MMO rules you live by.
1. Live and let live: Just because I think your 'Super Duper mann" is a truly dumb Idea, it's yours so I'll just let it slide.
2. Don't Be cruel: Just because I could make your in game life miserable, doesn't mean I have to. (no griefing)
3. Pay it forward: Help those who need it because someone helped you once.
4. The thumper rule: If you can't say something nice...
5. Assume everyone is a good player until proven otherwise: ...and then help improve those that can be.
6. Ignore is your friend: if the thumper rule fails, just switch the fool off so you don't have to deal with them.
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.
Only listing one right now - might amend this later:
- When joining a Task Force or Trial that contains players you have not teamed with before, ensure you have enough time to complete it. (In this case, I take the median time for completion, and multiply by 1.5) So sick and tired of players logging 2 missions from the end saying they'll "be back in 15-20 minutes!", as if the other 7 players are going to slow down at all.
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Avoid the pugs.
The First Rule of DKTF is...
Crap. I'm not supposed to talk about it.
Anyway, my most important rule is: At all times you must be having fun. At the end of the day, we're playing a game. If you're not having fun, something's wrong.
The second most important rule is: Any build, any budget, no exclusions.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
1) Follow the group leader
Eliminates or simplifies ALL arguments about team play.
WHY WASN'T I HEALED? - Healer is standing next to the group leader, where are you?
WHERE IS MY BACKUP? - We're fighting the other group over here with the leader, where are you?
WHY DON'T I HAVE ANY LOOT? - That guys is not following the leader, he always gets there first.
2) The power of '...'.
Ever since I discovered it in my first online game, I have been amazed by how many problems go away when you say nothing. In real life when I was very little stupid people would tell me to 'ignore' people who bothered me and they would go away. Of course this doesn't work on the ADD eleven year old behind you with a bag of school supplies like glue and scissors, but it does work brilliantly against adults in MMO's. You don't need ignore, you don't need to go anywhere. Just have the patience and dignity to just NOT REPLY. If someone questions that you're listening just say '...' or 'I hear you.'.
3) Kick them.
If someone is not compatable with your group, not playing or not contributing, or is causing problems then get rid of them. Not in a malicious sense, but in a matter of fact one. They're not eight player online games, they're MASSIVELY multiplayer. It's easy for both parties to find someone new to group with. If it's not, thats an issue to take up with the devs.
May edit later.
1. Keep your mouth shut and listen to the leader.
2. If you don't understand what you're supposed to be doing, ask. If the leader is still explaining, ask when he's done.
3. Pay attention.
4. Do what the leader says. Don't do what the leader says not to do.
5. If you don't like how the team is run, make your own team and run it the right way.
6. If you're going to lead a team, know what you're doing and communicate it clearly to the team.
These are mostly rules for the tougher things in the game, but it does amaze me how many people don't follow them. People that don't follow rules like these usually don't wind up in the global channels that I'm in though. In fact they'll usually wind up with 1 star by their names (from me, and from others I know as well). Like the guy on a C.O.P. last month that I'd never met before but one of his friends was all excited about him joining because he was such a great player -- we head into the main chamber, leader repeats (for maybe the third time actually) for everyone to wait for buffs and wait until leader says to go -- this so-called great player immediately runs into the arena and engages one of the cubes. Thanks for not paying attention. :/ Elite player indeed. 1-starred.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Three strikes/requests.
If there is someone on the team being an idiot, or someone not using a buff they should be (ie, a slack support person with an anti mez not using it while fighting malta) I ask them nicely to do/stop doing whatever it is.
If they keep up with the stupidity, I will TELL them what to do.
If they still are not listening I will yell at them.
If, after 3 tries they are still being pants on head, they get the boot.
Also, sorry, but the above rule about 'listening to the leader' is only valid IF the leader is not an idiot.
I joined a CoP trial recently, where the leader pretty much gave no instructions, and just yelled at teams to keep attack the Obelisks, in spite of people people lost and not ready. This had the result of the Obs constantly dying out of synch, over and over (think we wasted at least 20 mins, getting nowhere).
So next time the leader said 'attack teh Obs!' I pointed out that we should stop, let them reset, and regroup.
For which I was kicked.
Even better, then then leader accused me of ruining the whole trial, and making them fail, even when I was no longer there..Apparently he had run about 50 CoPs. I can only feel sorry for the people who had to deal with his lack of tactics.
The First Rule of DKTF is...
