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We have too many servers for COH/V. Drop em to 5 so theres a real population in each one rather than 2 or 3.



and everytime there is an issue release people will be locked out of their server giving a whole new meaning to nerd rage. ont to mention, not everyone will be able to keep their names. this is an un-needed unwanted thing.

to add to this, use the SEARCH. it is your friend and will not bite you i promise. and incase you can't find it, it is between the words Main index adn Active Topics on the top of the page.



It's called a search. Use it. You'd find this, many times:

Why server consolidation is not a good idea.

Welcome to the forum. You have posted one of the oft repeated suggestions, "Consolidate the servers."

First, my stock answer, one which I stand by and repeat with all due fervor. HELL NO.
Second, a tip on searching.
1. Click on "Search" up at the top of the forum.
2. On the left, under "Forum(s) to search," select "Suggestions and ideas."
3. On the right, Keyword Search Terms. This is probably where your problem was if you did search. Try the following, exactly as typed:

+server -pvp -"re: "

This will search for anything with "Server" in the title, including Servers, Combine Servers, Consolidate Servers, and The Server At Mcdonalds Is Rude. it will eliminate "PVP," so you won't see PVP server requests, and the -re: portion of it removes replies, so you'll see the root of every thread that comes up, letting you see just how many threads there are on this. (The last helps for other subjects, as well.)

4. Click the "In subject" radio button. This is a search, not a cute blonde in a bikini. Here, you want to ignore the body.

5. Leave Username Search blank.

6. Date range, Newer Than, change the 1 to a 3, and the time to Months.

7. Result format doesn't matter. Click on "Submit."

As I try this now, (12/3/08,) we have:
Consolidate Server
Server Stats RSS Feed
$server modifier ofr chat
Fix the forum server
Earlyissue server
Merging low population server
Combine slow server
Server status
Global chat on the Character and Server Screens
Rated M server
Add Ponies, Nerf Vills, merge Servers, PistolMelee
Server Visiting
Display Central Time on Server Status Page

Ignoring the smartalec reply, that's three full discussions about this topic.

You should have read one of them if (inevitably) something similar comes up in your search.

Now, on to the topic at hand....

Why server consolidation is not a good idea.

1. Just because YOU like living in New York City doesn't mean I can't like Kansas.

Yay, you love having huge lag spikes as you get near the black market/wentworths and a busy broadcast. Congrats. Enjoy Freedom. Some of us - many of which you will get replies from with this subject - like *low population* servers. If we *wanted* to be on Freedom, we'd *be* on Freedom.

I have characters on Freedom. I rarely play them (and actually moved a character OFF of Freedom to finish leveling it to 50) because *I DON'T LIKE FREEDOM.* I dislike the banality of broadcast, the high percentage of *horrid* teams I've come across there, the lag around any gathering point- and I've got a decent connection and system. For much the same reason, I typically startin Galaxy City instead of Atlas Park - I don't *want* to log in to a costume contest with several 50s spamming powers and nonsense arguments in broadcast.

Some of us *like* nice, quiet servers.

2, Kansas, part 2.

In addition, servers have their own personalities. No, I don't mean that literally, there's no AI to worry about if you start hearing "Daisy, Daisy" over your speakers or headset. Freedom's a crowded mess. Virtue is the RP server. Pinnacle is the "Drunk" server. Others have specific communities, such as those from Australia/NZ, Europe, etc.

3. "I only saw one other person. World of Conancraft has eleventy billion!"

So what?

We don't run around camping spawn points in this game. People are in missions. People are spread across many zones. Search on a map or do a /whoall and you'll miss those in missions, as well as those who are, for whatever reason, on /hide. Your "search" there didn't give you a full picture, not in the least.

4. "I put up my LFT flag and nothing happened!"

Learn to search. Don't just wait. Form a team yourself.

5. "I AM SPARTACUS!" No, not any more.

