Champions Global Channels!




Originally Posted by Tamerlayne View Post
So how does one find active Champion global channels?

Seems they are all private and everyone that has been listed / stated to be a mod are never online.. @Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt's not the only mod in any of the channels he's in. Just get someone to say something in the channel you want to get in. Most of the mods are usually busy playing the game and don't pay attention to the chat as much as others do.

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Originally Posted by Tamerlayne View Post
So how does one find active Champion global channels?

Seems they are all private and everyone that has been listed / stated to be a mod are never online.. @Cobalt Azurean
It's the holidays. I'm not at my computer until the New Year. And instead o' pointin' the finger at someone, you could've just inquired as to who might be another mod.

Thanks for comin' out.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
@Myrmydon is around, we ran some missions today. Send him an offline tell. Also mention that Silas says he is a butt.
Will try him/her, don't think i will tell them what Silas (you) think - that is for Silas to tell them not me.

Have left offline messages..several over the past week.. ty for the idea though Silas ;p And ty for the info about another mod to contact (only helpful response so far).

Have asked around 30 people, via PUG's (mostly for WL get togethers /meh rather be doing some SF/TF's but you have to start somewhere to see if a server might be a good place for you -- especially when a lot of the info listed on these forums is out of date and you can't get into any of the global channels) if they were on any of these channels and 99.9% of them aren't (either via not knowing what a GC is or not knowing about these GC's -- i.e. either they don't want to or they aren't properly informed)

Out of around 30 people I found 1 that was in the BMT channel and had to describe to them how to look for a Mod and there were none on (possibly holidays etc) but they did find over a dozen people that were silenced in the channel (that many silenced, and not banned/removed, meh)

CA, it's not a great sign to see you are so defensive (other than to point the finger back at someone) when someone joins the "Champion BMT" Channel that is listed on the original post in this thread it's MotD even states to contact you for getting into the "real" channel. Instead of being so defensive maybe try being helpful and listing some of the other mods / spread out the responsibility. I pointed out the main one I had tried contacting (you); Real Life comes first and hope your holiday season is going well.

Updating this thread (or a new one and changing the links thread?) to include the updated channels and some of the mods (for the private ones, the popular ones all seem to be private though) would help. Everyone has downtime and RL comes first, sorry to CA for a bad first impression -- hopefully you can spread out the responsibilities and also someone can update some of this old outdated info. With the free server transfers going on -- making someone "jump through hoops" to try and get into any channels / try and get to know you all definately makes other places more attractive.

Stickied thread "Champion Important Links Directory" which links to this one:



Thanks for your modwork on BMT Cobalt.
We love you, and you do a great job.


(Also, we miss you, hope your holidays are going smashingly.)




With the free server transfers going on -- making someone "jump through hoops" to try and get into any channels / try and get to know you all definately makes other places more attractive.
To be fair to those who run the channels that require an invite (at least the ones I'm in), you don't know the reasons why those "hoops" are necessary. There's been some channel hijinks in the past, which resulted in new versions of older channels being formed (for example: Champion BMT was first, but then BMT of Champion was created and made a private channel (though invites aren't hard to get) because of said hijinks. Most folks migrated to the new channel and life went on as normal, minus a few loose nuts.

Needing an invite to a chat channel is no different than joining most SGs. All you gotta do is team with some folks and let them get to know you a bit. They'll hook you up soon enough. If that's not what you're looking for, you're welcome to try something else, but the way those channels are run isn't likely to change anytime soon.

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Just a thought but seeing as no one person can live on the boards or in-game. Maybe it would be wise to list the globals of a few of the Mods in certain channels that way people arent the only ones stuck being pursued for invites. I have been in-game quite a bit over this holiday week and very much so could have assisted in getting invites to a channel. Where as CA has been away for the holiday. And even at that it shouldnt be him only being the one who has to send out invites. I say find out who some key mods are in each of the channels and list them. instead of just throwing out 1 name, give people options. Because we all do have lives outside of this game therefore we cant all be here 24/7. Thats just my thought though, take it or leave it.



