Wow energy is fun!




I can't believe I never tried an energy blaster sooner. I guess I was a bit apprehensive about all the negativity towards knockback, but wow is it fun. I thought having to reposition yourself alot on teams so you don't knock mobs away from melee would be a pain but it actually adds an extra layer of depth to playing IMO.

One thing I like to do but that ends up backfiring on me more often than not is run to the back of a spawn and use my cone to try and knock as many back towards my group as I can. However, I find a lot of times when I try and make my way to the back I'll draw aggro from quite a few and that sometimes leads to my death (not to mention aggro I'd get after firing off my cone). Is there anyway to do this more efficiently or is this just not a smart way to play?

I'm also finding that I LOVE power thrust. It's nice to actually have a 1st tier secondary ability that I find useful. I usually try and group up spawns into a corner as best I can, and I find this power really nice when there's a straggler. I'll just run up behind him and knock him where I want him to go.

It's funny because I figured if I ever did make an energy blaster I'd have to make him a soloer since I've heard such grim things about energy in teams, but I'm finding I actually enjoy teaming with my energy blaster more than other blasters I have made. Haven't gotten any complaints about my knockback yet either, and my last group had at least 4 scrappers in it xD

Can't wait to lvl this guy more



Power Thrust is all kinds of awesome. I used to jump from rooftop to rooftop in Kings Row just to Power Thrust all the clockwork I could find. I even slotted it with Knockback enhancers for the fun of it.



Heh, Hellion punting!

And yeah energy is a lot of fun. The trick is to find a wall, and then knock enemies into the wall, alternating the angle that you are knocking them into it so that they stay gathered.

Kinda like this:

Explosive Blastt:


And then Energy Torrent:


That way it keeps them together

You can also pick up hover in certain maps and float above enemies and knock them straight down. Now eventually there is always some angle so after the first aoe volley if you don't let them come to the center they'll start to spread out but you'll get the hang of it.

And i do like energy blast a lot. The only problems i have with it, is majorly that explosive blast is at tier 8, and power push is at tier 7, when explosive blast SHOULD be at tier 7. ESPECIALLY on defender, nothing worse than waiting till 35 for your 2nd aoe, and its a bit late by that 1 tier on a blaster as well.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Bah that doesn't show up right how i put it in, even in the preview. But you ge the idea right? here maybe if i do this:

Explosive Blast:


And then Energy Torrent:


Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



If you want the post to keep it's original formatting use (code)(/code).



I think I get what you're saying Wind. Angle one way to knock them all against the wall and then angle the other way to push them into the corner. The thing about Explosive Blast though, going by actual physics, since it's a targeted AoE won't the knockback from it be outwards from the center of the blast instead of knocking them all in the same direction?

I do have hover, and I know about hover + directly over enemy's head = knockdown, but I haven't really been using that technique much. I actually have more fun knocking enemy's around where I want them to go, and I'm finding if you actually put some thought into where you're placing them instead of just mindlessly blasting from the same spot not caring which way the mobs fly teams usually don't get too upset. I almost consider myself a pseudo controller, except instead of locking mobs down I knock them into [censored] while completely destroying them :P



Explosive Blast fortunately doesn't adhere to the laws of physics. It knocks mobs away from you, even if you target one in the back of a spawn.



Nothing wrong with energy in teams. When you spam explosive knockback and energy torrent as long as you got them slotted for accuracy and damage you will kill spawns incredibly fast. And if someone complains about the knockback, just point out how fast you are killing the spawns and they will shut up usually.

There are ways to manage the knockback but the stuff dies so fast that you really don't need to worry about it. Being a person that has leveled several characters to 50 which are mostly scrappers and tankers, I can't ever remember complaining to anyone about knockback.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Don't all KB effects radiate from the character, except for those spawned by pets and pseudopets (e.g. Bonfire)?

I'm quite certain that AR and Archery's TAoE powers, which also cause KB, knock enemies away from the character rather than the point of impact.



Let me try to draw a diagram...


H -> OXO

H = me
X= point of impact
->= direction of blast

So if this situation were to occur all of the mobs, even the ones in the front, would be knocked back away from me? I mean I guess it's better that it does it that way so mobs don't get scattered but that just seems weird to me xD



Yep. If the O's in your diagram represent the mobs, they will all be knocked away from *you*, even the ones in front. As far as I understand, it's because, no matter where the blast hits, the *source* of the power is you, as far as the game engine is concerned. Thus, the knockback goes away from you.

You can see the alternate behavior only on powers which summon a pseudopet to do the knockback; for example, bonfire from fire control or the blaster epic. That summons an invisible static pseudopet which does knockback, and since the pet is the source of the knockback power in that case, mobs get knocked away from the center of the flame patch. But as long as it's a normal power, the KB will be away from you, not from the point of impact.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Ok, that helps it make a bit more sense.