Is YOUR AE arc good enough to be advertised on Channel VIP?
Any of the AE arcs in my Sig!
They are made for high level action, 3 mishs each w/AVs (or Ebs). You can solo with a tough toon, but they were meant for high level team action. Kinda like when you hit your 40's and wanted to hunt down all the games AVs. The 5 arcs are a continuing story.
MA Arcs
Part 1: "Get Max" #41646
Part 2: "Birth of a Super Group" #58817
Part 3: "Mecha Mania" #111009
Part 4: "Worst of Elements" #134592
Part 5: "Payback" #169058
not mine, but I recommend
Level: 1-5, ID#: 468738, Name: The Blue Devils
Good storyline. The first mission is just okay, but the remaining missions are great. Some mix of villains and some nice power variety. Ties in nicely with lore. Good map selection - a few you don't normally see heroside.
Level: 1-10, ID#: 115935, Name: Cracking Skulls
Great storyline, lots of details. Skulls with normal maps.
Level: 1-10, ID#: 322480, Name: Day Job Hell: A Villain's First Day Job
Villainous. A humorous take on starting a villain career. You are a lackey but that is the point of the arc. Funny, lots of nice details, good variety of enemies you do not normally fight.
Level: 5-15, ID#:124906, Name: The Lazarus Project
Great story. Great details. A lot of clues many just flavor. Two problems: you fight the same mobs a lot and it is tough (mostly Vahz). But it is really a great arc.
Level: 1-14, ID#:519044, Name: Grunty McFisterson's Two Step Guide to Winning Respect
Villainous arc. *Humorous but not silly. Face a variety of foes. Very short missions with a lot of humor. Read the NPC text and clues. Optional objectives add fun flavor. *
Level: 5-10, ID#: 378944, Name: Too Clever by Half
Villainous. Easy missions but fun. Humorous and semi-silly. The contact is great. Missions are fairly short. Lots of NPC dialog.
Level: 1-54, ID#: 54332, Name: Meet the Author
Hilarious, verging on silly. The contact is perfect. The plot is great. Mission details are good. Ending is surprisingly excellent. Some missions are a little long for the detail.
Level: 1-14, ID#: 540613, Name: 001-Bonefire:FREEDOM Style
The first in a remake of older real missions in AE, so it might be familiar. Contact is well done, with personality. Missions are good. Short but with some nice detail. The overall story is okay but each mission just sort of happens so it is a bit confusing.
Level: 25-50, ID#:497506, Name: A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams
Perfect intro text easy to read, fairly short, dramatic and personal. Great story. Marred by a chain of glowie clicking on 4th mission that took forever search the end room and ignore the others.
Level: 20-29, ID#:534314, Name: Forsaken People: A Tale of Old Astoria
Great plot. Little fighting. Amazing work of playing out the story in missions.
I'd have to say.... "Nope!"
*shrug* What can I say. Want to see what old, old arcs could be like, without all the fancy-shmansy stuff ya young whippersnapers do now, then maybe.
I'd like to put forward my mission arc
Sounds of Violence
ID: 529694
Very Long (5 missions)
Lots of clues, most are just extra bits of story
Morality: Heroic
Enemy Groups: All custom
Description: You wake up in a strange lab hearing sounds of violence coming from behind a nearby door...
Warning! Storyarc May Contain: Elite Bosses, Enemies with custom power selections!
It's set as 1-54, but with most of the enemies in the first mission having accurate weapons, it could be dangerous if the player was ganged up on.
I am always eager to get more plays. I think my strongest may be Rularularian in my sig. I am mid-refinement on Serpent, but it is a strong contender too (once marked final again).
With no limits I guess I will submit all in my sig for consideration?
Thanks for considing them, and more importantly, promoting AE!
Try out my AE Arcs! (solo friendly, canon related, & some contest winners)
| #529832 Rularularian - Heroic - 41-54 | #515140 The Serpent Beyond the Horizon - Heroic - 46-52 | #183832 Save the Diver, Save the World - Vigilante - 25-30 | #245534 Condemning Croatoa - Villainous - 25-33 | #540585 Robolution - Villainous - 25-34 |
I recommend "The Fractured Dreamer" (#498588, by @theHedoren). It's by far my best work, and I'm always interested in what the community thinks.
Rise of the Copper Legion (#60280; with soundtrack)
The Fractured Dreamer (#498588; with musical theme)
"Now Leaving: Paragon City": original composition for the end of CoH
Channel VIP is looking for AE missions created by the public to advertise weekly on it's Message of the Day! This is a chance for your AE arc to be recognized and played by the public, so what are you waiting for? |
Of the arcs in my sig, Exploding Planet and Shadow of Grime Alley have at least been looked over and played by people other than dear friends or my mom or whatever, so I feel somewhat comfortable with them.
Thanks for putting this together, I'll try to join the channel as soon as I get home.
Author: @fantastic foe (that's me)
Arcs: #200411 Exploding Planet
#144416 Shadow of Grime Alley
Virtue Server-
MA: (All SFMA, all technically long/very long, but all play quickly)
#200411 "Exploding Planet" (I apologize in advance for the final mission, but in all likelihood, the planet will explode.)
#144416 "Shadow of Grime Alley"
#161003 "You Don't Know Beanstalk, Jack"
Thank you all for the submissions! The channel VIP team will be browsing through these arcs to select one to be advertised beginning Monday! We're still taking entries over the weekend, so if you haven't submitted your arc to this thread yet, fret not! You still have until Sunday!
As always, I look forward to playing your submissions! We'll begin running through your arcs tonight through Sunday to find our sponsored arc.
Submit on!
Channel 'VIP' Host!
