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PS It's "harm or foul".

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe he meant to say fowl. Are you implying the servers will be overrun with chickens if they lock people from making toons on freedom?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well atleast it would give me a reason to make the fire/axe tanker that I always wanted to make.... The Colonel.....



I saw him broadcasting in Protector Atlas looking for a farm.

... Sigh.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



-Waves white flag-

Ok what if they suspended people from making toons on Freedom and Virtue for a couple months.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because nothing says "great massively multiplayer game" like the additional clause "But new players won't be allowed to play with their veteran friends because the server they're on is restricted".

Really, REALLY bad idea.

My characters - all on Virtue.
Gabe's Internet [censored] Theory
RMT spammers WILL steal your credit card.



-Waves white flag-

Ok what if they suspended people from making toons on Freedom and Virtue for a couple months. I mean damn...theyre filled! Seriously there really wouldnt be any harm or fowl, and the other servers do need a boost

[/ QUOTE ]Dude, think about it for a minute. Your buddy has been harping about this really great game for, like, YEARS, trying to get you to just come try it. He'll help you get started, giving you a bunch of influence and helping you level up so you can join him on raids and stuff with all his buddies and they got this really cool base and everything!

So you've finally given in. You've downloaded and installed the game, you sat through the HUGE update download, and now you've got him on the phone as you're creating your first character.

"Okay, so now I'm supposed to pick a server? Which one are you all on?"


"Says it's not accepting new characters until further notice. Now what?"

"[censored] [censored] [censored] son of a [censored] [censored] [censored] eating [censored]!!!"

Preventing people from playing with their pals is Not A Good Thing.

PS It's "harm or foul".

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd just like to point out that this really isn't a valid argument. Don't get me wrong, I think preventing people from creating characters on any server they want is a horrible idea.

But say Freedom was locked out. Why couldn't the Vet player simply, god forbid, play with his buddy on a different server?

They could easily team together doing regular content, or if the Vet wants to help his friend level real fast they can go play in the MA.



im begining to think Power has 2 accounts. that or Tongo is his twin brother.




I'd just like to point out that this really isn't a valid argument. Don't get me wrong, I think preventing people from creating characters on any server they want is a horrible idea.

But say Freedom was locked out. Why couldn't the Vet player simply, god forbid, play with his buddy on a different server?

They could easily team together doing regular content, or if the Vet wants to help his friend level real fast they can go play in the MA.

[/ QUOTE ]

I really need to update this with some other stuff, but it was initially written for 2xp weekends.


How to start on another server - or, Double XP Weekend Can't Bring Me Down!

Yes, another Double XP weekend has come and (almost) gone. Characters were made, others were levelled, and a good time was had by all!

Well, perhaps not by all. There's a vocal minority, most of whom come from Freedom (by dint of it being the most populated server) who insist the weekend was ruined for them, that they couldn't play, that NCSoft owes them something or other for this.

Let's get the hardnose stuff out of the way here.
I'll get helpful later, but this does need to be said:

If you put all your eggs in one basket, it's your own fault you couldn't play. And as far as NCSoft owing anything? Read your EULA.

NC Interactive cannot guarantee that you will be able to access the Service or your Account whenever you may wish to do so.

NC Interactive shall not be liable for any interruption of the Service, delay or failure to perform resulting from any causes whatsoever.

What does that mean? The servers - ALL of them - can be down, and your option will be to wait 'til they fix it.

But that doesn't help me!

You're right. It doesn't. But the rest of this will.

First, I fully understand being annoyed by not being able to play your favourite character. Really, I do. I fully understand having a main character on a main server. From what other denizens of Freedom tell me though... they can get on with just a few tries. Backing out and going back in lets them in.

Also - this isn't just about double XP weekend. Servers are hardware, software, and all that connects them. They can have problems. They're split to cover two coasts, and we've had half the servers be unavailable due to data center or network issues.

Wouldn't you like to be able to play regardless?

But I dont' want to move to another server!

Let's get a few arguments and misconceptions out of the way here first.

I don't want to spend ten bucks on a transfer!

While you can do this, it isn't what I'm suggesting. You CAN do this as part of the process, but setting up a character on another server costs absolutely nothing more than you pay right now.

All my friends/my SG/etc are on Freedom!

So bring them with you. And make new friends at the destination, too!

(Server) is a ghost town!

Didn't you just say you had friends and an SG? If they come over with you, you're not starting with a so-called "ghost town," as incorrect as the idea *is.*

My main is on Freedom!

That's fine. This is giving you the ability to play and meet new people if you can't get on freedom. Enjoying the game you're paying a subscription fee to play. To have fun. Isn't that the point?

I don't want to do this for a character that'll be played only three times a year!

That's an assumption - and it's something you can control, anyway. Read on.

Making the move

OK. The important thing - how do you make this move? Here's a bunch of ideas for you.

First, pick a server. Talk it over with your friends and SG mates. Importantly, you want a west coast server. From experience around the country, you won't notice a difference playing - I've played East coast servers from Oregon, and West coast from the midwest and south. You wont' notice a difference.

