
Birmingham Player Meet 2010 - Grand Organizer
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  1. The thing making me wonder if this is a bug, is that the wing option is still available with every other jacket...
  2. Kallandra

    Noncombat Pets

    I'm really not impressed by this change. In fact, to show just how very not impressed I am I won't be purchasing any of the pets they decide to stick in the market.

    I wonder if they even considered that a Peacebringer or Warshade when changing forms loses whatever pet they had out now?

    Was it really soooo bad on server load if people had a non combat pet and a combat pet out at the same time? I'd be happy if they'd just let us have one of each running simultaneously.
  3. I have the boards set to display 100 posts per page I think, and at the moment page 2 of this thread is giving me a

    Warning: Something's Not Right Here!
    boards.cityofheroes.com contains content from pyrox37.webng.com, a site known to distribute malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.
    Google has found that malicious software may be installed onto your computer if you proceed. If you've visited this site in the past or you trust this site, it's possible that it has just recently been compromised by a hacker. You should not proceed. Why not try again tomorrow or go somewhere else?
    We have already notified pyrox37.webng.com that we found malware on the site. For more about the problems found on pyrox37.webng.com, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page.
  4. Has anyone else noticed that some of the progress badges for bases have now vanished?

    Under the new 'Collect' tab, under 'Supergroup Badges' in the sub-category 'Defeats' there should be a progress bar for the number of enemies defeated with flamethrowers. Also under 'Achievement' there should be a progress bar for Circle of Thorns missions completed (up to 200).
  5. It's frustrating. The only badges that are displaying are under 'Supergroup Badges \ Exploration' and in 'Supergroup Badges \ Achievement' I've got a progress bar for " Members of your Supergroup can earn this badge by healing 1,000,000 points of health."

    I can no longer find how many CoT missions I need to do, which I presume should be under 'Defeats' but isn't. *Edit* It should be under Achievements, but isn't there, even after I've completed a few CoT missions.
  6. If the forum software is out of date, would that leave it open to attacks? Just curious after reading TonyV's posts about the recent stuff that's happened to the Titan Network
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelMountain View Post
    In addition to the logout thing, I am also having problems logging in. After I enter my name and pw, I get the "thanks for logging in " message, but frequently the screen goes back to not logged-in. Today, for example, I had to go through the sequence 3 times to get the login to stick. Anyone else having that problem as well?
    Yes. It's happened 3 or 4 times today so far, as well as the being logged out every few flippin' minutes. It's getting quite tedious.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    This might be a silly question but how does one change themes? I looked in the CP and couldn't find the option. I'm sure it was staring me in the face.
    Easiest way is to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the screen and use the little pull down menu to change the theme
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    And this is one of the reasons I don't bother with the Incarnate stuff. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't exist.
    I've only done a little bit of Incarnate content on one toon. Why? Because I wanted the emotes that had been locked behind it. Now I've got them I don't bother. I'd love to try and get some of the armour, or the auras one day, but for now I'm happy to bimble around on my non-Incarnate characters because I find them more fun to play than my Incarnated toon.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

    Obviously this means I need a new hat.
    You need a proper Flat Cap Or their US site...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
    I really hope they manage to come up with a viable solo route.

    Some villains just don't like playing with others, and mine are no exception. I've not run any of the iTrials with most of them as it just doesn't feel right (I've run 5 or 6 iTrials on just one character, just to get the damn emotes). They'd want something sneaky and solo to do whilst everyone else is occupied doing a BAF, Lambda or other iTrial.

    So... fingers crossed!

    ... think of the stalkers!
  12. I never thought I'd be saying this, but I really miss the Snake missions in Mercy, along with Doctor Creed's arc. I also miss both Outbreak and Escape from the Zig I feel I learnt more from those than the new Galaxy Tutorial and subsequent missions.

    I think the amount of bugs, typo's and abominable grammar probably play a part in my not liking the new starting arcs. That, and I'm curious to find out if the Cult of Stheno is still around.
  13. Someone's already done something similar here which shows what is in which set.
  14. Kallandra


    http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.c....cohtitan.com/ also appears to be down, as does the rest of the Titan Network
  15. The veteran Base Items are now only claimable once too, instead of repeatable like they should be *sigh*
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
    OK, so my billing date is the 3rd, so, as I understand it, I should have gotten my points and token today. (Just for confirmation, I received my last vet reward/badge on September 3rd.)

    However, I've gotten neither so far today. Do we know if there is a certain time that they post?
    They should be awarded at the exact time you started your account as far as I'm aware. My billing date is the 7th and I subscribed at around 4:15pm, I've noticed that it's usually around 4:15 or shortly after that things are awarded.
  17. I've had problems with that particular mission before, even got 6 friends to come in to the mission map and have a look around for the missing Arachnoids. We found a couple, but then /petitioned and waited for a GM. Turned out some of the critters had spawned outside of the map.

    I'd suggest getting a few friends to come in and scout around, just to make sure they're not hiding somewhere silly like behind the entrance (the cave goes back a little way behind it), and /petition for a GM to pop along and see if they can find them for you.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    I'd really like to find those old posts...I just like to make sure >_>
    Is this what you're looking for?

    Edited to include a direct link to the GR Beta Patch notes from that thread. (Which, I presume, you can only click on if you were actually in beta.)
  19. According to the Ustream chat yesterday the problem lies with the makers of the forum software and not with Paragon Studios...
  20. When I did the Villain side arc yesterday the first time it let me choose I took an Astral Merit. I did the arc again and it let me choose another Astral Merit. On the third time it said I had to wait another 7 days to claim that reward. So it would only let me claim two Astral Merits total before gating it to 7 days till the next time I could claim.

    After choosing the 10 iThreads reward once, it also said that was gated to claiming again in 7 days time.

    I've not tested it with Villain Merits yet.

    (Edit: I was determined to find that -other- exit LOL )
  21. I've a feeling that this bug has something to do with this that was mentioned on the i21 Bug Forum.

    Have you tried visiting one of the Tailors that does gender alterations too?
  22. I've already done Ramiel's arc to start on my path to being an Incarnate quite some time ago on my villain character. So, logging in to find he wants to see me again... and that he appears to have forgotten I've done all his missions before is a little odd. I've not changed sides at all, been a villain all along.

    Is this a bug, or is it supposed to be a repeatable arc?
  23. Until yesterday I'd only been to First Ward with just one of my characters and had been having on/off fog issues. Sometimes the map would be entirely fogged out, and other times just a little bit that I'd uncovered the time previously would be visible.

    I logged in with a character that had never been in First Ward before to discover that all the map I'd previously uncovered with the other character was visible, when it should've been fogged out.

    It seems random on other maps. My oldest character found Talos completely fogged, as well as Atlas. But then after re-logging they were back to being uncovered but Kings Row was fogged.
  24. Since i21 happened the mini-map defaults options now seem to be set with everything turned off as standard. If you click the Options under the map you can put them all back on again.