Noncombat Pets




Does anybody know when the noncombat and buff Veterans Rewards and Vanguard Pack pets became toggles, where we can only have one out at a time?

I did a short search of the forums and nothing came up, that I could find.

My playtime for the past month has been sporadic, but I would swear that just a couple weeks ago I could have all three of them out at once.

If somebody could point me to relevant patchnotes, I would appreciate it.

I reall, really dislike this change.



That was in the last patch... so since last Thursday. To help address server load I've heard.



My tiny clockwork army is outraged!

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Its been discussed in the Beta forum for a while.

I agree its not a disappointing change.
Jagged, is that "not" in there supposed to be there?
I read that whole thread and the vast majority of people want to have the buffpet and one of the others out at a time if we have to live with noncom pets like this. I rather agree with them.

On the other is possible to have a team of 8 Masterminds, each with up to six pets out at the same time, and each pet doing it's own thing. That's 54 things that the game animates at the same time, with 48 of them under AI command. Add in the mobs with a team of that size, and I have to wonder if this is really an issue with the noncombat pets. They basically just follow you. And this theoretical 8 member Mastermind team with all thier pets out can run around the city as well as instanced missions.



I'm really not impressed by this change. In fact, to show just how very not impressed I am I won't be purchasing any of the pets they decide to stick in the market.

I wonder if they even considered that a Peacebringer or Warshade when changing forms loses whatever pet they had out now?

Was it really soooo bad on server load if people had a non combat pet and a combat pet out at the same time? I'd be happy if they'd just let us have one of each running simultaneously.

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Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
Was it really soooo bad on server load if people had a non combat pet and a combat pet out at the same time? I'd be happy if they'd just let us have one of each running simultaneously.
Although I don't put too much credence in the idea that having all these pets out would have caused excessive server load I'm pretty sure the Devs themselves believed it was going to be serious a problem. Thus the toggle nerf.

You have to remember the history of the "non-combat pet" in this game. The first ones we got were gated by the 36 month Vet award. I can only assume the Devs did this because they figured that the subset of players who were 3+ year Vets was relatively small at the time. Now that anyone will be able to just buy non-combat pets on the Paragon Market I suppose the Devs were worried about a new source of excessive load.

It's sad, but it least it follows a pattern of keeping the total number of active pets at any one time/place limited.

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I haven't been playing much in the last few months, but I was hugely disappointed at this change. My Clockwork pets -- non-combat and buff -- were two of my favorite things in this game. Changing them to toggles makes them much less fun to use, especially for my main, a Peacebringer.

Unless this change really saved the game from significant technical problems, I would urge the Powers That Be to roll it back. Return our pets to us.

Naphil, 50 Peacebringer
Captain Darkspirit, 50 Warshade
Operative Acier, 50 Bane Spider
Durante Ragno, 50 Fortunata
et al.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
My tiny clockwork army is outraged!
I had the same thought back when this was first discussed.

There was mention by staff about making Veteran Rewards a separate toggle than Non-combat pets to enable both Shield Oscillators and Clockwork Gears to function together. I'd gather it's low on their priority list, but they're aware of and understand the desire for a small pet army.

My favorite past time was to tack on the Clockwork Connection temporary power from flashbacks to the Shield Oscillator and Vanity pet. Felt like a Clockwork Mastermind to rival the Clockwork Paladin at that point.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




I never use them any more. What's the fun unless you can summon as many non-com pets as possible and lead them around?

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
There was mention by staff about making Veteran Rewards a separate toggle than Non-combat pets to enable both Shield Oscillators and Clockwork Gears to function together.
Too bad that'll do exactly NOTHING to solve the problem with Kheldians losing access to all of their pets when in forms... They'll just be another greyed-out toggle we can't use.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by SpyderNoir View Post
Unless this change really saved the game from significant technical problems, I would urge the Powers That Be to roll it back. Return our pets to us.
I doubt they are going to reverse this change anytime soon. They did this not only as a possible means to save load on the servers but also probably to limit our ability to have a whole collection of vanity pets that provide multiple buffs active at the same time.

In case you are not aware there is a brand new vanity pet being tested on the beta server now (a cute little leprechaun actually) that provides a bonus to INF earned while active. This is the first time we've ever gotten a non-Vet vanity pet that provides a buff like this. Clearly this means that the Devs intend to add other new pets over time that will likely provide other new buffs. Ultimately they probably didn't want people running around with 5 or 10 pets each providing multiple buffs all at once.

I don't like the change they made with this. But given the likelihood of where things are going it does sort of make sense.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
Too bad that'll do exactly NOTHING to solve the problem with Kheldians losing access to all of their pets when in forms... They'll just be another greyed-out toggle we can't use.
It's not a perfect solution, but it shows that they're listening and open to the desires of the players. It's a good start.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I doubt they are going to reverse this change anytime soon. They did this not only as a possible means to save load on the servers but also probably to limit our ability to have a whole collection of vanity pets that provide multiple buffs active at the same time.

In case you are not aware there is a brand new vanity pet being tested on the beta server now (a cute little leprechaun actually) that provides a bonus to INF earned while active. This is the first time we've ever gotten a non-Vet vanity pet that provides a buff like this. Clearly this means that the Devs intend to add other new pets over time that will likely provide other new buffs. Ultimately they probably didn't want people running around with 5 or 10 pets each providing multiple buffs all at once.

I don't like the change they made with this. But given the likelihood of where things are going it does sort of make sense.
Eh, if I paid the money I deserve the benefits and advantages, but I can't argue with you. Your statement's pretty air tight. I look forward to seeing more buff pets but perhaps there's a way to categorize the little buggers in the coding?
Husky, Snowman, Vanguard MVAS, and the Vet noncombat pets could all be in their own category and stack since they don't provide any buffs, while the pets that provide special benefits are limited to one out at a time.

Me grammar ain't no good. I require sleep.



I despise the change, and it has made them effectively usless to me now. Oh! I get stunned, well they died because they detoggled... wait for recharge... I just don't bother. With the combat pets they used to die when you breathe on them hard, now I have to worry about them getting detoggled on any character without mez protection, AND killed easily, AND now wait for it to recharge in either case. Used to be at least they were recharged by the time they died.

I understand why they made the change, but it's ham-handed and undermines any desireability for them at all, in my opinion. It would have been much better if they just set them up so summoning a second pet would 'kill' or despawn the first.

As it is, it's just too much trouble to even summon them, and resummon them every few minutes if I'm on a squishy because I got put to sleep for half a second, especially if they don't do anything other than look cute.

Horrible change.

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I couldn't agree more.