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  1. Thanks for the answer.

    I am by no means looking to outdamage my scrappers. I think you hit the nail when you talk about "what a kheldian can do" such as heals, nukes, change forms to adapt etc.

    I was hoping to create "a viable scrapping tool" meaning, something that will hold its own in the thickest battle, deal enough damage to be significant in a team (though obviously not as much a scrapper) but with lots of options, described above.

    So in short, I guess I a am not looking for another scrapper as is, but a scrapping kheldian, with what being a kheldian means, is what I am looking to build.

    Am I making sense?
  2. So actually, I have an even better question.

    I've never been the biggest fan of controllers. Defenders, I can't even play. I love to blast and tank a lot but my heart remains with scrapping and being in their face, bringing them doom one bad guy at a time.

    Am I fooling myself in thinking that a mainly human form PB can be used as a viable scrapping tool? No status protection with under average damage bonus. Am I slowly going towards a very sad result?
  3. Hello!

    I'm new to Kheldians, after years and years of playing, I finally made the push to get my first character to 50.

    So I tried a few levels of both and for now, I think I want to spend some double exp goodness on my PB. So I got a quick question.

    I know that playing solely in human form is more or less spoiling the core reason of being a Kheldian but since we now have access to two switcheable builds, would alternative bi-forms specs be viable? That way, I fould focus on slotting my powers a bit more agressively.

    So say, a bi-form Nova/Human and a bi-form Dwarf/Human, all changeable at a trainer after any mission if need be. SO's aren't expensive anymore so, two builds can be easilly managed.

    Could that work?

    Thanks!! Enjoy your double xp!!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prime_Nighthawk View Post
    Apparently you can share Eck's pee in your dual piss stalls.

    That made my friday.

    That being said, I cannot wait for this day to end so I can play with my Do all Eck's pee.
  5. Soooooooo.... what's so terrible about Virtue's Pocket D?

    /ducks behind a desk.

    No really, I don't know.


    I'm warning you, I have duct tape and I am NOT afraid to use it.


    Sooo, double exp week-end? Can't wait. I have a Kheldian to level!
  6. Hello, my new home.

    I am a CoH vet, played since day one, played on and off at an average of 4-5 month a year. I always come back with the same 3-4 friends because we never tire of this game.

    Since day one, all my main characters have been on Freedom. Over time, I relocated by starting red side on Guardian, but I almost never play redside anyways. I also started a few alts on Infinity and I play them quite often, nice, relaxed little server. But my main characters and highest level have always been on Freedom. Freedom, land of opportunity... I mean, land of where everyone goes by default and where farms, PL and obscenity is rampant.

    Since we were recently offered free transfers, I decided to try this fabled land called Virtue, where they say that (mostly) everyone is supposedly polite and mature.

    And guess what? Seems they were right.

    In the first session I played, I went AFK for maybe 30 minutes (doing a respec). Had I done that on Freedom, my chat screen, upon return, would kinda have looked like this:

    XxMastaKiLlAxX says: lft?
    XxMastaKiLlAxX says: ltf?
    Wlvrine00234 says: ae mish?
    Fire Kin Lord says: farm lol?
    XxMastaKiLlAxX says: lft?
    XxMastaKiLlAxX says: ltf??????1

    But... it didn't. I had indeed two group invitations on screen, from two different people. They had capital letters. Punctuation. Complete words... Words like "hello" and "please".

    I made it a point to give those two people a full answer. They deserved that much.

    Contrary to what it looks like, this post is not meant to bash Freedom. Some people like how Freedom is; more power to them. I was just growing more and more secluded after each social interaction I experienced there. This is meant to say that, from a first glance, Virtue seems to be all it promises to be.

    So to celebrate this, I loaded Black Azura, my sweet, sweet Kat/Inv scrapper who has been in her 40s for over two years. Yesterday night, with four friends I dragged along, I played and completed my very first mission on Virtue. And so, just as we were happily throwing the last group of Council soldiers around, Azura reached level 50. My very, very first level 50. No powerleveling, no farms. Took me six years to get there.

    Tonight, I will roll my first Kheldian on Virtue. Because Virtue is just that cool.

    And dare I say roleplay?

  7. Hi guys.

    After a 6 months leave of absence, I'm back in the game. I see that my favorite AT has gotten new toys to play with. So, what do you guys think of the new electric melee and armor sets? What's it like? Strengths and weaknesses? Just as well, what about the new epic pool and the new powers added to the other ones?

