Liz Bathory

Birmingham Player Meet 2010 - Grand Organizer
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  1. ok.. handcuffed and jailed because of this! Sorry.. but that governemt is stirr crazy.

    What about a court order and a high fine!?

    Surely not returning a book and movie is not criminal behavior that you need handcuffs and a jail for?
  2. another page should be a veteran reward. As people asking for one are most of teh time long term vets.
  3. On my energy blaster I LIKE Knockback... it makes the enemy impossible to approice me. Enhancing her survivability.

    I put the kb>kd IO on Tornado on my Storm/Electric Defender. Finally the mobs stay together and are easily killed by Lightningstorm. The scattering also aggroed too much.

    I also have a fire dom... so will make room for this one there too.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    When I'm collecting badges, yes - gotta juggle all the servers
    All Golden Girls ?? Was the name free on all?

    btw... To get me to move from UNION...? Hahahahaha... that would mean getting my SG moved... my base moved... and all my friends moved. Otherwise there would be no real reason. And then still I wouldn't like to change names. So I like my names reserved there too please.

    Don't count on it... I actually bought enough slots on UNION to hold 48 alts now.
  5. As some others I expected this Iron Fist. Ray Park was once anounced as Daniel Rand. Never heard anything after that.

  6. Scored it in one run.. and after reading this it will get mailed to my Stormy for Tornado... and teh second I might get to my fire dom.
  7. My personal peef on the packs is the drop rate of the Black Wolf.

    I have a vampire as main who would love to have the Wolf for Roleplay. Over the past year I have opened MANY packs. And still once in a while I open a few using reward points. I have the costume set complete for ages now. I have more merits then I can use.. and all converters I need. Even full sets of AT IO's...

    Ok... it s handy that I can outfit all my alts... but the 1% chance of dropping a Black Wolf annoys me to no end! That is small even for a Magic: The Gathering Very Rare. It is simply way to small chance.
  8. ok.. I just started Night Ward...

    Let me tell you first.. My toon is a fully tricked out Necro/dark/soul mm. I can do tips on +4/x8 solo... I did normal arcs like that too.

    I do like challenges.. and i do use inspirations to get through something. I am old school player and will pull to get through something.

    Normal old content and tips...
    +2/x8 - +4/x8 on lvl 50

    First Ward
    +1/x4 on lower level

    Night Ward...
    Ouch.. I forgot the repp change and went in on +1/x8... This is what happened...
    The apparitions I slaughtered without dying once. Completely no problem. On encounter of my first drudge mob I see my zombies die in 20 seconds... I am instantly hold. I swallow a break free... stunn a lot of them.. respawn my zombs.. they die again (4 in one hit, not sure what they used). So I run out of the portal again.

    Resummon pets.. buff up. Swallow Break Free. Jump in portal.. 25 sec laters all my zombs are down and I am hold again... Run!

    This goes on a few times. Remember... most of the enemy are using dark stuff... and my toon has 45% ress to negative energy and 11% def to negative energy. This was absolutly worth nothing on this repp.

    What I try telling here is that The first ward is way more challenging then anything else on that level
    And the Night Ward is much much heavier than anything else on that level and the mobs heavier then the normal mobs.

    This can bring players in problems....

    I will retry at _1/x4 same as I did all of First Ward incl end boss as AV solo. And then see again.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
    I don't like it either because as people pointed out, a defender or corruptor can have the +22% up 100% of time (with tactics) while a blaster sans /dev cannot get that.
    You dont run tactics on your blaster? I do.. I hate missing :P Just checked my build incl IO's on mids... my main blaster is on 33% to hit
  10. Your Forum Handle: Liz Bathory

    Your Global: @Elizabeth Bathory

    The Character who will be doing the tour: Bathory Erzsebet

    The name of your SuperGroup: Court of the Blood Countess

    Your Home Server: Union

    A brief description of your base: The sanctuary of the Blood Countess Elizabeth Bathory and her court of Werewolves, Vampires, Zombies, Demons, Ghosts and the likes under a Gothic Mansion in Cap Au Diable. Bloody and functional... A real gothic horror themed place to fit its members in all (incl roleplay). A place you would expect the villainous things that go bump-in-the-night to reside.

