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  1. Not sure about what it does for PvP or anything like that, i chose my powersets for the character concept (and i'm not that far into the character anyway) but I have a DM/SR scrapper and I find very little I can cope with on my own (as I said, i'm not far in so the worst is still to come )

    The damage is nice and Siphon Life and Dark Consumption allow the gain of health and Endurance mid-scuffle. Which has got me through some tough fights with multiple yellows (with the help of a few insps)

    Plus DM looks cool...
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    My biggest problem at my current levels (as my brute and scrapper) are Abominations. That sick really does zap the health, especially whn you have 3 surrounding you and you're desperately carving your way through them. I assume it's toxic damage.

    [/ QUOTE ]Vahz are totally overpowered for their level range, but in CoV you only get them in maybe 5 mishes, so it doesn't hurt too much.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No sign of them since. It was that damn Fakemaker who calls others to her aid... cow.
  3. I have a scrapper with Dark Melee and Super Reflexes. I've happily soloed him up to 23 so far. With Siphon Life and Dark consumption you are quite self sufficient in getting back health and endurance which is damn handy when smashing your way through the villainous groups.

    However, Scrappers get the critical hit ability. Not sure how DM will go with the Brute's rage but I reckon it's quite pokey.
  4. My biggest problem at my current levels (as my brute and scrapper) are Abominations. That sick really does zap the health, especially whn you have 3 surrounding you and you're desperately carving your way through them. I assume it's toxic damage.
  5. Hello,

    I've recently created my brute, Sucker Punch, and gave him Super Strength and Inv (he's a vampire, it was a concept choice) and I have solo-stormed through to 14 without being defeated once (although i nearly was fighting an orange Vampyr). Even taking out yellows with one hit (knockout punch and a nice rage bar)

    My question was; does this unstoppable carnage end? Will I find the damage output reaches a plateau? As I was chatting to my friend and he finds it hard to believe that it won't.
  6. Ah. Thanks guys. The populace will quake at the name of Red Square!
  7. Hello,

    My Merc Mastermind, Red Square (chose Mercs purely froma theme point) is nearing level 12 and I was wondering if this was the level you recieve the medic? (I'm at work and can't get the time to read the guide before someone comes in the room )

    And does he heal automatically or is it a command?

    Thanks in advance (sorry if youve answered this a thousand times)