Buy Vet Rewards?
Not gonna happen.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
I feel this will stop vet account sales, ya think?
Here's the FAQ they wrote about the topic
Vet Rewards FAQ
Edit to add: Umm, since I continue to get Vet Reward time as long as I pay for my account - the only way this would stop "vet account sales" would be if every single veteran cancelled his/her account - which seems extremely remote.
I just think your idea of buying separate powers a la the Black Wand is counter to their announce intent and purpose.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
If you buy any rewards that I earned by being, you know, HERE playing the game and paying for it as it happened... How is that fair to REAL vetrans?
Stick with the game, that's all that it takes to EARN the vetran rewards. And yes, there have been plenty of (heated) arguments on this matter. Best to say: earn it. Don't say it's okay for people who can afford more at once than someone else, and call it fair.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
WOW thats totally the answer ad_astra YOU ROCK!
sad world people have to buy vet accts to get a little fairy
Wait wait wait.
You'd buy 3 years of game time (that's $360 where I am) just to have a wisp follow you around?
Gimme half that money and I'll make my character auto-follow you. How's that?
P.S. if I buy 3 yrs worth of game time, do i get awarded vet powers?
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(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
Your right you guys, someone cant say "hey i want to be a ranger" they have to earn it.
P.S. Ive read a million responces from ya immortal and always enlightening ty ")
Good idea satera_landen, I should hire a cox buddy :P
$120 for a whole year of service sounds like money well spent. lol
WOW thats totally the answer ad_astra YOU ROCK!
sad world people have to buy vet accts to get a little fairy
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There is not a single player who has to buy Vet account to get vet rewards. I didn't.
If yer impatient, I don't mean to sound rude or arrogant but the fact is, that really is your problem.
"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather

I rate this 1/10 on a troll attempt.
I think that nc should sell everything and anything that can be bought on ebay (internet)... I would rather see them get the money... and people that got vet rewards should relax... cuz hello you got yours for free (well as a bonus... you pay your subscription but did not pay extra $$$ for the reward)... while a person that paid $19.99 for sumtin laid out extra cash...
just my .02 like it or leave it
Um, no, I paid with being here, the only currency that matters. So, no, no one should be able to buy what has otherwise already been earned. I've paid plenty over the years to have gotten my rewards.
Some schmuck coming in with too much money and not enough patience to sit through a game for 5 years? Doesn't deserve my rewards, thanks.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Um, no, I paid with being here, the only currency that matters. So, no, no one should be able to buy what has otherwise already been earned. I've paid plenty over the years to have gotten my rewards.
Some schmuck coming in with too much money and not enough patience to sit through a game for 5 years? Doesn't deserve my rewards, thanks.
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When the company is able to reverse my aging process and return the five years of time I invested in this game, that will be the day I'll agree to letting Vet rewards be purchased in advance.
Um, no, I paid with being here, the only currency that matters. So, no, no one should be able to buy what has otherwise already been earned. I've paid plenty over the years to have gotten my rewards.
Some schmuck coming in with too much money and not enough patience to sit through a game for 5 years? Doesn't deserve my rewards, thanks.
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When the company is able to reverse my aging process and return the five years of time I invested in this game, that will be the day I'll agree to letting Vet rewards be purchased in advance.
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Tho in my case change "5 years" to "almost 4 and a half"
I think that nc should sell everything and anything that can be bought on ebay (internet)... I would rather see them get the money... and people that got vet rewards should relax... cuz hello you got yours for free (well as a bonus... you pay your subscription but did not pay extra $$$ for the reward)... while a person that paid $19.99 for sumtin laid out extra cash...
just my .02 like it or leave it
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And this would solve what, exactly? We were loyal to the game without any promises of "free extras" outside of the free issue updates, and then we get the whole Veteran system plopped down as, basically, a giant "Hey! Thanks for stickin' with the game this long! Here's some cool stuff!".
You being too damn impatient to wait for items that have no major impact on your characters (and let's get real, here -- those vet powers are nice, but you never needed them to progress. We've been leveling without them for a long time) is no fault of the game that requires "fixing". You don't deserve anything if you didn't put in the requirements for it, and lobbying for a change to the requirements simply because you have more spare pocket change than I is utterly ridiculous and will do nothing to keep you around longer. Not to mention it's not even within the system's stated intent to do so.
This massive sense of entitlement and instant gratification gets under my skin like nothing else ever has before, and I'm sick of it.
Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage
As soon as someone who paid for a veteran award reached the time where they would have earned it, they'd start whining for their money back.
To be honest, I don't really care about vet rewards. They don't really do much for my characters. I never use the vet attacks past level 20 or so.
The reason you can't buy vet rewards is very, very simple. You don't have enough of the currency required to purchase them. The only currency accepted for vet rewards is time you have spent. That's time you have ALREADY spent, NOT tme you are GOING to spend.
