Fog of War bug has come back again *hoorb*
Symptom: Post-Issue 21's release, players who have had city zone maps "explored" and fully viewable on the Map function are now finding the whole zone dark again. Any explorations of the map are removed once the user zones to a new area.
Issue: This is the third time where the map function's "Fog of War" (where a city zone's map is grayed out, indicating non-exploration) has broken. Previous instances have indicated that there is a global "ceiling limit" in how much fog of war data can be stored. Each time this has broken, that limit has been raised to accommodate the new areas. Has anyone seen this behavior on characters that have had most, if not all, of the city zones fully explored and opened up? Chime in here to add your experiences, please. |
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I've only seen this happening on new characters created since the release of i21.
I took my main lvl 50 into First Ward, cleared the map with Reveal, came back later and it was still cleared. Yet every time I log in my new time manip defender, Atlas Park is re-fogged. On existing characters I see no bug, on new characters it doesn't remember any of the revealed maps.
I've had it on existing characters as well as new ones.
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@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

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ive noticed this to, but since i have reveal now i honestly dont care too much lol

The last time this busted, there was a weird tearing effect to the fog for how it would break with some players... are you finding the zone resets clean, or that some areas are hidden/revealed in weird patterns?
Edited: This isn't a new character, and it seems to be happening with all of my toons no matter how long I've had them.

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Fog re-applied on several zones but not on others.
I've only seen this happening on new characters created since the release of i21.
What seems to be happening is I am getting someone else's fog of war. I am getting partial exposure that clearly looks like the movement of characters, with extensions into darkness to places where there are stores or badges. However, I know for a rock solid fact that what I am seeing does not match my characters' own explorations.
For example, I have a seven-year-old hero that is showing only the core area of Talos Island uncovered. I have a character who had never been to First Ward showing most of the zone uncovered, specifically including badge locations.
Moreover, I seem to be getting the same maps on all my characters, even when I change accounts. Given that FoW masks are per-character, the idea that I can be seeing what is almost certainly the same mask on different characters on different masks is really confusing.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
It's not only new characters, and it's not as simple as them being fully exposed or fully uncovered.
What seems to be happening is I am getting someone else's fog of war. I am getting partial exposure that clearly looks like the movement of characters, with extensions into darkness to places where there are stores or badges. However, I know for a rock solid fact that what I am seeing does not match my characters' own explorations. For example, I have a seven-year-old hero that is showing only the core area of Talos Island uncovered. I have a character who had never been to First Ward showing most of the zone uncovered, specifically including badge locations. Moreover, I seem to be getting the same maps on all my characters, even when I change accounts. Given that FoW masks are per-character, the idea that I can be seeing what is almost certainly the same mask on different characters on different masks is really confusing. |
Actually for me it is that simple. That's what the OP is trying to point out, the bug seems totally random. I have none of the problems you are having. The only problem I am having is on new toons, and it is full uncovered or nothing.
I'm just guessing here, but the sudden appearance of the "VisitedMap" folder in the CoX main directory is probably connected.
The Grim Heaper's second account - because the forums no longer like my primary's password. >.>
Really? I see no such... wait... hmm... Can anyone else confirm the existence of this folder? It may be that the default folder security permissions in win7 (and possibly other operating systems) aren't letting the game create this folder and contents, resulting in maps not retaining their explored state.
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What I have been seeing is that, apparently randomly, the whole map will be grayed out and all icons (i.e. stores, trains, etc.) will be unset. If I manually re-check the options to see icons in the little popup menu, they all come back. I have not found any pattern to it so far. I took my main to First Ward and her whole map was clear with icons in place. On the other hand, characters in zones they frequent have had the grayed out/no icon effect.
Fog of war for city zones that aren't hazard areas is stupid anyways, get rid of it.
Explored FW on Cannonfodder -> Victory, uncovered some of the map. After the first downtime this week, I logged back in and the entire map was fogged. I moved around some to discover a missed plaque and get history badge. Logged back in after the second maintenance this week and it was entirely fogged again.
New character (Codename UB 9-6 -> Victory) in Nova Praetoria uncovered some of the map the first night I played him. Logged him in the next day (no maintenance between) and his NP map was partially unfogged. It looked like another one of my character's maps because it had the badges uncovered and it looks like he swam around the island to get River Rat.
Other characters have had maps re-fogged as well, but I don't recall details as clearly.

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This has been happening to the new characters I created on Exalted. The zone becomes completely fogged, no weird pattern.
I just confirmed cross-character contamination. I logged in a character who had never been in First Ward, and they had full fog of war. I then traveled through a small section of the map defeating Seedlings.
Then I switched to a character on the same account who had nearly fully explored the zone. The second character now had the same map exposure of the first character.
Edit: I should point out that I fully exited the game client when this happened. So if it's a client-side issue at all (which seems unlikely, since AFAIK, FoW masks are stored server-side), it's not one that's just in-memory.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
My maps do not go dark when I zone, nor does it appear to be some limit of maps. All of my zone maps for all of my characters have gone dark. There also seems to be something to do with time, or with logging out for some time. If I log out and right back in, the parts I have cleared again on all maps stay cleared. If I log out for several hours when I return with that character all, no some, but all of that characters zone maps are dark again.
Symptom: Post-Issue 21's release, players who have had city zone maps "explored" and fully viewable on the Map function are now finding the whole zone dark again. Any explorations of the map are removed once the user zones to a new area.
Issue: This is the third time where the map function's "Fog of War" (where a city zone's map is grayed out, indicating non-exploration) has broken. Previous instances have indicated that there is a global "ceiling limit" in how much fog of war data can be stored. Each time this has broken, that limit has been raised to accommodate the new areas. Has anyone seen this behavior on characters that have had most, if not all, of the city zones fully explored and opened up? Chime in here to add your experiences, please. |
My opinion is that they should just remove this feature from zone maps. How much work is it to clear the maps in the Shadow Shard for example. Now, when they finally get this fixed I need to go back and do it all again.
Or right now I'm doing a mission where I have to defeat x of y in some tiny little neighborhood. I haven't got a clue where the neighborhood is because the map was cleared again and now I have to spend my time exploring the map till I find that stupid little neighborhood again. I'm seriously thinking of not playing till they get it fixed or remove it because I honestly find this one of the most fruxtrating bugs I've encountered.
Symptom: Post-Issue 21's release, players who have had city zone maps "explored" and fully viewable on the Map function are now finding the whole zone dark again. Any explorations of the map are removed once the user zones to a new area.
Issue: This is the third time where the map function's "Fog of War" (where a city zone's map is grayed out, indicating non-exploration) has broken. Previous instances have indicated that there is a global "ceiling limit" in how much fog of war data can be stored. Each time this has broken, that limit has been raised to accommodate the new areas.
Has anyone seen this behavior on characters that have had most, if not all, of the city zones fully explored and opened up? Chime in here to add your experiences, please.
@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE
Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!