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Quote:An increase in kill rates doesn't just increase the supply of money. It increases the supply of goods as well. Good luck trying to calculate the net effect on the market, but I noticed that prices on a lot of items that I track over time were cheaper in 2011 than in 2010.If a short-term boost in the money supply rate creates short-term price increases, then why wouldn't long-term supply rate increase create long-term price increases?
*edit* I'm way too slow, Four beat me to it. -
I'm active in the market for long stretches because I think the most efficient use of my time is to spend just a few minutes per day on it over an extended period. I don't farm, and I don't cash in merits to sell the proceeds, so I pretty much rely on marketeering when I need inf.
Having said that, marketeering is a repetitive task. I do it to earn enough inf to equip my characters as I see fit, not for the sheer joy of playing the market. I'm sitting on a huge pile of inf only because my recent alt projects haven't worked out as I expected. With the changes coming in I22 I'm not sure I'll even need to play the market again (though I probably will just for good measure).
Quote:I think this bit of advice conveys the proper tone.I'm curious what the long-term effects of converters will be. I'm kind of worried that my niche (crafting and selling damage purples) is going to collapse permanently and I'm going to have to find a new way to make money.
An inadequate trading system which encourages players to perform unsecured trades is an actual problem, and while I'd really like to see NCSoft improve the trade system, at least they could provide decent customer service to the players who get burned by it.
Quote:Also, AV's resist regen debuffs, so most power sets won't zero out an AV's regen. A level 50 rad using a 500% regen debuff on a level 50 AV is only going to reduce regen by about 70 HP/second.Regen on a level 50 AV is around 90ish h/s. So debuffing regen is equivalent to doing an extra 90 dps. Anything that does more than 90dps damage than you will beat you with or without regen debuffs, all other things being equal.
Edit: that's net damage; net after resistance and defense of the AV. Anything with very high damage mitigation will magnify the benefit of -regen unless its also resistant to regen debuffs. -
If your burst damage is high, you can kill him quickly enough that don't need to worry about the duplicates. Just build up that fury bar right before the fight, pop some reds if necessary, and beat him down where he stands. I wouldn't worry about messing with the lava, at least not while playing a brute.
When I was running tips on a regular basis I was finding at least 1 purple recipe every couple of weeks. That was using two lvl 50 characters one after the other, set at +0 x1, and stealthing to the objectives. I do consider myself pretty lucky on purple drops overall, but I've had better drop rates by far on tips than other content. I know, random is random and all that, but still that's been my experience with purples and tips.
Quote:I have an Elec/KM tanker that I made using the same reasoning. I'm very pleased with the results; that character is tough as nails. Damage is decent too, for a tanker at least.I have a KM/Elec Armor stalker, and it rocks. In general, I would recommend that kinetic melee be paired with any resistance based secondary. Since the damage reductions on the enemies are not resisted, it stacks quickly with the resistances of those sets.
I drop the missions that require me to escort NPC's, since they are terrible at following me. 'Elegant party favor,' 'Out of the corner of your eye,' and 'Your life story.' I may run 'One good spider' if I get it before 'The unusual suspect,' otherwise I run the latter. I usually drop 'Malta gunslinger action figure' too since the ambushes take too long to spawn. Everything else is fine.
When I say 'follow the tank' I mean that literally, get your butt behind the tank, let him take point and get initial aggro. I realize that CoH is easier and more AoE-centric than many MMO's, thus it is much more tolerant of alternative tactics and outright sloppy team play in general, but 'follow the tank' can still be a good idea when the team isn't overpowered for the instance. In other MMO's I've played, when running through tough dungeons, if a squishy class runs ahead of the tank and pulls initial aggro he's apt to die quickly. If the healer tries to keep him alive the healer will often gain heal aggro, meaning the tank now has to pry the mobs off of the healer. I've seen too many team and even raid wipes that happened exactly this way, even caused by people who have played long enough to know better.
So... follow the tank. -
1) Follow the tank.
2) Don't bail on a group at a bad time. In CoH, that means don't leave in the middle of a TF or trial.
3) Don't grind. That's usually the point at which an MMO stops being fun for me. -
Quote:It's all your fault for manipulating the market and driving up the prices!*pops back in* so wait the sleep purples I deleted in the hundreds for lulz are now going for a hundred million each? HOLY CRAP.
