the Real-Market Apocalypse 2012
Converters *possibly* come out Tuesday. Nothing in the Beta Patch Notes or on the Official web page links Converters to I22.
Just like Super Packs introduced ATOs and Catalysts completely unconnected with an Issue Release, so, too, Converters may not be linked to I22.
Or they may.
So, half panic.
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Converters *possibly* come out Tuesday. Nothing in the Beta Patch Notes or on the Official web page links Converters to I22.
Just like Super Packs introduced ATOs and Catalysts completely unconnected with an Issue Release, so, too, Converters may not be linked to I22. Or they may. So, half panic. |
edit: maybe 6/10ths
It would be pretty weird for converters to not be in I22, just from a software dev perspective. You generally want to test code as close as possible to whatever you are going to roll live. The Market and its cart/inventory is clearly separate from the game and so if converters were in the Market, I'd fully believe anything in Beta market might not roll live with an issue.
That's not the case for converters; they're on NPCs, etc. That means they'd be testing a different build than was rolling live. Anyone who's done professional software knows that even small things can cause big regressions, so you always test your real, live build, or as close to it as possible.
Anyhow, this is going to be a total sea change on the Market. In the long run, though, it's going to be good for players and good for the game, and I'm pretty excited about it.
This just in from FREEDOM Friday on Facebook:
Converters go Live with Issue 22.
Commence panicking.
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How does one obtain these converters?
This just in from FREEDOM Friday on Facebook:
Converters go Live with Issue 22. Commence panicking. |
I may have bought up many cheap PvPIOs and purples I plan to convert to more useful and valuable items. Maybe.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
HAM/VAM = 10 converters
10 merits = 1 converter
Astral Merit = 2 converters
Emp merit = 5 converters
Plus each redemption method requires some influence, basically 250k influence per converter. (So the HAM/VAM is 2.5m+HAM = 10.)
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Me on Tuesday.
Me on Tuesday
Just sold a +3%Def for 1.9 billion inf tonight.
Last five sales in billions:
22 for sale
1,177 bidding
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Ok, how does the converter work? I checked Paragon Wiki and there just isn't much info.
Hey everyone,
I've been following a ton of stuff that the board have been talking about since the Player Summit we held a couple weeks ago. We've taken a close look at your feedback on the various things announced, and are in the process of making changes where we feel it's appropriate and good for the overall game. This thread is about Enhancement Converters. These are tokens that you can use to change Set-based IOs into other random Set-based IOs. The original thought was that the only way to acquire these would be through the Paragon Market. Several of you disagreed with this exclusivity to this item so we took another look at it. We feel pretty comfortable in allowing these to be obtained in-game by VIPs. These will be sold on Reward Merit, Alignment Merit, and Endgame Merit vendors with the following values (subject to change): 10 Reward Merits buys 1 Enhancement Converter Token 1 Alignment Merit buys 10 Enhancement Converter Tokens (20 hour cooldown) 3 Astral Merit buys 2 Enhancement Converter Tokens 1 Empyrean Merit buys 5 Enhancement Converter Tokens In addition, they will be rare drops from enemies for VIPs. Remember, it costs 3 tokens to convert a Set IO into another, random, enhancement from that same set. It costs 2 tokens to convert a Set IO into another, random, enhancement of the same category, and it costs 1 token to convert a Set IO into another, random, enhancement of the same rarity. Basically the more possibilities it has to change into, the lower the cost. Because of this, we're not going to initially sell these on the Paragon Market as we had first planned. These will be available exclusively in-game to VIPs by the above means for the time being. |
Easy to buy in game.
Converted IOs stay their same level of rarity: Uncommons always are Uncommons. Purples always are Purples. PvPs always are PvPs. ATOs... etc...
3 Converter Tokens to remain in the set.
2 Converter Tokens to remain in the category (e.g., Melee Sets; Healing Sets; etc...)
1 Converter Token to remain in the same rarity.
So, get a cheap PvP IO, and spending 1 Converter at a time, roll to convert it into another PvP IO until you hit upon a Gladiator's Armor. And if that isn't the +3%Def one, spend 3 Converters at a time until it is.
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I would panic but I find more fun to be had watching others while I point and laugh.
aside from the gamble packs I really love and adore what the devs have done to the RMT's.
har har har.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
I'm curious what the long-term effects of converters will be. I'm kind of worried that my niche (crafting and selling damage purples) is going to collapse permanently and I'm going to have to find a new way to make money.
I'm curious what the long-term effects of converters will be. I'm kind of worried that my niche (crafting and selling damage purples) is going to collapse permanently and I'm going to have to find a new way to make money.
Converted IOs stay their same level of rarity: Uncommons always are Uncommons.
Crushing Impact: Accuracy/Damage successfully converted to Mako's Bite: Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge. |
Malaise's Illusions: Chance for Psionic Damage successfully converted to Befuddling Aura: Endurance/Confuse. |
One very annoying thing about this conversion is that every time you do it the Rarity/Category selector flips back to Rarity. Which means that you can easily screw up and convert your melee IO into a slow IO if you don't reselect Category every time you put an IO into the Input slot.
Oops, then. It's been months since I played with it and the info from the thread I quoted has since changed.
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I'm curious what the long-term effects of converters will be. I'm kind of worried that my niche (crafting and selling damage purples) is going to collapse permanently and I'm going to have to find a new way to make money.
More supply will make it slightly steadier.
It may HELP (money making wise) to expect to have to convert as well. But maybe not. The price of "cheap" and "expensive" purples will end up being within 50M of each other, I think, at least on average. The worst-of-the-worst and best-of-the-best will likely be within 100M.
But pvp procs are gonna not be sold off market anymore. I alone could crush the resist proc pvp 3% market, or panacea.
SO i think it will be not cheap but not 3 billion off market hustles.
And yea purples will be in demand. No doubt about that. But last night i Sold an arm triple(i think) for 800 mill. I think those days are gone.
but i expect 100--->400 still a possiblility (least to most--> desireable)
Converters come out tuesday!
bye bye market I predict total mayhem till it all sorts itself out
On Tuesday, March 6th, 2012, the Live North American and European City of Heroes servers will be taken offline to publish Issue 22: Death Incarnate. The expected downtime is eight hours.
Start time: 4:00 AM PST/ 7:00 AM EST/ 12:00 PM GMT/ 13:00 CET
Expected finish time: 12:00 PM PST/ 3:00 PM EST/ 8:00 PM GMT/ 21:00 CET
Patch notes for Issue 22 will be available as soon as possible following the publish.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.