Crap. I'm not supposed to talk about it. Anyway, my most important rule is: At all times you must be having fun. At the end of the day, we're playing a game. If you're not having fun, something's wrong. The second most important rule is: Any build, any budget, no exclusions. |
I've only broken that rule twice, in so much as I've only kicked two people from TFs for just annoying me to no end.
Only felt bad about it on the first one though. The second one not so much. >_>
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
The First Rule of DKTF is...
Crap. I'm not supposed to talk about it. Anyway, my most important rule is: At all times you must be having fun. At the end of the day, we're playing a game. If you're not having fun, something's wrong. The second most important rule is: Any build, any budget, no exclusions. |
I've never once regretted joining a PuG advertised in this fashion. Even when I'm not looking for a team, I'll join these. (usually they're amazing teams, too!)
My personal rules are probably like everyone else's:
1. Be nice. Be polite. If you're waiting for something, find something nice to say about someone's costume, bio, whatever.
2. Be respectful of whoever it was who was kind enough to invite me to their team.
3. Remember that even great players can have lousy days where they aren't feeling well, where personal things are affecting their game play, or their mood. Cut people slack, you have no clue what's happening in their life.
4. If everyone else is acting like an idiot, doesn't know how to play, and are generally irritating and irksome, this is signal that am in a funky mood and I seriously need to get my own head out of my own back end.
5. Once committing to something, stick it out.
Rule #1: I am always in charge. You dont like it get off my team. No I dont care if its only 2 missions till the end on a Dr.Q TF, gtfo my team right now or be booted when the mish ends. Why did you join my TF squad? Oh thats right you wanted to get it done sometime today in a timely fashion, well that is what #1 is for.
Rule #2: Dont question my tactics. Dont like it see rule number 1.
Rule #3: Do what you do best and have fun, do anything to impact my fun and GTFO my squad.
Rule #4: Dont blame others for your weakness. If you keep dieing and feel like yelling at the leader for not getting an empath to baby sit you then see Rule #1.
Social Rules:
Always love the ladies, insult the riffraff,mock the animorphs, and tip the bartender in rare salvage worth a min of 1 mil a piece. Never indulge the children in textfights nor duels. Live by your characters values when in character. Never use RP as an excuse to be a perv or a rude curse spewing social deviant.
Have fun.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
I came up with a set of rules for my teams and task forces. The only reason they're in place is to keep me in check, not the team.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
This is my style:
Be excellent to each other.
Party on.
Pretty much covers everything.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Stopped reading here. Never joining your teams, appreciate the warning.
I came up with a set of rules for my teams and task forces. The only reason they're in place is to keep me in check, not the team. |
I only have two rules that I follow, and only when making my own teams:
1) Nobody with bad use of caps. I find that players that name themselves using all caps or can't be bothered to use them at all also can't be bothered to be decent human beings in a text environment. There have been exceptions to this, sure, but few and far between.
2) Stalkers need not apply. (Stalkers are a filthy AT. I ain't teaming with no villain that doesn't have sense enough to disregard its own defense.)
Oh, and Samuraiko can always team wth me. She's dreamy.
@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor
Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.
This is my style:
Be excellent to each other. Party on. Pretty much covers everything. ![]() |
Hell, that's not just how I play the game, that's how I live my life.

Final Straw, DM/Regen Scrapper
Solari, Fire/Fire Blaster
Real Americana, MA/SR Scrapper
Task Force Timmy, Grav/Rad Controller
Astral Paragon, Spines/Regen Scrapper
Mr Drama King, Katana/Regen Scrapper
Psi-Stunner, Psi/Mental Blaster
* Be polite and respectful.
* Be patient and give the benefit of the doubt, but not to the point of letting myself or others be abused.
* When teamed, do my best. I may not be uber and I may mess up, but I'll make an honest effort to contribute.
I think that mostly sums it up.
Stalkers have a whole secondary dedicated to their defence. Please tell me how this is disregarding it?
1. Be nobodies fool.
2. 3 strikes.
3. Pulling is lame.
1. There's a person behind the other character, for good or ill.
Stopped reading here. Never joining your teams, appreciate the warning.
I came up with a set of rules for my teams and task forces. The only reason they're in place is to keep me in check, not the team. |
My basic protocol:
1. Will invite anyone who asks if there's openings.
2. If someone asks a question, I say "fine by me". I don't always read the question.
I generally do what I want, when I want. Thankfully I'm not that much of an evil person, because otherwise I would sabotage trials more often, but I have gotten into sissy slap fights with other people in the game. In general, there are three rules that I follow.
