My curiosity about the "pro marketeers."
Why do you rock the warshade?
Why do I solo AVs and spend time clawing up pylons?
We do it because we do it. When it comes to inf, I'm about it much as you are. I don't play the market, I farm when the mood hits me, I make what I need to make and then go back to doing whatever else.
When I heard that there are people sitting on not billions but hundreds of billions, I too found myself wondering why. But then I went and soloed some AVs and realized, "oh, they do it because it's fun for them to do it."
Be well, people of CoH.

It's a game in and of itself. I'm not even good at it as such, I don't think I've ever had 20B total.
I spend a couple of weeks in game farming and marketeering to collect the 5 purple sets and 3 or more PVP IO's I need |
The opportunity with I22 is so large I dropped everything to marketeer like mad for a few weeks so that when the issue hit, I'd have so much stuff that I'd never need to buy anything again. That's it really.
Inf is a number like XP is a number.
Some people like big numbers.
Its not that surprising.
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
I don't horde inf per se. Not in the way that some people on here do. I do try to keep 15 or 20 billion on hand at any one time though, so if I decide I want to build something expensive I don't have to spend time making money before I can do it.
I'm active in the market for long stretches because I think the most efficient use of my time is to spend just a few minutes per day on it over an extended period. I don't farm, and I don't cash in merits to sell the proceeds, so I pretty much rely on marketeering when I need inf.
Having said that, marketeering is a repetitive task. I do it to earn enough inf to equip my characters as I see fit, not for the sheer joy of playing the market. I'm sitting on a huge pile of inf only because my recent alt projects haven't worked out as I expected. With the changes coming in I22 I'm not sure I'll even need to play the market again (though I probably will just for good measure ).
Why do you rock the warshade?
Why do I solo AVs and spend time clawing up pylons? We do it because we do it. When it comes to inf, I'm about it much as you are. I don't play the market, I farm when the mood hits me, I make what I need to make and then go back to doing whatever else. When I heard that there are people sitting on not billions but hundreds of billions, I too found myself wondering why. But then I went and soloed some AVs and realized, "oh, they do it because it's fun for them to do it." |
I don't marketeer either. I list pretty much everything for 10 inf and buy pretty much everything at "buy it nao" prices. I don't play the game to stand in front of wentworths for any more time than is necessary because i don't enjoy it. Everyone plays the game for various reasons, each of which is just as viable as the next, as long as you're enjoying it. If you're not enjoying it though, then I don't know why you're playing.
I rarely make new toons and when I do my general process goes something along the lines of: "get toon to 50 in 1-2 days>IO said toon to the gills the same day>play toon briefly>strip all the IOs out of it cause it wasn't as good as my other toons>delete the toon." So when I'm IOing a new toon I will typically have most of the stuff I need on hand already from all the stuff I strip out of previous toons.
I don't alt heavily. I am on my way to my 11th 50, and once the character is 50, I will spend a significant amount of time (probably a good month) playing at 50. New Incarnate content means my other 10 existing 50s are going to get a bunch of playtime again in the near future. It may be a couple of months before I start looking at getting another new character to 50. I have some characters waiting to get to 50 that are 4-5 years old.
I do like big numbers.
I also like to min/max. I just spent most of Sunday spending freespecs on level 50 characters that probably only gave them a couple of % extra performance. (In some cases I might even have netted no performance change, as I was occasionally adjusting for the HO "nerf". {I use the term lightly.}) Having lots of capital allows me to be agile with changes. "Ooh, I could put one of those there. Let me grab one from the market/my base."
By the standards of probably most of the regulars here, I'm a lightweight. I like to think that's mostly by choice - I don't dislike the market at all, but I don't enjoy spending time thinking about it as I do fighting or poring over builds, even though it doesn't take that much thought to make pretty big piles of money. I'd rather spend my out-of-combat brain time in Mids.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Because once I have my character set up the way I want it I have nothing else to spend inf on.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Pretty much what Bill said. As for me, I enjoy marketing on a certain level, so I regularly market on a bunch of characters. This usually amounts to logging all of them in at least once a week to check up on what they've sold and bought, craft some stuff, put it up for sale. This is good because a lot of my characters are in a SG with a kick policy if you're inactive a certain length of time. ^_^ But aside from doing it for those two reasons, I like to have enough cash on hand to fully IO/purple a toon when I want to. ATM I have a Widow at 47, my Titan Weapons brute is at 43, and I have several other toons/projects in the 40's. I'll probably IO out the Widow at 50 next.
So in that sense I'm more like Bill and the original poster, because the ultimate goal for me is to build really powerful characters. Except that I market all the time with that goal in mind.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Why do you rock the warshade?
