Character transfer: package deals.

Ad Astra



As seen here: Source topic

Basically, the idea is to provide a package deal for those who would wish to transfer many (or ideally, all) of their characters from one server to another.

Example given:

All my Heroes are on Freedom because that's where we originally started when the game was new. We sometimes wish we were able to find a more mature crowd, some roleplay for example. No offense to Freedom fans, I met awesome players there, but the idea of not being able to play because the server is full on busy nights and when we finally squeeze through, all we see through the lag is farms and more farms, makes us wish for greener or at least, quieter pastures.

I can't afford to transfer all my alts one by one. I like to keep all my characters on the same server and no, a lot of us are not ready to simply give up their alts and restart them elsewhere.

So, in a nutshell, this is a suggestion to allow players to pay for a complete migration. I'm well aware that names will be an issue. Personally, I don't mind. Names can be changed, goes with the game.

What do you all think?



It was my understanding the price was set at $9.99 to discourage mass transfers yet still be affordable for those people that really want to change servers. This idea would defeat that purpose.


Try creating some new characters. That's what those unused character slots are for.



Wish I could transfer my solo SG or its prestige with me. Earned over 5 mil prestige alone plus from the friends that no longer play.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I am spread all over Justice, Virtue, Freedom, Victory, Liberty and Infinity. I find it nice to be able to jump on any of those servers are times when -other- servers may be down, or full, or empty, or whatever.

Moving ALL your eggs from one basket to another is foolish. Just diversity, it's not hard, or painful, lots of cool folk on other servers, it costs nothing extra to keep your 'old' characters on your old server, and just move.

If you really needed to, you could consolidate your influence, and just pay to move ONE high level character over, who can be your bank on another server.

There is no need to move 'in bulk'. There have been subtle hints that the concept of 'a server' may go away in future revisions, and people on ALL servers will play in instances around the 'same' homogenized zone. They do that with Eve Online with >50,000 online at the same time, which is at least 5 times the max 'concurrent' usage of CoH these days.

Bite the bullet, start new guys on other servers, enjoy the game.

I have more fun with my lowbie characters than any of my mid-level characters.



Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.



Wish I could transfer my solo SG or its prestige with me. Earned over 5 mil prestige alone plus from the friends that no longer play.

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I would love to see an SG/base transfer.



You know what I want to transfer? My real self into Paragon City. I would need to have powers though. I dont want to be one of those citizens cowering in the middle of a gang of Skuls.



You know what I want to transfer? My real self into Paragon City. I would need to have powers though. I dont want to be one of those citizens cowering in the middle of a gang of Skuls.

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Are you kidding? Citizens are invulnerable! I'd love to be a citizen in Paragon. They never get hurt.

Sure they cower for the villains, but that's done sarcastically. Oooh! Da big bad cwiminal iz gonna hurt wittle ole me! I'm tho thcared!

That's why Capes and villains don't get much respect and get pushed around by them in the streets.



To answer above comments in no particular order:

I don't want to restart my characters. I have been on CoH since I1 and I have YET to level one to 50, this tells you much about my gaming efficiency. Restarting it all would effectively kill my gaming drive.

I do not wish to try new combos. I have tried most combinations, blue side, and what I have is what I want.

As for putting all my eggs in one basket, I think calling it foolishness is a bit rude. My goals and priorities are not necessarily yours. My friends and I love to jump alts, SK and exemp and not get bored by constantly playing the same characters. If we wanted to do that, we'd play WoW. If I spread out my characters all over the place, I won't be able to do that anymore.

Lets see what other people might want to add.



To answer above comments in no particular order:

I don't want to restart my characters. I have been on CoH since I1 and I have YET to level one to 50, this tells you much about my gaming efficiency. Restarting it all would effectively kill my gaming drive.

I do not wish to try new combos. I have tried most combinations, blue side, and what I have is what I want.

As for putting all my eggs in one basket, I think calling it foolishness is a bit rude. My goals and priorities are not necessarily yours. My friends and I love to jump alts, SK and exemp and not get bored by constantly playing the same characters. If we wanted to do that, we'd play WoW. If I spread out my characters all over the place, I won't be able to do that anymore.