Most o' what I was goin' to say was addressed by other players, so I don't feel the need to reiterate.

To avoid further problems in the future, I'll be sure to change the MotD in Champion BMT to advertise additional moderators for invites. This wasn't an issue before as this is literally the first or second time someone has actually used the MotD in the original BMT to attempt to receive an invite to the new(ish), private BMT channel.

Thank you for readin' the MotD. You're certainly in the minority.

From the sounds o' it, you've received the chaninvite and hopefully BMT will supplement your in-game needs for teamin', game advice, badges, TF/SFs, etc.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
Champions United is also a great alternative to the BMT so many of us have come to fear
You fear that which you don't understand.

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Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
In that case, theres a ****load of peeps out here that are scared as hell of you
You constitute a **** load all by yourself. That doesn't mean much, but thanks for showing you care.

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One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
To be fair to those who run the channels that require an invite (at least the ones I'm in), you don't know the reasons why those "hoops" are necessary. There's been some channel hijinks in the past, which resulted in new versions of older channels being formed (for example: Champion BMT was first, but then BMT of Champion was created and made a private channel (though invites aren't hard to get) because of said hijinks. Most folks migrated to the new channel and life went on as normal, minus a few loose nuts.

Needing an invite to a chat channel is no different than joining most SGs. All you gotta do is team with some folks and let them get to know you a bit. They'll hook you up soon enough. If that's not what you're looking for, you're welcome to try something else, but the way those channels are run isn't likely to change anytime soon.
Sorry but I know most of those "hoops". In fact one of my main server's chanels has had issues from RMT'ers to Spam in all it's nasty forms to rude jerks to drama queens/kings to you name it...this channel opened up a discussion earlier this year in a MotD for everyone to discuss how to prevent all the "unwanted crap". What was the result? a Public Channel that everyone is AUTO-silenced once joins and only a mod can unsilence them, and also tripled the number of mods on at any given time - there was at most 1-2 mods on at any peak hour (EST) some times none and after was a minimum of 3 and during weekends upwards of 8. This allowed the "Solo-artist" to join without having to, well, participate and they get to hear some social aticivity and more importantly can left click someone's global and send then a tell if they want in on something advertised. It also disallows those trying to get in to spam as they MUST be unsilenced by a mod and those mod's usually only unsilence people when they are going to be on for a bit so can see this person's intial chat(s) cause a spammer / RMT'er will immediately go into spamming mode and can quickly be re-silenced - with NCSoft' email options you can auto-decline email's from such people (only allow from your friends and SG mates) Sheesh this paragraph got long, sowwies.

Chat invites are completely different than SG invites; the latter is a lot more personal of an invite -- no bins etc that a Chat Channel worries about people taking from (I have helped run a VG and have my own personal VG) / though their is a coalition chat, if that SG has great Coalition partners that are on a bunch, it usually doesn't compare to the number of people a good, popular, active global channel offers.

Originally Posted by Miz Nibbles View Post
Just a thought but seeing as no one person can live on the boards or in-game. Maybe it would be wise to list the globals of a few of the Mods in certain channels that way people arent the only ones stuck being pursued for invites. I have been in-game quite a bit over this holiday week and very much so could have assisted in getting invites to a channel. Where as CA has been away for the holiday. And even at that it shouldnt be him only being the one who has to send out invites. I say find out who some key mods are in each of the channels and list them. instead of just throwing out 1 name, give people options. Because we all do have lives outside of this game therefore we cant all be here 24/7. Thats just my thought though, take it or leave it.
Completely agree Nibbs.. don't let one person "shoulder" everything. Was tryign to suggest this exact thing above. Weeks though, not 24/7 -- that is a different length of timeframe.

Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
Most o' what I was goin' to say was addressed by other players, so I don't feel the need to reiterate.

To avoid further problems in the future, I'll be sure to change the MotD in Champion BMT to advertise additional moderators for invites. This wasn't an issue before as this is literally the first or second time someone has actually used the MotD in the original BMT to attempt to receive an invite to the new(ish), private BMT channel.

