70 -
yup, lost connection 2
no change since the first petition.
I got kicked on another toon (2 hours ago) by a GM to fix my problem, but it's still locked down.
Only thing to do is hope they get it fixed asap I guess.
FG -
Hi Guys,
I've got a toon who lost connection to map server, so he crashed (so far no real issue, errors do happen).
But the real problem I'm facing atm is I can't relogon with this toon, becuase the logon screen keeps telling me I have to wait for the toon to log out. I've been waiting for 15 mins, how long do I have to wait before my toon gets released?
PS : on the same account I can relogon with other toons, but the one I'm playing atm is locked!
Any1 has experience with this bug?
FG -
Oh [expletive] off! Frosty Robot was and Ice/NRG tanker before PvP was invented. It's not fair everyone is jumping on the bandwagon and every character you see now is a Frosty Robot clone.
(oh yeah, wah wah wah)
[/ QUOTE ]
Fought an ice/energy tanker with me SS/elec brute, and he couldn't dent me :-) the one thing he could do was go into hibernation (aka hiding or running)
Fury Green -
I have a lvl50 SM/SA,a nd I must say I luved playing him from day 1. The only problem I experienced was the end usage in Stone Melee, not the Stone defense.
My brute was above average below lvl38, and great when he was respected into a perma GA build. When playing in GA U change into a tank, not a mob2mob killing machine, but when fury is at 90% it's cool.
A mall word of advice : try persuading an sg-member to duo with a kin corrupter..... SM+SB -> AWESOME!!!
Pool Build suggestions :
Speed --> hasten
Fitness --> swift (3slotted) - health-stamina
Medicine --> stimulant --> aid self (6 slotted)
TP --> tp friend - tp self
Evil Jimmy - lvl50 SM/SA
Fury Green - lvl50 SS/Elec
Mad Dave - lvl50 SS/INV
Mad Fire Green - lvl50 FM/EA
Franky Green - lvl40 EM/Elec -
Unyielding isn't a power that you can drop in an INV build, it's your mez protection and has a decent resistance to all damage except psionics (S/L : 3,75%, E/N/F/C/T : 7,5% out of the box).
Regarding to the travel power, I used to go for air sup/fly on my SS for the synergy, but lately I changed my mind and went for Haste/SS cause I needed the extra 4th pool power to get aid self.
Fury Green - lvl50 SS/Elx Brute
Mad Dave - lvl50 SS/INV Brute -
I have 2 SS brutes, 1 SS Tank, and I only use 1 ACC enhancement on all while I can fight lvl+5 with 90%+ hit ratio, so I wonder wether it's necessary in PvE (very important) to have more than 1 ACC enh on the attacks?
Rage however is slotted with 3 ToHit Buffs on all toons + 3 recharges. I know the 3 recharges are overkill, but with 3 Rech. Enh. U have like 10 seconds double rage!!! Imagine a brute full on fury + 2xRage (mebbe some FS) ==> Cap damage
So my little advice would be : 1 ACC on powers, 3 rech+3ToHits on Rage
Fury Green - lvl50 SS/Elec
Mad Dave - lvl50 SS/Inv -
The brute I enjoyed most was (is) my SS/Elec...
Perma rage just puts'm above the others for me, the drawback of rage is only the 10 seconds where U can't fight, the end drain can be countered with the end drain on the /Elec, so... go go SMASH up things without a break (only the rage down must be taken into account)
Fury Green - SS/Elec - lvl50 -
On all my Resistance shield brutes I always go for the taunt aura (invincible on the INV one, Mud Pots on the stoner and lightning fields on my Electric ones). On my EA I don't have any taunt aura due to the nature of his powerset.
I think it's important to check the build of the brute, wether he/she's build for damage or survival (or both) be4 U make a decission.
I personally only use taunt on my Stoner, cause he's a regular tank... he's a better tank than my INV tanker!
So imho a brute can tank under the right conditions.
Mebbe it's because I'm an old school tanker??? who'll tell:P
Evil Jimmy - SM/SA - lvl50
Mad Dave - SS/INV - lvl50
Fury Green - SS/El - lvl50
Mad Fire Green - FM/EA - lvl50
Franky Green - EM/El - lvl35 -
I'm not very experienced with the IOs, so I'll try to give my point of view on the general questions...
1) I love Air superiority in combo with SS, but I swpapped it on my latest tank (inv/ss) to Haste/SS. I hate SS, but i gets me Haste for free :-) So The Speed pool is a must for a tanker (mebbe for every toon).
Another pool set, you can consider is the "Presence" pool, and take provoke. I have on my tanker 2 taunts (taunt+provoke) and I must say it sure comes in handy for controlling/maintaining/getting aggro.
2) Acrobatics, not sure it'll stack with Unyielding for extra KB protection, but imho you don't need it.
3)Aid Self is a must imho for a tanker (or brute), repected it in on all my toons. regarding the interruptable, I use 3 int. reductions on my tank (since INV is a res tank), and it only gets messed up after a herd when they launch DOTs like fire, AR but otherwise it's great. If you wannne increase the aid self hit ratio, use it after a FootStamp and you're OK. I started medicine poolfrom lvl 22 with 'Stimulant'. Mebbe a bit weird, but it saved my def and troller a couple times when they were held.