    Oh and one more question: Did anyone ever take over Mids' hero designer program? That was one piece of awesome software...
  8. Oh ok. No need. I wasn't aware that such an option existed, shouldn't be too complicated to find
  9. I've re-read this topic twice to make sure I didn't miss something but still, I have no clue what you guys are talking about.

    Your names are a different color? Where? My characters names, all of them, have always been the same exact color.

    I'm confused.
  10. Very nice answers, thank you!

    So basically, by getting +8, I spend two slots but I save one power slot by not taking acrobatics AND I relieve my end bar of one annoying toggle.

    Sounds too good to be true
  11. Quick question: Playing a Dark Armor character implies no boxed-in KB protection, which leads to acrobatics as being best and easiest solution.

    However, I was fortunate enough to get a Steadfast protection IO for KB protection tonight. The description says it's a "-4" protection. I'm assuming this means mag 4 resist?

    How well will that perform? Will I still need acrobatics?

  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Sands of Wu sounds awesome.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's clearly because you didn't give the Ghost Swaying Axe a spin.
  13. Satera_Landen

    Buy Vet Rewards?

    Wait wait wait.


    You'd buy 3 years of game time (that's $360 where I am) just to have a wisp follow you around?

    Gimme half that money and I'll make my character auto-follow you. How's that?
  14. Since I have joined these forums, I have used most topics I started to ask questions and poll the knowledgeable veterans we have here. For once, I'd like to give back a little of what has been given to me and preemptively answer a question I see often in the AT forums.

    "What's a good [insert desired archetype] to duo or trio with?" Regarding blasters, I think I found the answer to that yesterday.

    Syrena is my Elec/Ice blaster, had her forever, I really like the synergy between the two powersets, very controllery. However, even though she has great survivability, I never could really solo her well, she doesn't have enough firepower to kill things as fast as say, my Katana scrapper. As for massive, fast paced groups, since the bulk of her most interesting powers take a few seconds to fully bloom out, she didn't really fit in either.

    Yet, I managed to level her slowly but surely, until it hit me yesterday. My friend is leveling his INV tank and he wanted to duo since the rest of our usual group couldn't play that night. So I decide to load her out of a kick and here's the routine that slowly came along.

    Tank herds maybe 2-3 groups. I go in cone range:

    Aim -> Shiver -> (go in PBAOE range) Short circuit -> Ball lightning -> Ice patch. Back up. Laugh as I see a bunch of mobs stare at each other in disbelief with no endurance and barely able to stand. From there, I let the tank rip out the AoEs while I build up, then happily zap away at the bosses and lieutenants, adding more chillblain goodness to any foe that might prove to be a problem.

    Of course, every three groups or so I would simply wait for the herd and nuke, but since my nuke isn't available every group and even if it did, how boring would that be...

    So yeah. Add a melee class to that blaster and you pretty much got a guaranteed recipe for success on Invincible setting. Fast, efficient, safe. What more could you ask?

    Perfect duo blaster. Right there.
  15. Satera_Landen

    Weird Chat

    Satera Landen finished off her last foe as she smiled at her teammates. "This has been a good battle". ((Dudes, we rock, that mentalist almost had me there))
  16. Satera_Landen


    [ QUOTE ]
    Post Deleted by Moderator_08

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just out of curiosity, which quote holder are you referring to?
  17. I was kinda wondering the same thing Plyxx just mentionned.

    I don't think that the guys up there want to hear about "fast ways to get exp" just yet.
  18. Satera_Landen


    Thinking about it, some games inspire roleplay more than others. I RPed on EQ, all the time. I RPed so much, I never leveled past 35 and I was there for a good three years too.

    Then I played a lot of DAoC. Never, ever once roleplayed there. Dunno why, I just didn't.

    Then I played Guild Wars a bit, no roleplay there either. Something to do with Guild Wars' sole player interaction material being the /dance emotes of characters stripped off of their armor. What went through the developer's mind when they decided to make almost all the female characters proudly display skimpy, skin-tight underwear when out of armor? Sex sells I guess.

    Then came CoH and WoW. I roleplayed in WoW a lot, got my worst experiences there too. Lots of people in there. Lots of crazies. As for CoH, no roleplay. Too much action, too many bad guys to beat up. Can't talk, queuing blasts.
  19. Thanks for the answers.