Lets see what other people might want to add.

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Still not really understanding why you and your friends won't be able to play with eachother on a different server.



My friends and I love to jump alts, SK and exemp and not get bored by constantly playing the same characters. If we wanted to do that, we'd play WoW. If I spread out my characters all over the place, I won't be able to do that anymore.

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So tell us, How's that jumpin alts thing you like to do been workin for you and your friends while Freedoms been down and greyed out?

Having alts on different servers means if you can't get onto your first choice of server you can still enjoy the game on one of the other servers you and your friends chose to create characters on.

In any case whatever you decide to do, NCSoft isn't going to change the price of server transfers. The fact that you are discouraged from making a lot of transfers because of the price means the feature is working as intended.

Pony up the bucks or make new characters.



To answer above comments in no particular order:

I don't want to restart my characters. I have been on CoH since I1 and I have YET to level one to 50, this tells you much about my gaming efficiency. Restarting it all would effectively kill my gaming drive.

I do not wish to try new combos. I have tried most combinations, blue side, and what I have is what I want.

As for putting all my eggs in one basket, I think calling it foolishness is a bit rude. My goals and priorities are not necessarily yours. My friends and I love to jump alts, SK and exemp and not get bored by constantly playing the same characters. If we wanted to do that, we'd play WoW. If I spread out my characters all over the place, I won't be able to do that anymore.

Lets see what other people might want to add.

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Still not really understanding why you and your friends won't be able to play with eachother on a different server.

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He's one of those, One server. One God. All else is sin types. They always crop up when they can't log onto Freedom.



To answer above comments in no particular order:

I don't want to restart my characters. I have been on CoH since I1 and I have YET to level one to 50, this tells you much about my gaming efficiency. Restarting it all would effectively kill my gaming drive.

I do not wish to try new combos. I have tried most combinations, blue side, and what I have is what I want.

As for putting all my eggs in one basket, I think calling it foolishness is a bit rude. My goals and priorities are not necessarily yours. My friends and I love to jump alts, SK and exemp and not get bored by constantly playing the same characters. If we wanted to do that, we'd play WoW. If I spread out my characters all over the place, I won't be able to do that anymore.

Lets see what other people might want to add.

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Still not really understanding why you and your friends won't be able to play with eachother on a different server.

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He's one of those, One server. One God. All else is sin types. They always crop up when they can't log onto Freedom.

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Yeah kind of figured that. I thought a bit of subtlety would make him think about it and realise he is the one that is causing his problemn.



Yeah kind of figured that. I thought a bit of subtlety would make him think about it and realise he is the one that is causing his problemn.

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Good luck with that.

Those conversations always end up with them blaming the game and calling anyone that offers them reasonable solutions to the problems they themselves caused a troll.



Forbin, wikked. Talk about assumptions...

My point was, if I want to play my blaster instead of my scrapper and my friend wants to play his tanker instead of his blaster and they're all spread out over different servers, we can't play together, unless there's some awesome cross-server device I have yet to hear of :P

No, I am definitely not among the people who cry doom when Freedom is full, I go play one of my villains on Guardian instead.

All my heroes are on Freedom, all my Villains are on Guardian. Whether I decide that I want my characters on the same server or spread out is a decision that regards me and myself. If you do not agree with my bulk transfer idea, I thank you for telling me and explaining me why, but how I choose to play my game is basically none of your business, as it's none of mine how you play yours.

There was no need to tag me with all those crazy conclusions, as far as I'm concerned, it's the first time we meet on the forums so you may be a bit bold to assume that much about someone you never met.

In the source topic, the idea seemed well received, that is why it ended up here, for discussion. If you don't agree with it, it's fine. If you think no one will agree with it, it's fine too. But if you feel the need to insult me, could you possibly take your posts somewhere else than in what I try to make a constructive and interesting debate?

Nothing personal, it's just a board. We got off on a bad start, nothing that can't be fixed.



