Ad Astra



We have too many servers for COH/V. Drop em to 5 so theres a real population in each one rather than 2 or 3.

[/ QUOTE ]

In the name of Positron's Iron Underwear, HELL NO!

I despise Freedumb and the totally random inability to get into it. I don't like the crowds, nor the arrogance displayed by some of the least deserving members of the population there.

I do not want every server to be like Freedumb. I like my low population servers.

However, if you want to be on Freedumb, you can certainly spend $10 US to move the character of your choice over there.

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



Moderator 08 Man

There's a man who is the lone forum ranger
To everyone he meets he stays a stranger
With every mod he makes another post he takes
Odds are your thread won't be there tomorrow

Moderator 08 man, Moderator 08 man
They've given you a number and taken away your name

Beware of petty trolls that you find
Those petty trolls all hide evil minds
Ah, be careful what you say
Or he'll mod your post away
Odds are your thread won't be there tomorrow

Moderator 08 man, Moderator 08 man
They've given you a number and taken away your name

[Lead guitar]

Moderator 08 man, Moderator 08 man
They've given you a number and taken away your name

Browsin General Discussions one day
And then Suggestions and Ideas the next day
Oh no, you let the wrong word slip
While making sarcastic quips
Odds are your thread won't be there tomorrow

Moderator 08 man, Moderator 08 man
They've given you a number and taken away your name

Moderator 08 man

Not the original but as close as I could remember it.



We have too many servers for COH/V. Drop em to 5 so theres a real population in each one rather than 2 or 3.

[/ QUOTE ]


And I would like this why?

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



We have too many servers for COH/V. Drop em to 5 so theres a real population in each one rather than 2 or 3.

[/ QUOTE ]


And I would like this why?

[/ QUOTE ]

Uhm . . . Because it would shut the OP up? . . . Nah your right he'd just make some other bizarre suggestions like selling all IO's in stores for a fixed price.



We have too many servers for COH/V. Drop em to 5 so theres a real population in each one rather than 2 or 3.

[/ QUOTE ]


And I would like this why?

[/ QUOTE ]

Uhm . . . Because it would shut the OP up? . . . Nah your right he'd just make some other bizarre suggestions like selling all IO's in stores for a fixed price.

[/ QUOTE ]

No no I want the OP to explain to me why I would like this idea. Not why he/she would like the idea but why I would like it.

And it has to be a reason I really would like it not one she/he thinks I would like.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



We have too many servers for COH/V. Drop em to 5 so theres a real population in each one rather than 2 or 3.

[/ QUOTE ]


And I would like this why?

[/ QUOTE ]

Uhm . . . Because it would shut the OP up? . . . Nah your right he'd just make some other bizarre suggestions like selling all IO's in stores for a fixed price.

[/ QUOTE ]

No no I want the OP to explain to me why I would like this idea. Not why he/she would like the idea but why I would like it.

And it has to be a reason I really would like it not one she/he thinks I would like.

[/ QUOTE ]

Best of luck on that, I think the OP has long since given up on his suggestion. Judging from his posts he's convinced himself that there's nothing wrong with his idea despite all the flaws we've pointed out to him.



waaaaaaayyyyy too much time on your hands, man.

[/ QUOTE ]Is it any wonder he's not the president?

[/ QUOTE ]

OOH! I know why I'm not President!

1. I'm not a rich.
2. I'm way to evil to be allowed anywhere near that kind of power.

[/ QUOTE ]

I feel that I should point out that your second reason didnt stop Bush, so you might as well edit that out

[/ QUOTE ]

Bush is in denial. He doesn't believe he's evil.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to get toooo political here (and I'm not a supporter of Bush the IInd), but Obama is even better than pure evil. He not only thinks he is doing the right thing (students of history are already laughing at him), but he has persuaded another notoriously evil group (Congress) to aid him in his plan for national discombobulation.

Obama-MasterMind? Wonder what Server he plays on?

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



I've seen the name taken on three servers myself. As well as Mr President the Tank.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



waaaaaaayyyyy too much time on your hands, man.

[/ QUOTE ]Is it any wonder he's not the president?

[/ QUOTE ]

OOH! I know why I'm not President!

1. I'm not a rich.
2. I'm way to evil to be allowed anywhere near that kind of power.

[/ QUOTE ]

I feel that I should point out that your second reason didnt stop Bush, so you might as well edit that out

[/ QUOTE ]

Bush is in denial. He doesn't believe he's evil.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to get toooo political here (and I'm not a supporter of Bush the IInd), but Obama is even better than pure evil. He not only thinks he is doing the right thing (students of history are already laughing at him), but he has persuaded another notoriously evil group (Congress) to aid him in his plan for national discombobulation.

Obama-MasterMind? Wonder what Server he plays on?

[/ QUOTE ]

Name a politician that isn't EVIL. Be that as it may, my cracker butt is pleased we finally got an American-African as president. Wether or not he'll do a decent job I haven't decided yet.


