Oh for cryin' out loud, mute the Tarot




Pretty chimes stop being pretty after the 8,000th time.

Please mute them.

Thank you.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



you can. turn down your game fx volume. of course this trend will end shortly as this pack has just come out so ofcourse peolle are going to over use it to find out everything it offers.



I like most of the sound effects. Don't act like that just to buff your post count, this is the same reason people hate/d the looping cold power, rage, etc. It lasts 20 mins, you can't delete it, and persists if you die. It makes a looping sound every 2 seconds or so.

Also, I don't think this will be just a fad. Those buffs are pretty damned nice, but along with the benefits come a constant, constant noise.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



You know, it's funny, I didn't even realize it made a sound. I usually play with my sound off so I can listen to music.



bad idea to say someone is saying something to buff their post count. your rant falls in that category. as the person who replied after you has said, i didn't realize there was a sound to it. didn't pay attention. but then my game fx is turned down to around 8%. i can hear everythin i need to hear just fine.

and yes, the use of the power will diminish as time goes on. i didn't see you whinning about hearing dual blades being drawn every 2 secs or people blowing themselves up every 2 secs, so why rant about this?



They can't make it so the sound effect only plays for team mates, can they?



It makes a looping sound every 2 seconds or so.

[/ QUOTE ]No it doesn't. It plays its cast animation/sound when you zone, when you rez, and when you summon a pseudopet that inherits the buff.

I could understand this claim if you were casting Twilight Grasp every 2 seconds or something, but it's factually false.




Completely agree with this - I was very happy to get The Lovers fortune on my claws/WP scrapper but every few minutes and right after zoning I'd get a loud, smacking, 'smooching' sound assaulting my ears.

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I just refuse the buffs, myself, so I wasn't aware they made a sound. I did hear the loud smooch once, though, and it did startle me because it was a game sound I hadn't heard that came out of far right on my stereo, where the door out of the room is. I thought something dropped in the hallway

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I just refuse the buffs, myself, so I wasn't aware they made a sound. I did hear the loud smooch once, though, and it did startle me because it was a game sound I hadn't heard that came out of far right on my stereo, where the door out of the room is. I thought something dropped in the hallway

[/ QUOTE ]

If something dropped in my hallway, making a kissing sound, my team would kick me for being AFK.

But all in all? Just give us the option to cancel buffs.



I just auto-deny them every time someone tries it on me.



I agree. Like any sound from a toggle, it needs to fade out after the first few seconds.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



guys, i didnt see any of you here when the "spam the dual blasdes draw" started. that was the most annoying thing i had heard. so for a sound fx that only goes off on certain instances, you're being a bit...chilidish. if it bothers you that much, don't take the buff.



guys, i didnt see any of you here when the "spam the dual blasdes draw" started. that was the most annoying thing i had heard. so for a sound fx that only goes off on certain instances, you're being a bit...chilidish. if it bothers you that much, don't take the buff.

[/ QUOTE ]Did you even read the posts? 95% of the people a) don't accept the buffs so didn't know/notice a sound, b) play with sound off so didn't know there was a sound, or c) don't mind the sound.

lol "guys". Read first, rant later.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



aggle, did you not read my post. i was replying to the 2-3 people who seem to have a problem with it. with that said if you read the last sentence to those people i said donttake the buff if you dont want it. i also staed in my first post that they could turn down the fx volume so that it wasnt that noticable.



I agree. Like any sound from a toggle, it needs to fade out after the first few seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]It DOES fade. The sound only plays once. But as with all powers, they get reactivated when you zone, and therefore play the sound again.

Because the fortune is also inherited by pseudopets, the animation/sound plays (on the pseudopet) as well.




Run out of things to complain about? lol If you're not playing with your ingame sounds up really high, you'd hardly notice it.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Run out of things to complain about? lol If you're not playing with your ingame sounds up really high, you'd hardly notice it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm still trying to figure out why I hear a cash register when someone activates the power. For real. It was a true "What the h....?" sort of thing when I heard that KA-CHING! for the 1st time.

It is also true that the kissing sound is both silly and.... well... silly. I don't need to hear this silly sound every time I zone, but this is very minor really. I decline this stuff unless i am on a big team [one episode of The Tower taught me to do that reaaaaalllll quick, since being on a team makes this debuff somewhat less noticeable].... but for real, the sounds are more immersion-breaking than anything. As such they have little place in the game.



You know, it's funny, I didn't even realize it made a sound. I usually play with my sound off so I can listen to music.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't even notice that it has a sound, and I actaully have mine sound on.

[/ QUOTE ]

This, I haven't been able to hear it except for the casting.

But then again I *liked* the ice and fire effect sounds. They made me feel comfy in my armors.

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Its not a difficult decision for me to just refuse the buffs. If you hate the sound effects that much, refuse the reading. I allowed one, and will not again. I applaud the devs for making that pop window, and not an automatic buff/debuff power that others could grief you with.


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I have the magic pack and know a number of others that do as well. Don't recall the sound effect being constant. MY question is ... are those of you that have stated you refuse BUFFS so powerful you don't need them? Hey anything that makes me stronger, faster or better I want. I can always turn down the sound if its annoying.

I did the Numina TF recently and between my Ill/Emp and a second /Emp controller with the same magic pack we buffed the entire team and breezed through missions. They don't last long but anything that buffs an aspect of the game is IMO a good thing. Do any of you refuse Fortitude? Clear Mind? Regen or Recovery Auras? Granted you can't decline those but if a Controller or Defender isn't constantly hitting you with those as a team leader just how long do you wait before kicking them from the team and looking for a better one?

Geez guys its a buff... turn down the sound turn up the music and enjoy the added bonus LOL

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I agree. Like any sound from a toggle, it needs to fade out after the first few seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]It DOES fade. The sound only plays once. But as with all powers, they get reactivated when you zone, and therefore play the sound again.

Because the fortune is also inherited by pseudopets, the animation/sound plays (on the pseudopet) as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

It does? I'll have to pay a little more attention to it. I was in a group and heard it non-stop while we were running a few MA Arcs. It is quite possible that whomever had the power was spamming it all the time, but I only had the pop-up maybe 4 times during that entire time.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Pretty chimes stop being pretty after the 8,000th time.

Please mute them.

Thank you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Stop allowing stupidly small stuff like this from annoying you, your life will be so much better all around.