As to the OP, I saw this scenario coming as soon as the announcements were made. I haven't bought a single cheap purple though, and the only reason I can give is pure apathy. I'm already sitting on a pile of inf, and my current alt projects have been stalled for a while so I have no reason to spend. I haven't even been playing much over the last month or so. Maybe I'll regret not jumping on those cheap purples, but that's looking doubtful at the moment. -
My dominator dies quickly. I think my dom has a problem with premature expiration.
Would it be fair to assume that the most active players in CoH hold most of the wealth?
Would it be fair to assume that the forums represent a cross-section of the most active players?
If so, then you might apply the Pareto principle to your data. Using 100k total active players, we would then say that the top 20K hold 80% of the total wealth. Extrapolating your data over 20k players yields about 364 trillion inf. Divide that by 80%, and you have 455 trillion total inf in the game.
There are a lot of assumptions in that analysis which may not be accurate at all, but it's one other way to look at the data. -
Other judgement powers already have high base accuracy. All of my incarnate characters have capped chance to hit lvl 54's with them as it is now. I don't see what the big deal is here. It's not like PvE is balanced on a razor's edge in the first place.
I'd rather have all of the judgement powers made autohit than have Ion nerfed. In PvE at least. I don't care what happens to PvP, nerf it there I suppose.
Quote:When you read the OP, and in particular the thread to which he linked, you'll understand that he's trying to estimate the total amount of inf currently floating around in the game. For that reason you don't want to count recipes or enhancements, even if they can be quickly sold, just the amount of inf you have on hand. It is a misuse of the term 'liquid,' and it might cause some confusion."Liquid" means readily converted to cash, and it's a judgment call on what that would mean. Since it can take days or weeks to sell some high-value IOs for what they're really worth, it's hard to say which ones are really "liquid" and which ones aren't.
You would also want to include any recipes sitting around on alts which have yet to be crafted. And some people have hundreds of pieces of rare salvage in their bases, and they'd want to include those. Since no two people would make the same judgments, the resulting total probably would be an even less scientific sample.
This could be done, but would require the assignment of standard prices to all items, and then everyone could use the same values.
I think the OP's original request is a reasonable starting point.
I probably fall into the D category, since I probably have three dozen level 50s and they all tend to have 50 million or more, though several have more than 150 million. -
At one time I had an idea for calculating the total amount of inf in the game by comparing an estimated rate at which inf is being created to an estimated rate at which it is being destroyed. My model quickly ran into two problems:
1) I don't farm, so I have no idea how much inf an average farmer generates.
2) Even if I could estimate inf creation under normal circumstances, I don't have a handle on how much has been created due to AE bugs. I wasn't playing CoH when most of these were discovered, but from other people's recounting it seems to have been considerable.
And nowadays we're given less data about sales volume in WW, which makes estimation of inf destruction much more difficult. I just abandoned the idea. I've reached the conclusion that the total amount of inf in the game is 'a whole lot,' and we probably won't get a more accurate figure unless the devs give it to us. -
Just to note, when Topdoc estimated his total worth I think he was including more than just cash. That doesn't necessarily mean your assumptions are way off, though a person would have to be really dedicated to the task of squirreling away inf to amass 500B of it.
Double bleh. I use enzymes for defense enhancement in a couple of my characters, plus I used to make some money buying and selling them. All the bugs in this game, and they have to fix that one.
And if it means we have a harder time forming Hami raids in the future, then triple bleh. -
You were the one who dredged the forum for those necrotic threads. I think the fact that you had to go back so far just to find any discussion reinforces my point, but it's a point you don't seem to grasp. But whatever indeed, I've lost interest in continuing this line of discussion.
I hope you realize that I was responding to relevant quoted text, which I shall quote again:
Quote:Dear OP if you truly are a member of the COX community then you should be familiar with the long standing tradition of the thread for each server where people put up names they have let go so others may use them. Although no hard rule exist, for nearly as long as this game has been around its been seen as good form to let go of that which you no longer wish to be known as.
These are long, stickied, active threads that match Demetrios' description. I figure that he had these in mind when he made his post. Freedom and Pinnacle do not have these. It does appear that Pinnacle had one for a while years ago before it was unstickied, possibly due to lack of activity. Moreover, many people posting in that thread weren't just letting names go.
Honestly I don't see this as a point of contention, but you seem to have mistook my meaning as nobody ever made such a post in the history of the forums. That is obviously indefensible. I normally like to keep my posts as brief as possible, and if I did so to the point of introducing ambiguity to my meaning, than I apologize. However, if you think that your links indicate Demetrios assertions apply to Freedom and Pinnacle, well, I disagree.