Hope this helps a lil
Fire Green - lvl50 - INV/FM tank
Andre - lvl41 - INV/SS Tank
The rest of the toons are evil, not mentionable here -
If I have to chose between FM/FA and SS/INV, I'll go (again) for SS/INV, Rage has an end penalty when it wares off, but U get perma build-up, and great Knockback :-)
Altho FA has a great heal (healing flames and is buffed couple patched back), I still prefer INV for the lvl38 power (unstoppable).
Only problem with SS/INV is getting your identity, I mean there's a lot of us out there lol
The end problem U have on your FM/INV, won't dissapear on a SS/INV, but get Smashing powers !
I'd say try both combos :-)
Mad Dave - lvl50 SS/INV -
If U go for CJ/SJ, U get extra defense from CJ.
After playing COV I swapped my travel on my tanks to fly, to get my hand on an extra attack "Air sup", which I like very much.
So if you like Fly, go fot it, U get an attack power for free :-)
Fire Green - lvl50 tank INV/FM -
My first brute who made it to 5-0 was a (classic) SS/INV one.
Love playing him, but after I tried a SS/Ela I was sold to the /Ela defense.
The End drain make this suit soooo great imho, U just haven't got any downtime at all ... Throw in Conserve Enegry for the carnies and Mu's and it's even better.
On this one I can run Footstamp with 2 recharge red... and still have end spare :-)
Just my thought :-)
Mad Dave - lvl50 brute SS/INV
Evil Jimmy - lvl50 brute SM/SA
Mad Fire Green - lvl50 brute FM/EA
Fury Green - lvl46 SS/Ela (pers. favourite) -
Have a couple brutes, and 1 of'm is a lvl45 SS/ELA, who's got Tough. I must say I do feel a huge difference with or without it, so I kinde recommend it, but you're correct by saying the slotting cost is expensive (5 slots in my case)
The end drain on a /ela is indeed the best I tried (have an EA with end drain, but ela outclasses EA imho) and with a cor in team U just don't have to stop EVER (mebbe to let the cor catch her breath) :-)
Fury Green - lvl45 SS/ELa
www.thesocpages.net -
i'm thinking of swapping medicine for the 2 resist energy/element passives, as it's nice to have solid resistance to stuff too. Thoughts on that?
[/ QUOTE ]
I've got 2 INV tanks (lvl35 and lvl50), and on both I've got aid self (3 slotted with inter. reduction tho). The only resistance or defense we INV tanks have against Psionics is heal. If You have an empath in team it's ok, but otherwise... no res/def against it.
I gave my lvl50 yesterday a spin on our old SG-team, and even with 16 foe standing next to me, aid self kept me alive :-) So it's a great power imho, but needs 3 inter. reductions to be reliable.
Goodluck :-)
Fire Green - lvl50 INV/FM Tank
The Giant - lvl35 INV/SS Tank -
Glad you like the Brute AT :-) My pers. favourite.
Regarding the slotting, my brutes are slotted for damage, but this is a personal matter, kinde depends on your style.
I find it hard to keep fury high in teams (unless I play my stoner), so I like to hurt'm without fury. But when you have a full fury bar, it makes sence to slot it different.
Lightning field has 3 end red slots on it, even on my lvl45 SS/ELA brute :-)
Aid self is great, but it's tricky when you play a resistance defense. I mean, every time you use it and it gets interrupted (which is likely to happen in fight), U only achieve one thing ... end usage but no heals. press it 3 times in a row and ur end bar will melt like snow in the sun :-(
Tried aid seld, but switched back to tough on my SS/Ela brute. On my FM/EA (defense base) brute I luv aid self!!
Like U suggested yourself on Conductive Shield, swap it with BU... It's a great defense imho
Just my point of view :-)
Fury Green -lvl45 - brute SS/Ela
Franky Green - lvl17 - brute EM/Ela -
Added provoke next to taunt to my INV/SS tank (lvl35) and slotted taunt with 2 recharge, 2 taunt durations and the temp. problem can be overcome, but more than happy with the fix :-)
Any1 knows how effective provoke is compared to taunt btw (except the autohit, slotted provoke with +ACC)?
Tx -
Must say I totaly aggree with Thundorn...
Somehow tanking has changed thru out the times. Many tankers I meet nowadays don't even carry TAUNT? can U believe that? How the hell are U going to keep aggro and pull'm away from the squishies (exceuse the term here) w/o taunt??
I see meself also as a herder/farmer (both coh/cov), not only for the fun of it, but also cause it's much safer for the whole team when they're nicely close together (nuke away boys and girls).
My first tank was lvl50 back on I4 and I played a couple since then, so I'm not the greatest tank, but I tanked a couple hours :P
Regarding the 'trigger happy' scrappers, U do have a point there.... if it moves, it has to be attacked LOL
Why do tanks like to herd?
1) it's the one thing they're really good at, don't ask a tank to kill something.... they can't
2) easy aggaro management
3) in case of an INVUL. --> free defense
Fire Green - lvl50 INV/FM
www.thesocpages.net -
Agree on the self aid, use it with 2 end red on my /EA brute and only got interrupted once by auto rifle (council).
