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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
    Actually I believe integrated graphics aren't officially supported in Windows either.

    "Not Supported" doesn't mean won't work, it just means the video isn't capable of producing all the effects the game creates. It might work anyway, but don't expect to get much help from NC Support.
    The fact is that "City of Villains" is on Intel's official supported list for the chipset:


    There are LOTS of users on the Windows side using the GMA 950 (a lot of Dell laptops shipped with them, for one) for years now without issue. Some of the newer shading doesn't work, but if you turn that off, you're golden. NC Support NEVER blamed technical issues on my card when I was running in Windows XP. It's just the Mac team which insists that it's un-supportable junk.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by chatman View Post
    You know I was sooo excited about there being a mac client, I just bought and downloaded it. Now my memory may very well be faulty but I never recalled reading the minimum specs excluding the GMA 950. Now maybe those postings were always there, but I just never saw them. Well regardless, as Bender would say "I'm boned", but I hope the fix does go in and people can play without "The Curse of The Orange Hand" looming over them anymore.

    I'll play as long as I can on borrowed time with my GMA 950 because in this economy I can't justify buying a brand new computer to play a game. So hang in there heroes! And a special THANK YOU to Ghost Falcon for the reply, to the devs for working to fix the problem and to the forumites working together united to find a fix to defeat "The Curse of The Oange Hand"!
    I simply cancelled my subscription. Whether I eventually re-up it depends a lot on how they handle this mess, but if you have a GMA950 Mac and you REALLY REALLY want to keep playing, there's an easy way to do so: Dual boot to Windows using Boot Camp.

    I played for a solid year in Windows XP on a GMA950 Mac mini before the Mac client came out. It had none of the Mac-client issues that Cuppa is talking about (which the devs blame entirely on the card's non-compliance to certain standards.)

    I put up with the occasional texture problem because it was nice to not have to dual-boot, but the Windows client definitely works a lot better on the mini & MacBook and, as far as I know, is fully supported.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
    That explanation is almost dead-on. There were very few people testing the Mac client on the Training Room, and all of them were using nVidia or ATI based Macs. I kept a close eye out for Mac client problems, and you can bet I would have made all kinds of noise to stop a release if I thought it had a bug like that (just like I did about the now fixed 3D sound crash issue).

    Also, with all the people posting in this thread about the mouse bug, hopefully they've all reported it with /bug or a support request so QA and the devs have a better idea how many people are affected. That data goes *directly* to them - with the sheer number of forum posts it can take several days for them to find threads like these.
    I was never logged in to the Training Room, because as a customer I don't consider it my job to QA their software.

    I reported with /bug the day it happened.

    I'm tired of waiting. If they didn't notice the bug before release, and they don't notice the /bug reports and they don't notice the info on the forum, well maybe they will notice when a bunch of us cancel our subscriptions, as I am doing TODAY.

    Buh-bye, people. If they ever get their act together, I might come back. Maybe.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
    I fixed that for you.
    Your point being?

    The devs totally DESERVE to hear a lot of angry "rants" about this. They've introduced a bug which makes the game pretty much unplayable for a small but significant number of users, and have failed to resolve it for a couple of weeks now.

    And hoping to have it fixed "soon" is frankly not the response I was expecting. "We'll drop everything to fix it now" would be more like it... if that was the response sometime last week. Now we're wading into "I want a damn refund for the lost time" territory.

    My monthly bill re-ups in a couple days. If it's not fixed by then, I'm out. And the likelihood of me coming back is not that great.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mintmiki View Post
    I PMed a red name and he promised to post a response ^-^
    Obviously he didn't promise to respond any time soon, or at least before the day is over. :/

    That this isn't already fixed is bad.
    That nobody has even replied with an announcement of when it will be fixed is pathetic.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Orionis View Post
    I have now canceled my account, again, over this. Even with the "work-arounds" (and no offense, but they really aren't) the game was just too unplayable. I renewed the same day that I16 came out, eager to return and try the new features, only to be a night after night of frustration. So, I am giving up. I code for a living; doing a diff on the last and current versions should have given a clue to what has changed as regard to mouse movements and graphics. Still, nothing, no word, other than an apparent fishing game and shift of blame based on the other threads.

    Ah well. I guess I'll keep having more free time. :/
    If this is not resolved within the next couple days, I'll be canceling as well. This has already gone on way longer than it should have.
  7. golias_NA

    Intel GMA tests

    Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
    The 950 isn't *officially* supported because it has texture problems due to incomplete OpenGL implementation (that's why you see broken/missing textures).
    Which I still think is silly. I was playing on a GMA 950 Mac mini using Boot Camp and Windows XP since before the mac client even came out, and then on the mac client ever since. Running in "Performance" mode, the only issue I've ever noticed was that it can't do diffuse lighting, so in the evening all the streetlights have lighter-shaded "boxes" around them. Playing on the Windows client, there wasn't even that issue. A tiny bit more work on their part, and they could officially support A LOT of Macs out there which they currently don't.

    Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
    BUT, the mouse bug isn't related to that, so once it's fixed for the GMA 3100 it should work correctly on the 950 as well.
    Agreed. Hopefully they don't respond to this bug by simply raising the system requirements. I wouldn't put it past them.
  8. golias_NA

    Intel GMA tests

    Running a Mac mini connected to a Panasonic HD LCD projector here.

    Running in native 1280x720 on Leopard.

    Thinking that most GMA users are probably running in "Performance" mode (as I do), I experimented with "Recommended", and while I was at it, "Minimum" and "Maximum" graphics levels.

    No luck there either.

    I also tried going up from 720 to 1080, since my projector also accepts that as "native" and auto-scales it. No joy.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alef_infinity View Post
    Also, I have news: if those of you with similar problems have easy access to a right button, you can constantly right-click as you move your pointer toward the object you're trying to click. This way you can get your pointer onto pretty much anything that was off-limits.

    The game just became far more playable if still a nuisance. Still hoping for a fix soon, but now I can do stuff in the game.
    Unless you have your right button set for mouse-look, in which case the pointer disappears on you.
  10. golias_NA


    Why does my name on the forum say "_NA" on the end of it?

    I used to play this game a lot years ago, stopped for a couple years, then came back. I'm pretty sure it didn't say that back in the day.

    How do I get rid of it? I can't find a setting for it in the USER CP section.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mintmiki View Post
    Macbook running leopard. had no problems, played fine yesterday. logged in today, saw patch apply, and then mouse all screwy. Keeps flicking up to the corner, esp when I try clicking on stuff like WW employee or O-portal
    Likewise. Mac mini running 10.5.8 (latest revision of Leopard.)

    Native resolution (1280x720... I play in the living room on an HD projector)

    I was also cheerfully playing early yesterday evening without this issue. No suck luck tonight.

    Not being able to select nav points on the map, nor respond to mission dialog boxes, makes the game pretty much unplayable, even with the "work around" of leaving the mouse still and scrolling the POV over NPCs and other stationary objects you want to interact with.
  12. Same here. Running 10.5.8 on a mini, using the deNovo wireless keyboard/trackpad.

    By the way, I saw a suggestion in another thread to delete the CoH preference files and try again. Did that. No joy.
  13. I've got the "jumping mouse" problem running Leopard as of the most recent update, and deleting my preferences did not help.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Macabdul1 View Post
    I'm having the mother of all cursor problems since power spectrum on the test server. I use a mac by the way. I can't click on any clickable item, including other users toons and enemy toons. The cursor simply flicks away and ends up over on another part of the screen with an accompanying graphic flicker on the top half of the screen. Imagine trying to enter a door mish? It didn't come over when they put power spec on the main game server but after tonight's patch it's here. Boo hoo, as it makes the game unplayable. Just waiting to see what I get back from my report. Hope they sort it soon as double xp weekend soon. Will have to take drastic measures maybe and install windows!!!! Now don't all shout at me at once, lol.
    I'm having the exact same issue as you, also on a Mac. It was working fine yesterday during the early evening. Since the latest patch, mouse-clicking is almost impossible for most on-screen stuff, because the cursor jumps away before you can click.
  15. golias_NA

    Mac Open Beta

    I'm still a little cranky that the GMA 950 isn't officially supported. My Mac mini and MacBook both run the XP version of this game like butter. All the Windows client asks for is a Pentium III with integrated Intel graphics. Why would the "minimum" system requirements be so much higher for the Mac client?
  16. golias_NA

    Mac Open Beta

    Well, I'm happy to report that my lamentations were a bit premature. I've found that by lowering the settings just a smidge, the Mac mini, with it's much-maligned GMA 950 card, runs *almost* as well as it did on the Windows side. A few minor glitches (diffuse light from streetlights at dusk looking like big squares in the sky until you get closer to them), but for the most part, not that bad at all.

    Good enough, anyway, that when the full Mac client arrives I'll probably delete my Windows partition at last.
  17. golias_NA

    Mac Open Beta

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Which is too bad, because the MacBooks (not "Pro") and minis, which together make up the VAST majority of Mac sales over the last three years or so, use the 950.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you read the first part of my Guide, I stated that the CoH Mac Edition client will run on Intel GMA at Performance setting but "no promises". That's probably why the official requirements suggest "Dedicated Video" and imply the GMA's aren't supported - there are simply too many cases where it might not work. The good news is, it probably will, and I tested it myself on a Mac Mini on the Performance setting.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, given that I got CoX to run on my mini via BootCamp without ever having seen your guide, I have no idea who you are, or why I would have ever read "the first part" of you guide to see what "promises" you are making.

