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(In memoir of Upsen...*bump*)
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another friendly bumpage
Hi Upsen -
Farmer Ted is my Hero
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He charged everyone a dollar to see what?
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
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Interestingly, I think reputable people on these boards have been saying that for as long as I can remember and I've been here since I3. I just figured that it had been ignored for so long that it was "working as intended".
I don't know if I'm happy that it's getting fixed after years of not working, or disappointed that it was never taken seriously enough for someone to at least just take a peek until now.
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It had been addressed before, even by Castle about all of the tank attacks having gauntlet. It has been presented in the forum about how the epics did not. My searchfu is not finding the exact thread I wanted, but this linky shows where Castle addressed it.
IMO, I think it was supposed to be there, especially from his statement, but some coding was glossed over when actually applied to tanks.
I can understand why it was missed on all of the powers not in the primary/secondary of a tank because they are used by other AT's.
This does confirm that gauntlet is not working as intended or how the red's thought it was working.
BTW Castle, nerf Frozen Aura, it is just way too powerful. -
I had some left over halloween event salvage pieces (Statesman Mask, Lord Recluse Mask, Back Alley Brawler Gloves, and Hamidon Costume). Now for some odd reason the icons have all been replaced with a glowing purple canister icon and with orange text names.
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Some of mine also disapeared. I do not know how many yet, but on one I am now left only with the two masks. I will have to check my other toons tomorrow to see if any more was removed/lost. The only bummer is that I had not used any of it to get the 5th costume slot yet on any toons. -
I remember well all the newbies when City of Heroes first came out. I really loved that about the game. You could tell it was opening up the MMO genere to a whole slew of people who had never played one before.
I'd get into a pick up team and be, "Ok, hang here I'll pull the mobs to us." only to be met with "umm what's a mob?" or "you're pulling what??" or even "dude, stop pulling your finger" Tankers that scrapped, Defenders who played like Blasters, Scrappers who wanted to be Tanks, etc. etc. I made some great friends and while sometimes frustrating, that newbieness was a lot of times a refreshing change
I just wanted to chime in that if you take the time to stop and politely help someone understand the tactics more, or are open to people who want to tell you about their own tactics, a lot of times you can make a good addition to your friends list. In short, ya gotta lub da newbs!
Of course, some jerk who plays like a fool and gets everyone killed and won't listen to anyone is certainly a pain. I usually play a bit more conservatively with a new pick up group to test the waters before I open myself up for the rollercoaster ride to Debt City
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Come play with the Pingus some, the debt fades and it is really funny when you get some... -
A new twist to add to this thread, which explains the results seen by Dersk against Eochai: the inherent taunt of Pool Powers (Air Superiority, Kick, etc.) works on all critters for tankers. Brutes do not get any inherent taunt from these powers.
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That, good sir, is absolutely hilarious.
So, Tankers, let it be known, you really don't /have/ to take Taunt. Just skip your secondary and be Power Pool Man. I'm sure that's the better choice.
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Heh, I think I will try that on test when the veteran respecs come out. Just Jab and every Power Pool attack I can fit onto the character.
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I have seen a tank with every pool power and every attack power from the secondary. I will never team with him again...
I told him he might aughta take a primary power, well, at least more than the base and dull pain and TI. Or... roll a scrapper. -
just adding to favorites
Positron, can we please get a clarification on whether the plus hp from accolades is counted towards the damage badges?
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I don't know the exact mechanics of the code, but from what I do know there is no reason why it shouldn't be.
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I took 9.3 million points of damage in 25 hours, per hero stats. No damage badge given. I was told by other players that if the damage taken does not get you below the bonus from the accolades that it does not count toward the badge.
What is the official answer? -
HO's increasing Range was a bug.
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I thought that when cone range enhancements were combined with range enhancements that this was applied to HO's too. Or, was the cone enhancement removed altogether from all enhancements? -
The list is coming along nicely, but there are still a few that were left out. Storm powers and sonics were covered by the above poster. Some powersets are left off completely, which is not really a bad thing. Fire armor, Stone armor, Ice armor, etc can use Ribos (not Ice) and Cytos (not Fire) but you list out Invuln and SR.
Dark Armor/Melee scrapper powers have been ignored.
Endoplasm: Cloak of Fear, Oppresive Gloom, Touch of Fear
Enzyme: Cloak of Fear
Golgi: Dark Regeneration (Siphon Life too... but does anyone take it? YMMV)
Membrane: Soul Drain
Lysosome: Cloak of Fear (I think Endo's and Enzmes are better for the slotting though.)
And I dont even play a dark... -
The only thing I can really say is that taking Aid Self in addition to their normal Self Heal will increase their survivability.
