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  1. HI m8,

    This is the build I use on my lvl50 INV/FM

    01) --> Temp Invulnerability==> EndRdx(1) DmgRes(3) DmgRes(5) DmgRes(43) EndRdx(45)
    01) --> Scorch==> Acc(1)
    02) --> Dull Pain==> Rechg(2) Rechg(3) Rechg(13) Heal(15) Heal(15) Heal(25)
    04) --> Fire Sword==> Acc(4) Acc(5) Dmg(7) Taunt(11) Dmg(33) EndRdx(34)
    06) --> Combustion==> Acc(6) Dmg(7) Dmg(11) Dmg(33) EndRdx(34) Acc(42)
    08) --> Unyielding==> EndRdx(8) DmgRes(9) DmgRes(9) DmgRes(13) EndRdx(43)
    10) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(10)
    12) --> Swift==> Run(12)
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
    16) --> Health==> Heal(16) Heal(17) Heal(17)
    18) --> Invincibility==> EndRdx(18) DefBuf(19) DefBuf(19) DefBuf(40) TH_Buf(42)
    20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
    22) --> Hasten==> Rechg(22) Rechg(23) Rechg(23)
    24) --> Build Up==> Rechg(24) Rechg(25) Rechg(34)
    26) --> Tough Hide==> DefBuf(26) DefBuf(27) DefBuf(27)
    28) --> Fire Sword Circle==> Acc(28) Dmg(29) Dmg(29) Dmg(31) EndRdx(31) Acc(37)
    30) --> Taunt==> Rechg(30) Rechg(31) Rechg(42) Taunt(43) Taunt(46)
    32) --> Unstoppable==> Rechg(32) Rechg(33)
    35) --> Incinerate==> Acc(35) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) EndRdx(37) Acc(37)
    38) --> Greater Fire Sword==> Acc(38) Dmg(39) Dmg(39) Dmg(39) EndRdx(40) Acc(40)
    41) --> Boxing==> Acc(41)
    44) --> Tough==> EndRdx(44) RibosExp(45) EndRdx(45) DmgRes(46) DmgRes(46)
    47) --> Weave==> EndRdx(47) EndRdx(48) EndRdx(48) DefBuf(48) DefBuf(50)
    49) --> Resist Physical Damage==> DmgRes(49) DmgRes(50) DmgRes(50)

    It's got a lil less 'true' tank build than Wilfred's one, on this build I left some room for basic damage (build-up,6-slotted attacks).
    I went for SJ as travel instead of SS+hurdle, and didn't get aid self.

    FM = master of AoE

    Fire Green
  2. Hey,

    I've got a couple brutes of which a SS/INV and a FM/EA.
    The invulnarable one feels pretty good, certainly when combined with tough, ur S/L res will go above 60% :-)
    Of all brutes I must say the SS/INV is the easiest to play, rage turns this brute into a smashing machine
    The only downside on the /INV is the usage of endurance, it's kinde heave 'till U get stamina.

    The EA set is nice 2 (U get mezz protection pretty early, which is very nice), but needs aid self to up ur survival (certainly in bigger teams). when ur luck runs out they just go thru U like a hot knife thru butter

    Both have an über lvl38 power!!!

    The Fire Melee is very nice, but fire breath needs some practice, it's a very narrow cone

    No ctiric, just my idea on the Max' build :
    * I see U use 1 ACC on all attack powers, U think this is enough at the higher levels where the baddies have debuff/buff/...
    * On an invul. set (which is all about resistance), I personally chose Tough to add to my res instead of aid self (which is imho more for the EA set)
    * invincibility needs 1 of mebbe 2 end reductions, cert. 1
    * on my lvl49 FM/EA I dropped all rech. enh on attacks, fire is pretty quick on it's own

    Enjoy the bruting !

    Mad Fire Green - lvl49 FM/EA
    Mad Dave - lvl50 SS/INV
  3. Hi m8,

    I can give you my post-GA build for a lvl44, but this build won't help U now :-(

    My personal experience with SA :
    * ur travel speed must be TP, from lvl16 U get rooted (ur mez protection and health +regen), but no more running, jumping, flying for U when this power is on
    * I went for almost all secondaries be4 Granite (except stone skin, took this l8r to cap S/L on GA), the other powers are good imho (careful with Mudpots, very end hungry)
    * I added tough at lvl 24 if I recall correct on my first build
    * take care of your kinetic friends and they'll do the same for You :-)
    * a Stone brute without Speedboost is just a rock standing, a stone brute with speedboost ROCKS (especially when U go into GA)

    My personal experience with SM :
    * It's slow and end hungry, but does good damage :-)

    Hope this can help ya a 'lil :-)

    Evil Jimmy - lvl45 SM/SA brute
    Shadow society
  4. Fury_Green

    Slotting Rage

    Have 3 SS brutes, all use rage (ofcourse) and with 3 ToHit buffs I use 1 ACC on major attacks, and no ACC on minor attacks.
    Overal hitting % above 90% on all powers, which is pretty neet :-)

    Evil Jared
    Shadow Society
  5. Fury_Green

    DM/FA Gimped???