Why do I solo AVs and spend time clawing up pylons? We do it because we do it. When it comes to inf, I'm about it much as you are. I don't play the market, I farm when the mood hits me, I make what I need to make and then go back to doing whatever else. When I heard that there are people sitting on not billions but hundreds of billions, I too found myself wondering why. But then I went and soloed some AVs and realized, "oh, they do it because it's fun for them to do it." |
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I think Bill said it better than I ever could. Some people enjoy doing marketeering or enjoy having loads of inf that they can use as bragging rights or whatever or don't have alot of playtime but can still do alot in just 10 minutes of checking the market, etc.
I'm a power gamer. I like creating the best build possible for a character, which means purples and PvPs and such. And I have a LOT of characters. The different options for obtaining those Enhancements include farming, marketeering, or playing. While I love figuring out farms, and how to be efficient, I don't particularly enjoy actual farming. Ditto for marketeering. But those rewards are far higher than actual playing, so I do them from time to time. It's a question of ROI (Return on Investment) where the Investment is my time. I'm willing to do some boring things (farming and marketeering) in order to improve the quality of the non-boring things (playing with overpowered characters).
With Enhancement Converters that will soon all be behind me. I'll have all the purples, PvPs, and ATOs I'll ever need. I'll only need to use the Market for the lesser Enhancements in my build. And I'll have a huge wad of cash in reserve in case the Devs release something new that I'll want. So I'll never need to farm or marketeer again.
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304
Why do people keep playing pacman, getting all those points, if they aren't going to spend them?
And yes, I'm one of the people who messes with the market despite never having gotten to 50.
I don't have a quibble with the folks who earn their billions on the market only to buy stuff for their builds.
I don't even have a problem with the folks who like to horde 100s of billions just "because they can".
The people I don't quite understand are the "Crazy 88" types who like to earn countless billions for the express purpose of (as far as I can tell) bragging about how many of those billions they've burned through the Influence to Prestige conversion. Some of them even claim that they are on some kind of crusade to accumulate as much Influence as they can for the sole purpose of "removing" it from the general marketplace via their destructive efforts.
Unlike a real economy this game simply creates Influence via the actions of its players. There's absolutely no way you can "reduce" the total amount of something that's infinitely renewable. I couldn't really think of a more pointless activity if I tried - but then again like many other things people enjoy doing in this game maybe it doesn't really matter if there's a "point" to it in the long run.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie
The people I don't quite understand are the "Crazy 88" types who like to earn countless billions for the express purpose of (as far as I can tell) bragging about how many of those billions they've burned through the Influence to Prestige conversion. Some of them even claim that they are on some kind of crusade to accumulate as much Influence as they can for the sole purpose of "removing" it from the general marketplace via their destructive efforts.
I appreciate people who destroy influence since there is no real control on inflation. If it weren't for folks like this, we'd be paying 2 billion for every recipe on the market... ok, not "every" recipe, but anything worth slotting. It makes my billions worth that much more.

Badge-Hunter: @Dogma
CIT: @Dogma
XFire: BrckaLo
Playfire: BrckaLo
GamerDNA: CoHDogma
Hey, marketeers: Why u so evil?
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Also, your tears are delicious.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
It is as often said: the first Billion is hard, the next ones are increasingly easier. Besides, if I have no need to spend the Inf, it accrues up on its own anyway. On a personal note, casual marketeering, gives me a reason to visit my (mostly) retired characters.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Some of them even claim that they are on some kind of crusade to accumulate as much Influence as they can for the sole purpose of "removing" it from the general marketplace via their destructive efforts.
Unlike a real economy this game simply creates Influence via the actions of its players. There's absolutely no way you can "reduce" the total amount of something that's infinitely renewable. I couldn't really think of a more pointless activity if I tried - but then again like many other things people enjoy doing in this game maybe it doesn't really matter if there's a "point" to it in the long run. ![]() |
And doing so is good for the game. Also amusing.
Here's the deal- I don't think I'm one of you. I have been known to make over a billion infamy in a day, when I want to. Inf is by no means an issue for me, because I know that I can make it quickly whenever I need it, but I also don't sit on it and hoard it.
I can make inf. to fund a project, which is the only time I bother. If I have an alt that I want to be decked out, I will deck it out. What I'm curious about is.. Why would anyone be a "real" marketeer?
I understand that many of you have been around much longer than me, but I just see that as more time needed to make more characters, pay for them to be leveled if you want, purple them out, get them the PVP IO's they need, pay for bank missions if you miss them, etc.
For me, this game encourages alts so much that there's no point in hoarding infamy. If I want a new character, I spend a couple of weeks in game farming and marketeering to collect the 5 purple sets and 3 or more PVP IO's I need, plus an extra billion or two for extra stuff like Kin Combats and LOTG's. I spend it all within a day of making it.
I guess I just don't understand why people would hoard infamy unless they plan to use it for something. I've met players who post about how much inf. they have and how awesome it is, and I've seen them running around at level 50 with no x5 ultimate stacks and nothing to show for their marketeering in game whatsoever. I've seen people post on this board saying "I don't play at level 50."
I guess I'm just wondering what the point is for these types? Are you just hoarding infamy for the lol's, and to say you did it, while having nothing to show for it. or am I missing something?