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  1. A familiar name!

    And yeah, started back up last night, and now I get all kinds of spiffy things!
  2. Yo!

    Finally finished a long stint in the world of Azeroth. Some of you may remember me, others may not. If neither is the case, I don't have an answer for you. But I digress.

    Decided to see what was happening back in the game, and what do I find? I have never seen a server so dead!

    I'm looking for stuff to do here! Any must do task forces? I'm looking to see what I can do with all this Incarnate business...

    Anyways! It's fun to run around in Paragon City again!

  3. [ QUOTE ]
    well having 6 posts stapled to the top is a bit much i perfer to read current events

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Read the guide to editing your its not just 10 thereads on the first page.
  4. I've been hearing this all over, but I couldn't believe it! Congrats, great job!
  5. Poorly made videos rock!
  6. What? Champion Forum's First Annual Ball!
    When? Friday, June 9th, 2006, 9:00 PM EST
    Where? Pocket D

    Why? To have some fun!

    Ladies' pick who they wish to bring, and party the nbight away! Fun, games, drinks, and of course, our usual shenanigans!

    Brought to you by Netherflare.

    P.S. This event is formal attire preferred!
  7. I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive
  8. Temporarily Incompacitated.
  10. So, you enjoy killing off heroes, eh?

    Great stuff!
  11. Champion Forums is the one we use here, there is also Hamidon Raiders, and some badge ones...
  12. @NeoRadiation

    All Heroes and Villains on Champion Server

    NeoRadiation - level 50 empathy/radiation blast defender
    Kryptonight - invul/super strength tank
    Mini Neo - energy/energy blaster

    Axon - level 16 energy/regen stalker
  13. Ahhh, another good chapter, good job my man. And I've noticed you've already parked my butt in Pocket D, hehe.
  14. Oh, i've already received SS's 30,000 instant messages and phone calls, lol.
  15. Bu...but....where is Neeeoooooooo?
  16. Ugh...those are outrageous....
  17. If you watch Adult Swim, you'll probably understand the reference.
  18. Did you get that thing i sent ya?

    Sorry, couldn't resist