Freedom is an East Coast server. Why is this important? Well, I mentioned earlier that the servers are split into two data centers. Every once in a while, a center has trouble - so multiple servers are unavailable. If you look at the Wiki, you'll see which servers are where.

What you want to consider is a west coast server. Those are:

Pick one!

Now, you've picked a server. We'll use Champion for our example. What now?

Well, now you have to create characters and a supergroup. Yes, you're starting over (unless someone pays ten bucks to move a character witha bunch of INF over, or risks market transfers.) Say you've convinced six people to come with you. What do you do to avoid having ignored lowbies?

Create an event!

Redside? How about Mastermind Mania. Every, say, second Sunday, get on your masterminds on Champion and just play for an hour. Team, obviously! And don't forget supergroup mode. You want a base! Or be the Sunday Scourge. Maybe the fourth Saturday you run Blasters, blowing up everything in sight. How about Task or Strike Force Fridays? Or even just farming?

Guess what. Soon... you'll have some decently levelled characters, a supergroup base, and the core of a new group which you can play any time Freedom's not available.

And if you think the folks you came with are only going to play those? Think again. Someone's going to say "Y'know, we could use a corruptor," and roll one, then have it invited to the group. Or a dom. Or a defender.

In addition... *Mention your event!*

You're on the forum RIGHT NOW reading this. If you go down the lsit of forums a ways, you'll see *server forums.* Pop into the server you chose and say "Hey, we've got a new group, and we run X event on this specific day. Come join us - roll a new character, if you want!"

While you're at it - *tell people in game, too!* So you're down to four one week? Broadcast. "The Exiled Freedom group (I don't know if it exists, if it's yours, pardon the borrow) is running Mastermind Madness this week. Want in? We've got Sk spots!" Meet new people and grow your group!

Some folks, if they know you're trying to just start a "backup" group or a new SG, will probably help out in other ways, too. While farming is generally frowned on by the community, farming to get a new SG off the ground *can* be a way to meet new people who are willing to help.

After a while?

You have a new supergroup. A secondary "main," perhaps. New people on the friends list. And next time Freedom's not available, you have a place to invite your friends who are now stuck there, helpign them level up a new character and enjoy the time.

And isn't that what it's all about?

[/ QUOTE ]



We have too many servers for COH/V. Drop em to 5 so theres a real population in each one rather than 2 or 3.

[/ QUOTE ]


I can lock caps too

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



-Waves white flag-

Ok what if they suspended people from making toons on Freedom and Virtue for a couple months. I mean damn...theyre filled! Seriously there really wouldnt be any harm or fowl, and the other servers do need a boost

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm noticing a theme in your posts in this thread.

You want the universe to change to accomodate you.

How about you just pony up the $10 and move to Freedom or Virtue? Did they stop the paid transfers or something recently?



Its supposed to change to accommodate me. I bought the Universe for $6 just last month. Bought it from the previous owner who was strapped for cash and needed to buy lunch. Of course there was that 11% universal sales tax, so it was a tad bit more than $6...but still.

What? Why are you looking at me that way?

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Its supposed to change to accommodate me. I bought the Universe for $6 just last month. Bought it from the previous owner who was strapped for cash and needed to buy lunch. Of course there was that 11% universal sales tax, so it was a tad bit more than $6...but still.

What? Why are you looking at me that way?

[/ QUOTE ]




Its supposed to change to accommodate me. I bought the Universe for $6 just last month. Bought it from the previous owner who was strapped for cash and needed to buy lunch. Of course there was that 11% universal sales tax, so it was a tad bit more than $6...but still.

What? Why are you looking at me that way?

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

And I had flipped it.

~ Infinity Heroes ~
Dark Voltage - 50 NRG/NRG/EM Blaster
Shure Shot - 50 Arch/NRG/MM Blaster
Silent Shadow Blade - 50 Katana/SR/BM Scrapper
Uphir - 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster



the other servers do need a boost

[/ QUOTE ]
They really don't. If you love the Freedom server so much, make characters there. It's that simple.



-Waves white flag-

Ok what if they suspended people from making toons on Freedom and Virtue for a couple months. I mean damn...theyre filled! Seriously there really wouldnt be any harm or fowl, and the other servers do need a boost

[/ QUOTE ]Dude, think about it for a minute. Your buddy has been harping about this really great game for, like, YEARS, trying to get you to just come try it. He'll help you get started, giving you a bunch of influence and helping you level up so you can join him on raids and stuff with all his buddies and they got this really cool base and everything!

So you've finally given in. You've downloaded and installed the game, you sat through the HUGE update download, and now you've got him on the phone as you're creating your first character.

"Okay, so now I'm supposed to pick a server? Which one are you all on?"


"Says it's not accepting new characters until further notice. Now what?"

"[censored] [censored] [censored] son of a [censored] [censored] [censored] eating [censored]!!!"

Preventing people from playing with their pals is Not A Good Thing.

PS It's "harm or foul".

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd just like to point out that this really isn't a valid argument. Don't get me wrong, I think preventing people from creating characters on any server they want is a horrible idea.