    To be clear, my question wasn't "So I want to be a slacker, join a task force, not do anything and still get credited, how do I do that?"

    My question was "Bob, Jim and Mike start a Task Force. At some point, Mike logs off. Bob and Jim complete the task force. Mike logs back three weeks later, way after the TF is completed, what does he see? Is he back to normal ungrouped status? Is he part of a completed TF or can he complete on his own the missions that Bob and Jim completed in his absence?"
  20. Satera_Landen


    I had a character on Tunare, in a french guild, but it was never any serious. My main character was on Rodcet-Nife. I had a few alts on Morell-Thule as well.
  21. Satera_Landen


    You don't need to trace the person directly. The IP, even if it's a dynamic address given by an ISP can be traceable to an approximate destination and once the person knows something as basic as your name (entirely common when you play with friends), they can do the rest. Heck, EQ wasn' really an alt-friendly game so, many people used their most common internet alias to name their character.

    From there...
  22. Satera_Landen


    [ QUOTE ]

    Erm... why would you be giving out your phone number to someone in a game? People can't stalk you if they don't have any personal information!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stalker are crafty, especially if they're really obsessed. Long story short: guild has a forum. It's incredible what you can get with just an IP.
  23. Satera_Landen


    [ QUOTE ]
    Well i just like hitting things and its better to do that in a game then in real life.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ain't that crude but accurate wisdom.
  24. Satera_Landen


    I know I'm 16 pages too late to chime in but, I'd like to add three things.

    A few pages ago, it's been mentioned that people who lie about their own gender may end up hurting someone when they date on the net for a while. Hum... am I the only one to find that internet dating is... silly at best? I mean, meeting someone from the other side of the planet, moving and settling is something else I guess (one of my friends did that, met a guy, crossed the ocean, lived happily ever after) but plain simple internet dating? No contact, no phone, no nothing? Anyways...

    Secondly, I'm not one to play Admiral's advocate but, I would at least ask, what is the point of lying about your gender? I just cannot see why someone would do that. You're a guy and want to play a female girl, no problem, I do that. You want to roleplay her too? No problem, I do that as well, and I enjoy it. But if someone asks me if I'm a man in real life, I'll have no trouble saying I am one. The person is not asking me my social security number or my phone number, merely my gender. I don't think that the "my privacy" argument really holds any serious ground there. If, following that, the person cannot roleplay anymore, then it's their loss. I may roleplay a female character, but I'm still a man in his thirties, married and with the same woman for a decade and a half, I have no intention of turning casual or intense roleplay into anything else

    And finally, the big issue, the one that will probably get debated (flamed) a bit: I do not roleplay on an online game anymore. I used to, a lot. I am a roleplay addict, do tabletop and larp quite a plenty, but online roleplay burned me every single time. Starting with the old EQ days where every guild had to have its token crazy girl who flirted everyone and stalked people and left messages on their phone and... &lt;shudders at the memories&gt; Really. After a few very nice roleplay sessions, that crazy woman would not leave me alone, she made new alts and even bought a second account to stalk me.

    [Flame inducing part, skip if you can't handle a bit of drama]
    But lately, the biggest reason is that it has been next to impossible for me to find a roleplay partner that would simply roleplay. Every single time, the person would eventually start pouring their personal life into the chatbox and every single time, it was someone with very bad personal issues. No, I do not want to hear about your drug addiction, your chronic lack of employment, your sexual problems or the fact that you have eight kids and that you allow the TV to raise them while your husband is with another chick because you're now 500lbs because you play games and eat chicken wings 18 hours a day (true story), all I want is some fun, anonymous, clean roleplay. It's as if being a total nutjob was now a prerequisite if you want to be a real roleplayer in a MMO. I am perfectly aware that it's not the case and that I have probably been unlucky, then again, I personally know a handful of people that roleplay extremely well around a table but wont do so in a video game for the very same reasons. Permanently weirded out. [/oops]

    That and, CoH is way to fast of a game to spend time typpity-typing all day long.
  25. This may or may not help you choose but, Willpower is very discrete, glowy but discrete. Some people dig that. (I don't).

    Invul turns you in a glorious beacon of awesomeness, sparks and light and effects all over that scream "come and do your stuff, I can take it", without being an eyesore like say, fire armor.