Effects of latest patch
Same here. Running 10.5.8 on a mini, using the deNovo wireless keyboard/trackpad.
By the way, I saw a suggestion in another thread to delete the CoH preference files and try again. Did that. No joy.
Me three. Leopard is up to date, and I'm on a Macbook Intel Dual Core. Set my windows to default, rebooted several times, checked to make sure my system and game displays were the same, tried windows mode; all of it didn't work. Comparing notes with my teammate who's also got a Macbook, he's getting POV changes, but no chat window problems; he's got windows drivers for his mouse, I just use whatever came with the laptop.
We both have the same version of Leopard and COH for Mac. I can fiddle with tabs and menu options, it's the windows themselves that throw the cursor off. I can't use dialogue for contacts at all.
Blue: Terra Skye, Piper McCormick, Urban Shaman, Umbral Squall, Nosila Marie, Shava, Subtronic, Invisible Osprey, Violet Vision, Master of Moonshadow
Red: S1lv3r Bull3t, Skilljack, Shamanic Steel, Mallory Madsen, Miss Mao, Lightweb, Mad Maenad, Deviant Red
Praetorian: Magnetic Mole, Ljosalfar
All on Virtue
same prob for me to. macbook, 1gig ram, leopard: mouseclicky no workie
Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.
Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.

Same here. MacBook, Snow Leopard. I -just- renewed my account today to give the new update a try after not playing over the summer. Not a good way to come back to the game.
I can't click on NPCs or anything interactive; the pointer spazzes out and pops around the screen. Also, several times, some keys while chatting with a group mate stopped working: Backspace being the major one, but also the Fn key. :/
Same here. Mac Book running Leopard.
Lost out on an SG TF tonight because I couldn't even click on my teammates to buff them =/
I just hope it's fixed before Double XP.
Same here, Macbook with Leopard and 4G ram
I also can't command-tab out of the game... broke that too!
I have verified that the mouse cursor jumping issue occurs on all Macs using Intel GMA video. It's not related to Leopard or Snow Leopard.
The problem appears to be related to the CoH client thinking targetable items are in a different place than where they appear on screen.
Temporary workaround: Turn your character to the left of right while clicking. It's annoying, but it works.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Huh what do you mean turn around? like rotate when trying to click or actually move left and right?
(with the keyboard right?)
Tried some stuff with my mouse:
-Using my mousetrackpad didn't work
-Safe mode fullscreen & windowed mode didn't work with mouse, mousetrackpad, mighty mouse (i got a separate mouse & keyboard for my external monitor)
-Same as above in normal mode with normal resolutions
-Tried dragging the box I wanted to enlarge (chatbox) to the place the mouse jumps & aligned it with where I touch it & where mouse jumps after. No success, the mouse would just jump to the top of the box.
Huh what do you mean turn around? like rotate when trying to click or actually move left and right?
(with the keyboard right?) |
I discovered that if your character is rotating, the mouse jump bug will occur, but in the opposite direction you're rotating. Because the camera is moving the opposite way, you don't notice the jump quite as much, and it increases click accuracy. It's a little weird and difficult to get used to, but it works.
I don't yet know if adjusting Tracking Speed or something similar for the mouse will help.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."
It's a little weird and difficult to get used to, but it works.
. |
Also, I noticed that the sg base wigs out when you interact with stuff in it. It goes all red gridline for a few sec. anyone else see that?
Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.
Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.

Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Just to be complete, I want to report I have _no_ problems (except the odd flicker in the right-button mouse-view, but that's been here since long)
MacBookPro, NVidia GeForce 9400M, OS X 10.5.8
Just to be complete, I want to report I have _no_ problems (except the odd flicker in the right-button mouse-view, but that's been here since long)
MacBookPro, NVidia GeForce 9400M, OS X 10.5.8 |
It would indeed make me a sad panda if they say tough luck.

Shell game: Arc_ID:417344: It can't be good for humanity if the Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon and The Vahzilok are making deals.
A Final Solution: Arc_ID:402587: Earth is under stress. Every being she has spawned and some she hasn't want to possess her. Some of her children believe they have a way to put a stop to this and bring a peace.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Oh, good, I thought it was just me. Here's hoping its just temporary.
Did anyone else notice that it looks a bit nicer, too? The shading looks better on my 2 year old MacBook w/snow leopard. Or am I completely delusional?
I'm fairly certain it'll be temporary.
And yes, there seems to be an improvement both in the shaders and in the overall visual range (you can see farther in some zones!). It's much more spectacular on the nVidia 8600/9400/9600.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Did all the things suggested:
Changed resolutions, played in Window mode, played on the macbook's screen, my external monitor, changed graphical and control settings, swore like a drunken pirate, danced a crazy ritual dance around a blessed chicken while reciting the Sesame Street theme song: nothing helped.
I'm -almost- tempted to install XP on bootcamp to play from there. Almost. [twitch]
Im having this problem with the mouse too. Hope for a quick upgrade:C
EVERYONE who is currently having mouse click trouble and has an Intel GMA 3100 please send a petition to Support. Ignore their response - that's not why you're sending it. While this matter is being investigated, QA will likely need as much individual data as possible.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Okay I've just spoken with support and they are still gathering data.
To that end they asked me for my System Profile which I just uploaded to them.
So for now any further data you can give them would be helpful, I would suggest opening a ticket with support and sending them the appropriate info, other than that I guess all we can do is sit tight...
Shell game: Arc_ID:417344: It can't be good for humanity if the Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon and The Vahzilok are making deals.
A Final Solution: Arc_ID:402587: Earth is under stress. Every being she has spawned and some she hasn't want to possess her. Some of her children believe they have a way to put a stop to this and bring a peace.
I'm running a GMA 950, but I still sent the petition. They got back to me a few hours later and asked for a system profile, of which I sent. I'm glad they're working to fix this right away.
Sent my system specs over. It should be noted that while I got the full on suckitude thanks to having a 3100 GMA card, my teammate with the NVidea has his chat windows work just fine, but has cases of 'orange hand' and the occasional mouse spasm.
Blue: Terra Skye, Piper McCormick, Urban Shaman, Umbral Squall, Nosila Marie, Shava, Subtronic, Invisible Osprey, Violet Vision, Master of Moonshadow
Red: S1lv3r Bull3t, Skilljack, Shamanic Steel, Mallory Madsen, Miss Mao, Lightweb, Mad Maenad, Deviant Red
Praetorian: Magnetic Mole, Ljosalfar
All on Virtue
Are there any other Mac Users having trouble since the last patch?
For myself it seems to have broken the mouse cursor making it nearly impossible to mouse over any in-game interaction objects, or players or even the chat windows. Its like the code to switch over the cursor is bused any time it has to change from pointer to hand it freaks out and "leaps" to another part of the screen. If I move my char such that an interaction object( like a door) fills the screen then the the cursor will become a hand but refuse to move out of frame to become a pointer again.
I have contacted support about this and will post any solutions or suggestions for a fix as I receive them. By the way I'm running on a macbook 2G Intel Core Duo with a Gig of RAM.
Any help from the community is also appreciated!
Shell game: Arc_ID:417344: It can't be good for humanity if the Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon and The Vahzilok are making deals.
A Final Solution: Arc_ID:402587: Earth is under stress. Every being she has spawned and some she hasn't want to possess her. Some of her children believe they have a way to put a stop to this and bring a peace.