    Hey Guys,

    I love the game and don't wanne start putting critics, but I have a brute lvl43 DM/FA and the urge to delete him is very near :-(

    Have several brute builds so I can compare primary and secondaries.
    But ..... I can't seem to find the use of Dark Melee :-( As a debuffer it's not bad, but I prefer bringing along a corrupter, and as a damage maker it's gimped (excuse the word), max damage at lvl43 (with full fury) is round 300!

    Any1 having a good DM-build?


    Evil Jared
    Shadow Society
    I started this one after I read good articles on the US forums bout this build, but ........
  6. Hey m8,

    Have no experience on the Energy attack part, but have some invul. brutes.
    I'd stay away (like mentioned) from the resist energy and resist elements passive powers (not worth it imho). Instead I invested in more S/L resistance, since over 80% of all encountered damage is S/L :-) I went for a 5 slotted tough (2 endrd and 3 res)

    Mad Dave - lvl50 brute SS/INV
    Shadow society
  7. Hey :-)

    I play a FM/EA brute lvl46 atm, and haven't got the passive shields nor conserve power.
    I don't have any endurance problems, even not when fighting arachnos.
    I do use some end reductions on toggles and attack powers (all attack powers have 2 acc, 1 endrd, and 3 damage).
    Personally I respected patron powers out and got all attack powers (3 slotted build up, combined with 3 slotted hasten ....)
    Instead of the passive shields I got aid self, great for EA imho.

    Mad Fire Green - lvl46 brute FM/EA
  8. Fury_Green



    I'm playing a Sonic/Rad lvl20 now, and she really rocks!!
    Debuff FTW! just got ling. radiation, so I can throw in 3 debuffs + all debuffs from attack powers (-13% res)

    Could go on for a while lol

    To conclude : go for it, it's very good :-)

    Radiant Tree - lvl20 corr son/rad
    shadow society
  9. interesting thought, but if U throw in hover with 3 slots and swift with 3 slots, U use up 1 extra powerslot and 4 slots. Why not just go for Air supp (5 slotted, imho one of the greatest attacks) with fly?
    Ok U use 2 powers, but U gain 1 great attack power
    Just a thought tho :-)

    Mad Dave
    Shadow Society
  10. Fury_Green

    Fire/Invul Build

    Hey m8,

    Altho I don't have a FM/INV, I have a lvl46 FM/EA and a lvl50 SS/INV so I know a 'lil of both worlds :-)

    Some personal experiences :
    * I didn't slot RPD, but got tough instead on my INV, with tough I got round 65% S/L resistance
    * TI is slotted with 2 end reductions due to his high end usage, and 3 res. slots course
    * on my INV build I didn't take aid self, due to his nature, he's got great resistance and I boosted it with tough (if u gonne use aid self, use 2 interrupts enh.)
    * All my powers are slotted with 2 acc, 3 damg, 1 end red (since FM is pretty fast by nature I didn't slot recharge reductions anymore, started with some but got rid of'm l8r)
    * Invincibility needs 1 (pref. 2 end reductions on it 2 imho)

    Hope this might help a 'lil

    Mad Dave - lvl50 SS/INV brute
    Mad Fire Green - lvl46 FM/EA brute
    Shadow society
  11. Don't have aid self on my SS/inv brute, but got tough well slotted which brings the S/L res above 64% :-)
    Never really missed resist element/nrg? there're so many lovely other powers to get.... (air sup, hasten, ...)

    Mad dave - brute SS/INV - lvl50
    Shadow Society
  12. My SM/SA brute is lvl42 now and I'm wondering how U guys slot mudpots?

    I have mine slotted with 3 endred and 3 taunts, but have been reading on US forums many slot accuracy on them 2?
    Do U need accuracy on mudpots in PvE?

    I use my GA to herd, and don't wanne lose them, that's why I slotted taunt on mudpots...


    Evil Jimmy,
    Shadow society
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    100% I'd say was overkill, Rage's base ToHit is equivalent to 1.5 Acc SO's, which would be easily enough for me. 100% ToHit increase I'd only need against heavily vengeanced nemeses, +10 villains, or in PvP against eluded scrappers with force fields cast on them.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think there's a slight difference between accuracy and tohit buff. Rage increases ur toHit, an enhacement increases ur accuracy.

    difference tohit - accuracy?
    Accuracy : the accuracy of the power
    tohit : the quality of the player
    For example : 2 guys go duck hunting, the first one has a great gun (accuracy 90%), but is a crappy shooter (tohit Buff 20%) The second guy has a bad gun (accuracy 60%), but is a great shooter (tohit Buff 95%). I don't wanne go into dept here, but there's a difference when it comes to calculating the hit% .

