Finally teaming with...




Let's see, I've lately run with Drizz, Myrm, MistessShaana, and a bunch of others on the Manticore TF (I apologize whole-heartedly for not being able to keep up with all who was there, but I know for sure it was Lil Mama). Also, to whoever said they saw me, HI!!!!

I've actually been graced with about 5 people recently who have friended me or at least said hi because they knew me off the forums They love me! The really love me! Well...they at least say they TEND to agree with me...

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Let's see:

(1) Surgetron
(2) Amazing Brute
(3) jg001
(4) Batou Baka

Hmm, I bumped into Witty, XPP01, Darc and Snazzzy.

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



got to team with bippy last night. Mistress shaana put together another of her infamous pick up groups, for the croatoa tf. Was a great team other than the stupid x times the victor bug - had to do the mish 3 times.

bippys alt - prickly pair is freaking hilarious



Teamed with an incarnation of Netherflare tonight...only one mission, but was fun.



Last night I attended the Hami ....

I saw a lot of new ppl

names escape me but there was a donut eating Detective.... a Dead guy.... I don't think it really counts as finally teaming with... they both left my team

Seriously it was great to put a face on some of the names I see around here....


Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..



Thanks for showing up Si! How many of you Pillars actually came? I know that you guys have your SG night on Mondays, sorry about that



Morning Maldini...

Yes you are correct Mondays are SG nights for us. No need to appologize . Of course Dark and Dinah were needed, and could not attend. You had called for Blasters * specially ones with holds* Sooooo you got me . I proudly represented all of us ( everybody did want to come), but I was the lucky one who got to be a part of this record breaking event ... Si.. * oops noticed a typo ahhh may be more..oh well

Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..



Teamed with an incarnation of Netherflare tonight...only one mission, but was fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

oh so u mean at the place where we should not name, im sry i lost connection, the lag was horrible for me

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!




oh so u mean at the place where we should not name, im sry i lost connection, the lag was horrible for me

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, the unnameable place of doooom....and yea, shortly after that one major DC most of us called it quits



Last night I attended the Hami ....

I saw a lot of new ppl

names escape me but there was a donut eating Detective.... a Dead guy.... I don't think it really counts as finally teaming with... they both left my team

Seriously it was great to put a face on some of the names I see around here....


[/ QUOTE ]

Not my fault Si blame Kin he kept kicking peeps from the team (I think Kin watches too much Mythbusters hehe well I was watching WWE lol)

For me raids are really a social event - as anyone who's teamed with me on raids all I really do is chat about food It's always a pleasure to see many of the forum goers attend (too many to name but always cool to see Kin and Kaji-san) as well as some new peeps (Muk - glad you could make it).

I had the honor of teaming and chatting with Miyoko




Mythbusters Rule!
Or at least cause lots of explosions, which in my book amounts to the same thing.

It’s always been fun teaming with you DB, and all the other ppl who showed up for the raids.

Now on a more serious note regarding teaming. Kin Arad and Upsen Downs will be leaving COH very soon.
However, we’ve decided that before Kin & Upsen grab their 6 Hami-O slotted walkers and shuffle of into the sunset, (or the Old Heroes Retirement Home, which probably requires less bus fare) we wanted to join in on one last rampage around Paragon City with all the great ppl on this server. To that end, we’ve decided that Forum Fwednesday on Oct 19th will be it for us.

We hope to see everyone there, so we can once again hang out with some of the best ppl in this game.




Had a Blast and finally teamed with Moonbear. We started with a few low level toons about lvl 14 and then switched to lvl 21's to go hang out with Long Jack in Striga. Total Mayhem, but it was fun, 2 Tanks (me with my ED Build) and we wiped the floor with those council and Family.



Finally teamed with Kaze, as he says. AV night at midnight tonight..only 1 more AV night before Chup runs off..his last day is the 1st.
Getting all kinds of new people to team with as my SG has passed the 40 member mark. plus the many coalition members!



I ran into Si from PoM last night. As we were chatting I was thinking something is out of place...

All the little smileys weren't there...that was it.




Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..



Last weekend (I think it was last anyhow) I finally had to honor of teaming with a few of Champions finest, outside of a Hami-Raid. Lil Mama, Myr, Fan-mail, Target and a mystery man who's name can not be spoken here. Anyway had some fun, give a shout anytime

I am forgetting someone and for that I am sorry



well i teamed up with Ace's CoV alt yesterday and we ran a couple of missions, it was fun so send a holler (sp?) if you want to do it again

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



I got to smack the CWK with Bert and quite a few other peeps last night...was great fun but short lived...had to go respec all my heroes for ED.



I got to smack the CWK with Bert and quite a few other peeps last night...was great fun but short lived...had to go respec all my heroes for ED.

[/ QUOTE ]

I call shenanigans!



I got to smack the CWK with Bert and quite a few other peeps last night...was great fun but short lived...had to go respec all my heroes for ED.

[/ QUOTE ]

I call shenanigans!

[/ QUOTE ]'s true...he did. I was lost in the Shadow Shard and got a request to help with an AV (oh, and 'Tec, it was the Psychic Babbage, not CWK ). Joined the team, and lo and behold, there was Detective's Dynamic Defendr. He got to listen to my play by play as I tried to bumble my way out of the SS.

Oh yes...played my pre-I5 build of Bert up against Babbage. Thanks to Detective, I never died once.



Nice! I haven't respecced since I4 either. Three cheers for laziness! Hip hip hooray!



Hooked up with Shotty Mario, as the Lost Woodsman, tonight. We ran around Warburg collecting a few missiles. Good to see you, mate.



Well, most of my new teamings have been in CoV, but here they go, a few weeks ago, got to team with Grip (The Ring), Magestorm, and quite a few others from the Watchguard (hope i'm correct on the SG Name). Felisse included in that.

I've also teamed with Bert the Viking as Madame Freyja a few times now. Shortly before CoV went live, i teamed with Moonbear as a Tanker Duo in Striga Isle.

Also, Adam-7 as Uptown Girl (that costume's to die for. )

I'm sure there are a few more, it's just hard to keep track of it all.