Stone/Elec tips
Atm, the classical pool with /elec is Energy/, because it's utterly abusive. Massive energy degs, much less resisted in game than lethal/smashing. To sum up, more degs than stone/ and degs less resisted than stone/. SS/ is also better in degs, with a sort of "permanent build up".
However, these pools will be probably nerfed in the future because of their high level of degs (which make a very huge majority of brutes players choose them), so if you want an original and "stable" brute wtih high degs, stone/ is a good choice.
The advices for a brute are rather simples : all the secondary pool, except maybe the PBAoE, which costs a lot of endurance. But the /elec pool is end friendly, so maybe you could take it. Anyway, since stone/ is a end heavy pool, you should take stamina from fitness, and stamina + Conserve Power + Power Sink will protect you from end problems, I think. Take tough from fighting, also, because resistance against smash/lethal is the weak point of /elec.
The PBAE of stone/ are nice and impressive in pve, but the pvp player are mostly protected against their effects (knockback). You can take all others attack powers of the pool.
Just 1 question, what is "degs"? I couldnt recommend conserve power when at the next lvl power sink is available, there are 2 few power choices to use 2 on solving the same issue. Auras are actually the most end efficient attacks given sufficient mob sizes.
I can run lightening field on my dm/elec and ss/elec permanently whilst in missions, granted I picked it up after power sink.
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Just 1 question, what is "degs"? I couldnt recommend conserve power when at the next lvl power sink is available, there are 2 few power choices to use 2 on solving the same issue. Auras are actually the most end efficient attacks given sufficient mob sizes.
I can run lightening field on my dm/elec and ss/elec permanently whilst in missions, granted I picked it up after power sink.
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Ooops... Degs = damage ; I shouldn't have written that too soon in the morning
For the rest, I have a stone/stone brute, and the endurance cost is so high, despite stamina and 2 endurance slots on each attack power, that I dream of powers like power sink and conserve power to spare these slots. When you're a brute, and especially a stone/, FS/ or energy/ brute, all powers about endurance are interesting
What do people think of this build? I haven't thought about the slotting too much yet, any advice appreciated.
01) --> Stone Fist
01) --> Charged Armor
02) --> Stone Mallet
04) --> Heavy Mallet
06) --> Hurdle
08) --> Boxing
10) --> Health
12) --> Combat Jumping
14) --> Super Jump
16) --> Static Shield
18) --> Grounded
20) --> Stamina
22) --> Tough
24) --> Lightning Reflexes
26) --> Aid Other
28) --> Conserve Power
30) --> Aid Self
32) --> Seismic Smash
35) --> Power Sink
38) --> Power Surge
41) --> Taunt
44) --> Conductive Shield
47) --> Build Up
49) --> Hurl Boulder
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What do people think of this build? I haven't thought about the slotting too much yet, any advice appreciated.
01) --> Stone Fist
01) --> Charged Armor
02) --> Stone Mallet
04) --> Heavy Mallet
06) --> Hurdle
08) --> Boxing
10) --> Health
12) --> Combat Jumping
14) --> Super Jump
16) --> Static Shield
18) --> Grounded
20) --> Stamina
22) --> Tough
24) --> Lightning Reflexes
26) --> Aid Other
28) --> Conserve Power
30) --> Aid Self
32) --> Seismic Smash
35) --> Power Sink
38) --> Power Surge
41) --> Taunt
44) --> Conductive Shield
47) --> Build Up
49) --> Hurl Boulder
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Mmmh... If you want to pvp in Siren's, Seismic Smash is essential (second brute attack in term of damages, after energy transfer, and an hold effect which is very useful) ; so you should change one of your powers before the level 30 for it. And hasten would be a good idea, since stone melee has long recharge time. Hasten + Lightning Reflexes should be a pretty good combo, I think.
If y were you, I would replace Combat Jumping and Super Jump by hasten and superspeed. And, at the lvl 30, aid self by Seismic Smash. It's depends on how you prefer to play : more defensive (aid self) or offensive (seismic smash).
For the slotting, on secondary, it's rather simple : max res on the armours (3 slots), max recharge on conserve power (3 slots), max recharge and endurance on power sink (3 slots of each), and on power surge max recharge (3 slots), maybe some hold and/or precision.
On primary I can't really say, since I have no stone/elec brute (only a stone/stone and fire/elec)
Thanks for the speedy reply
I was sure Seismic Smash was a lvl 30 power, but I did that build at work using the powers guide section of the offical website and that is listing it as the lvl 32 power (now you have reminded me I know it is wrong).