But say Freedom was locked out. Why couldn't the Vet player simply, god forbid, play with his buddy on a different server?

They could easily team together doing regular content, or if the Vet wants to help his friend level real fast they can go play in the MA.

[/ QUOTE ]
"so you can join him on raids and stuff with all his buddies and they got this really cool base and everything" -- last I heard, the devs were still working on the "transfer an entire supergroup" tool.



the other servers do need a boost

[/ QUOTE ]
They really don't. If you love the Freedom server so much, make characters there. It's that simple.

[/ QUOTE ]

That would make too much sense. Wouldn't it just be better to come on the forums, and make a post about how all the servers except Freedom and Virtue are like ghost towns. Also that the devs would need to reduce the number of servers so other servers could be more populated.

If I had a choice between moving and staying, I would just stay and complain on the forums because it just makes less sense that way.



I play 147 characters across all eleven servers, including multi-server characters that exist on all servers for thematic reasons and I wouldn't want to lose any of them or have them dumbed down just to make it more convenient for you. Thank you.

Edit: Also, remember a lot of us work or go to school during the day, dude.



-Waves white flag-

Ok what if they suspended people from making toons on Freedom and Virtue for a couple months. I mean damn...theyre filled! Seriously there really wouldnt be any harm or fowl, and the other servers do need a boost

[/ QUOTE ]Dude, think about it for a minute. Your buddy has been harping about this really great game for, like, YEARS, trying to get you to just come try it. He'll help you get started, giving you a bunch of influence and helping you level up so you can join him on raids and stuff with all his buddies and they got this really cool base and everything!

So you've finally given in. You've downloaded and installed the game, you sat through the HUGE update download, and now you've got him on the phone as you're creating your first character.

"Okay, so now I'm supposed to pick a server? Which one are you all on?"


"Says it's not accepting new characters until further notice. Now what?"

"[censored] [censored] [censored] son of a [censored] [censored] [censored] eating [censored]!!!"

Preventing people from playing with their pals is Not A Good Thing.

PS It's "harm or foul".

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd just like to point out that this really isn't a valid argument. Don't get me wrong, I think preventing people from creating characters on any server they want is a horrible idea.

But say Freedom was locked out. Why couldn't the Vet player simply, god forbid, play with his buddy on a different server?

They could easily team together doing regular content, or if the Vet wants to help his friend level real fast they can go play in the MA.

[/ QUOTE ]
"so you can join him on raids and stuff with all his buddies and they got this really cool base and everything" -- last I heard, the devs were still working on the "transfer an entire supergroup" tool.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry Tripp but that argument won't fly. The vet and all his buddies could easily make alt SG's on more than one server. (This has the added bonus that the bases they makes will grow faster because they are already starting with a dedicated core of members) Many players already do this, with the exception of the few Freedom Fanatics that prefer to whine that their server is locked out like it is today.

(Not all Freedom players are fanatics.)



I completely acknowledge that that scenario would be easy to work around. But that wasn't my point.

Guy2 wants to show Guy1 the cool base Guy2 and his buddies have. And he can't if their server is closed to new characters. Thus closing the highest pop servers to new characters to increase population on the "wasted" ones would be Not A Good Thing for the game. It would send a very negative first impression to that potential new customer.

But as others have pointed out, Tongo is acting like the only answer that will satisfy him is the one that does what HE wants, and [censored] everyone else.



I completely acknowledge that that scenario would be easy to work around. But that wasn't my point.

Guy2 wants to show Guy1 the cool base Guy2 and his buddies have. And he can't if their server is closed to new characters. Thus closing the highest pop servers to new characters to increase population on the "wasted" ones would be Not A Good Thing for the game. It would send a very negative first impression to that potential new customer.

But as others have pointed out, Tongo is acting like the only answer that will satisfy him is the one that does what HE wants, and [censored] everyone else.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, I think I see where we are misunderstanding each others points, and it's simply a matter of perspective and not any ones fault.

Since I13 I've been playing a lot with the base editor and I honestly think it's very possible to have a cool looking base on a very tight budget. The removal of pathing restrictions has given everyone the ability to craft truly impressive bases. We can now impress people with quality rather than quantity.



no, i like how the server i play on is... "DEAD!".....



no, i like how the server i play on is... "DEAD!".....

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm, yeah, my server that is not Freedom or Virtue was so dead today that I only mapservered every 5 minutes instead of not being able to log in at all.

And that was on a relatively new laptop with good additional video. On a crappy machine, it would have been unbearable and unplayable.

(NOTE: AFAIK, there were no server lockouts today for anyone.)

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."




(NOTE: AFAIK, there were no server lockouts today for anyone.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, there were. Both Freedom and Virtue were grey around 3 pm-ish pacific time.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Er... why is this thread still running?



Er... why is this thread still running?

[/ QUOTE ]
Because we like to pad our post count.

Um.... Um, because we think that the OP doesn't yet understand the meaning of "dead".

>_> Possibly because no one's reported it to Mod8. It's actually been pretty civil!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!