    I've tested with no accuracy enhancements and I seem to miss more than I want.

    Mad Dave
  14. My Thug/DM MM is lvl22 now, and mine is only slotted for recharge (3 Rechred)

    I don't use ACC ont them, but have my enforcers slotted with 2 ToHitBuffs, the little guys seem to do a great job getting the aggro of a boss or EB. They seem to hit (accidently) :-), but mainly use them to keep the aggro away.

    Conclusion : The boss never stands a chance when being flooded by these guys, he just doesn't know who to hit first.
    The only disadvantage I noticed was when they attack a cot lt (can't remember the name, but these guys have invincible(FM/INV), so they just kept missing lol).

    FG and the 7 thugs
    Shadow society
  15. hey,

    SS/INV is the father of all Smash! U'll be loving this guy :-)

    I've written some comments bout my build here :
    On this forum, U'll find 2 builds of a SS/INV

    Just have a quick look if ur bored :-)

    Mad Dave
    Shadow Society
  16. I know this post is bout the EA part, but when I take a look at ur attack powers, I notice U don't slot for ACC much. I know Rage can be made perma and gives a +50% toHit, but no Accuracy in ur haymaker and Knockout blow (which is ur best power) is a bit risky imho.
    Ur going to be missing like hell when they debuff ur accuracy (many enemies can do that 2 U, example, spectrals COT, Council, ...)

    I slotted my SS, 3 ToHit Buffs on Rage so I get +78% ToHit on all powers, and 1 ACC on all powers.
    To check my build (SS/INV) : http://www.thesocpages.net/phpnuke/m...wtopic&t=9

    Have Fun Smashing up things!

    Mad Dave
    Shadow Society
  17. Hi m8,

    Might be a silly question, but do U have end reductions on ur powers/shields?
    Invul. is a very heavy set, even with 3-slotted stamina it wares U out, combine this with the most heave end-attack set (stone) and U need to do a good end management to be up and running all the time.

    What the passive res. concerns, I don't use them, not enough resistance for me to take'm, only 5% unslotted I think. and since 80% is S/L damage, I went for that (I even picked up tough on the way).
    The brute's moto is kill them before they can kill You, don't try to tank'm (or be in GA) :-)

    Is it possible to post ur build with herobuilder?


    Mad Dave -42-SS/INV Brute
    Shadow Society
  18. Fury_Green


    Not using conserve power either, have a 6-slotted and drain and stamina

  19. Fury_Green



    I have a lvl41 FM/EA and luv'm.

    EA is good!
    * U get mez protection below lvl10
    * U get a nice end drain at lvl28, this one is very good :-)
    * U'll become awesome from lvl38 (OVERLOAD)

    Just stay away from the resistance protections and go for self heal. the non-toggles are imho not worth taking, but this is a personal choice ofcourse.

    Mad Fire Green - lvl41 Brute
    Shadow Society
  20. Fury_Green

    Build tips

    On my SM/SA, I luv Fault, have it slotted 2 ACC, 1 rech. I use it to smooth out the alpha, and attrack the aggro! It's a great crowd control power imho. It has no Knockback, only knockdown which is great!
    After a Herd, I start with Fault get my kinetics m8 to Fulcrum Shift and then hit'm with Tremor.
    They just don't know what's hitting them! They get stun and my Tremor hits them with 300 damage :-)

    Evil Jimmy
  21. Fury_Green

    Build tips


    I have a Stone/Stone and Fire/Energy, so I know a bit of bouth, but haven't tried the combination.

    Bout the Energy Aura --> Since ur 95% defense, I only invested in defense shields, so NO resistance(dampening shield) for me.
    I didn't get tough on this one (had it), but got Aid self (6-slotted) It's better to heal ur pains than to receive less. Aid self is the BEST shield against psionics!

    Stone Melee: Aye, it ROCKS, but it's an end-eater and it's slow but damage output is great, so better slot all ur attacks with 1 end reduction and a recharge. Build up is great if U are a stalker, but for a brute, I don't like it:-(

    Goodluck with ur toon!