I'm thinking I may not need to get the fighting pool with this brute. I like to get boxing as it is great for fury building, but I might swop it for Air Sup. Anyway, how about this one?:
01) --> Stone Fist
01) --> Charged Armor
02) --> Stone Mallet
04) --> Heavy Mallet
06) --> Hurdle
08) --> Air Superiority
10) --> Health
12) --> Hasten
14) --> Super Speed
16) --> Static Shield
18) --> Grounded
20) --> Stamina
22) --> Aid Other
24) --> Lightning Reflexes
26) --> Aid Self
28) --> Conserve Power
30) --> Seismic Smash
32) --> Conductive Shield
35) --> Power Sink
38) --> Power Surge
41) --> Taunt
44) --> Build Up
47) --> Lightning Field
49) --> Hurl Boulder
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
I was sure Seismic Smash was a lvl 30 power, but I did that build at work using the powers guide section of the offical website and that is listing it as the lvl 32 power (now you have reminded me I know it is wrong).
I'm thinking I may not need to get the fighting pool with this brute. I like to get boxing as it is great for fury building, but I might swop it for Air Sup. Anyway, how about this one
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No, you DO need fighting pool with this brute. Elec is very resistant against Energy, but not against smash/letal.
The official site is rather bad in its description of the pools ; this site has got better datas :
I wouldn´t say that you NEED fighting pool with an */elec brute. My elec/elec has gone all the way to 50 without it and never felt too squishy against lethal/smashing. The weak spot is toxic damage and the fighting pool doesn´t help with that.
Keep in mind that the great strength of */elec lies in the ability to keep going with very high fury without ever having to stop for endurance. At least with my elec/elec I have not found a single way to free two slots for Boxing and Tough (and an appropriate number of enhancement slots on top of that) without robbing me of this ability and/or otherwise weakening my overall performance.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Have a couple brutes, and 1 of'm is a lvl45 SS/ELA, who's got Tough. I must say I do feel a huge difference with or without it, so I kinde recommend it, but you're correct by saying the slotting cost is expensive (5 slots in my case)
The end drain on a /ela is indeed the best I tried (have an EA with end drain, but ela outclasses EA imho) and with a cor in team U just don't have to stop EVER (mebbe to let the cor catch her breath) :-)
Fury Green - lvl45 SS/ELa
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The end drain on a /ela is indeed the best I tried (have an EA with end drain, but ela outclasses EA imho) and with a cor in team U just don't have to stop EVER (mebbe to let the cor catch her breath) :-)
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Heh heh, even then I just don´t have to stop... I just go on and the corruptor catches up as soon as he is able to. With or without Tough I can easily manage to stay alive long enough for that.
I spent most of the last levels in a duo with a fire/kin corruptor on second-to-highest difficulty setting (to get the most out of that massive combined AoE power ). So, in this case neither health nor endurance was any issue at all despite (or because of) the crazy killing speed... although it was probably that easy, because we both have our fair share of knowledge about brutes and kinetics.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
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I wouldn´t say that you NEED fighting pool with an */elec brute. My elec/elec has gone all the way to 50 without it and never felt too squishy against lethal/smashing. The weak spot is toxic damage and the fighting pool doesn´t help with that.
Keep in mind that the great strength of */elec lies in the ability to keep going with very high fury without ever having to stop for endurance. At least with my elec/elec I have not found a single way to free two slots for Boxing and Tough (and an appropriate number of enhancement slots on top of that) without robbing me of this ability and/or otherwise weakening my overall performance.
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Pve is one thing, pvp is another thing. To kill a good player is a little more difficult than to kill stupid mobs
I have made this Brute specifically for Sirens' PvP. I looked at that build a lot and I still can't figure out a way to get tough and aid self before lvl 30
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
I have made this Brute specifically for Sirens' PvP. I looked at that build a lot and I still can't figure out a way to get tough and aid self before lvl 30
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I think you really can't -> you'll have to make a choice
(I have the same problem with my Fire/Elec, which is 25)
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I wouldn´t say that you NEED fighting pool with an */elec brute. My elec/elec has gone all the way to 50 without it and never felt too squishy against lethal/smashing. The weak spot is toxic damage and the fighting pool doesn´t help with that.
Keep in mind that the great strength of */elec lies in the ability to keep going with very high fury without ever having to stop for endurance. At least with my elec/elec I have not found a single way to free two slots for Boxing and Tough (and an appropriate number of enhancement slots on top of that) without robbing me of this ability and/or otherwise weakening my overall performance.
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Pve is one thing, pvp is another thing. To kill a good player is a little more difficult than to kill stupid mobs
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You think mobs are stupid? You should take a look at some PvPers...
However, I don´t know if this is about solo or team PvP and if we are talking strictly about PvP in Siren´s Call... in which case Power Sink would do squat and I wouldn´t recommend elec armour anyway... and in which case squeezing in Boxing and Tough would be even more painful and, if we are talking about team PvP, highly unnecessary.
On top of that I would never gimp my PvE performance for PvP reasons.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Anyone have any experience with Stone/Elec Brutes? I wanted to build it for PvP, mostly zonal with some arena thrown in.
I chose Stone/Elec because I read that stone attacks are slow but powerful. If I pick up Lightning Reflexes and Hasten I should have no problems. Anyone offer any build advice?