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This is the only way I can play my VULNerable scrapper and I will be adding it to my fire tank as well... if I ever decide to play him again that is. -
Hooray. Thank you foor looking at tanks too.
Would you like a list pm'd to you about other issues with fire primary or ice secondary for when you get a chance?
Thanks for posting and being the most verbal of the dev's. some of us appreciate it. -
Then is there any chance of the drop rates for lyso's and enzymes being reduced to better even out the "economy"?
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Heck, I'd like an actualy "reward" screen to pick the right HammiO.
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That would be awesome to have. Trying to get enough acc/mez HO's for a mind controller is impossible... -
1. We're looking into the tweak to Endurance for mobs that's affected Endurance Drain abilities. Sorry about that!
2. We'll be putting in a check that prevents "one shotting"; if anything occurs within a fraction of second that brings a player from 100% Hit Points down to 0, we instead give the player 1% Hit Points.
That's all for now.
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So does this mean that my elec/elec blaster may be able to get some use again? Since Short Circuit is all but useless now. It was only half useless after ED. I really cant bring my self to play him... and since he is 36 I have not been able to delete him.
While you are at it... can you fix unyeilding... When defenses were lowered, the penalty was not lowered as well. My vulnerable scrapper is also 36 and has not been played much since ED either. Also cant bring my self to delete it either...
But the time for both is coming.
The "one-shot" fix will be nice. If a fall cant defeat a hero then the basic coding is already there. -
wow, freedom of speech and expression is great... the flame war and name calling is rampant.
some people want to get the badge and it is their right to voice it and express why they want it...
some people are tired of posts that are wanting the badge and they tell the one that want it to shut up and not speak of it anymore and for you to see their way...
almost sounds like politics... guess which is which party...
Seasonal badges are just that... some of my toons will never be able to get them... oh well.
two of my toons do not have Isolater and i would like to have it for them. It is my choice to want it for them.
Freedom of speech is great... dont try to silence it because you are tired of reading threads about wanting it.
If you are tired of reading threads about wanting the Isolater badge... dont read them. Go to the next post. I know, you know what is best for eveyone so you impose your beliefs on others...
wow, a thread that is highly insulting to some and not a single name was called.
dont bother replying to me... I am choosing not to read this thread any further. what a concept... not reading a thread that you are tired of... mmm choices...
OK, continue with the flame war, name calling, etc... -
It is horrible for the exact same reason that frozen aura is horrible from Ice Melee. I have never found a use for that power except for logging into the test server and remembering why I will never take that power. At least barage does damage, not much - but some, and is not your final power of the set.
I think it was "I'm not dying so there's no reason to use my armors." Nevermind that he got disoriented in like every fight. Although I am surprised he didn't die. At all. I mean usually he cowered behind the tanks and scraps, but there were those few times he just ran in and used FSC. He'd drop into the red and manage to pawn off the aggro on the other tanks.
Ahh, the horrors of a stamina-less tank.
And I think Drizz was the only person to laugh at my jokes.
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It was sad that my troller was killing more than the fire tan-ster. What else do you call a tank with no armors in use? Would this be an insult to blasters though because they do damage. I still dont understand him having recall friend and teleport myself, but to each his own...
Four Tactics and three Assaults was one heck of a combo for that TF. Siphon Power was an extra bonus. It was great fun all and I look forward to doing it again.
Glad I got to team with a few more Forum folks. -
A costume bump... just incase Hami returns from his frightened state. We know Hami is afraid of Marut now.
Couple things:
While I do this on my lunch break for the most part, I also do it in between "Get all" and running data generation scripts. It *is* part of my job -- the only difference here is I do part of it while at lunch to keep myself from getting bored, and the fact that I share info with you guys. Plenty of folks here read the boards and deal with issues; they just don't spend much time reporting on it.
So, while I appreciate the praise, don't let it degenerate into disparaging the other folks here and the work they do.
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I think you hit the nail on the head here. I like to see feed back from a red name. I dont know who is reading the concerns of the various at's. I am not saying that they have to post often, but it would be nice to see every once in a while.
my assumption to why you get get so much praise, other than we can see that you do address issues, is that you give feedback to the issues that you look at. I greatly appreciate the work that you do and have done.
btw, can you give ice melee tanks a tier nine power that is worth taking? an actual aoe damage attack? see, i dont even know who to send this to and it would just get lost in the boards some where, as i am sure that this will. -
Since I am a weather man... I did find great humor in this. nice write up. it gave me a good chuckle this morning.
will you be looking at the -def from unyeilding? or will vulnerable scrappers and tanks not receive a bonus? while i am posting... will unyeilding actually give scrappers meaningful resistance or will it only be mez protection and lowered defense that invincibility wont negate without several mobs around? as it stands now, for scrappers unyeilding and the passives are not worth slotting if you even take the passives.
anyway, glad sr is getting a much needed bonus, i know a few people that will be very happy. their scrappers, like mine, have been shelved since I5. -
Very nice and thank you much.