#1: Be clear and keep it real. A big problem for a lot of teaming tactics, and even a great cause for a lot of resentment is a glorious lack of communication. If something needs to be done, say something. If something is bothering you, mention it. If there is something you aren't sure of, ask about it. If someone is making you angry, confront them. You'd be amazed how many problems that this will solve.
#2: Step up. I shamelessly self-promote about how I host stuff on the forums a lot, but the fact is I'm not exactly what I would define as a "good hoster". I go over what I think should be covered before hand, but I almost always forget something critical or don't explain something well enough. I let people ask questions, but that doesn't always help. The big thing that sets me apart in the game (and in real life, too), is that if there is no one around to do the job, I do it. I host these things not because I'm a super-awesome leader that you should be envious of, but because I am annoyed that no one else is forming one or hosting one. Just twenty people standing around all saying "LF trial"... So do the job no one else is doing, even if you aren't stellar about it. Chances are, common sense will get you through.
#3: Commit. If you say you are going to do something, then you do it. Set aside time for big things and if you don't have the time then don't try that big thing. One of the annoying things about Dr. Quarterfield isn't the trial itself, but the fact that the people who join the trial don't ever actually have the time to do it. They'll run off to shower or run off to do homework or other stuff that they have to do, even when I state in the beginning that it takes 5 hours. Because of this, I rarely host Dr. Wuarterfield, even though I don't hate the trial.
In general, if you follow those three rules, then people will team with you even if you get into yo' mamma fights with strangers on the internet.
TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide
Dechs, you're exactly the kind of player that makes this game's community so awesome.
I only have two rules that I follow, and only when making my own teams: 1) Nobody with bad use of caps. I find that players that name themselves using all caps or can't be bothered to use them at all also can't be bothered to be decent human beings in a text environment. There have been exceptions to this, sure, but few and far between. 2) Stalkers need not apply. (Stalkers are a filthy AT. I ain't teaming with no villain that doesn't have sense enough to disregard its own defense.) Oh, and Samuraiko can always team wth me. She's dreamy. |

My own rules:
1) If I'm not having fun, I stop playing. As a subset to this, if I'm on a team and the whole team's being a bunch of flaming tardbeasts, I politely excuse myself ("I'm sorry for the short notice, but I have to leave"). If it's just one person, I tell the leader ("I'm sorry, but I really can't deal with so-and-so, so I'm going to quit after this mission").
2) Pay it forward. God knows how many people were patient and helpful to me when I started, so the LEAST I can do is pass it along. Extra lvl 50+ SOs I don't need? Random donations around Ms Lib. Salvage I have plenty of that a PuG teammate mentioned needing? Here you go, have fun.
3) Agree to disagree, or at worst, ignore. As Hubert Humphrey famously said, "The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously." Where I can, I admit that you'll go your way and I'll go mine. You start attacking, turn racist, or sink to a level of flaming tardbeast that I find vomit-inducing, say hello to /ignore and /petition.
4) Never lose my sense of wonder. I will STILL drop what I'm doing 95% of the time to participate in a Rikti invasion. If someone says, "OMG, this looks so COOL", I wanna see what it is. And bugger what other people say, if I think it's film-worthy, I'm gonna film it.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
I've been playing MMOs for a while now and I've kinda developed a set of rules I try to abide by and I was wondering does anyone else have these?
1) Never team while angry. Read a book or watch a movie or play an FPS. If you are angry you can take it out on your teammates when they don't deserve it.
2) Let people play how they want to play, so long as it doesn't harm the team. I once was in a TF with a guy who only attacked minions. His reasoning for it. He was a super hero, he wanted to feel powerful, and taking 3 hits to fell some guy with a gun didn't make him feel powerful. We accepted this and adjusted for it and it worked very well.
3) Pass it on. When I started, I got given 20 mil for SOs and an Ouro. Now I've got a bil, I'm an incarnate and I'm a reasonable player. So I try and pass on what I can, be it an ouro hear, a few mil there, the odd costume contest.
4) Manners cost nothing.
5) If someone does something cool, be it get a good frag on you, do an amazing bit of soloing, have a good costume or bio, congratulate them on it.
6) Admit you are wrong and update your info.
7) Love and tolerate.
So does anyone else have rules they follow like this?