After re-reading my post, I realize I come out a bit harsh. Believe me, the last thing I want is to get on anyone's wrong side or to be categorized as a troll.

I'm opened to ideas and suggestions and yes, I'm quite aware that my original idea might be complete crap, that's why I submitted it to discussion.

And again, the only reason why my characters aren't all over the place is because I couldn't play with my RL friends. If I was alone, I would have no problem with that. I don't care for Freedom or any server in particular for that matter. I care about playing with nice people. The rest is optional.



After re-reading my post, I realize I come out a bit harsh. Believe me, the last thing I want is to get on anyone's wrong side or to be categorized as a troll.

I'm opened to ideas and suggestions and yes, I'm quite aware that my original idea might be complete crap, that's why I submitted it to discussion.

And again, the only reason why my characters aren't all over the place is because I couldn't play with my RL friends. If I was alone, I would have no problem with that. I don't care for Freedom or any server in particular for that matter. I care about playing with nice people. The rest is optional.

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It's not that your original idea is crap, it's that the system was set up to make people think if doing a server transfer is what they really want to do.The price is just high enough to make people think twice, yet compared to what other games charge our transfers are among the cheapest.

There are technical issues as well. If they made it to cheap then everyone would be bouncing around servers and that could cause the system to crash. Sure you only want to use it once but the company has to consider what would happen on say a 2xp weekend when thousands of players try switching servers at the same time. Imagine if the system went down and all those characters disappeared, got corrupted, gone forever.

Then consider this. Say they allowed bulk transfers and a bunch of people moved their stuff to another server for a special event. Sure they don't mind if they have to change a few names for the weekend, they can always change them back when they return to their home server. But after the event they find out that the names they had there for years were grabbed up by people that made new characters during the event.

Now as to the having all your eggs in one basket, maybe Part Troll was harsh by calling it silly, I don't know. It's just that we've seen the same opinion get voiced by other people and they overreacted and got upset at the idea that they might want to consider having something to play on another server in case a server goes down or gets locked out.

Many of us play with the same group of friends like you do. It's just that we also keep spare characeters ready on multiple servers in case of an emergency. If a server crashes we all go to one of the alternate servers and play there. In many cases we are playing the same characters. We just made more than one copy. If you asked around I think you'd be surprised at how many people have used the same name on more than one server. There are even duplicate SG's or multi-server SG's if you like the name better.

I realize it can sound like you're getting bashed about preferring to keep your characters on a single server, It isn't really meant to be that way. We are just trying to prevent the frustration you could go thru if you end up missing a special event or just some good gaming because your preferred server crashed and you can't get on.

As an example look at how often Freedom has been locked out since I14 went live. A lot of people that only play on Freedom have been upset about that.

If you do decide that you still want to keep all your characters on a single server, I wish you the best of luck with that and hope whatever server you end up on has fewer problems than Freedom has had in the past.



Your argumentation makes a lot of sense. Seeing it that way, I am inclined to agree with you, 100%. I saw the idea through my own eyes: the eyes of someone who would like a one time deal and never it crossed my mind to abuse the system. You are, however, painfully right, it WOULD be abused and create a chaos unheard of.

I will talk to my friends about starting characters elsewhere, or deleting our low level alts and re-creating them elsewhere. I am not against having characters spread out, as long as it's something planned with the people I play with.

Thanks for giving me a chance to explain myself and allowing this debate to continue.



Your argumentation makes a lot of sense. Seeing it that way, I am inclined to agree with you, 100%. I saw the idea through my own eyes: the eyes of someone who would like a one time deal and never it crossed my mind to abuse the system. You are, however, painfully right, it WOULD be abused and create a chaos unheard of.

I will talk to my friends about starting characters elsewhere, or deleting our low level alts and re-creating them elsewhere. I am not against having characters spread out, as long as it's something planned with the people I play with.

Thanks for giving me a chance to explain myself and allowing this debate to continue.

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Thats what forbin was trying to say. I was trying to say that you seem more interested in playing you choice toon then you are playing with your friends. If you and your friends really want to play together you guys should make a couple characters on other servers that compliment each other. That way not only do you guys have characters to play, but you will have characters tha will make the game more fun..



