Ad Astra



What about players willfully being able to switch their toons for free. Server to server whenever you wish. Yes that would mean the game couldnt make any money in that area anymore, but the increased volume of players activity would make up for it. Might be technically nightmarish, but it might not either. SGs would stay where they are though. Idk. Just thought Id share.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you see what happened to the NCSoft store when they released the Magic Booster and everyone tried to get it all at once?

Or how bout this weekend when it crashed?

Now imagine what would happen during the next 2xp weekend when everyone starts transfering their characters at the same time.

When the system crashes, and it will, what will those people do when their characters are lost/corrupted?

Do you think those people will be happy if they have to get their characters replaced with a back up and all the special IO's purps whatever they had on the character are missing because that older version didn't have them.

Oh and what happens when Superdude goes to another server for a few hours and when he returns to his preferred server his name (which he had for 3 years) has been taken by another player?



Today on Protector there were a total of 12 yes 12 toons lvl 16-25 in total.

[/ QUOTE ]

So wait - you are basing your ideas on lack of population based on what you see in one level range (not hidden) on one server ON SUNDAY MORNING? On a Sunday morning that (at least here in the midwest) is some of the best weather we have had for months?! (Note - it's in the 80's and sunny here in Columbus today, I really should be outside).

You can't use low traffic times as your measure of server population.


Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



to add to this, use the SEARCH. it is your friend and will not bite you i promise.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think it bit me once, but i got ticked off at it and bit it back

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya



to add to this, use the SEARCH. it is your friend and will not bite you i promise.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think it bit me once, but i got ticked off at it and bit it back

[/ QUOTE ]

A Search Function once bit my Sister. >.>




to add to this, use the SEARCH. it is your friend and will not bite you i promise.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think it bit me once, but i got ticked off at it and bit it back

[/ QUOTE ]

A Search Function once bit my Sister. >.>


[/ QUOTE ]

Was she carving her name on it with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush?



/unsigned, the reasons have been mentioned multiple times. We should add more servers.



What about players willfully being able to switch their toons for free. Server to server whenever you wish. Yes that would mean the game couldnt make any money in that area anymore, but the increased volume of players activity would make up for it. Might be technically nightmarish, but it might not either. SGs would stay where they are though. Idk. Just thought Id share.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you see what happened to the NCSoft store when they released the Magic Booster and everyone tried to get it all at once?

Or how bout this weekend when it crashed?

Now imagine what would happen during the next 2xp weekend when everyone starts transfering their characters at the same time.

When the system crashes, and it will, what will those people do when their characters are lost/corrupted?

Do you think those people will be happy if they have to get their characters replaced with a back up and all the special IO's purps whatever they had on the character are missing because that older version didn't have them.

Oh and what happens when Superdude goes to another server for a few hours and when he returns to his preferred server his name (which he had for 3 years) has been taken by another player?

[/ QUOTE ]

As for the names thats easy to fix. Whoever has a name used by others has a # put at the end of their name depending in what order their toon was made. No way to get around SGs though.

There are too many servers. Im willling to bet if they released server population numbers youd see theres room for improvement. I think the switching servers at will is a good idea, and would make for some interesting situations.

Like a "Whose the most powerful SG on all servers Contest" or etc... Right now two servers are overcrowded and the rest wasted.



In reference to your suggestion on a name 'fix'...

Dude, seriously. Strap on the nomex and get the ointment ready.



dude, get over it. this is: the worst there ever was, the worst that is and the worst that ever will be of all ideas. well, besides a few others that come to mind.




As for the names thats easy to fix. Whoever has a name used by others has a # put at the end of their name depending in what order their toon was made. No way to get around SGs though.

[/ QUOTE ]
If I'm moving (or being moved to) a server where my name is taken: I'd better have the option to either rename (for free!) my character or simply avoid the server where the name is already taken.
If I'm minding my own business and finding that someone took my name because thier character has been sitting dormant since I-1 on a different server? Simply: NO.
Names with numbers stuck on the end for no reason usually look stupid.

I think the switching servers at will is a good idea, and would make for some interesting situations.

[/ QUOTE ]
At will? I agree with the poster above that was hesitant about the "At Will" part. Having a reasonable, but limited number of free server transfers is something I could go with.

Right now two servers are overcrowded and the rest wasted.

[/ QUOTE ]
No room in the middle between overcrowded and wasted? Really?
I think you are contradicting yourself.
Overcrowded would give us reason to split Freedom and Virtue into four servers.
Wasted is a matter of opinion, and I clearly do not agree with that opinion.
Allowing server transfers would allow people to choose where they want to play. Forcing server choices upon them by merging some servers and splitting others would not.




What about players willfully being able to switch their toons for free. Server to server whenever you wish. Yes that would mean the game couldnt make any money in that area anymore, but the increased volume of players activity would make up for it. Might be technically nightmarish, but it might not either.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not so sure. How much money do they currently make per month on the selling of Server Transfers, and how many more active player accounts do you think they would have if this feature were introduced?

Still, it would be better economicly than making the game look like it's dying by doing server mergers, which are usually part of a game's death-rattle on the way out the door.

So. How many?



*clears throat*

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
+-------------------+ .:\:\:/:/:.
| PLEASE DO NOT | :.:\:\:/:/:.:
| FEED THE TROLLS | :=.' - - '.=:
| | '=(\ 9 9 /)='
| Thank you, | ( (_) )
| Management | /`-vvv-'\
+-------------------+ / \
| | @@@ / /|,,,,,|\ \
| | @@@ /_// /^\ \\_\
@x@@x@ | | |/ WW( ( ) )WW
\||||/ | | \| __\,,\ /,,/__
\||/ | | | (______Y______)
================================================== ================

</pre><hr />



ROFLMFBO!!!!!! this has to be made into a pasty.




