Look how strong I am!
Seriphos has neither the HP or fury of a brute, and as DM/DA I have no god mode buttons or rage buffs either.
Yet, I can still take down (with luck and some insps) groups of 12 +2 carnies (Best fight I've had in ages actually ). As you increase in level, the carnage starts to slow down, and you're limited to groups of whites and a few yellows as a rule. But there come times when everyone around you falls, and all the corrupters start spamming buffs on you before they die, and you think "10 purples? meh, I might not make it. But I'll make it easier for everyone else" and let loose.
Plus, being /inv you hit the S/L resist cap on your own, which means on the occasions you fight pure smashing or lethal damage (the family come to mind) you will DESTROY them.
Have fun
Basically wait until you get unstoppable.
When I "Overload" I'm a killing machine.
Best example:
Bug Arachnos Spawn about 4 mobs in 1 little room, 8 man team. With the pet bugs they agro'd. Everyone had just enough time to shout "****" and died. I'd managed to overload. A full tray of Dam/Acc insps and overload later the entire room is clear. I stand victorious, overload crashes. (So about 3min and they're dead).
Brutes rule
Two words that will put a stop to your killing spree..
Incredible amount of damage resistance coupled with hurtful quantities of damage.
Two words that will put a stop to your killing spree..
Incredible amount of damage resistance coupled with hurtful quantities of damage.
[/ QUOTE ]
And yet somehow I can solo red ones with my DM/EA brute, I'm not entirely sure how though.
Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes
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Two words that will put a stop to your killing spree..
Incredible amount of damage resistance coupled with hurtful quantities of damage.
[/ QUOTE ]
Your "reign of terror" will end with Ballista indeed
Then you will find the use of inspirations,you will defeat Ballista and youll think "hey,im a force of nature"....and then...INFERNAL (inv + fire = ouch) .
But you will save that obstacle again and then,some day,youll learn theres fortunatas around and ,eventually you will put the slider to relentless and get back to Infernal.
This is the day where your reign of terror ends(come back to tell us if it does not end)
My Stone/DA can smash trough anything with ease, but he burns blues Some EBs reqreme to pop a few purples because they just too much damage, or hit Elude/Overload/etc. when they're almost down. (Mako's Elude seems to be ready when he needs it, worst fight ever
But regular mobs? pfft. +3? Still easy but require some time and self restraining so I don't use Seismic Smash too much . Even lvl EB? *yawn*
Two words that will put a stop to your killing spree..
Incredible amount of damage resistance coupled with hurtful quantities of damage.
[/ QUOTE ]
And yet somehow I can solo red ones with my DM/EA brute, I'm not entirely sure how though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Same here but Crey Voltic Tanks can two hit me, even level ones. Only positron has equalled that (and one of his hits dropped my toggles cause of end drain)
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
The Circle of Thorns can be a real problem for SS/Inv in the 20's, you will be cursing anything with 'Spectral' in its name , also the Tsoo Ink men can really slow you down when they stack debuffs on you, makes it difficult to keep fury up when you've been hit by 3 or 4 siphon speeds
Also the Endurance zapping spec ops guys, thx the might dev team they are being nerfed, nothing quite so annoying as suddenly having you endurance go from 100 to zero in a matter of seconds because you've been hit by a spec-ops end zapper.
My biggest problem at my current levels (as my brute and scrapper) are Abominations. That sick really does zap the health, especially whn you have 3 surrounding you and you're desperately carving your way through them. I assume it's toxic damage.
In CoV there are hardly any Vhazilok (or whatever they're called, hardly seen any of them ), just ignore them, in 2 or 3 mishes you'll never see one ever again.
Two words that will put a stop to your killing spree..
Incredible amount of damage resistance coupled with hurtful quantities of damage.
[/ QUOTE ]
Your "reign of terror" will end with Ballista indeed
Then you will find the use of inspirations,you will defeat Ballista and youll think "hey,im a force of nature"....and then...INFERNAL (inv + fire = ouch) .