    Largest plot... and even has a second SG to show the top mansion too. Coffins, Blood Bath, Cages, Frankenstein labs, dungeons, libraries, and much much more. Others wanting a tour too... contact me.
  11. yes, I like this idea... just hope its allready in the works
  12. I also wish it was available for dominators as I have 'Valeria Undine' (Ice/Energy (recolored to water)) ... I will still remake her though. THats then one dominator less and a Water/Ice blaster back.

    Would have preferred the set in sominator But it looks too freaking awesome not to play with the theme I have.
  13. just as I predicted.. nothing more then a meaningless publicity stunt. I am into comics way to long it seems. It gets tiresome...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuggestorK View Post

    From the Issue 23 release patch notes:


    • Monsters are now allowed to taunt players. Taunts from monsters will affect players in the same ways that taunts from players do.
    And again.. no where here is it stated that its only the new zone. It is 'general' ... so I gather that all mobs in the whole game got a look over. And all critters / NPC that fit a taunt ability got one.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The answer for this Issue is "nothing for free" - unless you count the LFG channel - everything else is free for VIPs, or paid for content for non-VIPs.
    The F2P players get access to Super groups and bases. That is a pretty big extra fir them (and us who like to keep contact with friends).
  16. In the mean time.. call the characters like Statesman with their full 'real' name. First and last. It will most probably work.

    That until some Dev finally gives attention to this stupidity.
  17. Ignoring the rest of the post...

    Blasters are fine as highest damage dealer with low HP as balancing.

    Epics are not influencing the role of the AT
    Pool powers are not influencing the role of the AT
    Incarnate has abxolutly no effect on the role of the AT

    If you take away these three things (as they are not brought in for the balancing of an AT) then the blaster does what the blaster should do. At least at first it seems so. Some AT have gotten higher damage output. The blaster should retain the highest damage output though (for single attack).
  18. Great discussion... and very very informative too. Mostly because I too have a main based on history, legend and lore. And although I have been pointed out for being not original... the name is not trademarked or copyrighted anywhere. And the looks are based on paitings and descriptions.

    Báthory Erzsébet (Erzsébet Báthory, Elizabeth Báthory)

  19. Three well thought out arcs in my sig below... All are story heavy. Every one is a grade harder then the former. (Meaning that you better bring high level toons to the 'Advanced' arc).

    All are old and often revised and rewritten. Finished and all... But in need of serious players.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    So according to this Dan Dido states that a prominent DC character will be coming out of the closet.
    Again!? Not impressed....
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    OK, Superman can move the moon, so if Mjolnir was sitting on the moon and Superman started pushing it from the other side, would the hammer begin to bury itself?
    Keep Superman his power levels to John Byrne his 'nerved' state please. He caanot breath in space... he has a skintight forcefield that mimics invulnerability and he is not able to move planets or astroids. He is however able to lift ships etc while flying as his flying seems to be removing gravity and he can do that with things he carry. He is not using pure strength then.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Well the list of who can lift Mjolnir in the comics isn't that lengthy.

    1. Don Blake but then he is THOR or at least linked to him'
    2. Beta Ray Bill
    3. Dargo from the alternate future
    4. Steve Rogers
    5. Eric Masterson, not worthy at first but later proved himself worthy.

    Steve Rogers has only wielded the hammer twice in the comics so it is not as if he walks up to THOR asks to borrow the hammer for a bit. But to me it makes sense that he can wield it.
    6. Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
    7. Ororo Monroe (Storm)
  23. I had a aquatic energy/ice to match water I will remake... into water / ice...
    That is what it should have been anyway...
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
    Yeah. I want an M4. As you can see, this one has the M203 grenade launcher attached.

    I love this one...

    But my soldier would still not be able to use it. Just like he cannot use the M16 as he should being a Vietnam Marine Ghost...

    Alas he is an Arachnos Soldier AT and they aren't allowed access to the AR models at all !!!!! Please change this...!!! Please...?!!
  25. These days comics are going bad in sales.. and the normal non specialised shops as supermarkets carry almost none.

    The huge popularity of the movies takes that over...

    If you would ask some young person to name superheroes.. it will be from cartoon and children series combined with movies. The comic link is very bad atm...

    Best chances to hear...

    - Spider-man
    - Batman
    - Iron Man
    - Wolverine

    Movie popularity... followed by...

    - Superman
    - More X-Men
    - More Avengers