    Mad Fire Green - lvl41 brute FM/EA
    Evil Jimmy - lvl42 SM/SA
    Shadow Society
  22. I also have a SS/INV brute (lvl42 now) and Longbow will get a real pain in the ... from lvl30.
    When charging a group of more than 2 Nullifiers, get ready to be Stun and detoggled ==> death as result :-(
    This will only occur when U play in a big team...
    Longbow also have the awesome (I hate them) Special Ops, who can drain ur end and guess what.... U'll be detoggled as well... and without our toggles, we (brutes) are as squishy as the rest! Only problem we stand in front and have aggro'd them all :-)

    Mad Dave - lvl42 Brute SS/INV
  23. Hey dude,

    This is no critism, just my Point of View :

    U sure like to jump like the best, CJ and hurdle, a bit overkill if U ask me :-)

    Aggree on the build up thing, most situational, better make sure ur fury bar stays high, no need for build up when fury rocks!

    Since Invul. is a heavy end eater, I'd like to suggest paste some end reductions on all attacks and give CJ an end reduction or if U like more defense an defense enh. I have some discussion bout the end reductions I use on my shields, I use 2 end red. on TI, UY and Tough.

    A brute isn't a tank, so imho a brute needs to give damage, so get ur attacks slotted , kill them before they can kill u and ur team!

    I have a lvl42 SS/INV brute and have no resist elements or resist energy, when U analyze the damage U'll notice over 80% is S/L which is covered by RPD TI, and Tough.

    Dull Pain is a 6-slotter BTW, get it 3 recharge-3heals

    U can check my build here :

    Links to herostats and herobuilder can be found on our download section as well :-)

    Mad Dave - lvl42 SS/INV Brute
  24. Hey,

    Burn : Tried it with full fury, boosted with fiery embrace and got tics of 11 to lvl+2. It was cool, but they just keep running away from U when U start burn changing their damage vector from melee to range (not freaks, but most foe can change attack). I don't like range damage :-(
    So if U wanne use burn, make sure they're immob or hold.
    It's fury and fiery embrace bounded, but I didn't felt comfortable using it....

    Might give touch of fear a try on test :-)
    read a US-post bout tough of fear, mebbe U can have look at it :

    Evil Jared
  25. Hey,

    Have a lvl42 DM/FA brute myself, altho I don't find myself a great expert on this one :-)

    * Shadow maul has indeed a long animation, and U can't take an inspiration when this is active, but it has a Brawl index of 6 !!! , which makes it the best lvl2 power in the whole brutes pack. This power is as powerfull as most lvl32 ones :-) That's why I 6-slotted this baby

    * ROP (Rise Of the Phoenix) : haven't got that, I always team so, why would I need such a situational power?

    * what Stamina concers, I totaly aggree with Miss_Manners, U just can't have enough, w8 till U fight the mu's and other bloody end drainers! Nice to steal some back lol

    * Self heal (healing flames), Since FA is one of the squishy brutes armour, I'd suggest to 6-slot this one, U'll be pressing this more than U attack
    (check out this US-post with some res. numbers http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showf...art=1#5822575)

    * U want some extra damage on blzaing flames and all ur primary weapons, go for Fiery Embrace, It's a great booster

    * Weave? despite what every1 says, I like it! makes the survivability of the squishy brute better :-)

    This is the build I use :
    01) --> Smite==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(13)
    01) --> Fire Shield==> EndRdx(1) DmgRes(3) DmgRes(9) DmgRes(13)
    02) --> Shadow Maul==> Acc(2) Dmg(7) Dmg(7) Dmg(15) Rechg(23) Acc(23)
    04) --> Healing Flames==> Heal(4) Rechg(5) Heal(5) Rechg(11) Heal(31)
    06) --> Combat Jumping==> EndRdx(6)
    08) --> Siphon Life==> Acc(8) Acc(9) Heal(15) Heal(19) Rechg(25) Rechg(40)
    10) --> Blazing Aura==> Acc(10) EndRdx(11)
    12) --> Swift==> Run(12)
    14) --> Super Jump==> EndRdx(14)
    16) --> Plasma Shield==> EndRdx(16) DmgRes(17) DmgRes(17) DmgRes(19)
    18) --> Health==> Heal(18) Heal(40) Heal(40)
    20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
    22) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx(22)
    24) --> Consume==> Rechg(24) Rechg(25) Rechg(37) EndMod(37) EndMod(39)
    26) --> Dark Consumption==> Acc(26) Acc(27) Rechg(27) Rechg(31) Rechg(37)
    28) --> Soul Drain==> Acc(28) Acc(29) Rechg(29) Dmg(31) Dmg(34)
    30) --> Boxing==> Acc(30)
    32) --> Midnight Grasp==> Acc(32) Acc(33) Rechg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(34) Dmg(34)
    35) --> Tough==> EndRdx(35) DmgRes(36) DmgRes(36) DmgRes(36)
    38) --> Fiery Embrace==> Rechg(38) Rechg(39) Rechg(39)
    41) --> Weave==> EndRdx(41) DefBuf(42) DefBuf(42) DefBuf(42)

    Evil Jared
    Shadow Society