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I think everyone who's on the channel has already played most of mine (as I don't come up with new ones all that often these days, hard to find the oomph, ya know?), but I will toss in the name of my latest which I rather enjoyed creating:
"The Sick Rose" by @Clave Dark 5 - #537898
It's only had I think nine plays since I last checked it.
I'll submit:
ID# 534064
ID# 534587
ID# 529081
All found @Eryrex.
First off I'd like to say it was an absolute pleasure to play through your arcs! They were all unique in there ways and quite a few caught mine and a few other's eyes. However, there was one story arc that really blew us away.
@Eryrex came here as a last poster and we're glad he posted! His arc has a way of really drawing in the player- play your role as a Hero, Vigilante or Rogue in the select story arcs, 534064, 534587, 529081 in "Heroes to Believe!
We'll be writing up a couple reviews for this as soon as possible, I personally played the Rogue version and loved it. In the mean time, congratulations, Eryrex! We will begin advertising your AE arc featured, "Heroes to Believe (Rogue Version)" immediately.
Note that we still have our eyes on a few of your arcs above- we will continue to take submissions throughout the week however will still consider old submissions to take place- some of them were really that good and we hope to dig up the time to write reviews on a few of these.
Thanks again and submit on!
Don't forget!
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I'll toss in my arc. A Favor For Liberty (The Megan Duncan Task Force) #381565
Level range is 12-15 and due to some of the mechanics, (destructible objects) It is best played solo or with 2 players.
@1st. Son
Help Agent Martin in: A Favor for Liberty
AE arc #381565
My 1st. Video: Agent Martin in the new tutorial zone.
Congratulations to Clave Dark 5, this week's VIP Architect of the week! Featuring their entry, "The Sick Rose" ID #537898!
Submit on folks! The next author will be selected Monday, May 28th.
Channel 'VIP' Host!
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Three well thought out arcs in my sig below... All are story heavy. Every one is a grade harder then the former. (Meaning that you better bring high level toons to the 'Advanced' arc).
All are old and often revised and rewritten. Finished and all... But in need of serious players.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

Hi folks,
We're currently looking for new submissions!
Congratulations to our VIP author of the week @theHedoren for his submission, "The Fractured Dreamer" (ID: #498588)!
Channel 'VIP' Host!
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*points at signature*
C'mon, over 2 years and only 20ish ratings?
MA Arc:
Overload (Arc ID #405822) | Status: Final | Last Edited: 5th Nov 2010 for text fixes.
I was always rather proud of the two in my sig. < . .> If you feel like it you could give those a try.
Above Mars, Part 1* just FYI, has zero continuity to COH. It's purely it's own self-contained sci-fi universe.
A Warrior's Friend is much more in line with COH canon, but is still speculative since we don't know much about Battle Maiden; and at the time it was written (Pre-Going Rogue) we knew little about Praetoria.
*Sadly it never got a part 2.
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
I sincerely suggest either one of the following, by me, @Tubbius.
PENGUIN: #29205. Follow the origin of an up and coming mutant creature turned hero, wherein Crey's machinations backfire! Starring the single cutest NPC you'll ever meet. Thus begins the PENGUIN Trilogy!
Hammer and Sickle of Paragon City: #351727. Rescue the captured heroes American Hammer and New York Sickle, all while stopping the threat of chemical warfare between the Council and the 5th Column!
I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE:
Congratulations, @Tubbius for his submission and this week's pick, "Hammer and Sickle of Paragon City" (#351727)
Lots I could compliment on for this, but I'll leave it at good, cute fun with a.. Different plot
As always, we take entries each weekend and spotlight them on Channel VIP! Post on!
Channel 'VIP' Host!
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Here are three new arcs I just finished:
ID# 546474
ID# 551041
ID# 546844
All found at @Eryrex
My submission: Meus Profiteor or "My Confession
Hope you like, full story in my signature.
ORIGIN story.
Best played with AVs (to keep allies alive and present challenge for AVs), lev 50 for small teams, lev 51-52 for challenge, lev 53-54 for extreme challenge.
Meus Profiteor: Ch 1:Master and the Student: Region: Cimerora 10 BCE
4 missions: Groups: Germanic raiders, CoT, Roman/Cimeroran Legions (AVs, Heroes)
ID: 550545
Meus Profiteor: Ch 2: Mu-CoT War: Region: Ancient Ornabega to World War II
4 missions: Groups: Ancient Mu, CoT, 5th Column Mercs (AVs, Heroes)
ID: 551364
Meus Profiteor: Ch 3: Purpose of the Black Tome: Region: Paragon city (current day)
4 missions: Groups: Freedom Phalanx, Arachnos, Arachnos Tech-Pack, FUSION faclity, Rikti (AVs, Heroes)
ID: 551410
View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
my email
Hi again everyone!
Thank you for the new submissions!
The VIP crew will be sorting through the past few submitted - hopefully we can find a new AE arc to sponsor here
As always, post on!
Channel 'VIP' Host!
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AE Arc of the Week:
#322373 "Dead Fellas" by @Sand Sultan.
Thank you guys!
Please submit on! We've had several in-game submissions as of lately, but not many here
Channel 'VIP' Host!
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This is a chance for your AE arc to be recognized and played by the public, so what are you waiting for?
The rules are simple!
Post or recommend AE arcs here or in channel VIP and each week a select arc will be chosen to be placed into our MOTD!
(Simply post the AE arc with preferably the player's global it's attached to ((or, yours if you're looking to advertise your own AE arc)) and we'll take a look at the entries and announce the sponsored arc weekly!)
As always, Channel VIP is your #1 in-game source for upcoming events, dev participation, news discussion, help and so much more.
Not a member yet? Become one today!
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