Finally teaming with...




Well...looks like the old "Finally teaming with" thread went the way of the dodo. Sooo...I guess we'll just have to start it up again, won't we?

Tonight, hooked up with Drizzit in a team (along with Ranma and a few others) and we took on a few AV's. And I dinged 49!

Ran into Dozer on one of the roofs of portal corps afterwards watching the verbal fireworks display in PI and had a chance for a quick hello.



The usual fireworks these days of WHo pulled it?



forgot to add...this week I finally managed to team with Ms. Snazzzy. Actually 2 nights in a row.



Drizzit also helped me get the Master of Olympus badge, thanks to his Malta Story Arc. Thanks again Driz!



that's the Kronos Titan kill?
I must be brain dead



yep, Drizz is slowly making his rounds through the forum regulars ;-), glad i could help those that needed it. Usually I can be found on duty in portal corp protecting the less powerful and always am available to help out. That is when im not singing 80's tunes over the Champ channel.




good job Drizz..glad to see ya outta ya shell.
what 80s tunes?
Culture Club?



Got to team with Nick Swift tonight as Saint Sid and Tatter Hawk (( Both from Force )).

Was trying to help him work off some of his debt Exemplaring, but sadly, we died a few times.

Was still good fun, Great RPing with ya.



Yea.. what kaze said. only with more of witty overtone. well.. goodnight



That is when im not singing 80's tunes over the Champ channel.

[/ QUOTE ]

Everyone, PLEASE team up with Drizzit.



Helped Tribal Axe briefly against Nosferatu yesterday.



Finally teamed with Dinah on her alt Lifesign. Got her to tag along on Spelunker mish with my alt Emerald Maiden. It was short but sweet. Maybe I can try again on a longer mish.



Finally met a member of Showtime in game last night as I teamed for some AV's with D O Z E R. Great fun was had by all

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Jeesh, and I thought you liked it when I serenaded you IG.



i wouldnt mind teaming with some of yall tonight unless i just drop dead from unknown causes but sure

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



I was able to team with Myrmydon, The_Mold, and Kiloton the other day for Numina.

Good Times.

AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




Been teaming a lot lately with various forum people. I send out team requests over our forum channel nearly every day. I will pretty much team with anyone who wants to join. Have took down many AVs with Drizzit's alt Pestis Umbra along for the ride. Sadly, I have only teamed with Bert one time that I can remember, long ago was just 3 of us on team Bert-the-Viking, Purrlina, and my main Mistress Shaana. Team with Acemace, Celestial Lad, and Arctus from time to time and with Moonbear just once that I can remember against a carnie AV and maybe another AV right after. I generally find forum people to be good teamates and will gladly team more in the future.



And i enjoyed teaming..was real fun to team with someone i knew only from the boards........get to know someone better that way........but then he called off the wedding when i said i was taking cig break.....sheesh...and i had the china all picked out too...:P

Ms. Snazzzy Lv50 Emp/DK
Hami's X-wife Lv 50 rad/rad
Sassy Snazzy Lv50 fire/kin
Snaz's Lil Angel Lv50 fire/fire blast
Scrappy Snazzy Lv49 spine/reg
Snaz on the Rocks Lv 27 stone/ice
!!!and Showtimes [censored] !!!



Teamed with…well…pretty much everybody last night. Like Bippy said during battle…it was an all-star Hami raid.



Aye, you are right about that Bert. I was good to see some of you guys in person again for some and for the first time for others.

Oh yeah a big thank you for helping us clear those crazy monsters afterwards. That was much appreciated. Those monsters were starting to gang up on us.........



not a finally teamed with, but I did meet Term_XXX's character while I was taking care of business in PI. He was nice enough to come up and introduce himself.



meant to post the other day in this. teamed up with a bunch of people from the boards over the last couple weeks

hitori ( or it might have been drizzt again. it was late and i was drunk).
mistress shanna
angel fist ( while back for eden trial)

sorry if i missed anyone



you still haven't teamed with me yet? why not? what am I, spam, that I can be not teamed with while you team with all these stellar names?lol
just messin with ya.



not sure why we never teamed? guess im never looking for a team when your on



Was Great to meet hope to team up soon.

I have seen may of you around just never
stopped to say Hi.

Probably Teamed up as T2 on AVs