But you will save that obstacle again and then,some day,youll learn theres fortunatas around and ,eventually you will put the slider to relentless and get back to Infernal.
This is the day where your reign of terror ends(come back to tell us if it does not end)
[/ QUOTE ]
Lol, I'm making a fire/invuln brute and infding him quite uber.
My biggest problem at my current levels (as my brute and scrapper) are Abominations. That sick really does zap the health, especially whn you have 3 surrounding you and you're desperately carving your way through them. I assume it's toxic damage.
[/ QUOTE ]Vahz are totally overpowered for their level range, but in CoV you only get them in maybe 5 mishes, so it doesn't hurt too much.
How are Dark Melle brutes for dmg.? Just satrted one and wondering if he can go al the way. His secondary is elctric armor which seems lokie a great supportive powers and I have 3 end recovers! Any ideas guys?
@Fail (Used to be @Tux) and @Tuxedo Infinitus Defiant/Freedom/Champion
Favourite Toons: Prosper [Ill/Rad] Controller :: Infinitus [Fire/Elec] Blaster :: Pocket Dynamo [Fire/Shield] Scr :: Fast [Cold/Sonic] Def ::
Inspire [Plant/Storm] Controller :: Quality - SS/Fire Brute :: Double Down [DP/Kin] Corr :: Pwnz [Fire/Cold] Corr :: Fail [Fire/Son] Corr
Alot of people i know say elecs ok but its just better than fire. The dark melee is good overtime dmg...so carry some heal insps and im sure you can make it to 14!
If you die hunt me down and shoot me!
Two words that will put a stop to your killing spree..
Incredible amount of damage resistance coupled with hurtful quantities of damage.
[/ QUOTE ]
Your "reign of terror" will end with Ballista indeed
Then you will find the use of inspirations,you will defeat Ballista and youll think "hey,im a force of nature"....and then...INFERNAL (inv + fire = ouch) .
But you will save that obstacle again and then,some day,youll learn theres fortunatas around and ,eventually you will put the slider to relentless and get back to Infernal.
This is the day where your reign of terror ends(come back to tell us if it does not end)
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm, My Necro/Dark MM can beat up the ballistas easily on Ruthless.. But sure, they costs alot of resummons And have a sh*t load of hitpoints
I have a scrapper with Dark Melee and Super Reflexes. I've happily soloed him up to 23 so far. With Siphon Life and Dark consumption you are quite self sufficient in getting back health and endurance which is damn handy when smashing your way through the villainous groups.
However, Scrappers get the critical hit ability. Not sure how DM will go with the Brute's rage but I reckon it's quite pokey.
My biggest problem at my current levels (as my brute and scrapper) are Abominations. That sick really does zap the health, especially whn you have 3 surrounding you and you're desperately carving your way through them. I assume it's toxic damage.
[/ QUOTE ]Vahz are totally overpowered for their level range, but in CoV you only get them in maybe 5 mishes, so it doesn't hurt too much.
[/ QUOTE ]
No sign of them since. It was that damn Fakemaker who calls others to her aid... cow.
I also have a SS/INV brute (lvl42 now) and Longbow will get a real pain in the ... from lvl30.
When charging a group of more than 2 Nullifiers, get ready to be Stun and detoggled ==> death as result :-(
This will only occur when U play in a big team...
Longbow also have the awesome (I hate them) Special Ops, who can drain ur end and guess what.... U'll be detoggled as well... and without our toggles, we (brutes) are as squishy as the rest! Only problem we stand in front and have aggro'd them all :-)
Mad Dave - lvl42 Brute SS/INV
I've recently created my brute, Sucker Punch, and gave him Super Strength and Inv (he's a vampire, it was a concept choice) and I have solo-stormed through to 14 without being defeated once (although i nearly was fighting an orange Vampyr). Even taking out yellows with one hit (knockout punch and a nice rage bar)
My question was; does this unstoppable carnage end? Will I find the damage output reaches a plateau? As I was chatting to my friend and he finds it hard to believe that it won't.