I'll give an analogy.
Say you join the Army. After 4 years in the Army you are promoted to sergeant.
During the course of your duties you run across ANOTHER sergeant. In conversation you discover that he joined the Army 2 months ago, but because he committed himself to 4 years they went ahead and made him a sergeant NOW.
Wouldn't that upset you a little bit?
Or getting a medical degree after spending many years in school and graduating at the same time as someone who spent extra money to get their degree now, instead of spending the hours and hours in class that you did.
Would THAT upset you?
The "I want my goodies NAO!!" attitude is aggravating as all hell to me. No one wants to actually earn anything anymore, they just want it handed to them because they want it.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Sry this has probably been discussed a million times,(I've only read the forums and achieved 24 month badge) but what about buying vet rewards NOT badges or clothing just powers. I've read from the devs that its a reward for loyalty, and rightly so, but im not asking for respect from noobs only a black wand or pet.
P.S. if I buy 3 yrs worth of game time, do i get awarded vet powers?
thank for reading and responces if any
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Inquiries from new players about paying for vet rewards are pretty routine. What makes this one novel is this part: "what about buying vet rewards NOT badges or clothing just powers." Basically "not the boring parts, just the good stuff." Yet it's presented as if that makes it less likely to bother veteran players. "Don't worry, I only want to take the best part, you can have the trash."
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
P.S. if I buy 3 yrs worth of game time, do i get awarded vet powers?
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No, it's time PLAYED. I have 24months paid but I'm expecting my 12 month reward to hit in two weeks.
I have to agree with the "insta rewards attitude" that appears to become more noticable amonst newer players. They miss so much by doing that. It's a real shame. On the upsideside, they'll be off to something new and shiney quickly and I can get back to teaming with people who play for fun not to get a 50 in two days resulting in their shiney VEAT asking what's the best travel power. Not for the VEAT but for any AT as they haven't set foot outside AE.
There's a thought. AE as 18month vet reward.

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Hi ClawsandEffect.
During the course of your duties you run across ANOTHER sergeant. In conversation you discover that he joined the Army 2 months ago, but because he committed himself to 4 years they went ahead and made him a sergeant NOW.
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We called them butter bars during my time in the service.....
Damn 2nd lt's getting into trouble all the time.
Also... I think West point cadets are give the same pay as an E-5.... Been awhile since I have heard it talked about though.
And to the OP.... I got no issue with you "buying" into the vet powers.... it is your money.
Hi ClawsandEffect.
During the course of your duties you run across ANOTHER sergeant. In conversation you discover that he joined the Army 2 months ago, but because he committed himself to 4 years they went ahead and made him a sergeant NOW.
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We called them butter bars during my time in the service.....
Damn 2nd lt's getting into trouble all the time.
Also... I think West point cadets are give the same pay as an E-5.... Been awhile since I have heard it talked about though.
And to the OP.... I got no issue with you "buying" into the vet powers.... it is your money.
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Epic Failure on your part.
A Butter Bar or Second Lieutenant/Ensign is the entry (lowest) rank for most comissioned officers. They are not the equivilant of an Sergeant. If anything the closest enlisted rank equivilant is a Private. In fact one of the nicknames for a 2nd Lt. is "Comissioned Private".
I also find it funny that you mention West Point, because to graduate from West Point and be comissioned as a Second Lieutenant, a person must successfully complete a four year educational program.
The amount of money a cadet is paid is based on how long they have been at West Point.
Plebes receive $175 a month, Yearlings receive $250 allowance monthly, and for cows I believe it is in the neighborhood of $400, while firsties get about $500 to $550.
Any West Pointer can confirm or correct if my numbers are right.
A Sergeant with less than two years in service recieves $1994 each month. 2 years $2127, 3 years $2230, 4 years $2335.
personally, it makes no diff to me cuz none of the vet rewards give me any kind of in game advantage... the only ones that i can think of that are even decent are teleport team and L6 travel power... and even that is questionable as who cares about teleport and you pick I always wind up taking hasten or hover or cobat jumping anyway... so to getting the travel power at L6 vs 14 does nothing for me...
however, what you missed in my original post is the internet... check your ingame email... everyday you get an email from someone that will sell you ANYTHING in coh... all I am saying is if someone is going to make money off the game... I would prefer to see nc make it
ill bet a good percentage of the people with long term vet rewards are not even the original account owners... how does that make you feel now :0
Sry this has probably been discussed a million times,(I've only read the forums and achieved 24 month badge) but what about buying vet rewards NOT badges or clothing just powers. I've read from the devs that its a reward for loyalty, and rightly so, but im not asking for respect from noobs only a black wand or pet.
P.S. if I buy 3 yrs worth of game time, do i get awarded vet powers?
thank for reading and responces if any