Finally teaming with...




Well let's see who I've teamed with.....

Tribal_Axe, yet another victim of my recklessness on Tanker Tuesday

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are you sure Kay? i have never been to a tanker tuesday, i work nights. you may have teamed with my brother though, Canadian Mace?

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note disclaimer..kay was drunk when compiling the list..he may very well have been confused



I've teamed with you.

We did a respec and you were playing Viridian Ice.

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Small world. The Sky Raider respec? Wow, that was ages ago... I don't recall if I've done the other respecs with Viridian.

And oh yeah, I've teamed with Dongonyei! We couldn't get in on the sewer trial that someone was running and just ran around hunting in the sewers for a while.



I have yet to team with Ylaena though I have seen you on many times



Teamed up with (Not-so) Silent Spy with a cameo appearance by NeoRadiation for that council beatdown that is the Moonfire TF.

Great team, thanks for the invite!



Ah, you beat me to it.

It was me, Devil-Dog (TheRing), NeoRadiation, and my friend Crazy Porucpine who I'm trying to force to go on the boards!

AceSTORM (AceMACE) was going to help, but had to was cool seeing him though!

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



And I bumped into U-Mann.

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



Finally met a member of Showtime in game last night as I teamed for some AV's with D O Z E R. Great fun was had by all

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very rare that anyone in showtime teams up with anyone out of our SG but Snazz and Doz are our most social butterflies.
me im the oscar the grouch of the SG (checking rules again......... nope didnt break any with this post )



I don't believe I've had the fortune of teaming with anyone in Showtime, but then again......I haven't teamed with many of the forum goers either. I need to rectify that. Guess I nee to make more effort on the forum chat channel. I've teamed with some but not all. I teamed with Bippy last night on a Synapse TF. She post here?



Ah, you beat me to it.

It was me, Devil-Dog (TheRing), NeoRadiation, and my friend Crazy Porucpine who I'm trying to force to go on the boards!

AceSTORM (AceMACE) was going to help, but had to was cool seeing him though!

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I met SS.



Bippy pops in now and then.

B to the I to the double P Y!
Yay Bippy!!!



At a recent raid, I had the pleasure of interacting with Zubel, Netherflare, Jsaldto, Blue's Energy, and many others.

On various Shard TF's I had the pleasure of teaming with S1ice n Dice, Gaelen, F0rge, and several others.



I finally teamed with the infamous Genna this weekend among others..Sorry for having to cut out like I did after a few missions.



I've teamed with dozer a while ago for Numina TF. Very good tanker.




Haha I kid, I kid...

Um, I've teamed up with no one recently. Most of you probably haven't even met me yet. The teams I've had with forum friends which I can most fondly remember consisted of: (if I don't list you, it's because of my memory and lunch break foodhead, okay? good!)

RegenFayt: We beat a level 51 archenemy, it took 2 or 3 trips from the hospital but it was sooo worth it! The married can I ever forget! Remember how we met? That's right, through the art forums! You owe me for spotting you out! Where are you now?

Valkyrie II: He's wowed me with his stories of being a stuntman. Even though that part may not be true he's one of the most real guys I know on this game. Again

Marut: For being surprisingly quiet around me, when his genius is written all over the boards. No need to be shy!

Witty Librarian: I love your webpages on everything about everything you do here! This guy's a City of Heroes Encyclopedia. I think I'll call you Encyclopedia COH from now on..yes, no??

Dinah Might: You know too much about this game girl! Um, something nice (haha j/k j/k). Her unconventional use of costumes sets her apart from the thousands of "look at me, I'm a hero, go me Err (talkin about myself too!...sheesh!)" outfits. Plus this girl is a total blast to have on teams.

Lil' Mama: It's been a while since we last chatted. C, things are finally looking my way. I'm not attached to this game like I used to. Aww I miss talking to you! This week I'll definitely see how you're doing babe! I don't think we've actually teamed...I don't even know what kind of character you are now that I think about it. Miss you!

