Champions Global Channels!




I searched and found no thread stating where all the channels are to Champion. So i will make this thread. I will forget alot of channels, so if you could please post a channel that could go into the following categories that could be of use to everyone, please do. And the quicker you do it, the more i can guarantee that i can edit this post and place it here first!

Champion Forums

Champion BMT
Champion Badges
Champion Event Badge

[u]Task Forces-[u]
Champion BMT
Task Force Champ
Task Force Lounge
Champion TFs

Champion BMT
Monster Watch C
Champion Monsters

Hamidon Raiders

Champion RP

Kheldian Network

[u]PvP- [u]
Champion PvP

To join any certain channel, type in: /chanjoin *Name*

Those are the only categories so far, but if there is a few for certain AT's for this channel, then tell me it so i can type it in.

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



Roleplay Channel:


Stands for Out of Character Role Play (I hope.)



TankHQ is the channel used for communication during Tanker Tuesdays.



My goal for 2007 is to liven up TankHQ, make it the most MEGA tank channel of all time.



My goal for 2007 is to liven up TankHQ, make it the most MEGA tank channel of all time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm, guess I better start chatting on there more then, huh?




could someone just go onto CoH and look and record all the Champion channels for me? I cantget on CoH because my internet is just going to bonkers at the moment. You will be my hero if you do

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



There's "Champion RP" for a Role Play channel as well.



so i went on and added alot of channels. Any others before i cant edit this anymore?

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



Awsome'st Champion

Unfortunalty It is a locked channel, and I am the only one allowed in



FYI - The CORRUPTICON Channel is dead.
Everyone who was on it, is already on BMT and Forums channels anyway.
And I know how limited on space everyone is for Global Chat Channels.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Champion BMT was used to combine all badges, monsters and task forces channels on Champion

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



Yeah, i wish more servers would do the same in combining badges, monsters and tfs. While Im at it, I wish we were allowed to save more then 5 channels. Oh well.



Consolidation should be fairly simple, in principle.

There are 8 channels on Champion devoted to badges, monsters, and TFs.

Decide on one channel, go into the others, and change the message of the day directing folks to move by a certain date. After that day + some slack, have an operator go in and boot the stragglers and delete the channel.

My CoX characters



Like netherflare said, Champion BMT is that consolidation, just that the other channels haven't closed their doors. Personally I've warmed up to Champion BMT, though it does get spamtastic with "ARENA HEALZORING" and "FARMING STUFF!" (silly badge hunters), but that is worth putting up with for the taskforce announcements and monster sightings.



Is there a Channel for LRSF. I have a 50 Kinetics, but, I never seem to know when anybody is planning on running it.



Res, for that you should join Champion BMT (it's a public channel). I see a broadcast for an LRSF run almost every day on it. Plus it's great for tf's, monsters, badges (yuck), and even some player events.



There is, but it is private. I dont see why they cant just open it up to everyone.

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



Cause then I would be able to get in.........not acceptable..........steps must be taken to ensure the sanity of the village as a whole



Res, for that you should join Champion BMT (it's a public channel). I see a broadcast for an LRSF run almost every day on it. Plus it's great for tf's, monsters, badges (yuck), and even some player events.

[/ QUOTE ]

i see you are warming up to BMT. In the begining you resented it and me.

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



Once again, I never resented you, yeesh!

And the one thing I like about Champion BMT over Monster Watch C is that it has tf's and sf's. I'm sorry badge hunters, but your endless formations of farms makes me sad.



Farmer Ted is my Hero



Farmer Ted is my Hero

[/ QUOTE ]

He charged everyone a dollar to see what?

Ice Ember