Remember logging in and seeing all those slots? Everyone has those - some buy more than the base 12, you get an extra one each year, you could have a total of 36 on any server. Everyone does. Every one has a character with a unique name. Maybe not a *good* name, but a unique one. Every one has a character with a unique name. Maybe not a *good* name, but a unique one.

Now merge servers. Suddenly, CoolBlasterDude from server 1 is getting merged with CoolBlasterDude from Server 2. Who gets to keep their name? Nobody has been able to answer this with any degree of satisfaction. Add a number? But I am NOT CoolBlasterGuy1. And what if the name's too long? Does the older character keep it? What if they're not as active?

People are *VERY* attached to their names. They are, quite obviously, part of their character.

6. "This Is SPARTA!" Sorry, Sparta exists already. You are GenericSG 8734 287 9798.

What else has a name? Supergroups. And I can *guarandamntee* that the same name is in use on multiple servers. Sometimes it's 'branches' of the same SG, sometimes it's coincidence. But with *everything* involved in an SG - from its identity and reputation on the server, to everything stored in the database about what it owns, what its base is like and such, this would be a disaster in the making. And no, auto merging them when the servers merge, even if they have room to, is not an option.

This, of course, assumes that they *CAN* move supergroups as a unit. More than likely, it'd just be a mass character move, with bases, prestige, anything stored in bases and all SG affiliations just gone forever.

7. "I am... where'd Spartacus go?"

Remember all those slots? Well, you start with 1/3 of the available ones. You can buy up to 36 total (24 on top of the ones you get initially.) Now, what do you suppose would happen if you merged two servers, and someone has, say, 20 characters on each? Not unusual. In fact, before those extra slots, I had *filled up* several servers. Do those characters just disappear? Do they move? Free move to another server sounds great, right... well, except you now kick them from their supergroup, remove them from their friends lists and more. This makes for angry and unhappy customers. Or rather, ex customers.

8. I will play where I damn well want to. And you can too.

And that should be blunt enough. If I want a crowded server, I'll go to Freedom. If I want an RP server, I'll go to Virtue. I do NOT want to be shoved onto another server I *don't* like. If I wanted to go there, *I'd be there.*

If the server you're on isn't "busy" enough for you, you have two options that won't bother anyone else.
(A) If it's low enough, reroll. You have a ton of character slots for a reason.
(B) If you don't want to reroll, server transfers are available, and relatively cheap. They also finish fast - you should be up and running and being spammed to join someone's SG on the new server in a few minutes, in most instances. So YOU can go to the server of YOUR choice without screwing ME over.


Last but not least (at least until better points come along to be added,) server consolidation is widely viewed in the industry as an MMO going on life support. No, we don't have WoWs numbers (and you should actually pay attention to when and how they got those.) They're an abberation in the MMO industry. COH has had and does have a very successful, sustainable population even at its lowest points, so there's no economic need to combine anything. The flip side of that, of course, has been suggested above - you crowd people together, break up their SGs and friends lists, cause characters to go missing and poeple definitely *will* quit, both out of annoyance and a sense of "The game is almost dead!"

In conclusion....

As stated before, when it comes to server consolidation... HELL NO.

[/ QUOTE ]

thank you M_B for these wounderful pasties.



Define "real"?

Does that mean "the population of Freedom on a capped weekend day that no one else can get onto the server" real?

Or just "I can find a team when I start actually working toward finding one"?

Because only the latter is a viable option.

If you want mega population, stay on freedom. Then get locked out on 2xxp weekends or events, because the server is "full".

Population of the game is the same. Shrinking their options for play style is bad.

Read what sharker quoted. It is a gift from on high. Or at least from Memphis_bill.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I refuse to sign anything that means clustering with Freedom




[/ QUOTE ]

I concur!

Also, unless the idea presenter would like to address the multitude of issues this brings, such as name conflicts and terrible publicity, I'm inclined to disagree. Less servers does not equal more people. If anything, it equals fewer.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




[/ QUOTE ]


But yeah, seriously and all that.. /Unsigned to this hideously stupid idea.



