43 -
its 5% and not worth slotting.
[/ QUOTE ]Linkage to test results?
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its in the prima guide
[/ QUOTE ]I wouldn't trust that one too much
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This scares me a lot:
a) Didnt Jack 'The Man' himself wrote this?
b) He wrote it but not the numbers?
c) He wrote the numbers but they are not very accurate?
If we dont believe the man in red and blue himself who do we believe to? -
Something I've been wondering, ninja's act mainly like Stalkers right?
Well seeing as though the Thugs third Tier1 gets to use Scourge, does that mean that if you can HOLD and enemy, the ninja's will do crits, like a Stalker?
If so the */TA would be nice, with the addition of the quite fast recharging Ice Arrow hold.
[/ QUOTE ]
A) Just the Jounin's got that
B) The chance is 5% (not 20 like real stalkers)
C) It only applies to Golden Dragonfly
C) Must be bugged or im stupid or it is a real BIG bad luck because I have never seen a Jounin critting GD on held targets.
So the answer is yes...but I would tell you NO. -
From my experience ninjas are biggest dmg of all henchmen when they are on melee.
But.....get them to melee is dangerous since youre gonna have to be there too:Attack target - let ninjas hold aggro - go to your victim - Follow - ninjas follows you to melee range - Attack target .With practice the 'Follow' mode wont make them lose too much DPS if you manage to do it between their attacks(you wont be able to do it for the 6 of course).You need protection from secondary to do this.
They are def based(the oni has res too) so the sinergy with def based secondaries is real good.
The Oni is by far the worst of all 3 tier henchmen: ring of fire ,char and rain of fire makes me wanna cry.
The utility lvl 18 power is another waste of time: you waste 33 end pt on flashing the oni and ...he makes....crit ring of fire (makes me wanna slap the f*·&%$$ guy).
They have the worst AI of all henchmen so attention is needed every 0.5 sc.
I would only recommend Ninjas if youre gonna play the dangerous game of melee mastermind(if youre gonna alternate melee with range it is not worth).Anyway despite all the debt youll collect is faster than other ranged henchmen and over all........they are friggin ninjas!!!(and everybodys love a ninja)
Two words that will put a stop to your killing spree..
Incredible amount of damage resistance coupled with hurtful quantities of damage.
[/ QUOTE ]
Your "reign of terror" will end with Ballista indeed
Then you will find the use of inspirations,you will defeat Ballista and youll think "hey,im a force of nature"....and then...INFERNAL (inv + fire = ouch).
But you will save that obstacle again and then,some day,youll learn theres fortunatas around and ,eventually you will put the slider to relentless and get back to Infernal.
This is the day where your reign of terror ends(come back to tell us if it does not end) -
The way I see it:
-Def from hide is so small(1.75% when fighting) that is not worth the two extra slots.I should use them to 6 slot Sha.
-With Sta you dont need two EndRex.I will use them to slot Teleport(in PVP youre contantly moving,your MAIN endurance hog is Teleport.The end you save by 2 slot end redx on shields is unnoticeable).
-SLot Res from Rin is worthless:2.5% on psionic wich means you got 25 pt more at lvl 50 referred to psionic dmg.Worthless.
-Youre gonna play the "hey,man! were you going somewhere?Lets have a party first" playstyle with caltrops+coocoon.Without the slow mods it will reach the slow cap(wich is 10%) so is useless.Better another recharge.
-Placate.Youre gonna be a lot of time on Focus range since is your primary attack.The two slots left from Rin and Caltrops could go here on range.
I got no experience on Claws,so I will leave the advices for those who got it but from my perspective I feel like you could fit Shockwawe on a ranged playstyle of caltrops+cocoon--> ranged ---> melee for finalize or AS.
GL -
Is any Corr viable for PVP solo? Yes,some of them ice*fire/cold*rad*kin ....as long as your enemies solo too(wich ...is not gonna happen)
PVP in this game is not meant for soloing.You could do very well against isolated specific enemies but any team(and almost everybody teams) will crush you. -
In the last evil corruptors convention we had a declaration of principles: rad corrs cant be really evil without EF and LR.
So youre gonna have to be just 'bad' if you dont take it(and it does not pay)
Now ,seriously,take both.If you solo it will be pefect tool for freezing Bosses and E'bosses and if you team a lot it will be real needed to cut down the new(i7) 300% regen of AV's. -
have you picked up the shield from PPP?
I took soul route(manly because it fits with a /dark) and i must say:
bodyguard + dark embrace + darkest night + twilight grasp =
Impossible to kill on a 1 vs 1 and real hard on team.
I guess MM are,more than ever,the tank function of the villains in both PVE and PVP. -
Main problem is the place where got those numbers(pretty sure is hero planner) are wrong.
Hide is:
1.75% All but psionics when suppressed
3.75% ALL but 37.5% AOE when not supressed
Shadow dweller is:
3.75% All but psionics
I dont really know how you could get to 17% even 3 slotting both for defense.