I am looking forward to some of the costume options now. I am also looking forward to some elite boss slaying now... but, will an elite boss give you the requirements for Portal Jockey or will it remain slaying them as AV's?
Thanks again for listening to the player base about some issues. -
No problem, I am glad I could assist. Once i learned how to make binds... I now use them on every toon.
/bind p "powexec_name siphon speed$$target_enemy_near"
/bind o "powexec_name Transfusion$$target_enemy_near"
/bind g "powexec_name Speed Boost"
/bind lshift+g "team Gather for your Speed."
here are a few more
Is this SG still active btw? -
This may be old hat for some of you, but it might be helpful to others. I find that when I'm playing a character that constantly casts teammate buffs, it's helpful to do a little binding to speed the process along. For my FFer, I did the following:
Create a new text file and save it as c:\coh\deflection.txt with this text:
numpad0 "local Insulation$$bind_load_file c:\coh\insulation.txt"
numpad1 "team_select 1$$powexec_name deflection shield"
numpad2 "team_select 2$$powexec_name deflection shield"
numpad3 "team_select 3$$powexec_name deflection shield"
numpad4 "team_select 4$$powexec_name deflection shield"
numpad5 "team_select 5$$powexec_name deflection shield"
numpad6 "team_select 6$$powexec_name deflection shield"
numpad7 "team_select 7$$powexec_name deflection shield"
numpad8 "team_select 8$$powexec_name deflection shield"
Save as c:\coh\insulation.txt:
numpad0 "local Deflection$$bind_load_file c:\coh\deflection.txt"
numpad1 "team_select 1$$powexec_name insulation shield"
numpad2 "team_select 2$$powexec_name insulation shield"
numpad3 "team_select 3$$powexec_name insulation shield"
numpad4 "team_select 4$$powexec_name insulation shield"
numpad5 "team_select 5$$powexec_name insulation shield"
numpad6 "team_select 6$$powexec_name insulation shield"
numpad7 "team_select 7$$powexec_name insulation shield"
numpad8 "team_select 8$$powexec_name insulation shield"
In game, type:
\bind_load_file c:\coh\deflection.txt
Now, pressing 1 on the num pad will change your target to the first player on your team. Pressing 1 again will cast deflection shield on teammate 1. Pressing 2 on the numpad will do the same for teammate 2 and so on.
Pressing 0 on the numpad will make your toon say "Insulation", and from then on, he wll be casting Insulation Shield on the player you select. Press 0 again to cycle back to deflection shield.
The funny thing about this setup is that pressing a number won't select the teammate and then activate the power immediately. you will need to press the numpad button once to select the teammate and then again to activate the power.
These binds can easily be modified for kinetics speed boost and increase density, or for the two sonic shields.
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I found a keybind set up that allows you to do the team select and the action in ONE keypress and makes my life as a Mind/Kin troller much easier.
/bind NUMPAD1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
/bind NUMPAD2 "+ $$teamselect 2$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
/bind NUMPAD3 "+ $$teamselect 3$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
/bind NUMPAD4 "+ $$teamselect 4$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
/bind NUMPAD5 "+ $$teamselect 5$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
/bind NUMPAD6 "+ $$teamselect 6$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
/bind NUMPAD7 "+ $$teamselect 7$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
/bind NUMPAD8 "+ $$teamselect 8$$powexec_name Speed Boost"
/bind lshift+NUMPAD1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$powexec_name Transfusion"
/bind lshift+NUMPAD2 "+ $$teamselect 2$$powexec_name Transfusion"
/bind lshift+NUMPAD3 "+ $$teamselect 3$$powexec_name Transfusion"
/bind lshift+NUMPAD4 "+ $$teamselect 4$$powexec_name Transfusion"
/bind lshift+NUMPAD5 "+ $$teamselect 5$$powexec_name Transfusion"
/bind lshift+NUMPAD6 "+ $$teamselect 6$$powexec_name Transfusion"
/bind lshift+NUMPAD7 "+ $$teamselect 7$$powexec_name Transfusion"
/bind lshift+NUMPAD8 "+ $$teamselect 8$$powexec_name Transfusion"
the + in the beginning is the trick. I dont have increase density on this toon, but it could be incorperated in by using alt+numpad... or control, whichever.
Try using this set up for the other primaries too, it does save a key press, and thus some time.