We have too many servers for COH/V. Drop em to 5 so theres a real population in each one rather than 2 or 3.

[/ QUOTE ]

Shut Freedom down.

Merging servers, as brought up in the cut-paste someone else put up there will, I *guarantee,* give less population.


Because people will leave, for all the reasons mentioned in that reply.



We have too many servers for COH/V. Drop em to 5 so theres a real population in each one rather than 2 or 3.

[/ QUOTE ]

Shut Freedom down.

Merging servers, as brought up in the cut-paste someone else put up there will, I *guarantee,* give less population.


Because people will leave, for all the reasons mentioned in that reply.

[/ QUOTE ]




We have too many servers for COH/V. Drop em to 5 so theres a real population in each one rather than 2 or 3.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd really rather not be rammed into a larger population, deal with name duplication, fewer processing cycles, etc. so that I will be available to play with you when you feel like it.

So that would be a no.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.




[/ QUOTE ]

And even with cruise control, you still have to steer - which the OP should've done, right into the Search option to see if this had been suggested before or not.

Also, no. We don't need fewer servers. Some people like the quieter ones.

[/ QUOTE ]

For exactly this reason, which I imagine most of us are getting tired of saying.



I do not support this suggestion, nor I have ever. The OP has not made a compelling argument as to why servers should be merged. Others have made compelling arguments as to why servers should not be merged.

In the past, proponents of server merges have argued merges are needed because they, the proponents, have been unable to find teams. There are less extreme ways to find teams. Some suggestions include:

-Form your own teams either in game or via board sign-up. I, personally, have had great success with board sign-ups. And eventually, many of the players who have signed up have become friends who play at the same time as I do.

-Transfer to a more populated server. You can do this by paying for character transfers or rolling an alt.

-Join your servers' badge or team channels. It's a good way to get tuned in to what's going on and again, populate your friends list with like-scheduled people.

If you have tried all of these things and are unable to form a team, I'd venture the same factors which are preventing you from gaining a team on one server would prevent you from gaining a team on even a merged server.

In the end, I'm against anything which will inconvenience hundreds, if not thousands, of players for the sake of one player.



Wow. I make a suggestion and recieve nothing but bile laced smarmy response. How underwhelming. Hey Im willing to bet you all go nuts whenever someone you see has just got a haircut. Ripe pickings in the land of cool huh?

Right now Virtue and Freedom are the only flush servers. If there were only six servers or five then the "quiet" would be maintained minus the desolation factor. Seriously today on Protector nobody was on Perigrine Island. Ghost town.

I understand y'all have 20 50's and can speak COH abbreviation like a military linguistics operator, but being a spazzy tool is hard to hide. Chill out folks. The idea has some merit, and I wouldnt be surprised theres always a long whine fest whenever someone suggests something out of the norm.



this isn't out of the norm. this is brought up quite frequently, hence the USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION we have all been telling you. not only would merging servers casue a huge problem, but on high play times it would be impossible for people to log on causing people to leave the game. way to make a suggestion to effectively kill CoX. again, use the SEARCH. it is the word that is between Main Index and Active Topics. it won't bite. i promise. and if you dont know how to search, follow the simple instructions that i quoted from another poster.




The idea has NO merit,

[/ QUOTE ]

DAre I say Fixed.

There will be a day when server merges will come, when the subs are low, no content is added and the population is dwindling.

But today is not that day.

New box on shelves. Huge new content added. Population levels rising (I see Freedom is full again tonight).

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Wow. I make a suggestion and recieve nothing but bile laced smarmy response. How underwhelming. Hey Im willing to bet you all go nuts whenever someone you see has just got a haircut. Ripe pickings in the land of cool huh?

Right now Virtue and Freedom are the only flush servers. If there were only six servers or five then the "quiet" would be maintained minus the desolation factor. Seriously today on Protector nobody was on Perigrine Island. Ghost town.

