularuu is just too big to use.



Last I had hear Rularuu is just too big to use.

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And that's exactly why he should be in game!



OHKO is a bad thing. OHKO AoE is a very bad thing. He could wipe a team with a single blast. Not even Hami can do that.

And unless the uber blast ignored intangible, we would be back to PA dropping.

Since he is immune to effects, you cant even taunt him, so you end up with a raid that is horridly chaotic and with low numbers, would wipe repeatedly. And likely not much fun. The concept is good, but its not playable as spec'ed right now.

Also, 30 seconds to kill an AV... now you are forcing specific powersets into the raid with very limited space.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Personally, I'd hate this mechanic. It just seems... painful. Having a role for players that is essentially "taunt and die" isn't really going to make it popular. I also don't think incorporating the aspects would work out well. The aspects are servants that he has spread out through the Shadow Shard. Some actively work for him while others work against him. I don't think it would be appropriate for all of the aspects to assist.

As to the size issue, the reason he's too big to fight is because his targeting box would be too small. It's like with the Jade Spider. Incredibly large enemies require flight or jumping up and down, neither of which is spectacularly fun when the fight is going all over the place.

My idea from the other thread.

I've suggested a Rularuu raid like this for a long time. My basic idea was to have the 2 arms, the head, and the torso. The arms act independently of each other hurling death and destruction (and spawning mobs) all over the place. The head protects the torso somehow (most likely by healing, though the idea struck me to have it create a repulsion bubble around him of such high mag that no PC can penetrate it) and his "real" hit points are the torso (which lets out short range PbAoE blasts of energy or somesuch).

Ranged attackers focus on taking out the head. Tanks get aggro from the arms and spawned mobs and, together with the melee damage dealers, defeat the hoards of Soldiers of Rularuu and Storm Elementals that are spawned. Whenever the head is taken down, the repulsion field drops allowing everyone to rush the torso and beat on it for as long as possible. After a certain period of time (2 minutes maybe), the head "respawns" (re: he is no longer so stunned as to be incapable of sustaining the shield) and begins attacking again. It would probably take between 3 to 4 "cycles" to outright defeat him.

The nice thing about this design is that it gives everyone a role to fill without completely pigeonholing what they do. Ranged attackers can be anyone who has attacks that can reach 30' (or however large the bubble is made to be). Tanks can be anyone who can get aggro at range and stay alive amidst the onslaught. Melee damage is just that. There would be enough "normal" enemies to allow AoE based characters to have a significant role but single target based characters would also have their time to shine whenever the bubble goes down. The hope I have would be that a raid designed like this one would be just as much fun as the RWZ raid (definitely better design than the Hamidon raid).

Of course, for this to be released, I would suggest giving villains access to the Shadow Shard. Giving them their own zones or making the current SS zones cohabitative (re: no PvP and no cooperation) I don't really care. I just want another fun raid.

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The model for him is for the Cathedral of Pain Trial, in which you do fight Rularuu or at least an aspect thereof. That said, since it's been offline for a long time now and likely to remain so at least until base raids are fixed if not longer, perhaps it's time to use him for something else and revamp the Trial at a later date.

Interesting and creative notion, though.

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From what I've heard, that's just a renamed Ruludak. I want the BIG model seen in the above link.

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From what I have gathered, the CoP was supposed to randomly choose between Ruladak and Lanaru to be the Aspect of Rularuu, but it was bugged.

As for the actual Rularuu the Ravager, the tech to fight him is, last I inquired, not currently available. Heck, I'd just like to be able to fight the 3 currently available Aspects while Rularuu the Ravager is standing in the background, amused with your feeble efforts.

On I14 Test I was able to hack in Rularuu the Ravager as a Contact. However, it proved to be impossible to use because 1) I couldn't find a spot to click on him that actually worked, and 2) he was bigger than the building (his torso was on the floor where the contact should be, his robe continued into the bottom floor and his head was above the rooftop...all three of him).

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Honestly, if the devs want to have a Rularuu raid, it's more than likely that they would simply make a completely new model for him, one built specifically for the raid.



On I14 Test I was able to hack in Rularuu the Ravager as a Contact. However, it proved to be impossible to use because 1) I couldn't find a spot to click on him that actually worked, and 2) he was bigger than the building (his torso was on the floor where the contact should be, his robe continued into the bottom floor and his head was above the rooftop...all three of him).

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Tell me you took screens!