Are you making calculations based on 7.5% hide and 5% shadow dweller that hero planner states?In that case you could get to 17% but thats not the case.
Just run hero stats and compare hide+shadow dweller with just danger sense from ninjitsu and youll see hero planner is terribly wrong.
Well,every set has hide so lets get it out of the equation for comparing purposes(just ranged to simplify)
Dark vs Ninja
3.75(SD) vs 12.75 --- 3 SO --> 6 vs 20
Dark vs SR
3.75(SD) vs 17.75(just 1 so on passive) --- 3 SO --> 6 vs 26
Dark vs EA
The same as Nin for most damage types --> 6 vs 20
Add hide on everyone of them and you got the numbers.
If your numbers were right...../Dark would be the uber of the uberest(and its real far from there)
Besides....how could NIN and EA get to 40-50% def??? are you including overload and retsu? -
The epic holds IMO are great , could do with being longer but the main fact is stalkers get criticals on held targets, more crits can not be sniffed at.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is something I didnt know..
[/ QUOTE ]
To be precise: 20% crit chance on hold and slept targets(here is the point of taking blinding powder) -
I leveled a stalker almost entirely doing the process described by hammerfall(i started doing this on 12 with DO`s at vicious and switch to relentless on 22 with SO's).
The only storylines i made were(if you can call them storylines) the cape,the flight packs(both),the aura and the costumes slots and soloed the whole time.
The results were,i must admit,real impressive: got to 40 on 126 hours(every other 40 toon I have needed a lot more than 200+ hours).
Heres some tips I found real interesting:
a) Superspeed - ss on getting to the mission and ss inside the mission getting to the objetive.Slot ss.At this point is more a matter of how skilled are you driving this rocket than your combat skills.Learn to drive and you could do 30+ relentless mission on an average 3 minutes.
b) Learn the maps: defeat X mission does not change the position of the bosses on the map.Once you know where is the boss and you remember all the mission maps it is a lot faster.
c) you DONT earn money this way: doing storylines and killing most(or at least some) of the mission mobs rewards a lot more money and enh.If you wanna slot DO and SO the very first level you can you must have a "older rich uncle"(wich is not really a problem for most of us).
d) You dont need stamina: youre gonna spend 75% of time travelling and 25% of time fighting.You just have to rest after every fight.
e) Vertical movement is imperative: although ss is what get you the fastest to the mission once youre in there a vertical wall can hurt you bad(inside and outside mission).This is not a problem if you make the skyraiders and goldbrickers storyarc(i used it everytime I needed and have still 1:45 h of 2:30 h when I reached 40)
f) Just do the heist missions needed to get the initial contacts on each zone.The most contacts on the zone the less time spent reaching to one to buy insp.
The real problems of these method(are only problems from an specific perspective):
a) ?&%·$%& boring.a real serious grinding.Once youve killed for 200th time the friggin Archon anything it could get hard.
b) Change the game.The speed of the process,as before stated,is a matter of time invested in reaching the objetive.So you basically change a mmorpg for a mmo-driving simulator.Once you get to the boss youll use insp so even a drunk monkey with his hands tied to the back could kill the boss.
Im not gonna ever do it again because is no fun to me.Besides,the almost 50% reduce time on leveling(based on my results with herostats) if a matter of consideration. -
No experience on RAD primary so telling you what i think of secondary.
You got stamina and AM.With hasten it is near pear hasten + AM so you recover endurance like crazy and use it like theres no tomorrow.
RI: you can afford its end without End Reducers.Better more Def Debuff there
LR: six slots no doubt.More recharge.
EF: you can live with just 1 end redux.
RA: six slots 3 rec 3 heal(forget end redux here-with sta + AM it will recover the difference of slot it or not in 0.6 sc)
Mutation: i like it in PVP(just personal preference).Useless for PVE.Most ppl would say: skip it and they are probably right.
Fallout: i think it is not good enough in PVP nor PVE.If you choose to include in your build for PVP 3 ACC or its useless.
Choking cloud: 4.16 EPS....you CANT afford this.STA+AM cant do nothing about it even if you End Rex on it.If you use it as a click power instead of a toggle its long recharge,low % of hold and low mag makes it of no use.
GL and meet you on top of Grandville. -
I say:
remove ALL the XP Debt from pvp zones.
If you(cryptic) are afraid of cheating and powerleveling on pvp zones caused by this: remove ALL the XP on PVP zones.
PVP zones are meant for PVP(as long as the name stays true).
Btw ...any more "subtle" changes that they "forgot" to include in the patch notes? -
It is fixed.It is a 11% of your health.
is it worth it? 1 million times YES. -
how 30%?
Hide + shadow dweller + what??