As for the names thats easy to fix. Whoever has a name used by others has a # put at the end of their name depending in what order their toon was made.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, that's not "easy to fix." I'm not Memphis Bill1. I do not want a number after my name. If I did, I'd put one there. And if I have a character at the maximum number of letters in my name, you've just mangled the name.

This is a good way to piss off and lose customers.

Thank you for proving you didn't bother reading the long, cut and paste reply yet again, though, as this is covered in it.

No way to get around SGs though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yet another way to lose customers.

There are too many servers.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, there aren't.

Im willling to bet if they released server population numbers youd see theres room for improvement.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, really, there's not.

I think the switching servers at will is a good idea, and would make for some interesting situations.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah. New ways to annoy and lose customers.

Like a "Whose the most powerful SG on all servers Contest" or etc... Right now two servers are overcrowded and the rest wasted.

[/ QUOTE ]

Again, read the long cut and paste, and stop being ignorant and selfish.



As for the names thats easy to fix. Whoever has a name used by others has a # put at the end of their name depending in what order their toon was made. No way to get around SGs though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Anyone that tries adding a number to any of my characters names and I'll introduce their kneecaps to my baseball bat.

There are too many servers. Im willling to bet if they released server population numbers youd see theres room for improvement. I think the switching servers at will is a good idea, and would make for some interesting situations.

[/ QUOTE ]

This only your opinion, and you are basing it on faulty information.

Right now two servers are overcrowded

[/ QUOTE ]

And the solution to that is to add two more servers and move half of the players from each of the overcrowded servers to the two new servers. That way no one loses their characters name and if they could move SG's that would be swell.

Let's even go a step farther, Let's bring over the Euro Servers and reopen the Korean servers.



ROFLMFBO!!!!!! this has to be made into a pasty.

[/ QUOTE ]

And just so that one doesn't get stale for you Quint...

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
/| /| | |
||__|| | Please don't |
/ O O\__ feed |
/ \ the trolls |
/ \ \ |
/ _ \ \ ----------------------
/ |\____\ \ ||
/ | | | |\____/ ||
/ \|_|_|/ | __||
/ / \ |____| ||
/ | | /| | --|
| | |// |____ --|
* _ | |_|_|_| | \-/
*-- _--\ _ \ // |
/ _ \\ _ // | /
* / \_ /- | - | |
* ___ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c____________

</pre><hr />



awesome sauce. maybe we can get a thumbtacked thread full of these and the usual pasty replies so when all these topics are brought up we can just go there and cut and paste or link to it. what's everyone think about that?




I'm offended.

Trolls gotta eat, too, mang!



Imagine if you will.. this thread gets started and NO ONE replies. we all just ignore it. We know it isn't a valid suggestion, the OP's replies were just trying to throw gasoline on a fire. If we all ignored the thread (please ignore the next ones!) it would die an ignominious death. Alone. with a little 0 beside if to represent the number of sad pathetic little posts and views it has had. Don't give threads like this the time it takes to read it.. just move along.. nothing to see here. These aren't the trolls your looking for.



Imagine if you will.. this thread gets started and NO ONE replies.

[/ QUOTE ] Dude, I want some of whatever you're on. That is one crazy idea.



These aren't the trolls your looking for.

[/ QUOTE ]

But.... but... how will I amuse myself and up my post count?

+1 Btw.



No, that's not "easy to fix." I'm not Memphis Bill1. I do not want a number after my name. If I did, I'd put one there. And if I have a character at the maximum number of letters in my name, you've just mangled the name.

[/ QUOTE ]
Also, it makes a terrible mess if you have a number at the end of your name. If you are "Experiment 7" with a 7 on your chest, you are suddenly going to turn into "Experiment 71". Ooops.

If you are going to tack anything on, stick the global name out there, and make it a non-required part. If you send a tell to "Experiment 7" and there are two online, then prompt me as to whether you mean Zloth's Experiment 7 or NotAsCoolGuy's Experiment 7. Otherwise, just send it to the one that's online. You can still have trouble if a person has two characters with the same name on two servers that get merged but that should be a very rare case. (Not so rare if you are consolidating all servers, though.)



there really is a desolation prob.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't log in until after midnight most of the time. Between midnight and 6 a.m., I get at least two invitations to join a team, every night, some nights as many as one every 30-60 minutes. Not farm/fill/PL requests, I don't even reply to those, I'm talking about legitimate "Hey, team of X doing X, want to join?" invitations.

And I play on low population servers, not flagged as looking for anything (but not flagged red, i don't use that unless i get a lot of blind invites in a short period of time (which does happen, occasionally)). I'm also not a member of any badge, server or SG channels, nor are those invitations coming from Repeat Offenders or similar coalitions of forumites who might be familiar with me from the forums, the teams I get invites from are 100% pick-up.

When I stop seeing requests to join a team in the dead of the night on low population servers, then I'll buy the "desolation" theory.



I think the switching servers at will is a good idea, and would make for some interesting situations.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think it would be a net zero equation. On average, for every player who transferred to a higher population server, another player would transfer to a lower population server. In the end, nothing changes except the higher bill NCSoft pays for the bandwidth wasted by this.