Sadly, no. It was during closed beta and I try not to take too many screens unless specifically asked to by the Devs. That way I'm not tempted to break NDA and share the pics with my friends that play CoX.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



I've been too grumpy to comment in S&I for the last few days, but I thought I'd pop in and say I keep reading the suggestion as a "Rachelthulu Raid." It's so confusing.

I also wouldn't mind seeing more done with the shard mythos, in general.



I've been too grumpy to comment in S&I for the last few days, but I thought I'd pop in and say I keep reading the suggestion as a "Rachelthulu Raid." It's so confusing.

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I also wouldn't mind seeing more done with the shard mythos, in general.

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Have you run Darren Wade's stuff villainside? I'm hoping it leads to a bit more.

And we had ... plenty of Ruularu aspects spawning on test for the anniversary party thing.



As other have said, I highly doubt that Lanaru or Faathim would help Rularuu at this point.

I could see Lanaruu being a Rogue npc, fighting Rularuu and Players alike, and I could see Faathim helping Players against Rularuu and Lanaru both.


A potential solution for the Jade Spider problem, perhaps have Rularuu in an instanced area of the Shadow Shard where everyone in the zone is granted "Shattered Gravity" an always on temporary flight power for as long as they stay in the zone.

They might also shrink him a tad bit, hopefully keeping him as big as technically feasible.

At the very least I'd like to see the Shard revamped, and the other 4 aspects of Rularuu added. Sadly that's unlikely to happen, given that I believe one of the Devs recently stated that they would rather add new content, than revamp old zones. They take about as much time/effort.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Sadly that's unlikely to happen, given that I believe one of the Devs recently stated that they would rather add new content, than revamp old zones. They take about as much time/effort.

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Well, the Shadow Shard still has a ton of story to be told and, iirc, is tied directly into "the coming storm" (was it not Rularuu that sent the Shivans?). So, it would actually make sense to do some soft of revamp with the Shard as they start unfolding that story.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Sadly that's unlikely to happen, given that I believe one of the Devs recently stated that they would rather add new content, than revamp old zones. They take about as much time/effort.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, the Shadow Shard still has a ton of story to be told and, iirc, is tied directly into "the coming storm" (was it not Rularuu that sent the Shivans?). So, it would actually make sense to do some soft of revamp with the Shard as they start unfolding that story.

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I've heard a lot of speculation about Rularuu being involved in The Coming Storm, but have never seen any evidence to indicate he was. (Or that he had anything to do with the Shivans at all.)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I also wouldn't mind seeing more done with the shard mythos, in general.

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Have you run Darren Wade's stuff villainside? I'm hoping it leads to a bit more.

[/ QUOTE ]Reposting an idea I've posted before, but been too lazy to actually make a thread for:

Current state of the Shadow Shard:
<ul type="square">[*]Firebase Zulu, controlled by the military and Portal Corporation[*]Cascade Archipelago, prison for Ruladak the Strong[*]The Chantry, prison for Faathim the Kind[*]The Storm Palace, home to Lanaru the Mad[/list]
Known Aspects of Rularuu the Ravager:
<ul type="square">[*]Ruladak the Strong, leader of the Brutes[*]Chularn the Slave Lord, leader of the Wisps and has slaves running The Factory Cubes[*]Kuularth the Scavenger, leader of the Natterlings and nests in The Repository[*]Aloore the Watcher, leader of the Sentries and field general in The Palace[*]Uuralur the Mirror, presiding over the Garden of Memories and the Shadow Shard Reflections[*]Lanaru the Mad, controller of the Storm Elementals and trapped in The Storm Palace[*]Faathim the Kind, imprisoned in The Chantry[/list]
So we've yet to see Chularn, Kuularth, Aloore, or Uuralu in-game. And Villains have no direct access tot he Shard.

<ul type="square">[*]Create Firebase Alpha, an Arachnos-controlled Shadow Shard zone to counterpart Firebase Zulu[*]Create The Factory Cubes, a villain-only zone, and a Legend/Saga of Chularn strike force that takes place mostly in The Factory Cubes[*]Create The Repository, a villain-only zone, and a Legend/Saga of Kuularth strike force that takes place mostly in The Repository[*]Create The Garden of Memories, a villain-only zone, and a Legend/Saga of Uuralur strike force that takes place mostly in The Garden of Memories[*]Create The Palace, either a co-op or PvE competitive zone, and a Legend/Saga of Aloore task/strike force[/list]
<ul type="square">[*]1 Hero-only zone with no Aspects of Rularuu in it[*]3 Hero-only zones with one Aspect of Rularuu each[*]3 TFs, one for each Hero-only Aspect of Rularuu[*]1 Villain-only zone, with no Aspects of Rularuu in it[*]3 Villain-only zones with one Aspect of Rularuu each[*]3 SFs, one for each Villain-only Aspect of Rularuu[*]1 Hero+Villain zone, with the final Aspect of Rularuu in it[*]1 TF/SF that both Heroes and Villains can participate in for the final Aspect of Rularuu[/list]