Tho my SS/elec brute (lvl40 atm) hasn't got aid self, I see allot /elec brutes taking it, I went for Tough (but I see U planned this in ur build as well :-) )
Only thing I find a lil bit strange is U plan "Lightning field" pretty l8. After analysis with herostats, I see 23% of all my damage is done by LF, so it's a great power for damage, but even more important saving life of the squishies near U, it's awesome in keeping aggro. LF is also great for herding :-)
U need CJ btw? I went for fly, and got a free air sup with the deal, an attack I can't live without (-FLY rocks)
Fury Green - lvl40 SS/elec brute
www.thesocpages.net -
Nice choice of powersets :-) SS rocks and SA is kinde cool 2
The way I see it a stoner can be played in 2 ways :
a) Pre-Granite
b) Post Granite
Since my SM/SA brute is lvl46 atm, I'll only comment the Post-GA build. I respected my toon in a GA-build when turning lvl38.
The problem with GA (certainly when rooted) is the speed, but we gain indestructable statisticsJust make sure U have some kinetics in your friends list
My build is posted here if Ur interested to have a look :
Evil Jimmy Build
My build has been modified to cap the S/L, and I never regretted it cause over 80% of all damage is S/L in the game :-) So I picked up tough on the way, and stone skin.
Have fun and enjoy the smashing days :-)
Evil Jimmy - brute lvl46 SM/SA
www.thesocpages.net -
It kinde depends on your play style. If you're going to team in big teams make sure U have a decent S/L resistance. When you play allot solo or in small teams, it's ain't that big deal and all sets will do just fine.
However I second the thought bout the DM/FA (deleted a lvl43 myself, after having seen the magic of a SS/INV brute). DM might be a fun powerset to play, but it's just not performing like SS or EM. Mebbe I'm not worthy for DM (or vice-versa) lol
Like I said it's all bout your style and preference :-)
At the moment my favorite brute is the SS/elec, mega damage and nice res to just bout everything (even psi comes with elec). The only downside is no self heal, but this can be added with the pool powerset. But on the plus, it's got a great endurance drain, so no more end problems for ya (just make sure to bring along a cor, but this applies to all brute sets).
Have fun Smashing up things :-)
Fury Green - lvl39 brute SS/ele
Mad Fire Green - lvl49 brute FM/EA
Mad Dave - lvl50 brute SS/INV -
On my /INV brutes I have it slotted for 1 END, 3 DEF.
As told in the prev. posts the +ACC is 2 small to rely on, but it stacks nicely on rage (if U go for SS).
I always get invincible for the taunt aura, it's great for herding :-)
Mad Dave - lvl50 SS/INV brute
www.thesocpages.net -
I agree with Valkryst, it kinde depends on the brute.
All my SS/... brutes have 1 accuracy on major powers, and none on low damage powers. When I look with herostats I get an average of 83% on not slotted powers and 92% on slotted powers. This can only be done with perma rage course. 1 ACC+3DAM+1RCH+1ENDRD
On my not SS/... brutes (and scrappers) I use 2 ACC,3 damage, 1 end or 1 rech (depends)
Mad Dave (lvl50 SS/INV), Mad Fire Green (lvl49 FM/EA), Evil Jimmy (lvl45 SM/SA), Fury Green (lvl38 SS/ele)
www.thesocpages.net -
My SS/elec is lvl37 atm, and I'm running a 6-slotted power sink.
Power sink is sooo great, drains a lvl+3 boss for over 80% Muhaha
Haven't tried it in PvP, but guess it's a pain in the <bleep> of the opponent
Fury Green - lvl37 SS/elec
www.thesocpages.net -
I'm running a lvl49 FM/EA and my end usage if fine, BUT I'm also running a lvl37 SS/elec and this one is doing much better.
The end drain on electricity is awesome, I drain like over 80% of a boss.
The AoE on fire only has Fire breath over SS which is a pain to use, the cone is soo narrow, U end up herding them twice to get a good shot.
Combine perma rage on SS with footstomp and ur overall damage AoE will outcast fire any time imho.
The elec secondary has lightning field (which has 13% less base damage), but boosted by rage U also win here.
So my suggestion is SS/elec for great ST and great AoE, ok U don't have burn but U sure aren't as squishy as a FA
Another great thing bout /elec is it has got an überpower "Power Surge", very handy in complicated situations
SO best overall for me = SS/elec
Mad Fire Green - lvl49 FM/EA
Mad Dave - lvl50 SS/INV
Fury Green - lvl37 SS/elec
www.thesocpages.net -
If ya have aid self, I'd go for hasten, otherwise I'd go for Tough.
I have a lvl36 SS/elec brute and I got tough, which is very good if ya team with a corrupter, U don't die as fast so the cor has some time to help U out there.
Regarding the recharge, once U have lightning reflexes, U have a +20% recharge buffD I have slotted my attacks with 1 ACC,3DAM,1END and 1 RECH and my attack chain is nicely close
Fury Green - lvl36 SS/Ele brute