Keep in mind, I will include more! I'm not saying you all want to be on this list...just saying that a few of you do, LoL!



Lets see.....

Did a Synapse TF with Umann the other day...other forum-goers were on it too....sorry folks, i have a really bad memory.

Oh, and if anyone ever needs a level 50 defender or a level 21 tank, send a tell to @NeoRadiation




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It kinda is... I was merely replying to XPP who was saying showtime people don't team much with other people.

I've teamed with quite a few people from forums but I'm afraid to forget some(usually the more quiet posters) if I start posting names. I've also teamed with many people from the forum channel who don't seem to post much(lurkers? ). All were fun teams.



Well if you forget someone, then those people should post in here saying that they teamed with you. It would be the "nice" way of reminding people I suppose.



I've only actually teamed with a handful of u forum folks.

Marut: Croatoa TF
Maldini: One of the Shadow Shard TFs and he joined WC's orgy on Jurassik in CF.

I think that's about all I've teamed with outside my SG and are active on these forums.



Maldini: One of the Shadow Shard TFs and he joined WC's orgy on Jurassik in CF.

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Oh yeah, we gave it to him but good that night...



Tonight was a busy night so lets see:

Celestial Lad
Vampire Lord (and several Vampire Nation folks)

and a bunch of other non-posters.



I saw Master Pingu yesterday in Croatoa actually. I called Nick Swift, 'Little Nicky' and Shotty_Mario is my man-slave.



Tonight was a busy night so lets see:

Celestial Lad
Vampire Lord (and several Vampire Nation folks)

and a bunch of other non-posters.

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Was alot of fun duo-tanking with you, Mal. You adapt to a partner well.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Was alot of fun duo-tanking with you, Mal. You adapt to a partner well.

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"Love is in the air ... everywhere you look around ... "



Last night, while I was burbling in the supergroup channel about my encouters with the Envoy Of Shadows ("Ow! Well, that didn't work!") Myrmydon said they were fighting AVs, and could use another blaster.

I joined a team with Myrmydon, AceSTORM (who I presume is AceMACE), and two others I didn't recognize. Worst part is I've forgotten their character names! One of them was another BOSS member, though. (Is AceSTORM? I didn't look.) That turned out to be Kali Magdalene, she of many posts! I hadn't teamed with her before, and her DDD was darkity dark goodness.

I have some screenshots of us beating up on Infernal. Look! Yay! Infernal even tried to run away, and we caught him in the vestibule to finish him off. (Last time I saw this mission, we wound up with endless hordes of demons. Not this time!)

(In the first shot, that's my character Machinst's back in the center, and Ace on the right, with Infernal being the focus of all our attention. I think Kali's behind one of the Phantom Army. The second shot has Myr tanking the big bad AV, and a mess of pets making it so you can't see the others. Machinst is dimly visible in the door in the back, and one of his Voltaic Sentinel is helping. Oh, and in the endless hordes shot, Machinst is dead center, no pun intented. )

Then we went and fought, um, this other AV I've forgotten her name. Nightstorm or something.

(We have, from the right to left is the guy who's name I don't remember, Machinst (very far away), the AV, Myr, and Kali's character. The second picture is just the AV and Myr. Myr's the one in red, white, and blue, and the AV's the black, foreboding looking one. Duh.)

We beat the tar out of her, and all got the Shrouded badge.

Other than my somehow managing to try and go through the wrong portal, things went *very* smoothly, and we cleaned up. Was good fun.

I usually remember to grab a shot with names on, but didn't last night, so have to apologize to these excellent players for losing their alts names. Mostly Kali and the other guy...

The other guy - who's name has TOTALLY escaped me, argh! - is a nice guy, and a great player, and I'd both be happy to team with him again or to reccomend him to others... if I could only remember his name! I feel like a doof.

Myr, Kali, or Ace, can you remember?

I'm such a geek. Some of my heroes have journals.



I got to team up with Myr, Antean and Driz this past week. Shame I had to leave early. There were a few other peeps, but I didnt recognize the names...

Had a great time.