*flag flutters in the background while the American anthem plays softly*

Yes I know I have that one term reversed, but that's a pet peeve of mine. The patriot in me insists that if you were born in this country then you're an American first. If you're a first generation immigrant then you can call yourself a whatever-American.




Wow. I make a suggestion and recieve nothing but bile laced smarmy response. How underwhelming. Hey Im willing to bet you all go nuts whenever someone you see has just got a haircut. Ripe pickings in the land of cool huh?

Right now Virtue and Freedom are the only flush servers. If there were only six servers or five then the "quiet" would be maintained minus the desolation factor. Seriously today on Protector nobody was on Perigrine Island. Ghost town.

I understand y'all have 20 50's and can speak COH abbreviation like a military linguistics operator, but being a spazzy tool is hard to hide. Chill out folks. The idea has some merit, and I wouldnt be surprised theres always a long whine fest whenever someone suggests something out of the norm.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude, you had the verbal beatdown coming. Sorry but bad bad bad idea.



We have too many servers for COH/V. Drop em to 5 so theres a real population in each one rather than 2 or 3.

[/ QUOTE ]

I still laugh every time I see this...



moving on...




*flag flutters in the background while the American anthem plays softly*

Yes I know I have that one term reversed, but that's a pet peeve of mine. The patriot in me insists that if you were born in this country then you're an American first. If you're a first generation immigrant then you can call yourself a whatever-American.


[/ QUOTE ]

My pet peeve that's related is "Native American". I may not be an Indian, but I'm a native of this country too, dammit! My family came over before the country was even founded, forpetessake.

And don't even get me started on affirmative action...

So, back to the original topic...

How is the post padding going, people?

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"




*flag flutters in the background while the American anthem plays softly*

Yes I know I have that one term reversed, but that's a pet peeve of mine. The patriot in me insists that if you were born in this country then you're an American first. If you're a first generation immigrant then you can call yourself a whatever-American.


[/ QUOTE ]

My pet peeve that's related is "Native American". I may not be an Indian, but I'm a native of this country too, dammit! My family came over before the country was even founded, forpetessake.

And don't even get me started on affirmative action...

So, back to the original topic...

How is the post padding going, people?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not too bad. I needs me postin's.



...this is a valid thread because...?

First off it's just another of the weekly "merge servers" threads, secondly there's no constructive criticism going on, thirdly at this point the discussions are completely off-topic. Next!

My Virtue Projects

AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm




*flag flutters in the background while the American anthem plays softly*

Yes I know I have that one term reversed, but that's a pet peeve of mine. The patriot in me insists that if you were born in this country then you're an American first. If you're a first generation immigrant then you can call yourself a whatever-American.


[/ QUOTE ]

My pet peeve that's related is "Native American". I may not be an Indian, but I'm a native of this country too, dammit! My family came over before the country was even founded, forpetessake.

And don't even get me started on affirmative action...

So, back to the original topic...

How is the post padding going, people?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not fond of the term Native American. They deserve to be called by their tribe/nation. Sioux, Navajo, Seneca, Apache, etc. They were here first.



...this is a valid thread because...?

First off it's just another of the weekly "merge servers" threads, secondly there's no constructive criticism going on, thirdly at this point the discussions are completely off-topic. Next!

[/ QUOTE ]
Fourthly, because by keeping this on the front page, there's a chance that the next "OMG MERGE SERVERS 'Cus everyone on my server knows me now and won't team with me" poster will see it and decide not to post the same BAD IDEA. (Okay, it won't, but there is a chance, isn't there?)

Fifthly, by keeping this on the front page it's easier to grab the Cut-N-Paste reply to put in the inevitable identical thread. I think a Mod should start a "Not Merging the Servers!!" thread consisting exclusively of the Cut-N-Paste answer, lock it and sticky it at the top of the forum.



Mmmmmmm Pork BBQ . . .




Fifthly, by keeping this on the front page it's easier to grab the Cut-N-Paste reply to put in the inevitable identical thread. I think a Mod should start a "Not Merging the Servers!!" thread consisting exclusively of the Cut-N-Paste answer, lock it and sticky it at the top of the forum.

[/ QUOTE ]\

You think people would read it? Lol.




Fifthly, by keeping this on the front page it's easier to grab the Cut-N-Paste reply to put in the inevitable identical thread. I think a Mod should start a "Not Merging the Servers!!" thread consisting exclusively of the Cut-N-Paste answer, lock it and sticky it at the top of the forum.

[/ QUOTE ]\

You think people would read it? Lol.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well, being stickied at the top of course they.....oh, yeah.




Fifthly, by keeping this on the front page it's easier to grab the Cut-N-Paste reply to put in the inevitable identical thread. I think a Mod should start a "Not Merging the Servers!!" thread consisting exclusively of the Cut-N-Paste answer, lock it and sticky it at the top of the forum.

[/ QUOTE ]\

You think people would read it? Lol.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well, being stickied at the top of course they.....oh, yeah.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dear, sweet Jeebus, NO. There are already so many damn stickies in this forum.



No politics please


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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