    I'm just somebody who saw the news of the Mac port, figured it would probably run about as well on the same hardware as the XP did, and found that it didn't. Thinking maybe it was just a case of beta bugs to be shaken out, I came to this forum, only to find that the company doing the porting thinks it's too daunting and/or not worth it to support the 950 chipset.

    Which I think is a shame, because there are A LOT of Macs out there using that chipset, and for all the complaints about its inferiority, CoX runs *just fine* on it via the Windows client, as I was saying before.
  18. golias_NA

    Mac Open Beta

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Chipset Model: GMA 950
    Type: Display
    Bus: Built-In
    VRAM (Total): 64 MB of shared system memory
    Vendor: Intel (0x8086)
    Device ID: 0x27a2
    Revision ID: 0x0003

    [/ QUOTE ]

    does everyone with the bug have an unsupported video card like yours? Not surprising there is issues with the GMA 950s...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know why you think there should be issues with the GMA 950. My Mac mini has been working GREAT when dual-booting to Windows XP to play CoX over the last year.

    Frankly, I don't understand why the system requirements are so steep as to exclude this card. The exact same hardware works fine with the Windows client. CoX isn't really all that challenging of a game for a graphics card to handle most of the time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think it'll work, sure.. i just wouldn't be surprised if there are issues, as they chose to not have it as a supported graphics device... it might have bugs with Cider and transgaming doesn't want to fix or cant fix easy and told them not to support it... no idea, just that its not supported, leads me to think there many be some issues.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which is too bad, because the MacBooks (not "Pro") and minis, which together make up the VAST majority of Mac sales over the last three years or so, use the 950.

    I play CoX with a mini connected to my HDTV. I hear a Mac client is finally coming out and think, "great. No more dual-booting."

    But now it turns out that the very hardware I've been using for the last two years is not going to be supported??? That to avoid dual-booting to WinXP, I'm going to need to upgrade to a $2800 Mac tower, or buy a $1200 iMac and disable the built-in monitor? Just to play a game which my friends with old $200 PC's are able to run without issue???

    It's not like this is an unusal card. Intel's been putting it into plenty of other systems, and it works really well with the Windows client.

    When I run the beta client, I find that ENTIRE BUILDINGS AND CARS are simply failing to even get drawn on the screen. Ordinarilly, I would consider this a fairly typical beta kink which they would be likely to take care of, but since they say they are not even supporting my (extremely common) graphics chipset for a game which I ***KNOW*** can handle it, I'm not optimistic.

    My initial excitement is waning fast. Good thing I haven't deleted my Windows partition yet.
  19. golias_NA

    Mac Open Beta

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Chipset Model: GMA 950
    Type: Display
    Bus: Built-In
    VRAM (Total): 64 MB of shared system memory
    Vendor: Intel (0x8086)
    Device ID: 0x27a2
    Revision ID: 0x0003

    [/ QUOTE ]

    does everyone with the bug have an unsupported video card like yours? Not surprising there is issues with the GMA 950s...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know why you think there should be issues with the GMA 950. My Mac mini has been working GREAT when dual-booting to Windows XP to play CoX over the last year.

    Frankly, I don't understand why the system requirements are so steep as to exclude this card. The exact same hardware works fine with the Windows client. CoX isn't really all that challenging of a game for a graphics card to handle most of the time.
  20. Supergroup Name: The North Stars
    Colors: Green and White w/five-point star logo (usually not required)
    Requirements: This is a group for Minnesotans.
    Guidelines: Try to stick with traditional silver-age comic-book heroes, the way the game is intended, rather than celebrities, anime schoolgirls, jokey weird stuff, etc. Also, a classic-looking comic book hero costume is considered ideal.
    Server: Liberty
    Leader: Bottlerocket
    Contact: In-game e-mail or private message.
  21. "Otaku Senshi" is a new group which is specifically for heroes based on or inspired by anime. A web page will be up in the very near future. Needless to say, if you know what the words "otaku" and "senshi" mean, this group is probably right up your alley.

    Whether you are playing Yet Another Vash The Stampede Clone, or a totally original character which based on anime conventions, all levels and ATs are welcome to join.

    If interested contact Bishoujo by either private message or e-mail.

    If you run into either "Hyatt." or "Faye Valentine." (note the . at the end of those two names), they can also help you.