Sadly that's unlikely to happen, given that I believe one of the Devs recently stated that they would rather add new content, than revamp old zones. They take about as much time/effort.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, the Shadow Shard still has a ton of story to be told and, iirc, is tied directly into "the coming storm" (was it not Rularuu that sent the Shivans?). So, it would actually make sense to do some soft of revamp with the Shard as they start unfolding that story.

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I've heard a lot of speculation about Rularuu being involved in The Coming Storm, but have never seen any evidence to indicate he was. (Or that he had anything to do with the Shivans at all.)

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You may be correct. I just scoured ParagonWiki and could not find any link. I could have sworn there was a relation, but it is very possible I may be wrong.

As for Fleeting's idea, I like it overall with one exception. As much as the devs hate redoing content, the Hero-side TFs need to be recreated using the now 5-mission formula. Much of the story that is given in the current TFs could easily be re-written into new story arcs available to both sides. To add onto that, I wouldn't mind seeing them overlap, storywise, where heroes are trying to do A, villains are trying to do B, and Rularuu is trying to do C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Darren Wade said something about freeing Rularuu in his final mission. It would be interesting if in some issue, the villains can choose to help Darren or stop Darren from releasing Rularuu. Some villains are willing to help destroy humanity if they become more powerful. Why bother with world domination when the entire universe is your oyster as long as you don't overreach.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Also, one of the clickies for the Midnight Squad History badge mentions the Rula-Shins, which is basically a secret cult that want to bring back Rularuu. I wouldn't be surprised if Darren Wade is a member of this group.

There's also details about the Dream Doctor, and it's pretty much implied that he's still "alive" somewhere in the shard. When, and if, they expand on the Shadow Shard, I'm pretty sure the Dream Doctor will be back.

When you read all the texts in the game, you can get some interesting clues.

Arc ID 104041 Attack of the Mini Phalanx Solo Friendly; Custom Characters; Comedy.
Arc ID 292449 The Shadow of Eihbon Solo Friendly; Canon Related; Magic.



Sadly that's unlikely to happen, given that I believe one of the Devs recently stated that they would rather add new content, than revamp old zones. They take about as much time/effort.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, the Shadow Shard still has a ton of story to be told and, iirc, is tied directly into "the coming storm" (was it not Rularuu that sent the Shivans?). So, it would actually make sense to do some soft of revamp with the Shard as they start unfolding that story.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've heard a lot of speculation about Rularuu being involved in The Coming Storm, but have never seen any evidence to indicate he was. (Or that he had anything to do with the Shivans at all.)

[/ QUOTE ]

You may be correct. I just scoured ParagonWiki and could not find any link. I could have sworn there was a relation, but it is very possible I may be wrong.

As for Fleeting's idea, I like it overall with one exception. As much as the devs hate redoing content, the Hero-side TFs need to be recreated using the now 5-mission formula. Much of the story that is given in the current TFs could easily be re-written into new story arcs available to both sides. To add onto that, I wouldn't mind seeing them overlap, storywise, where heroes are trying to do A, villains are trying to do B, and Rularuu is trying to do C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J.

[/ QUOTE ]I'm totally behind the old Shard TFs being redone, though the likelihood of it happeing seems low



Deific blast, are you kidding me? A guaranteed instagib attack? This sounds too much like a world of warcraft raid...

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Using my rez on this thread just to voice my support for the idea of a Rularuu Raid, if only because making threads about an already-made topic is against the rules, apparently.

Personally, I am hoping that GR will introduce a new raid, and I hope it will be a Rularuu raid. Yes, I know, technical limitations due to his size and all, but technical limitations also made power customisation previously impossible, and maybe the budget for GR will allow the devs to jump that hurdle, too?

Now I won't claim I'm a video game designer, so I have no idea how to create a raid that's balanced yet difficult and still fun to do, but what I'd love to see is see all the Aspects in one place together with The Ravager. I know, it's difficult plot-wise, what with some of the Aspects working against Rularuu, but maybe there could be a plot about how Rularuu tries to forcibly merge with his Aspects to regain his full power and breach through dimensional borders and you have to stop that from happening?

Really, even if a raid is impossible in every way, a huge guy that eats dimensions deserves more exposure to the general lore of CoX.