Besides: since COV prima guide I dont know what to believe:shields are 12.5 like planner says or 13.87 like prima guide says? hide is 7.5(planner) or 3.25(Prima)? Theres a LOT of inconsistencies -
any input would be easier if you provide some output of the purpose:solo PVP,team PVP,solo PVE,team PVE,best tanker,best damager,faster leveler....
Theres not a build that is the best at everything.
Anyway if you dont care about the above mentioned and think:"Bah.Save me all the bla-blah-blah...just the best"...the answer youre looking for is EM/Dark(this is the forum concensus not my opinion). -
yeah yeah
I must wake up before post.
(editing for understanding of The_private post: the power I describe is ST not HW) -
Dark/Dark as a i see it.
Bad side
-No defense(as Radiant pointed) --> less hiding
-35% average resist(more for Neg less for Nrg) that is good but--> Brutes get 1499 HP at lvl 50 ,stalkers 1017 HP so that 35% gives nowhere near brutes
-COF/OG unhides you when used(just the visibility,you can still crit if youre fast enough).
-Not a real big hit aside from AS(best you can get is 2 DOT's that are 6 on BI - Shadow Maul and Midnight Grasp - one of them have an awfull activation time - you miss with SM you are ******).
-Lack of attacks:aside from AS,SM And MG you just have the tier 1,tier 2 powers(you dont win fights based on the tier 1 or 2 powers - most ppl skip one or both for PVP).Considering Siphon Life as an attack(although has more or less the same BI as the tier 1 attack) is a matter of debate.
-The heal has a to hit roll,and AOE(20 ft) radius and incredibly high end cost(33% of your endurance).It is not fitted for PVP.If youre gonna heal you got to be near the enemy(if you are a stalker that need to heals....run from the enemies!!)
-Secondary effect -ACC(the way the to hit formula is) is not a "OMG!!this is the pawnzor" effect(in fact disorent,-rch -spd,-def are all better than this...even claws if we consider its low end low recharge as its secondary effect)
-Personal(me),individual and specific matter: the noise is unbearable
The bad part,now the good part:
-Fear on Touch of Fear and Clock of Fear.Fear is gold for PVP and is platinum and diamonds specifically for a stalker.
-Howling Twilight - an AOE 15 sc disorent of magnitude 35(this means it will get through standar mezz protection 10.38 plus and will get through this plus an external mezz protection buff).The best /Dark receive from my point of view.Bad side is...you gotta be dead
-Most Negative damage wich is(aside from toxic DOT of spines) the less resisted of all stalker sets.
-You can make a Vampire that fits real cool with a Dark/dark stalker and start sucking......muahhaaaa!. -
I would suggest SS if youre planning to fight in RV: the to hit of Rage(50% unslotted) is real handy in there.
Bad side is: when Rage wears off your defense and resistances drops a LOT so you basically become a defense-debuffed petless mastermind with dull-pain who cannot attack for 10 sc. -
Doing the jail sidemission first and getting a Boss/pet helps a lot and you get a +8 min plus(but you got to be REAL careful to get him to the bank since he will aggro everything thats near him).
Doing the raid sidemission helps too but thats depending on the temp power you receive and your build.
It is not real difficult to solo this but you cant make it stalker way(going straight to the loot chamber).Every time your see "00:30 for resisting arrest" you must stop and wait till the ambush gets to you or youre gonna stack ambushes.
Finally,the hero is a piece of cake with 3 purples(no matter your build) or,if you dont have any, you could use the elevator as a ¿enviroment-placate?.You wait for him at the top of the elevator,when he goes out crit him and take the elevator.That will give you 4-6 second combined with running to a corner youll rehide.Repeat process: Crit + elevator + run to a corner + hide + crit + elevator....(anyway whats the problem of using purples if you have problems?) -
You know...i love to make thing fly by punching them(thats why Im one of the 3 ppl that slot for knockback on a SS brute - just for pleasure and fun
Soooo.....indeed....real heaven. -
could you guess the interrupt time?is it 7 sc as rumored?
(im starting to think theres only a PPP that is not useless:web coocoon) -
In the meantime I'd rather my enemies were in melee range than immobilised /shrug.
[/ QUOTE ]
They are not incompatibles arent they? What I was doing was aggro a lot of mobs,go to a corner and wait for the whole group to cross the corner and be packed,shot the inmobs and there it is...every mob on a 10-12 ft area and inmobilized.
I had my fears the process of aggroing and retreat will get my fury down but I didnt notice a significant decrease of fury while running to the corner(mostly because of a lot of mobs hitting me).When I get to the corner the fury is usually high enough to make Burn one-shot +1 minion(real sad the short(8ft) AOE radius)
You got end problems with consume?
You should have some fuel leak or something
Im trying the PPP on test with my ss/fire and I got to agree with Danzaiber.....BU(or Rage)+Fury+FieryEmbrace+Burn(not affected by FE)+Blazing Aura+inmobs+slows from Mace PPP is..........almost artistic(getting Burn at last because I finally got some use for it).