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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    i have also noticed this with NPCs and Phantom Army
    Have not tested it, but it sounds somewhat unlikely. It would void the main use of the PA, being the defense part of an ill/ troller. If mobs start to ignore PA, ill/ trollers won't survive nothing!
  2. Just a thought, not tried it myself, but what if you'd use @"Texas Justice" ?
  3. And of course, knowing how hard it was to get that mish to drop, you announced in your server's badge channel you were about to start it and invited other badgers in...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cifier View Post
    4. Sell your Candy Cane for 100,000 influence.
    6. Log back in, or go back to the Auction House. Get the Influence. Offer to buy a Candy Cane at 80,000 to 90,000.
    9. Repeat steps 4 - 8 until you can buy two.
    Although the idea is valid, selling for 100k and buying for 90k, it will take forever until you can buy 2, unless they sell for more than your listing price
    (The market takes 10% of your selling price)
  5. Just to be complete: This only works if you are a Hero or Villain and you choose Hero/Villain options for the tips & Morality.
    So no Merits for Vigilantes, Rogues, or Heroes/Villains choosing to change their alignment.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NewScrapper View Post
    Good freakin' heavens, you people are obtuse. <snip>

    It utterly amazes me how people will rain all over a request for an OPTION.
    Considering that there is no unlimited amount of work the devs can do, your option would come at the cost of something that is considered useful by far more people
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    You're in the right spot and asking here is fine, but you might get answers for stuff like this faster if you just broadcast ("/b question here") your question in Atlas Park or similar well populated zone.

    Unless you're on a trial account... those can't broadcast.
    This is what the helpchannel is for ("/hc question here")
  8. But will the proc not just be single targeted? The AoE effect of Blind is a side effect, the power is basically a single target ranged power.
  9. The messagetext looks a lot like the one I got when I accidentaly bought an EU pack for my US account.
    I bought it from NCSoft's site, so I contacted support and got a full refund.
  10. You don't want to set your difficulty lower because "it's too lame", yet you cannot survive your current settings.
    What's more important, having fun and not dying all the time, or what other people might think of you if they even care enough to check your settings?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
    Can anyone tell a mac newbie (me) how to make a link to a specific directory and put it on my desktop?
    Install QuickSilver. Best application ever.
  12. One way to get around this is to have two people open up portals and each use the other one's portal. That way others in the team can also use them and the chance of the spawner being left behind is reduced
  13. I ran into the same problems.
    I could get to the login screen and the server selection page without problems while the servers were closed for internal testing. After they opened up, I got a black screen instead of the initial full-screen "Loading" screen.
    Deleted the prefs from the Library and retried.
    This time I was able to login and select a toon. Without changing anything in-game (so resolution was still at the very low default), I quit and restarted.
    Black screen again.
    (Repeated the whole thing with a full restart of my MBP in between, but to no avail)

    Will try again later today & keep you posted. Will report a support issue if it stays like this.
  14. Dragon_Feeder

    is it possible?

    I got an NA account from Europe. From the store you can always select the US-version of apps/add-ons.
    Pay good attention though, whenever you are about to buy an expansion-pack, it defaults to the (unusable) EU-version
  15. Dragon_Feeder

    Vanguard Lowbie

    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    I play this game to be a superhero, not a stockbroker.
    And how many superheroes can you name that got rich from the superhero'ing?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    It's not clear to me that this was occurring. I watched the presentation live (and from a pretty close seat), and there was no targeting reticle present, so it was impossible to tell whether the Praetorian Clockwork conned gray to the player or not.

    If they DO manage that change to the aggro system in GR (and further, perhaps propogating it into Paragon and the Rogue Isles at a later time), it'll be a really neat change.
    It would mean even more lowbies screaming for invites in PI
  17. Dragon_Feeder

    Costume Codes

    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    They're not even posting many now that's it's getting towards the end, which seems incredibly unfair to those of us who have missed out so far.
    How is giving away a limited number of free items unfair to anyone who does not get one?
    Is your game now less playable then before someone you don't know got a free gift?
    I think we should be happy for the ones that did get something for free. Like said, it seems they had to work hard for it too..
  18. Just to be complete, I want to report I have _no_ problems (except the odd flicker in the right-button mouse-view, but that's been here since long)

    MacBookPro, NVidia GeForce 9400M, OS X 10.5.8
  19. A max on the number of broadcasts one can do within say 5 minutes.
    Especially if the toon is located either in AE or under Atlas.
  20. I installed the Map Pack this past week. The installer creates the app in the default Applications directory, whereas I moved the CoH.app to a sub directory.
    Not a big issue, once I found out, but it might help some folks if a note of this was added to the installation instructions.
    Once I got it figured out, it worked like a charm, so many thanks for this nice add-on!