I understand y'all have 20 50's and can speak COH abbreviation like a military linguistics operator, but being a spazzy tool is hard to hide. Chill out folks. The idea has some merit, and I wouldnt be surprised theres always a long whine fest whenever someone suggests something out of the norm.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then feel free to read most of the posts on this forum.

Fact is your suggestion would cause more trouble than it's worth. Transferring SGs and Characters from one server to another complete with free name change tokens where two characters share the same name, for example?

Who gets to keep their name and who has to change it? Or do they both get genericed with a free token to rename themself?

What happens when the servers ALL start hitting Yellow or Red/Grey from overactivity? People on low-end machines just SOL because you wanted a team-server and now they can't connect without timing out from too much activity on screen?

How about the people that want to just play casually on a low-population server, enjoying the feeling that they are one of a handful of heroes patrolling the streets?

Are they all screwed because you couldn't get a team on Protector?

My suggestion: Make an Alt on Freedom or Transfer a character over. But don't ruin the fun of a large portion of the (spread out) playerbase just because you want easier teaming.




Let’s see…

Bad suggestion that’s been made many times before, showing a refusal to use search…
Seeing contrary arguments as snarky personal attacks…
Incoherent, irrelevant analogy…
Attack on other poster’s playing habits…
Declaration of dissent as “defending the status quo” or “fearing change”…

Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe we have a Bingo.

We'll always have Paragon.




Right now Virtue and Freedom are the only flush servers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good for them. And when double xp and other events like the one coming up shortly happen they will be the only ones *shut to new people*. That leaves 9 other servers to play on, when those are closed.

If there were only six servers or five then the "quiet" would be maintained minus the desolation factor.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, no it would not. First, because by jamming the people on one server onto another's territory, you'd get a culture clash of epic proportions. Second, because there is no desolation. Only lack of team building skills.

Seriously today on Protector nobody was on Perigrine Island. Ghost town.

[/ QUOTE ]

I cry bull on that one, sorry. There are more people in the AE buildings everywhere, including Protector, and hundreds more in maps already. Just because they don't show in your search does not mean they aren't playing.

I understand y'all have 20 50's and can speak COH abbreviation like a military linguistics operator,

[/ QUOTE ]
No, I have 3, and all it takes is some careful observation and patience to learn "the lingo". You have neither.

but being a spazzy tool is hard to hide.

[/ QUOTE ]

You said it, not me... But it still is true, check that mirror out lately?


Chill out folks. The idea has some merit, and I wouldnt be surprised theres always a long whine fest whenever someone suggests something out of the norm.

[/ QUOTE ]

No merit whatsoever. It's not out of the norm, it just isn't necessary in the slightest, especially at this time. More players are quite literally POURING in from Steam and other sources, with a new box and mac editions available.

Just because you don't know how to find a team, doesn't mean things are bad enough to condense the servers into fewer, harder to maintain, easier to break and overload servers.

You have not addressed any of the issues that we have brought up, but that's typical, because it's not about OUR names, it's about YOUR teaming.

I hate to say this, really I do, but... do you LIKE standing in the middle of the sheep herd? Some of us prefer to graze alone or in small family units, instead of being crowded into the meat factory.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I make a prediction here and now. Tuesday at least 9 of the servers will hit heavy load.

Probably all 11

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I make a prediction here and now. Tuesday at least 9 over the servers will hit heavy load.

Probably all 11

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup. And I'm gonna guess that two of those will be greyed out within an hour...

It's a good thing the rest of those servers still have enough room not to explode, huh?

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Very good thing

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Very good thing

[/ QUOTE ]





Very good thing

[/ QUOTE ]



[/ QUOTE ]

Meaning absolutely nothing?

At this point I'm writing the OP off as a troll, given that he decided to make personal attacks rather than address any of the many very good reasons his idea is a bad one.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Ok now i will be known as Mr. Peterson2 woot.

So no i do not want this to happen. I also like some smaller severs because then i my computer doesn't explode with the mass amount of people playing. If you want more people go to freedom or virtue us small severs alone.

Edit: How many forums like this are around I see like 2 a month like this.