Variety is awesome!





I'm new to Kheldians, after years and years of playing, I finally made the push to get my first character to 50.

So I tried a few levels of both and for now, I think I want to spend some double exp goodness on my PB. So I got a quick question.

I know that playing solely in human form is more or less spoiling the core reason of being a Kheldian but since we now have access to two switcheable builds, would alternative bi-forms specs be viable? That way, I fould focus on slotting my powers a bit more agressively.

So say, a bi-form Nova/Human and a bi-form Dwarf/Human, all changeable at a trainer after any mission if need be. SO's aren't expensive anymore so, two builds can be easilly managed.

Could that work?

Thanks!! Enjoy your double xp!!



That can work just fine.

And, play your PB however you like, whether that be human only, bi-form, or tri-form. All the different combinations have their particular benefits and drawbacks, but they all work in-game.



So actually, I have an even better question.

I've never been the biggest fan of controllers. Defenders, I can't even play. I love to blast and tank a lot but my heart remains with scrapping and being in their face, bringing them doom one bad guy at a time.

Am I fooling myself in thinking that a mainly human form PB can be used as a viable scrapping tool? No status protection with under average damage bonus. Am I slowly going towards a very sad result?



That depends on what result you're expecting. You say that you love to blast and tank but that scrapping remains your true love. Will a human form-focused PB be viable as a scrapper? Yes and no.

Will it be as good a scrapper as a Scrapper? No, not really. No mez protection outside of Light Form (or White Dwarf, I'm not sure how exclusive "mainly human" is for you) is a major difference and without Criticals your damage can't hope to match a Scrapper's. Nor should it.

What this kind of PB does do very well is perform a mix of blasting, scrapping, control and tanking functions (even a bit of healing if you take Glowing Touch). With two self-heals (three if you have Dwarf), you're very survivable as a PB and on a team with many squishies Cosmic Balance will make you tougher still so that you can take some punishment. You've got some good single-target melee attacks and several ranged blast powers. And let's not forget you can nuke.

It all comes down to what a "viable scrapping tool" means for you. If you're trying to outdo a Scrapper at scrapping, you're headed for sadness. But if you take the PB for what it is, I think you may be headed for a very enjoyable result indeed.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Thanks for the answer.

I am by no means looking to outdamage my scrappers. I think you hit the nail when you talk about "what a kheldian can do" such as heals, nukes, change forms to adapt etc.

I was hoping to create "a viable scrapping tool" meaning, something that will hold its own in the thickest battle, deal enough damage to be significant in a team (though obviously not as much a scrapper) but with lots of options, described above.

So in short, I guess I a am not looking for another scrapper as is, but a scrapping kheldian, with what being a kheldian means, is what I am looking to build.

Am I making sense?



I will add my own agreement to play your character the way
it suits you best. My Peace Bringer is only a human form, but
that choice was background/rp based rather then dictated by
other concerns.

I don't begrudge players that strive to get the most out of their
builds as far as damage and teaming goes, but that's not my prime
motivation for playing.

In either case, welcome to the wonderful world of Kheldians.



The Human Form strategy is completely viable, don't believe anyone who says, "You're not being a true Kheldian if you don't take the Forms."

I believe everyone who plays a Kheldian should take the forms on ONE of their Kheldians, just as I say everyone who plays this game should take Flying at least once. It's fun, and you don't want to miss out on something that's fun. But it's hardly necessary.

The balance on a Human Form Kheldian is a little weaker, because it's balanced around the CHOICE to take the Forms. But you have the flexibility to choose different paths, as long as maximizing DPS is not your sole purpose in life.

Oh, and DON'T get in there and be a Scrapper. If you want that, Human/Dwarf probably is your best bet. While you will certainly be doing your best damage in melee, be like a Dominator and soften the foe up at range first. At the very least, go after the mezzers first, and charge into the group once you know you won't find yourself held and being wailed on in there.



Originally Posted by Satera_Landen View Post
Thanks for the answer.

I am by no means looking to outdamage my scrappers. I think you hit the nail when you talk about "what a kheldian can do" such as heals, nukes, change forms to adapt etc.

I was hoping to create "a viable scrapping tool" meaning, something that will hold its own in the thickest battle, deal enough damage to be significant in a team (though obviously not as much a scrapper) but with lots of options, described above.

So in short, I guess I a am not looking for another scrapper as is, but a scrapping kheldian, with what being a kheldian means, is what I am looking to build.

Am I making sense?
Yes, this makes a great deal of sense and I think you'll find the PB can deliver what you want in spades. Feel free to come back if you have any specific questions, but it sounds like the course you've set for yourself is a realistic one and should be fun. Enjoy your Peacebringer!

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server