I really don't see a problem with this idea. If someone wanted to pay to transfer a group of characters to another server, why not let them.

I mean, yeah, the price was implemented as a way to discourage it, but that doesn't mean it's total non-negotiable, does it?

Say for transferring 3 characters the cost was 24.99 instead of the 29.97 it would be one at a timing it. And perhaps transferring 6 characters could give a slightly larger break on the price. Say 51.99 instead of 59.94. What's wrong with people getting to play the characters they want on the server they want to play on in exchange for adding revenue to the company's coffers?

I too suggested he reroll on the other server, but as he said, he doesn't want to. Why not give him a slightly cheaper way to move his stable of characters if we can?

In lieu of this becoming possible, might I make another suggestion, Satera?

Have your friends reroll on a totally new server and you do the same. Start a SuperTeam (you can read more about these on the server and announcement boards) and play them all together whenever you play. Create leveling pacts if you like. It might possibly tide you over until you can afford to move your toons like you want. And it might start you and your friends on a whole new adventure together, beginning a Super Group together and building it up from scratch, rolling new alts to join in the crusades on the new shard. The sky is the limit, literally.



Actually, Blackavaar, this topic has been a source of inspiration to me because that's exactly what my friends and I are going to do tonight. We'll each start a new hero on a server we have yet to choose and see where this go from there. We plan to focus on MA a lot with those characters.

If we like the server, we'll delete/abandon one or two of our low level alts on Freedom and remake theme there. We might even try a third server later on, well I should say fourth since our redside is on Guardian.

So yeah, I was easy to convince once I was brought good valid points. I still say it could have been done without the harsh finger pointing but hey, I can't blame the guys, it's really not uncommon to see people post on the forums just for the sake of whining, I guess I looked like I was initially doing that.

That and english isn't my first language so, happy are the linguistic misunderstandings :P

Soooo, what's a good and fun server to play on? I had a few suggestions by PM already but I'd love to hear what people have to say.




Soooo, what's a good and fun server to play on? I had a few suggestions by PM already but I'd love to hear what people have to say.

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I'm a fan of Infinity and Liberty myself. I have 12 alts on both of them.

I can offer you coalitions to your soon-to-be new SG until you get on your feet on the new server if it's either of these.

Infinity is typically the third or fourth most active server. We have the Taxibots and some other groups regularly running events, if you are interested in that.

Liberty has a fun-loving, helpful group of players who will pitch in to assist if needed, with either an answer to a question or even a helping hand in a tough mission.

BTW, Guardian is my third server, but y'all are already using that one.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Virtue can be fun especially if you like roleplaying characters. You'll have an easier time because that's the unofficial RP server.

There are great people on Protector, Pinnacle, and Triumph. I don't want to slight the other servers but I haven't played on them as much as those 4.

Also let me say sorry we had a little verbal sparring there. It was just that some of the things you said in your second post were almost verbatim to a few defensive responses that were posted during the last 2xp weekend that I jumped to what now I see was an erroneous conclusion. Your third and fourth posts convinced me I'd made a mistake.

I am glad we were able to get past the misunderstanding and explain our points of view in greater detail.



Soooo, what's a good and fun server to play on? I had a few suggestions by PM already but I'd love to hear what people have to say.

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I play on all of them, but I tend to play on Infinity, Justice, Liberty and Triumph more than the others.

They all have their good points.



I play on a lot of servers, but Justice is my main. However, a while ago, I was nearly full up on Freedom and I was tired of gray days and all the Freedom "noise" but SO much of my fun was tied up there, so many great toons.

So, what I did was PL a "duplicate" of one of my Freedom toons to 50. I gave him a random name. Then I socketed the with every valuable IO enhancement in the base that he could carry and gave him all of my influence on Freedom. Then, I did one character transfer to Victory and then changed his name. I then remade all the rest of my toons there and just started over.

I still play on Freedom, but when things get hairy, I can just switch to Victory.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2