Thank you for readin' the MotD. You're certainly in the minority.

From the sounds o' it, you've received the chaninvite and hopefully BMT will supplement your in-game needs for teamin', game advice, badges, TF/SFs, etc.
Yeah I read MotD's / Paragon Wiki / Etc. type of things -- i.e. an infomred player.

Haven't recieved one yet but with my holiday/family responsibilities I haven't had much playtime. Thoguh beign online posting to the forums right now I am in game (and here on this thred to get @Myr's name to send a request)

Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
Champions United is also a great alternative to the BMT so many of us have come to fear
Ty for the suggestion Bud.. is it private? I.e. do I need to know what mod(s) to contact to enter?



Originally Posted by Mary Deluce View Post
Thanks for your modwork on BMT Cobalt.
We love you, and you do a great job.


(Also, we miss you, hope your holidays are going smashingly.)
You're welcome.

And yes, yes they are.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Just wanted to respond to a few things you said, Tamerlayne.

Sorry but I know most of those "hoops". In fact one of my main server's chanels has had issues from RMT'ers to Spam in all it's nasty forms to rude jerks to drama queens/kings to you name it...
Please don't assume that the issues you've experienced with channels on other servers equate to the issues we've had and the rationale behind how our main channel is structured.

What was the result? a Public Channel that everyone is AUTO-silenced once joins and only a mod can unsilence them, and also tripled the number of mods on at any given time - there was at most 1-2 mods on at any peak hour (EST) some times none and after was a minimum of 3 and during weekends upwards of 8.
While this is an interesting idea, we're not necessarily in need of a greater number of mods. It might work for some communities, but too many mods can lead to too many chefs in the kitchen. Also, it is possible that when too many people have OP status, less gets done because each OP assumes another will take care of it. Quantity does not necessarily equal quality in this case. For the most part, I'd say the mods we have do a fine job.

In general, please don't assume that your experience getting an invite is representative of the norm, and that subsequently, our channel is in need of restructuring because of it. Also realize that BMT of Champion is not the only chat channel you can join, as others have pointed out, and that ultimately having access to one is not necessary to enjoy the game, though it certainly helps.

Another suggestion: when looking to contact some of the more active, more prominent players on Champion, talking to PuGers isn't the most efficient way. Posting on the forums will surely grab the attention of someone who can provide you with what you need or connect you to right person.

Thanks for your suggestions and feedback and hope you enjoy your stay on Champion.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



a Public Channel that everyone is AUTO-silenced once joins and only a mod can unsilence them, and also tripled the number of mods on at any given time - there was at most 1-2 mods on at any peak hour (EST) some times none and after was a minimum of 3 and during weekends upwards of 8. This allowed the "Solo-artist" to join without having to, well, participate and they get to hear some social aticivity and more importantly can left click someone's global and send then a tell if they want in on something advertised. It also disallows those trying to get in to spam as they MUST be unsilenced by a mod and those mod's usually only unsilence people when they are going to be on for a bit so can see this person's intial chat does the "Guilty till proven innocent" tact work in reality? How does one prove themselves innocent when they're silenced from the start? Are the people on your server or in this channel so juvenile that they need to go through some sort of audition in front of the channel mods before they're allowed to speak?

And since you brought it up, having more mods around isn't a good thing. That's one of the reasons BMT of Champion went private. Mods on the old channel were promoting anyone and everyone to mod status, which gave booting/silencing power to people that were too immature to handle it. This was before they put in the code being able to see which person was doing the promoting or booting, but even still, that just sounds like trouble to me.

I'd rather not join a channel that didn't allow me to speak until someone decided it was ok. Thanks, but no thanks. Let someone prove themselves to be a jackass before you do something about them, not assume everyone is one before you find out they're not.

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Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



For daytime players; I am frequently on and playing if you need an invite to BMT, Champion MA, etc.


(I play at night a bunch, too. Holler anytime.)
